CNN Sleazebag Exploits Nunberg's Terror

No, you haven't. You simply depend on right wing sources for your information. Also, whether there was an investigation on the Democrats is completely separate on whether there is one about the Russian influence into our election. Why do you insist on making them the same thing?

You really are a brainwashed idiot, bless your heart.

Hillary Clinton committed 'Espionage', 'Criminal Negligence', over 15,000 counts of violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - according to the FBI, she had her maid print our Top Secret documents when she did not have a security clearance, Hillary illegally possessed / stored / handled / shared / and destroyed classified, Obstructed Justice by refusing to comply with a federal subpoena, and illegally destroyed classified information.

This is not OPINION. This is not 'right wing' opinion.
This is straight out of US LAW I have cited and posted in the past, straight out of the Laws themselves. FBI director Comey declared Hillary had broken the law 'but was too stupid to know she was doing it' - YOU know that IGNORANCE of the law is NOT a legal defense for over 15,000 criminal acts!

You want to prove to me that you are an unbiased, non-partisan, objective person, then you admit to me right now that Hillary Clinton broke laws!

I have worked with classified the majority of my life. Millions of others have, too, and when they heard everything Hillary had done but that she was not going to be charged with any of it they - we - were dumbfounded. Hillary SHATTERED laws and was protected from indictment / prosecution.

You have to be a lobotomy survivor NOT to know this.

I have provided evidence. I have challenged YOU to provide evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation - you can't / you haven't.

'Nuff said.

I think your problem is with the Trump Justice Department. Isn't it weird that like none of them agree with you?
...yeah, I thought so.

It's a serious question. I'm not going to debate you the merits of why the Mueller investigation exists. For one you keep throwing Clinton in there as though it;s related. Don't you get tired of your own 'but what about' arguments? Also, we're not going to agree on what has transpired, mostly because your head is caught in a bubble, I'm sure you will disagree.

So, what we can do is look at what the Trump DOJ is doing. Looks to me that even they disagree with you. Sorry, it's true and this is a very decided right leaning group of people leading the department.
You are still on that delusion that everybody else committed crimes except Trump.
NP, dear, I am pointing actual proven FACT and EVIDENCE to you.

As they say, "Put up or shut up." Going on 2 years now snowflakes and witch hunters have zero evidence of criminal collusion between Russia and Trump, have zero evidence any crime was committed regarding Trump and the Russians that warranted an investigation....unless you have actual hard evidence to produce....which even Mueller doesn't have.

Tick, tock, dear......

You have no clue what they have. The FBI was investigating it so they clearly had some suspicious things they were looking at.

The tick tock is the cuckoo clock that you use for a brain.
I am not pre-judging anything. I am willing to wait and see Mueller's final report.
There should BE no report.
There was never any need for an investigation.
There was never any reason for a Special Counsel.
There was never a crime committed warranting an investigation.
There was never any evidence of any crime committed warranting an investigation / Special Counsel.
THAT is what exposes all of this as a 'Witch Hunt'!

There was evidence of Russian collusion before the election. Lots of it. Especially in Trump’s public speeches and statements and tweets by his surrogates.

Once the FBI started investigating suddenly Trump and his staff didn’t even know any Russians. Never met with Russians, and had no contact with Russians. Except for the 100 meetings, phone calls and contacts that they “forgot” to disclose on their security clearance forms.

So just on that basis alone, along with Intel from the Netherlands, Great Britain, and similar propaganda campaigns in Europe, there was a basis for the investigation.

You’re caught. You’re outed. No one believes you. You need to create a new sock puppet. You have no credibility whatsoever troll.

Nunberg has his cover established. Watch him take the plea and roll over on Stone.
Yes there was. The FBI was already investigating Russian interference in our election and was looking at the Trump campaign especially since the Russians clearly wanted Trump to win. The reason for the Special Prosecutor was because Trump fired Comey and later admitted it was because of the Russia investigation. Trump did it to himself.
Nice try...

The FISA warrants were illegally obtained by the FBI's Trump-Hating FBI by using unverified Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign spy working with Russians through a company working for the Russians, a spy who was paid by Hillary Clinton, Obama, and the FB....the information was then used illegally in a US election, as well as illegally to get the FISA Warrants. The FBI said they would never have gone after the warrants without this document obtained, again, from a foreign spy working with Russians. The FISA warrants were also obtained in part from the overheard drunken conversation in a British pub between a self-important unpaid Trump campaign volunteer and an Aussie Rep, who just happened to have donated MILLIONS to the Clinton Foundation (what a coincidence).

AGAIN, there was NEVER any legitimate crime perpetrated warranting any investigation / Special Counsel.
You have a very big OPINION you keep throwing out, but you have no EVIDENCE.
No, you haven't. You simply depend on right wing sources for your information. Also, whether there was an investigation on the Democrats is completely separate on whether there is one about the Russian influence into our election. Why do you insist on making them the same thing?

