CNN settles lawsuit with Nick Sandmann

has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

The fact that they settled at all shows they knew they were vulnerable. The real test is if any of the organizations let this go to trial.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

The fact that they settled at all shows they knew they were vulnerable. The real test is if any of the organizations let this go to trial.
There was no way in hell CNN was going to let this go to trial....and possibly have a Jury award Sandman MORE than the $250 million he was asking for as a punishment to CNN / lying Fake News media everywhere.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

The fact that they settled at all shows they knew they were vulnerable. The real test is if any of the organizations let this go to trial.
There was no way in hell CNN was going to let this go to trial....and possibly have a Jury award Sandman MORE than the $250 million he was asking for as a punishment to CNN / lying Fake News media everywhere.

Proving defamation by media is an uphill battle. the thing here is that the kid wasn't a public figure before this, and most of the news orgs fell for bogus information in their rush to get some good Anti-Trump dirt out for their news cycle.
Proving defamation by media is an uphill battle. the thing here is that the kid wasn't a public figure before this, and most of the news orgs fell for bogus information in their rush to get some good Anti-Trump dirt out for their news cycle.
And yet CNN was SO sure they would lose in court that they agreed to pay up...
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.
Sandman was seeking $800 MILLION from the 3 Fake News Entities, $250 MILLION from CNN alone. CNN knew Sandman and his lawyer had them by the 'short hairs' with publicity on their side. I have no doubt that CNN paid the MILLIONS, but I am sure it was not the entire $250 Million. I have no doubt it was al least 14th to 13rd of that AT LEAST - MILLIONS.
maybe. believe i conceded it was likely high.

but to shout out HE GOT MILLIONS without knowing - isn't that "fake news"?
Proving defamation by media is an uphill battle. the thing here is that the kid wasn't a public figure before this, and most of the news orgs fell for bogus information in their rush to get some good Anti-Trump dirt out for their news cycle.
And yet CNN was SO sure they would lose in court that they agreed to pay up...

Depends on the settlement. If it's about the cost of a years long defense, then they went by economics, If it's significantly more than that, they went by legal position worries.

Of course we won't know the settlement value.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

The fact that they settled at all shows they knew they were vulnerable. The real test is if any of the organizations let this go to trial.
yep. figured there would be a settlement. they did this in my mind for attention and NOT news. but asking for $250m doesn't mean they will settle for anywhere NEAR that.

all i am saying is we don't know so ANYONE saying he got millions is simply guessing and part of the "fake news" generation.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

Assumption is the new verification
it goes like this:

I hate this group
this group messed up
this group taken to court and sued for messing up
this group settles

just want it to be true and then let your own wishes fill in any messy gaps.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

The fact that they settled at all shows they knew they were vulnerable. The real test is if any of the organizations let this go to trial.
yep. figured there would be a settlement. they did this in my mind for attention and NOT news. but asking for $250m doesn't mean they will settle for anywhere NEAR that.

all i am saying is we don't know so ANYONE saying he got millions is simply guessing and part of the "fake news" generation.

I doubt Sandman's side would settle for less than $1M, and I doubt CNN would bow down unless the cost of their defense would be in the millions.

I would say it depends if an "apology" is part of the settlement as well. No Apology, I would say $10M, Apology, Around $1-$2 million.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

The fact that they settled at all shows they knew they were vulnerable. The real test is if any of the organizations let this go to trial.
yep. figured there would be a settlement. they did this in my mind for attention and NOT news. but asking for $250m doesn't mean they will settle for anywhere NEAR that.

all i am saying is we don't know so ANYONE saying he got millions is simply guessing and part of the "fake news" generation.

I doubt Sandman's side would settle for less than $1M, and I doubt CNN would bow down unless the cost of their defense would be in the millions.

I would say it depends if an "apology" is part of the settlement as well. No Apology, I would say $10M, Apology, Around $1-$2 million.
oh like i said - i'd have to think he was awarded millions but who knows how much he actually saw and how much the lawyers took home that day.

i'm glad he sued CNN
i'm glad CNN settled but wish it would have gone to court - CNN and all "news" agencies need to cut this shit out. hitting their already fragile pocketbook seems to be the only real way to get their attention.

but to simply say HE GOT MILLIONS is guessing and "fake news" at its core. all i'm saying about it.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

The fact that they settled at all shows they knew they were vulnerable. The real test is if any of the organizations let this go to trial.

Is that why Trump always settles all those cases against him?
oh like i said - i'd have to think he was awarded millions but who knows how much he actually saw and how much the lawyers took home that day.

i'm glad he sued CNN
i'm glad CNN settled but wish it would have gone to court - CNN and all "news" agencies need to cut this shit out. hitting their already fragile pocketbook seems to be the only real way to get their attention.

but to simply say HE GOT MILLIONS is guessing and "fake news" at its core. all i'm saying about it.

That is the world we live in now. A congressman post a fake photo and his only defense was "nobody said it was not photoshopped".

This is the new reality.
maybe. believe i conceded it was likely high.but to shout out HE GOT MILLIONS without knowing - isn't that "fake news"?
No. It's common sense.

You REALLY think Sandman and his lawyer would not at least demand a couple of millions from CNN to make this case go away when the original price tag was $250 Million. CNN was clearly in the wrong. Public sentiment was in Sandman's favor. CNN already has enough of a problem with their credibility publicly - the last thing they wanted was to be in a public trial being sued for slandering a high school student / kid. And if they low-balled the kid and walked away with paying pennies on the dollar they would have no problem reporting the kid & his lawyer took 'chump change', proving 'this was just about the money'.

