CNN Sleazebag Exploits Nunberg's Terror

Nunberg IS a lawyer so he knew exactly what he was doing and saying. He was calling news programs and dropping in at Washington Post and CNN seeking his 15 minuted of fame.

Last but not least, by last night he was saying he would cooperate. He also said that Trump is likely guilty.

Just one more bizarre day in Trumpland.

He's probably an ambulance-chaser dealing with claims adjusters and now the fucking FBI is after's on Mueller if he jumps off a bridge.
You’re a liar and a fraud.
You’re a deplorable.
Same thing.
Your links are Info Wars, Breitbart, the Moonie Times, the Daily Caller, and various alt-right blogs. Fake news sites all.

You are a LIAR, which you have proven many times before. Thank you for demonstrating, again, you have zero credibility and will resort to lying your ass of when you are getting whipped in honest debate.

No reason to do anything but to ignore you further....

Why Snowflake, are your feelings hurt? Do you need a safe space?

The first Rule of Troll Club:

When trapped and cornered, accuse your opponent of the very thing that you’re doing.

When trapped and cornered, the dingle berries become incoherent.
No matter how hard Queasy stamps his feet and huffs and puffs Hillary Clinton will NOT be going to jail but his criminal president and his many of his staff just might..
Less than a year, Easy. There is no report, yet, of evidence. But it is coming.
There have been multiple investigations spanning more than a year.

There have been MANY Reports and actual evidence provided - unfortunately for Democrats, all of it has exposed crimes committed by DEMOCRATS, like Hillary.

ANOTHER report IS coming - the IG announced it will release its latest report soon, this one on former RBI Assistant Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe exposing how he mislead / lied about his authorization for a leak of information...

Democrats / Mueller STILL can not provide the 1st shred of evidence proving there was ever any crime committed warranting an investigation let alone a Special Counsel appointment.

The vast majority of Americans are TIRED of the liberal inability to accept the outcome of the last Presidential election, have had enough of the repeated BULLSHIT claim of, "it's coming..." when everyone knows they have NOTHING - no evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation and no evidence of a crime perpetrated by Trump involving collusion with Russians to warrant an investigation being started.

Based on those things it is clear this is, as it always has been, a fishing expedition to try to find something - anything - on Trump.

And in all this time the Democrats have been trying so desperately to find any evidence of crimes committed by TRUMP they have continued to ignore the UNDENIABLE MOUNTAID OF EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTS PERPETRATED BY DEMOCRATS, to include Hillary, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Koskinen, Rice, Power, and even Obama himself.... They should all have been indicted by now and facing criminal charges. The fact that they have not been perp-walked yet but their crimes have instead been ignored is further evidence that Democrats could give a rat's ass about crimes actually committed or bring those who have committed crimes to's all about taking down Trump for daring to beat Hillary.

ZERO EVIDENCE of a crime ever being committed warranting an investigation, and ZERO EVIDENCE of crimes committed by the President; yet, Democrats continue to carry out Putin's PsyOps program of trying to further divide this country through this witch hunt that has - AGAIN - generated NO EVIDENCE of a crime committed warranting an investigation!

You are still on that delusion that everybody else committed crimes except Trump. The list of charges against Manafort is pretty impressive. There is no undeniable list of criminal acts committed by Democrats. You would be right at home in a banana republic dictatorship where people who disagree with you are jailed.

The Russians have helped Trump and Trump has responded in kind. Russians hacked DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to release it. Since the election, Trump has refused to place further sanctions on Russia despite the fact that Russia launched a attack on our troops in Syria. Trump has refused to spend the $120 million that was allocated to stop Russian interference in our elections. Russian bots used the hashtag #releasethememe and #schumershutdown. Clearly they were helping Republicans.
Well there is that Don Jr. meeting.
You mean between Jr and Vlad's top lawyer - who was banned from entering the US by Obama's own Dept of immigration until Barry give her a special Visa to enter the US, the same lawyer that met with Hillary's team and several other politicians while in the US?

Please provide evidence any crime was committed.

How about Trump asking Russia to hack into our emails?
Are you really THAT stupid? During a debate Trump declared he WISHED the Russians hacked Hillary's e-mail to get all of the thousands of e-mails and documents she illegally hid, deleted, and destroyed, as it was evident the Obama administration and FBI was not going to get and produce them since they were covering her ass.

The DNC refused to hand over the server for inspection, so there was no definitive proof the Russians hacked their server. There IS hard evidence to show that DNC Chairwoman gave Pakistani spies not only access to every DNC members' email but also gave them usernames and passwords. After the scandal blew up and DWS was fired she was immediately hired by Hillary Clinton..... Hmmmm

But again please post actual evidence that Trump and the Russians colluded in perpetrating a hacking of the DNC's e-mails. If you have any Mueller would really like to have it because he doesn't even have any....

There are a few dubious financial dealings with the Russians.

Bwuhahaha.......Hillary Clinton taking $145 million from the KGB Bank, Bill taking $500K a speech from the KGB Bano, Hillary giving a foreign spy working with Russians $12 million for a report filled with Russian propaganda which she illegally used in a US election...and the best you got is, "There are a few dubious financial dealings with the Russians." agreed - BETWEEN THE RUSSIANS AND THE CLINTONS! :p
Well there is that Don Jr. meeting.
You mean between Jr and Vlad's top lawyer - who was banned from entering the US by Obama's own Dept of immigration until Barry give her a special Visa to enter the US, the same lawyer that met with Hillary's team and several other politicians while in the US?