You really are a brainwashed idiot, bless your heart.

Hillary Clinton committed 'Espionage', 'Criminal Negligence', over 15,000 counts of violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - according to the FBI, she had her maid print our Top Secret documents when she did not have a security clearance, Hillary illegally possessed / stored / handled / shared / and destroyed classified, Obstructed Justice by refusing to comply with a federal subpoena, and illegally destroyed classified information.

This is not OPINION. This is not 'right wing' opinion.
This is straight out of US LAW I have cited and posted in the past, straight out of the Laws themselves. FBI director Comey declared Hillary had broken the law 'but was too stupid to know she was doing it' - YOU know that IGNORANCE of the law is NOT a legal defense for over 15,000 criminal acts!

You want to prove to me that you are an unbiased, non-partisan, objective person, then you admit to me right now that Hillary Clinton broke laws!

I have worked with classified the majority of my life. Millions of others have, too, and when they heard everything Hillary had done but that she was not going to be charged with any of it they - we - were dumbfounded. Hillary SHATTERED laws and was protected from indictment / prosecution.

You have to be a lobotomy survivor NOT to know this.

I have provided evidence. I have challenged YOU to provide evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation - you can't / you haven't.

'Nuff said.

I'm waiting on you, Happy Joy.....prove to me you are not a left-wing reality-denying extremist by admitting Hillary broke laws and should have been indicted. If you can not admit to that, despite the massive mountain of undeniable evidence, we have nothing more to talk about. People who do not accept reality can not be reasoned with / talked to.....

What evidence? You repeating it over and over isn’t evidence.

Evidence of Russian crimes is in Mueller’s indictments. Read them. Read the plea bargains.

I’m still waiting for Hillary’s indictments

yeah...not so much. but sergei does keep spamming the board all day every day with disinformation
I am not pre-judging anything. I am willing to wait and see Mueller's final report.
There should BE no report.
There was never any need for an investigation.
There was never any reason for a Special Counsel.
There was never a crime committed warranting an investigation.
There was never any evidence of any crime committed warranting an investigation / Special Counsel.
THAT is what exposes all of this as a 'Witch Hunt'!

There was evidence of Russian collusion before the election. Lots of it. Especially in Trump’s public speeches and statements and tweets by his surrogates.

Once the FBI started investigating suddenly Trump and his staff didn’t even know any Russians. Never met with Russians, and had no contact with Russians. Except for the 100 meetings, phone calls and contacts that they “forgot” to disclose on their security clearance forms.

So just on that basis alone, along with Intel from the Netherlands, Great Britain, and similar propaganda campaigns in Europe, there was a basis for the investigation.

You’re caught. You’re outed. No one believes you. You need to create a new sock puppet. You have no credibility whatdoever troll.

Nunberg has his cover established. Watch him take the plea and roll over on Stone.
Queasy knows Flynn, Gates and Papadopoulos are singing like birds against Trump. His levels of agitation and panic are mirroring Trump’s because they both know all of his crimes will be revealed and when they are, it won’t be pretty..
There is no doubt that the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from Russians.

1. Please provide the FACTUAL evidence to support this bullshit claim. Tick, tock, dear...

2. There is no doubt HILLARY was willing to accept help from Russians
- She took $145 million from the KGB Bank

- Bill took $500k per speech from the KGB Bank

- Hillary Campaign manager John Podesta took thousands of unreported Russian stocks

- Podesta's company's board of directors consisted of 1/3rd prominent Russians w/connections to Putin

- Podeta's company was working for the Russians

- Tony Podesta worked for the KGB bank & the Russian Intel Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC (& has NOT been thoroughly investigated for working with the enemy that reportedly interfered in the 2016 election?)

GOOD LORD! If anyone in the Trump campaign - -especially Trump himself - had any of these connections to the Russians that Hillary and her campaign team does Trump would have been Impeached by now, and Democrats would have indicted him......but Hillary and her team get a pass. WTF?!

You bat-$hit crazy, butt-hurt, liberal extremist know-slobberers are beyond insane, driven mad by your partisan extremism and Hillary's loss, which you can still not come to grips with.

Tick, tock, Busy...tick, tock.

1. You know it is true. Factual information that Donald Trump Jr accepted a invitation to meet with a Russian who was going to give him dirt on Clinton. Trump Jr and several members of Trump's campaign went to that meeting.

2. There is one problem with your assertion. The Russians helped Trump not Clinton. They hacked and released DNC e-mails. The reason is clear. Clinton was more of a hawk on foreign policy. Trump questioned whether NATO was necessary while Clinton backed it. Since Trump took office, we have seen how he has favored Russia. He has refused to place further sanctions on Russia even as Russia launched a attack on our soldiers in Syria. He has spent none of the $120 million allocated to prevent Russian interference in our election.

