CNN says no need to investigate Franken since he apologized!!!

Democrat Fake News is such a disgrace. These are the same folks who screeched daily demanding Bill O'reilly be sacked from Fox News. I mean, O'reilly was just a Cable News Host. Franken and Cornyn are serving in our Government. Yet CNN isn't demanding they go. What a scam. Just tune out Democrat Fake News, folks.


Yeah, he's an ole perv too. But don't hold your breath waiting for CNN to demand him and Franken go. Ain't gonna happen.
What would they investigate? Whether it happened? He hasn't denied it, as far as I have seen.
Why isn't he stepping down?

Better yet, why aren't both parties DEMAND he step down?

Sounds like many of them live in glass houses and don't want to speak out. If Trump and the nation needed an easy Hail Mary to drain the swamp, they may have just received it...

step down for a dumbass picture?

how about you ask the president to step down for grabbing women by the genitals and gawking at half-dressed 15 year olds?

And for his own dumbass pictures. I posted one, there are others.
As I've noted before it's one thing to be an incestuous pedophile, the commission of which usually drives the perp to keep it hidden --- but here's a klown presenting, over and over, the image that he's an incestuous pedophile even if it didn't actually happen.

That's a whole psychology freak show right there.

Frankly I'm way more concerned with a klown who plays that kind of psychological game on the public, than one who has freaky faults he tries to keep under wraps.
Democrat Fake News is such a disgrace. These are the same folks who screeched daily demanding Bill O'reilly be sacked from Fox News. I mean, O'reilly was just a Cable News Host. Franken and Cornyn are serving in our Government. Yet CNN isn't demanding they go. What a scam. Just tune out Democrat Fake News, folks.

Ok, exactly what is it you want CNN to investigate? What is it you want them to look for?
Democrat Fake News is such a disgrace. These are the same folks who screeched daily demanding Bill O'reilly be sacked from Fox News. I mean, O'reilly was just a Cable News Host. Franken and Cornyn are serving in our Government. Yet CNN isn't demanding they go. What a scam. Just tune out Democrat Fake News, folks.


Yeah, he's an ole perv too. But don't hold your breath waiting for CNN to demand him and Franken go. Ain't gonna happen.

I don't expect CNN to "demand" anyone go. That's not what they do. That's what happens HERE.
And when it does that's when I demand to know what the basis is. And that's when the crickets start chirping, because there's no answer. It's all emotion, profferred by idiots, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

When you can't articulate your base of reasoning it's a pretty clear clue you don't have one.
Exactly. If an accuser renders an account of an incident.... and the accusee fesses up to it --- what exactly is left to "investigate"?
That's never stopped Congress before and this nonsense has HUGE partisan witch hunt potential.

"Talk is cheap - except when Congress does it." -- Cullen Hightower
Exactly. If an accuser renders an account of an incident.... and the accusee fesses up to it --- what exactly is left to "investigate"?
That's never stopped Congress before and this nonsense has HUGE partisan witch hunt potential.

"Talk is cheap - except when Congress does it." -- Cullen Hightower

Doesn't address the question, does it.

If A alleges B did X .... and B acknowledges doing it.... then by definition they both agree it happened. The only thing an "investigation" could possibly find out is that both A and B are lying and it never happened.

That would be an intriguing turn of events but it doesn't warrant an 'investigation' of something nobody alleges.
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If he did this...what else has he done.

Of fucking course he admitted to it...they had him dead to rights, on film, red handed.

CNN isn't interested in knowing the truth, he's not a Republican.
Exactly. If an accuser renders an account of an incident.... and the accusee fesses up to it --- what exactly is left to "investigate"?
That's never stopped Congress before and this nonsense has HUGE partisan witch hunt potential.

"Talk is cheap - except when Congress does it." -- Cullen Hightower

Doesn't address the question, does it.
Ummm.. yes it does, however it appears that some people aren't perceptive enough to understand the answer. :dunno:
What would they investigate? Whether it happened? He hasn't denied it, as far as I have seen.
And apologized.

And called for a senate investigation.

And she accepted his apology.

Not sure what's next?

How about Trump? And his nearly 20 accusers. And his admission to grabbing pu$$y?
I'm sorry, I'm sort of ignorant when it comes to gossip, innuendo and such.

GIVE ME THE NAME of the woman that he grabbed by the pussy, whom did not want to be grabbed. . .

Go on. . . . :link:
I'm sorry, I'm sort of ignorant when it comes to gossip, innuendo and such.

GIVE ME THE NAME of the woman that he grabbed by the pussy, whom did not want to be grabbed. . .

Go on. . . . :link:

Mary Jane Rottencrotch, grabbed her right through her pretty pink panties. :eek:
What would they investigate? Whether it happened? He hasn't denied it, as far as I have seen.

The board notes you are DEFENDING sick predators like franken. Get help please.

There you go, making up shit again. I have not defended anyone in this thread.

Tell me this, exactly what would CNN investigate? Tell the board what you think CNN should investigate?
'Listen to CNN kids - if you sexually harass,
sexually assault, or even rape a woman, all
you need to do is APOLOGIZE and you won't
get in trouble!'


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