CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann

Wonderful news! I hope he got enough to set him up for the rest of his life.

I think he has more people to sue. I'm thinking CNN ain't the only one who will pay. Still, money or not the kid had national media brand him a skinhead who picked of a drunk Indian who lied about being a Vietnam vet. Hopefully all that blows over for him.

If not, with his kind of money, he can buy an island somewhere to live for a while.

It's crap that he should or would have to while the liars get to continue on with their lives. I would need CNN to issue a prime time apology and an admission to the lie as well as a he money.

It wouldn't do any good. Nobody really watches that channel to hear the apology. :badgrin:
Wonderful news! I hope he got enough to set him up for the rest of his life.

I think he has more people to sue. I'm thinking CNN ain't the only one who will pay. Still, money or not the kid had national media brand him a skinhead who picked of a drunk Indian who lied about being a Vietnam vet. Hopefully all that blows over for him.

If not, with his kind of money, he can buy an island somewhere to live for a while.

It's crap that he should or would have to while the liars get to continue on with their lives. I would need CNN to issue a prime time apology and an admission to the lie as well as a he money.

It wouldn't do any good. Nobody really watches that channel to hear the apology. :badgrin:

I know, but the idea of those dumb whores having to admit they are liars is awesome. I know being trash doesn't bother them, but in the moment it's awesome to watch them because I know it really bothers them.
Wonderful news! I hope he got enough to set him up for the rest of his life.

I think he has more people to sue. I'm thinking CNN ain't the only one who will pay. Still, money or not the kid had national media brand him a skinhead who picked of a drunk Indian who lied about being a Vietnam vet. Hopefully all that blows over for him.

If not, with his kind of money, he can buy an island somewhere to live for a while.

It's crap that he should or would have to while the liars get to continue on with their lives. I would need CNN to issue a prime time apology and an admission to the lie as well as a he money.

It wouldn't do any good. Nobody really watches that channel to hear the apology. :badgrin:

I know, but the idea of those dumb whores having to admit they are liars is awesome. I know being trash doesn't bother them, but in the moment it's awesome to watch them because I know it really bothers them.
CNN Settles Covington Catholic Lawsuit Out Of Court For Undisclosed Amount

The amount of the settlement was not made public during the hearing in Covington.

Sandmann attorneys Todd McMurtry and Lin Wood filed a $275 million lawsuit against CNN last March in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“CNN was probably more vicious in its direct attacks on Nicholas than The Washington Post. .............


They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
This is far from done. The case against NBC/MSNBC is even stronger than the case against CNN.

NBC put Sandmann on the air and insinuated that he should have apologized and then edited the interview by cutting to their fake news report in the middle of it. In the fake news report NBC told the big lie that it wasn't clear who started the confrontation. And then aired the fake news repeatedly on multiple local, national and international channels. And since NBC is a more profitable company, punitive damages must be greater to act as a deterrent in the future. I hope he refuses to settle on that one and takes it to a jury trial. The jury would probably award him several times the amount he's suing for.

And there's also the suit against the Washington 'Jimmy's World' Post. WaPo let TDS injun tell the demonstrable lie (that WaPo knew was a lie) on their studio video that Sandmann blocked his retreat, without challenging the defamatory lie. And then they disseminated the video on their website and on YouTube.

So it's pretty safe to say that Sandmann will be financially set for life when all is done.

And it's great to see the fake news media get punished even if it is just money. (personally I think they have given material support to AQ terrorists and are therefore a legitimate military target under the 2001 AUMF).
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They probably settled for a hundred grand or so of which CNN paid ZERO because it was most likely covered by insurance.;)
On CNN the TDS afflicted Cuomo flat out lied and said that Sandmann made a choice to get into a "standoff". Sorry, dude. No such thing happened. Sandmann was just standing there waiting for the bus when some TDS afflicted moron started fucking with him by banging a drum inches from his face.

With such an open and shut case there is no way in hell that they settled for a mere hundred grand or even a million. He easily got multi-millions.

He should use that money and invite President Trump out for dinner. That would burn CNN and the Indian guy.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Donald J. Trump

Nick Sandmann and the students of Covington have become symbols of Fake News and how evil it can be. They have captivated the attention of the world, and I know they will use it for the good - maybe even to bring people together. It started off unpleasant, but can end in a dream!
7:32 AM · Jan 22, 2019·Twitter for iPhone
Wonderful news! I hope he got enough to set him up for the rest of his life.

I think he has more people to sue. I'm thinking CNN ain't the only one who will pay. Still, money or not the kid had national media brand him a skinhead who picked of a drunk Indian who lied about being a Vietnam vet. Hopefully all that blows over for him.