You are a narrow minded asshole. I did not vote for Clinton or Trump. Take your butt-hurt liberal shit and shove it.

liberal? :rofl:
There is no doubt that the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from Russians.

1. Please provide the FACTUAL evidence to support this bullshit claim. Tick, tock, dear...

2. There is no doubt HILLARY was willing to accept help from Russians
- She took $145 million from the KGB Bank

- Bill took $500k per speech from the KGB Bank

- Hillary Campaign manager John Podesta took thousands of unreported Russian stocks

- Podesta's company's board of directors consisted of 1/3rd prominent Russians w/connections to Putin

- Podeta's company was working for the Russians

- Tony Podesta worked for the KGB bank & the Russian Intel Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC (& has NOT been thoroughly investigated for working with the enemy that reportedly interfered in the 2016 election?)

GOOD LORD! If anyone in the Trump campaign - -especially Trump himself - had any of these connections to the Russians that Hillary and her campaign team does Trump would have been Impeached by now, and Democrats would have indicted him......but Hillary and her team get a pass. WTF?!

You bat-$hit crazy, butt-hurt, liberal extremist know-slobberers are beyond insane, driven mad by your partisan extremism and Hillary's loss, which you can still not come to grips with.

Tick, tock, Busy...tick, tock.

1. You know it is true. Factual information that Donald Trump Jr accepted a invitation to meet with a Russian who was going to give him dirt on Clinton. Trump Jr and several members of Trump's campaign went to that meeting.

2. There is one problem with your assertion. The Russians helped Trump not Clinton. They hacked and released DNC e-mails. The reason is clear. Clinton was more of a hawk on foreign policy. Trump questioned whether NATO was necessary while Clinton backed it. Since Trump took office, we have seen how he has favored Russia. He has refused to place further sanctions on Russia even as Russia launched a attack on our soldiers in Syria. He has spent none of the $120 million allocated to prevent Russian interference in our election.

You are a narrow minded asshole. I did not vote for Clinton or Trump. Take your butt-hurt liberal shit and shove it.

liberal? :rofl:

Yeah, I think the old Tea Party is considered communist next to Easy.
Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:

CNN did their jobs with strongly questioning Nunberg who contacted THEM to go on Erin Burnett’s show.
Meanwhile over at Fox they wouldn’t even mention the story of the day. So tell me again who was more negligent?
Every day FOX viewers come on this board and demand links to events that are all over the of media because FOX hasn’t mentioned them.

And then when links are posted they call them “fake news”.
That poor man Nunberg was literally wetting his pants. Have we no shame?

When a treasonous sack of shit gets his ass in a sling with the law? No, not really.

It used to be when someone was caught betraying their country, they were taken out and shot. These asshats are getting off lucky.
Tom Horn: Mueller is terrified of anyone with a lawyer.

Tommyboy actually thinks that a man who served as a Marine Corp officer during the Vietnam War and received the Bronze Star Medal with Combat V for heroism and the Purple Heart Medal is going to be “ terrified “ of a lawyer.

What is wrong with you?
No, you haven't. You simply depend on right wing sources for your information. Also, whether there was an investigation on the Democrats is completely separate on whether there is one about the Russian influence into our election. Why do you insist on making them the same thing?

You really are a brainwashed idiot, bless your heart.

Hillary Clinton committed 'Espionage', 'Criminal Negligence', over 15,000 counts of violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - according to the FBI, she had her maid print our Top Secret documents when she did not have a security clearance, Hillary illegally possessed / stored / handled / shared / and destroyed classified, Obstructed Justice by refusing to comply with a federal subpoena, and illegally destroyed classified information.

This is not OPINION. This is not 'right wing' opinion.
This is straight out of US LAW I have cited and posted in the past, straight out of the Laws themselves. FBI director Comey declared Hillary had broken the law 'but was too stupid to know she was doing it' - YOU know that IGNORANCE of the law is NOT a legal defense for over 15,000 criminal acts!

You want to prove to me that you are an unbiased, non-partisan, objective person, then you admit to me right now that Hillary Clinton broke laws!

I have worked with classified the majority of my life. Millions of others have, too, and when they heard everything Hillary had done but that she was not going to be charged with any of it they - we - were dumbfounded. Hillary SHATTERED laws and was protected from indictment / prosecution.

You have to be a lobotomy survivor NOT to know this.

I have provided evidence. I have challenged YOU to provide evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation - you can't / you haven't.

'Nuff said.

Clinton did not commit espionage and whether it rises to criminal negligence is questionable. Comes stated that 110 of the emails were classified. Also Comey did not say that Clinton's maid was asked to print out classified material. That was a report by the NY Post which is part of the conservative media which makes it suspect.