As mentioned by others, proving CNN was at fault would take a good bit of proof...and CNN was so unsure about rolling the dice they wanted this to just go away quietly.

I am sure the other 2 Fake News media had no desire for CNN to make public what it had to pay for the same thing they were being hit with.

After this is all over and he is smart with his money / investments, Sandman probably won't have to work hard a day in his life thanks to the Trump-hating Fake News media.

oh like i said - i'd have to think he was awarded millions but who knows how much he actually saw and how much the lawyers took home that day.

i'm glad he sued CNN
i'm glad CNN settled but wish it would have gone to court - CNN and all "news" agencies need to cut this shit out. hitting their already fragile pocketbook seems to be the only real way to get their attention.

but to simply say HE GOT MILLIONS is guessing and "fake news" at its core. all i'm saying about it.

That is the world we live in now. A congressman post a fake photo and his only defense was "nobody said it was not photoshopped".

This is the new reality.
The new liberal reality is the belief that one can present a self-authored fictional account of a phone call that never happened as 'evidence' in an Impeachment hearing and think he is going to get away with it, being forced, instead to scramble and claim it was a 'parody' after being caught / called out.

What CNN, ABC, and Schiff did was no different. They all reported fake BS as 'news' / 'the truth' and got caught.
maybe. believe i conceded it was likely high.but to shout out HE GOT MILLIONS without knowing - isn't that "fake news"?
No. It's common sense.

You REALLY think Sandman and his lawyer would not at least demand a couple of millions from CNN to make this case go away when the original price tag was $250 Million. CNN was clearly in the wrong. Public sentiment was in Sandman's favor. CNN already has enough of a problem with their credibility publicly - the last thing they wanted was to be in a public trial being sued for slandering a high school student / kid. And if they low-balled the kid and walked away with paying pennies on the dollar they would have no problem reporting the kid & his lawyer took 'chump change', proving 'this was just about the money'.

As mentioned by others, proving CNN was at fault would take a good bit of proof...and CNN was so unsure about rolling the dice they wanted this to just go away quietly.

I am sure the other 2 Fake News media had no desire for CNN to make public what it had to pay for the same thing they were being hit with.

After this is all over and he is smart with his money / investments, Sandman probably won't have to work hard a day in his life thanks to the Trump-hating Fake News media.

common sense says you don't say something happened if you can't prove it.

"common sense" drives a shitload of fake news out there you hate. yet when it's YOUR common sense, it's fine and dandy.

got it.
has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

The fact that they settled at all shows they knew they were vulnerable. The real test is if any of the organizations let this go to trial.

Is that why Trump always settles all those cases against him?

it depends on the type of case. In the case of defamation by a media outlet, the deck is so stacked in favor of the media outlet that them settling has a bigger impact then say someone paying off a person they slept with via settlement.
The 20 bucks he spent on that hat will no doubt end up being the best investment he ever made.
maybe. believe i conceded it was likely high.but to shout out HE GOT MILLIONS without knowing - isn't that "fake news"?
No. It's common sense.

You REALLY think Sandman and his lawyer would not at least demand a couple of millions from CNN to make this case go away when the original price tag was $250 Million. CNN was clearly in the wrong. Public sentiment was in Sandman's favor. CNN already has enough of a problem with their credibility publicly - the last thing they wanted was to be in a public trial being sued for slandering a high school student / kid. And if they low-balled the kid and walked away with paying pennies on the dollar they would have no problem reporting the kid & his lawyer took 'chump change', proving 'this was just about the money'.

As mentioned by others, proving CNN was at fault would take a good bit of proof...and CNN was so unsure about rolling the dice they wanted this to just go away quietly.

I am sure the other 2 Fake News media had no desire for CNN to make public what it had to pay for the same thing they were being hit with.

After this is all over and he is smart with his money / investments, Sandman probably won't have to work hard a day in his life thanks to the Trump-hating Fake News media.

common sense says you don't say something happened if you can't prove it.

"common sense" drives a shitload of fake news out there you hate. yet when it's YOUR common sense, it's fine and dandy.

got it.
The great thing about 'TRUTH' is that it is owned by NO ONE. The 'truth' is 'the truth'. CNN has been proven once again as being 'Fake News Peddlers', 'Counter-Intelligence Propaganda Pushers'.

Common Sense is defined as 'practical judgment in sound matters'.

Progressive liberal socialist Democrats, their co-conspiring Liberal Media, and snowflakes completely lost their ability to engage in 'practical judgment in sound matters' after Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016. This is just another reminder of that.


has the settlement been made public or are people just assuming millions?

usually they can't talk over the terms of a settlement so wondering if this is FAKE NEWS under the ASSUMPTION that millions were paid out.

may well have been, but verification of details seems to be a lost art all around.

The fact that they settled at all shows they knew they were vulnerable. The real test is if any of the organizations let this go to trial.
yep. figured there would be a settlement. they did this in my mind for attention and NOT news. but asking for $250m doesn't mean they will settle for anywhere NEAR that.

all i am saying is we don't know so ANYONE saying he got millions is simply guessing and part of the "fake news" generation.

I doubt Sandman's side would settle for less than $1M, and I doubt CNN would bow down unless the cost of their defense would be in the millions.

I would say it depends if an "apology" is part of the settlement as well. No Apology, I would say $10M, Apology, Around $1-$2 million.

No details of the settlement have been announced by either side, which tells me that the settlement isn't anything to crow about. I think that the terms should be made public. These suits were initially dismissed as having no basis.

I doubt the kids got much and most of that would go to the lawyers. This is the classic case of the parents making dumb decision and putting their child in bad shape.

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