CNN Republican Debate

Picture yourself on a dais with Ron Paul
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
My prayers for Rick Perry to convince people that he is the best person for encouraging businesses and putting the American people back to work.

I know people are miffed at Texans for our accents, but honest to goodness, Rick Perry is a caring man who sees to it businesses make and put people to work for the good of their families and other people in their communities.

Best of luck, Governor Perry.


freedombecki & Mr. Freedom :) :)

Half of America doesn't care it the President is a good man. They just want him to promise em shit.
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Here comes Cain with war on the boarder and a 80203892093 billion dollar fence that sometimes kills people, when it wins political points.
You hear that Gramps? War on the boarder and what is the reason??? Terrorism...

No but I did hear Paul say we should legalize drugs because people have cancer...........

I know it's hard for you but try and listen to the whole answer. I know you like candidates that give very short shallow answer but just try to listen to what it takes to make policy past "I hate Obama like WTF yo!!!"
My prayers for Rick Perry to convince people that he is the best person for encouraging businesses and putting the American people back to work.

I know people are miffed at Texans for our accents, but honest to goodness, Rick Perry is a caring man who sees to it businesses make money and put people to work for the good of their families and other people in their communities.

Best of luck, Governor Perry.


freedombecki & Mr. Freedom :) :)

Half of America doesn't care it the President is a good man. They just want them to promise em shit.

Forget the damn promises, just be effective.
You hear that Gramps? War on the boarder and what is the reason??? Terrorism...

No but I did hear Paul say we should legalize drugs because people have cancer...........

I know it's hard for you but try and listen to the whole answer. I know you like candidates that give very short shallow answer but just try to listen to what it takes to make policy past "I hate Obama like WTF yo!!!"

So what your saying is you dont like quickies?

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