If not, with his kind of money, he can buy an island somewhere to live for a while.

It's crap that he should or would have to while the liars get to continue on with their lives. I would need CNN to issue a prime time apology and an admission to the lie as well as a he money.

It wouldn't do any good. Nobody really watches that channel to hear the apology. :badgrin:
They watch CNN at airports.
ROFL! Not likely, moron. It was almost certainly well North of $10 million.
LOL..Think again numbnuts. LIn Wood got his ass whupped by Elon Musk and probably did not want to go to trial.
Lin Wood has won big judgements in many such cases, dumbass. Losing one case doesn't prove jack shit. CNN settled because it was obvious which way the case was going.

L. Lin Wood - Wikipedia

On November 30, 2012, CNN covered the DaVita Inc. Medicare and Medicaid fraud lawsuit pending in which Wood was a lead attorney for the plaintiffs.[19] The lawsuit was settled in 2015 for nearly $500 million plus attorneys fees.[20]
I know your angry and I am bursting your bubble. but these cases are hard to prove and win. Elon Musk probably should have lost but he won. His case was far more egregious than this one. Wood was smart to settle.
You mean CNN was smart to settle. This case was easy to prove. The evidence was on video, moron.

I know you just can't stand the thought that your propaganda organ took it in the shorts.
Hey idiot, there a text from Musk calling the scuba guy "Pedo Man". Scuba guy still lost.
I know nothing about the particulars of this case, so I won't comment. The fact that a lawyer loses one case proves nothing. Every lawyer loses cases.
All these people
They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

He likely worked for a percentage of whatever Sandmann won, so he doesn't owe him anything. Furthermore the lawyer knows that the more Sandmann gets, the more he gets.
True, but those attorneys also take every nickel and dime out for costs. There are multiple law suits going on as well as appeals. Whether Lin Wood took these cases on contingency is unknown as well.

Probably contingency for one-third for Sandmann's case. The potential for a win was very strong.
Listen Sandmann is going to be well off after all these lawsuits are settled. Well off does not mean obscenely rich however.
He's going to be obscenely rich. He already is.

That knowledge really chaps your ass, doesn't it?
That depends on their legal team and their advice on how liable CNN was in that case. If they thought it was pretty open and shut, they offered him some big bucks to just go away. I'm sure Sandmann would be happy with a million bucks, but lawyers think differently.
There is a saying that a good settlement is when everyone is unhappy. That may be the case here. However if we see Sandmann zipping to school in a Ferrari, I will presume he got a good settlement. Of course there are a million ways, a settlement could be structured.

Big corporations are thinking of saving big bucks in such a suit. If they made an offer Sandmann found insulting, yes, they could let the courts handle it. But as you said, if they lost, it's years of appeals. Corporations have dream teams of lawyers. And besides the loss, CNN would have to pay them every step of the way to fight it.

100 million, and the problem goes away quietly.
My personal view and I could be wrong, but CNN would have taken it to trial rather than pay anywhere near 100 million dollars.

Then again, a jury might have tripled the damages.
They would have to find malice or reckless disregard fro the truth to get punitive damages.. That is a very tough standard and highly unlikely, and if the jury did award them, they would be subject to be stricken or reduced on appeal. Every jurisdiction is different when it comes to punitive damages.
Yeah, and?
All these people
They probably have more money and viewers as well. I know Nick didn't get the 275 million, but I hope they settled for half of that. He'd be set for life. Never have to go college if he doesn't want to. Just buy a mansion or penthouse on the ocean, and entertain different women all the time. What a life to have that kind of money at his age.
Not even close to half. I was facetious when I wrote $100,000, the fairer estimate is about $5,000,000.00. Now by the time you take out Lin Wood's fees, costs and expenses, the kid probably owes Wood money. As I wrote before Lin Wood lost big time against Elon Musk which was a far easier case IMO. Wood wanted to settle this case as well.

But he didnt lose this one. He got a settlement. Even though the other was "far easier"?
You're right. It is in the win column for Lin Wood. The question is how much Sandmann won? I would be surprised if it was north of 10million, but who knows.

Thats not my question. My question is how much did CNN have to pay.
How would I know. It could be zero if they had liability coverage for slander/libel.

Could be. In that case the kids lawyers dealt with the insurance company. Good again. Their rates go up or, hopefully, the insurance company recognizes the days of freely attacking Americans are over and reconsiders covering CNN.

Thats IF they even have such coverage and it paid up.

Slandering libelous asswipes. Its about time.
Wonderful news! I hope he got enough to set him up for the rest of his life.

