CNN scientific poll, registered voters. Obama 46% Romney 39%

We're becoming France. A country that doesn't want to be a super power anymore.

-Free shit
-Tax the rich
-Fuck the free market
-Bow to the islamic thugs
Get off the Muslims dick you fucking nazi. God......don't you get tired of bitching all day
If we reelect Obama we will be over 20 trillion in debt by the time Obama leaves the white house. Our credit rating will be in the b range.
I've come to the conclusion that the left doesn't give a fuck about economic growth. Everything should go to supporting the lazy and lower class within their minds.
Fuck Oppunity and the free market. Let's become CUBA!!! WAHOO!!

Let's become North Korea that hates the productive. What a loser.
Fuck Oppunity and the free market. Let's become CUBA!!! WAHOO!!

Let's become North Korea that hates the productive. What a loser.

If we become North Korea can we threaten to nuke somebody different every other week?
I'll tell you what if Obama wins...If he keeps spending like he is right now he better stop fucking with Nasa. Time to double the fucking budget!

Time to put that money into Infrastructure and making this country great again. STOP FUCKING AROUND OBAMA.

Get us back to the moon, mars and onwards. Stop fucking trying to destroy this country.
be nice to atleast have a link to the poll.

Romney is in good shape
Mathew, old boy, I am 69, still working, and able to work your ass into the ground anytime. Get off that "Liberals don't work" bullshit. I work with a whole steelmill full of working liberals, most of whom make between 50K and 150K depending on their skills. And, yes, there are also some conservetives that work there also, just as hard as we liberals do.

President Obama's second term will see an economy that continues it's rebound. And a nation that grows stronger as more people, including myself, increase their worth through increasing their knowledge and using skills from one field of endevour in another field.

The conclusions you have come to concering what who cares concerning anything are badly tainted by a political and social view that will severly limit your ability to succeed in the present society.
I'd support cutting 100 million dollars out of the military and putting that into infrastructure and nasa.

We do this by completely withdrawing from the middle east. We focus on extending outwards into our solar system.

Let's go after those resources and get children into good paying jobs becoming scientists and engineers.
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I've come to the conclusion that the left doesn't give a fuck about economic growth. Everything should go to supporting the lazy and lower class within their minds.

A good assessment. Obama has given credence to a laissez-faire society, promulgating a socialistic atmosphere while inferring denouncement of independent capitalistic market-based economic principals.

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