CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann

They probably settled for a hundred grand or so.
ROFL! Not likely, moron. It was almost certainly well North of $10 million.
LOL..Think again numbnuts. LIn Wood got his ass whupped by Elon Musk and probably did not want to go to trial.
Lin Wood has won big judgements in many such cases, dumbass. Losing one case doesn't prove jack shit. CNN settled because it was obvious which way the case was going.

L. Lin Wood - Wikipedia

On November 30, 2012, CNN covered the DaVita Inc. Medicare and Medicaid fraud lawsuit pending in which Wood was a lead attorney for the plaintiffs.[19] The lawsuit was settled in 2015 for nearly $500 million plus attorneys fees.[20]
I know your angry and I am bursting your bubble. but these cases are hard to prove and win. Elon Musk probably should have won but he lost. His case was far more egregious than this one. Wood was smart to settle.

Angry? Are you stoned? You claimed he would get nothing. YOU were epically wrong.

You can piss off have run out of amusement value.
When did I say he would get nothing?
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CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
Wood stated when the case was filed that it was on a contingency fee basis. I'll bet the got closer to $30 million than $5 million

The way I'm figuring it is that it would cost CNN the 250 plus litigation costs. I would be willing to bet the settlement was more like 100m. They will save 150m plus costs in the long run.
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CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
True, but those attorneys also take every nickel and dime out for costs. There are multiple law suits going on as well as appeals. Whether Lin Wood took these cases on contingency is unknown as well.
They take a standard percentage, moron, and that includes their costs.

All you're doing is proving that you're an idiot.
All these people
CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
Wood stated when the case was filed that it was on a contingency fee basis. I'll bet the got closer to $30 million than $5 million

The way I'm figuring it is that it would cost CNN the 250 plus litigation costs. I would be willing to bet the settlement was more like 100m. They will save 150m plus costs in the long run.
Beating up on a 16 year old kid in a court of law isn't the way to win over a jury. The whole thing looked horrible from CNN's point of view.
All these people
CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
True, but those attorneys also take every nickel and dime out for costs. There are multiple law suits going on as well as appeals. Whether Lin Wood took these cases on contingency is unknown as well.

The big bucks is paying the legal fees. Court and travel costs are nothing when you are trying for big money like this.
All these people
CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

But he didnt lose this one. He got a settlement. Even though the other was "far easier"?
You're right. It is in the win column for Lin Wood. The question is how much Sandmann won? I would be surprised if it was north of 10million, but who knows.
All these people
CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
Wood stated when the case was filed that it was on a contingency fee basis. I'll bet he got closer to $30 million than $5 million

For some reason CNN doesnt want you to know how much they were hit for. They settled and insisted on confidentiality.

CNN has destroyed so many lives over the years in their war on America. Im glad to see them have to pay up. Im under no illusion it will break them...thats a huge filthy rich multinational corporation (why else would it oppose Trump)...but maybe this is the way forward. Bleed them each time they do it.
All these people
CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

But he didnt lose this one. He got a settlement. Even though the other was "far easier"?
You're right. It is in the win column for Lin Wood. The question is how much Sandmann won? I would be surprised if it was north of 10million, but who knows.

Thats not my question. My question is how much did CNN have to pay.
All these people
CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
True, but those attorneys also take every nickel and dime out for costs. There are multiple law suits going on as well as appeals. Whether Lin Wood took these cases on contingency is unknown as well.

The big bucks is paying the legal fees. Court and travel costs are nothing when you are trying for big money like this.
You're correct. There is a confidential agreement between the parties so we may never know. I suspect if Sandmann would only settle anywhere near 30 million and above, CNN would have taken their chance on a trial and then fought the damages on appeal. That is why I am thinking it was substantial but not outrageous.
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All these people
They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
Wood stated when the case was filed that it was on a contingency fee basis. I'll bet the got closer to $30 million than $5 million

The way I'm figuring it is that it would cost CNN the 250 plus litigation costs. I would be willing to bet the settlement was more like 100m. They will save 150m plus costs in the long run.
Beating up on a 16 year old kid in a court of law isn't the way to win over a jury. The whole thing looked horrible from CNN's point of view.

CNN has stockholders too I'm sure. They want to keep everything under the rug. It protects them and Sandmann.

Years ago my best friend hit the lottery. He grossed 5 million taking the cash option. He was bugged for years by charities, sales people, real estate guys, you name it. Friends and family crawl out of the woodwork when somebody has money.
Remember when all the forum TDS morons said Sandman wouldn't get a dime?


CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann

COVINGTON, Ky. (FOX19) - CNN agreed Tuesday to settle a lawsuit with Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann.

The amount of the settlement was not made public during a hearing at the federal courthouse in Covington, Kentucky.

Sandmann’s lawsuit sought $800 million from CNN, the Washington Post and NBC Universal.

Trial dates are still not set for Sandmann’s lawsuit against NBC Universal and the Washington Post.

The Washington Post suit sought $250 million. A federal judge let a portion of the suit go forward after The Post filed a motion to dismiss it.