I think he has more people to sue. I'm thinking CNN ain't the only one who will pay. Still, money or not the kid had national media brand him a skinhead who picked of a drunk Indian who lied about being a Vietnam vet. Hopefully all that blows over for him.

If not, with his kind of money, he can buy an island somewhere to live for a while.

It's crap that he should or would have to while the liars get to continue on with their lives. I would need CNN to issue a prime time apology and an admission to the lie as well as a he money.

It wouldn't do any good. Nobody really watches that channel to hear the apology. :badgrin:
They watch CNN at airports.

I don't know that they watch it at airports. I do know it's on at airports. One of our fast food places here has it on for people waiting for their food. I play with my cell phone and ignore the television.
I think he has more people to sue. I'm thinking CNN ain't the only one who will pay. Still, money or not the kid had national media brand him a skinhead who picked of a drunk Indian who lied about being a Vietnam vet. Hopefully all that blows over for him.

If not, with his kind of money, he can buy an island somewhere to live for a while.

It's crap that he should or would have to while the liars get to continue on with their lives. I would need CNN to issue a prime time apology and an admission to the lie as well as a he money.

It wouldn't do any good. Nobody really watches that channel to hear the apology. :badgrin:
They watch CNN at airports.

I don't know that they watch it at airports. I do know it's on at airports. One of our fast food places here has it on for people waiting for their food. I play with my cell phone and ignore the television.
I'm semi-retired now and only pour concrete when I feel like it these days. I've used much my newfound spare time to teach myself gourmet cooking. So I don't really go to fast food joints anymore.

But I do turn on CNN occasionally for the commercials. After all, I need to know what companies to boycott.
If not, with his kind of money, he can buy an island somewhere to live for a while.

It's crap that he should or would have to while the liars get to continue on with their lives. I would need CNN to issue a prime time apology and an admission to the lie as well as a he money.

It wouldn't do any good. Nobody really watches that channel to hear the apology. :badgrin:
They watch CNN at airports.

I don't know that they watch it at airports. I do know it's on at airports. One of our fast food places here has it on for people waiting for their food. I play with my cell phone and ignore the television.
I'm semi-retired now and only pour concrete when I feel like it these days. I've used much my newfound spare time to teach myself gourmet cooking. So I don't really go to fast food joints anymore.

But I do turn on CNN occasionally for the commercials. After all, I need to know what companies to boycott.

That is tough work. I'm the son of a bricklayer. Went to work with my father since 11 years old. I know what it's like to come home at the end of the night full of cement, sand, and dirt.

I always bring up folks like you when the discussion is about extending the retirement age for SS. It's those guys holding a microphone telling us how that is the solution to our problems. But I'd like them to tell that to a bricklayers laborer, or the guy climbing up two or three stories with a bundle roof shingles on his shoulder, or the iron worker who walks across those beams 25 stories high to work until the age of 70.

Hell, I even use my own profession. When in a snow storm, and the traffic comes to a unexpected stop, do you want to be the car in front of me with my 70 year old ass trying to stop a tractor-trailer weighing 75,000 lbs?

These dress shirt people just don't understand there are some jobs you are no longer capable of doing at an advanced age.
File this under 'AWESOME' and as a win for both Nick Sandman and President Trump in his war against the Leftist Fake News media....A High School Student just forced CNN to admit it is an anti-Trump FAKE NEWS propaganda-pushing media while forcing CNN to hand over MILLIONS of dollars in reparations....

CNN just PUBLICLY admitted it lied its ass off when it falsely reported Covington High School student Nick Sandman aggressively instigated an incident with Native American protestors, targeting Sandman unfairly because he was wearing a 'MAGA' hat in support of President Trump....and that confession cost them 'bigly'!

"CNN on Tuesday settled a defamation lawsuit filed by Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann over its botched coverage of a viral confrontation with a Native American elder that had portrayed the Kentucky teen as the aggressor."

Lawsuits against The Washington Post and NBC are ongoing...

Open your wallets, scumbags, and PAY UP!

CNN settles Nick Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy
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I love it that the MSM propaganda machine finally got caught and now needs to pay up, in spades.
I hope this changes the board rooms' direction from hard Left to more honest centrist.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

Assumption is the new verification
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.
Sandman was seeking $800 MILLION from the 3 Fake News Entities, $250 MILLION from CNN alone. CNN knew Sandman and his lawyer had them by the 'short hairs' with publicity on their side. I have no doubt that CNN paid the MILLIONS, but I am sure it was not the entire $250 Million. I have no doubt it was al least 14th to 13rd of that AT LEAST - MILLIONS.

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