You are nothing but a partisan hack. You throw around big numbers to make your case when you have no clue what you are talking about. According to Comey, Clinton's lawyers went through the e-mails to determine which were personal using headers of the e-mails. Apparently she did make a effort to sort which were government related and which were personal.

She was too casual with classified information however I don't disagree with Comey talking about prosecutorial discretion.
No, you haven't. You simply depend on right wing sources for your information. Also, whether there was an investigation on the Democrats is completely separate on whether there is one about the Russian influence into our election. Why do you insist on making them the same thing?

You really are a brainwashed idiot, bless your heart.

Hillary Clinton committed 'Espionage', 'Criminal Negligence', over 15,000 counts of violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act - according to the FBI, she had her maid print our Top Secret documents when she did not have a security clearance, Hillary illegally possessed / stored / handled / shared / and destroyed classified, Obstructed Justice by refusing to comply with a federal subpoena, and illegally destroyed classified information.

This is not OPINION. This is not 'right wing' opinion.
This is straight out of US LAW I have cited and posted in the past, straight out of the Laws themselves. FBI director Comey declared Hillary had broken the law 'but was too stupid to know she was doing it' - YOU know that IGNORANCE of the law is NOT a legal defense for over 15,000 criminal acts!

You want to prove to me that you are an unbiased, non-partisan, objective person, then you admit to me right now that Hillary Clinton broke laws!

I have worked with classified the majority of my life. Millions of others have, too, and when they heard everything Hillary had done but that she was not going to be charged with any of it they - we - were dumbfounded. Hillary SHATTERED laws and was protected from indictment / prosecution.

You have to be a lobotomy survivor NOT to know this.

I have provided evidence. I have challenged YOU to provide evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation - you can't / you haven't.

'Nuff said.

Clinton did not commit espionage and whether it rises to criminal negligence is questionable. Comes stated that 110 of the emails were classified. Also Comey did not say that Clinton's maid was asked to print out classified material. That was a report by the NY Post which is part of the conservative media which makes it suspect.

You are nothing but a partisan hack. You throw around big numbers to make your case when you have no clue what you are talking about. According to Comey, Clinton's lawyers went through the e-mails to determine which were personal using headers of the e-mails. Apparently she did make a effort to sort which were government related and which were personal.

She was too casual with classified information however I don't disagree with Comey talking about prosecutorial discretion.

He can't hear you,
Nunbergs terror ?

that was whiskey freakin' !

that fat ugly pig Huckabooboo drove him to nursing the brown bottle ....

Yes there was. The FBI was already investigating Russian interference in our election and was looking at the Trump campaign especially since the Russians clearly wanted Trump to win. The reason for the Special Prosecutor was because Trump fired Comey and later admitted it was because of the Russia investigation. Trump did it to himself.
Nice try...

The FISA warrants were illegally obtained by the FBI's Trump-Hating FBI by using unverified Russia-generated propaganda from a foreign spy working with Russians through a company working for the Russians, a spy who was paid by Hillary Clinton, Obama, and the FB....the information was then used illegally in a US election, as well as illegally to get the FISA Warrants. The FBI said they would never have gone after the warrants without this document obtained, again, from a foreign spy working with Russians. The FISA warrants were also obtained in part from the overheard drunken conversation in a British pub between a self-important unpaid Trump campaign volunteer and an Aussie Rep, who just happened to have donated MILLIONS to the Clinton Foundation (what a coincidence).

AGAIN, there was NEVER any legitimate crime perpetrated warranting any investigation / Special Counsel.
You have a very big OPINION you keep throwing out, but you have no EVIDENCE.

The fact is that you don't know. Nunes has already had to backtrack and admit the political nature of the dossier was disclosed. Comey said the dossier had parts that were verified as he testified to Congress. Also the Democrat memo states that there facts that were independent of the dossier. Without the source information being released, there is no evidence the FISA warrant was illegally obtained until you see the underlying information. It was not used illegally in the election. He was a British spy who had sources of information within Russia.

You keep telling yourself that as that seems to be the only way to make you happy.
You have a very big OPINION you keep throwing out but you have no EVIDENCE!!
Nunbergs terror ?

that was whiskey freakin' !

that fat ugly pig Huckabooboo drove him to nursing the brown bottle ....


ok, ok - I take that back he hadn't been drinking ..

In the latest interview on CNN's 'OutFront', Burnett told Nunberg she smelled alcohol on his breath during their exchange.

After he denied this, she asked: 'No, you haven't had a drink today?'

He replied: 'I haven't had a drink' and insisted he'd only taken antidepressants.


That poor man Nunberg was literally wetting his pants. Have we no shame?

When a treasonous sack of shit gets his ass in a sling with the law? No, not really.

It used to be when someone was caught betraying their country, they were taken out and shot. These asshats are getting off lucky.
Seriously, I felt a bit sorry for the dumb schmuck until I read some of the comments he's made on Obama.

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