Sandmann’s attorney, Lin Wood, said, “This case will be tried not one minute earlier or later than when it is ready.”

The lawsuits were filed following an incident in Jan. 2019 in Washington, D.C. involving Covington Catholic High School students. Videos of that incident garnered national attention.

The initial video showed the self-identified Sandmann, now a senior at CovCath, and Nathan Phillips, an indigenous man who was participating in the Indigenous Peoples March. Sandmann and his classmates were in D.C. for the March For Life.
All these people
CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
Wood stated when the case was filed that it was on a contingency fee basis. I'll bet he got closer to $30 million than $5 million

For some reason CNN doesnt want you to know how much they were hit for. They settled and insisted on confidentiality.

CNN has destroyed so many lives over the years in their war on America. Im glad to see them have to pay up. Im under no illusion it will break them...thats a huge filthy rich multinational corporation (why else would it oppose Trump)...but maybe this is the way forward. Bleed them each time they do it.
They wouldn't be so concerned about keeping it secret if it was a small amount. I'm betting it was over $100 million.
All these people
CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

But he didnt lose this one. He got a settlement. Even though the other was "far easier"?
You're right. It is in the win column for Lin Wood. The question is how much Sandmann won? I would be surprised if it was north of 10million, but who knows.

Thats not my question. My question is how much did CNN have to pay.
How would I know. It could be zero if they had liability coverage for slander/libel.
All these people
They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
True, but those attorneys also take every nickel and dime out for costs. There are multiple law suits going on as well as appeals. Whether Lin Wood took these cases on contingency is unknown as well.

The big bucks is paying the legal fees. Court and travel costs are nothing when you are trying for big money like this.
You're correct. There is a confidential agreement between the parties so we may never know. I suspect Sandmann would only settle anywhere near 30 million and above, CNN would have taken their chance on a trial and then fought the damages on appeal. That is why I am thinking it was substantial but not outrageous.

That depends on their legal team and their advice on how liable CNN was in that case. If they thought it was pretty open and shut, they offered him some big bucks to just go away. I'm sure Sandmann would be happy with a million bucks, but lawyers think differently.
All these people
They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
Wood stated when the case was filed that it was on a contingency fee basis. I'll bet he got closer to $30 million than $5 million

For some reason CNN doesnt want you to know how much they were hit for. They settled and insisted on confidentiality.

CNN has destroyed so many lives over the years in their war on America. Im glad to see them have to pay up. Im under no illusion it will break them...thats a huge filthy rich multinational corporation (why else would it oppose Trump)...but maybe this is the way forward. Bleed them each time they do it.
They wouldn't be so concerned about keeping it secret if it was a small amount. I'm betting it was over $100 million.
That is the wrong way of thinking. Sandmann would not want others to know as well. If Lin Wood did not get what he wanted, he would want to keep it confidential as well. Usually everyone wants to keep these settlements secret.
All these people
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
True, but those attorneys also take every nickel and dime out for costs. There are multiple law suits going on as well as appeals. Whether Lin Wood took these cases on contingency is unknown as well.

The big bucks is paying the legal fees. Court and travel costs are nothing when you are trying for big money like this.
You're correct. There is a confidential agreement between the parties so we may never know. I suspect Sandmann would only settle anywhere near 30 million and above, CNN would have taken their chance on a trial and then fought the damages on appeal. That is why I am thinking it was substantial but not outrageous.

That depends on their legal team and their advice on how liable CNN was in that case. If they thought it was pretty open and shut, they offered him some big bucks to just go away. I'm sure Sandmann would be happy with a million bucks, but lawyers think differently.
There is a saying that a good settlement is when everyone is unhappy. That may be the case here. However if we see Sandmann zipping to school in a Ferrari, I will presume he got a good settlement. Of course there are a million ways, a settlement could be structured.
He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
True, but those attorneys also take every nickel and dime out for costs. There are multiple law suits going on as well as appeals. Whether Lin Wood took these cases on contingency is unknown as well.

The big bucks is paying the legal fees. Court and travel costs are nothing when you are trying for big money like this.
You're correct. There is a confidential agreement between the parties so we may never know. I suspect Sandmann would only settle anywhere near 30 million and above, CNN would have taken their chance on a trial and then fought the damages on appeal. That is why I am thinking it was substantial but not outrageous.

That depends on their legal team and their advice on how liable CNN was in that case. If they thought it was pretty open and shut, they offered him some big bucks to just go away. I'm sure Sandmann would be happy with a million bucks, but lawyers think differently.
There is a saying that a good settlement is when everyone is unhappy. That may be the case here. However if we see Sandmann zipping to school in a Ferrari, I will presume he got a good settlement. Of course there are a million ways, a settlement could be structured.

Big corporations are thinking of saving big bucks in such a suit. If they made an offer Sandmann found insulting, yes, they could let the courts handle it. But as you said, if they lost, it's years of appeals. Corporations have dream teams of lawyers. And besides the loss, CNN would have to pay them every step of the way to fight it.

100 million, and the problem goes away quietly.

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