Please provide evidence any crime was committed.

How about Trump asking Russia to hack into our emails?
Are you really THAT stupid? During a debate Trump declared he WISHED the Russians hacked Hillary's e-mail to get all of the thousands of e-mails and documents she illegally hid, deleted, and destroyed, as it was evident the Obama administration and FBI was not going to get and produce them since they were covering her ass.

The DNC refused to hand over the server for inspection, so there was no definitive proof the Russians hacked their server. There IS hard evidence to show that DNC Chairwoman gave Pakistani spies not only access to every DNC members' email but also gave them usernames and passwords. After the scandal blew up and DWS was fired she was immediately hired by Hillary Clinton..... Hmmmm

But again please post actual evidence that Trump and the Russians colluded in perpetrating a hacking of the DNC's e-mails. If you have any Mueller would really like to have it because he doesn't even have any....

There are a few dubious financial dealings with the Russians.

Bwuhahaha.......Hillary Clinton taking $145 million from the KGB Bank, Bill taking $500K a speech from the KGB Bano, Hillary giving a foreign spy working with Russians $12 million for a report filled with Russian propaganda which she illegally used in a US election...and the best you got is, "There are a few dubious financial dealings with the Russians." agreed - BETWEEN THE RUSSIANS AND THE CLINTONS! :p

In all of that, you failed to demonstrate that there isn't enough evidence not to investigate. The Russians hacked, we're investigation how much and did they have any help.
You are still on that delusion that everybody else committed crimes except Trump.
NP, dear, I am pointing actual proven FACT and EVIDENCE to you.

As they say, "Put up or shut up." Going on 2 years now snowflakes and witch hunters have zero evidence of criminal collusion between Russia and Trump, have zero evidence any crime was committed regarding Trump and the Russians that warranted an investigation....unless you have actual hard evidence to produce....which even Mueller doesn't have.

Tick, tock, dear......
You are still on that delusion that everybody else committed crimes except Trump.
NP, dear, I am pointing actual proven FACT and EVIDENCE to you.

As they say, "Put up or shut up." Going on 2 years now snowflakes and witch hunters have zero evidence of criminal collusion between Russia and Trump, have zero evidence any crime was committed regarding Trump and the Russians that warranted an investigation....unless you have actual hard evidence to produce....which even Mueller doesn't have.

Tick, tock, dear......

I see, you want a conviction before an investigation.
In all of that, you failed to demonstrate that there isn't enough evidence not to investigate.
On;y in the twisted mind of a desperate, butt-hurt, hate-driven liberal extremist snowflake.

I have pointed out the existing EVIDENCE already produced exposing Democrat crimes...and the fact that there was NEVER any evidence of a crime perpetrated warranting an investigation and Special Counsel.

Nice attempt to TWIST, but you continue to fail in producing any evidence that justifies the launching of this witch hunt or any evidence / justification for it continuing.

The charge was to investigate 'Russian Collusion' - there is / was none...on Trump's behalf.
You have only given us ramblings from other crazies. You piss off!!
And you have not given us any evidence to show a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation going on 2 years now.

Here's your chance.....the world, Democrats, and especially Mueller is waiting eagerly to see any. Go for it....

Tick, tock....

I am not pre-judging anything. I am willing to wait and see Mueller's final report. You are the one doing the pre-judging. What is fact is not good. That Trump Jr and members of the campaign went to a Russian to get what they thought was dirt on Clinton. If not illegal, it is clearly unethical. Also Trump's refusal to hold Russians accountable is wrong. That is why Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of Trump's Russia policy. While Trump has been soft on Russia, he is preparing to start a trade war with our allies.
Erin Burnett did a REALLY good job of handling him. It isn't "analyzing" him, it's "deescalating" him.

Translation: "Erin is a fellow(?) traveler.....CNN is the cat's pajamas you FASCIST!"
You're sounding a bit like Nunberg now.

You going to report me....AGAIN? (don't bother denying it)
Pretty sure I never have. I've been getting posts taken down too. Just a phase of overactivity by the mods, I think.
Just like the lying pile of dog excrement in the whitehouse, whiny little B*TCH right winger, tea baggers.
Poor little white collar sissy. Pissing his pants and you are right with him.

Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:

I see, you want a conviction before an investigation.
On the contrary, snowflake, I want evidence of a crime that justifies an investigation...which has never been produced yet by Democrats / snowflakes.

What has been going on equates to you and I being neighbors, and one day you knock on my door informing me that I am under investigation for 'colluding' with Russians simply because you hate my guts and your candidate - who should be in jail right now - lost the election....ZERO crime committed, ERO evidence of a crime committed, yet I am still under investigation.

You do realize that the police can knock on my door, bring me / you in to the station, and keep me / you there for 24 hours without charging me / you with a crime....after which time they must let me / you go, right?

It is going on 2 years now, and the Democrats are still 'holding' Trump, conducting this witch hunt investigation, and they still have ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence a crime was ever committed, and ZERO charges to file against Trump.

..and they will keep mid-term election PR stunt/attack/witch hunt going until after the elections....
Well there is that Don Jr. meeting. How about Trump asking Russia to hack into our emails? There are a few dubious financial dealings with the Russians. A Trump surrogate who knew when Wikileaks was going to data dump and tweeted about it just before it happened. We now have a president who even though it's established that Russia tried to manipulate our elections has not done anything to secure future elections or even attempt to hold Russia accountable.

There is more than enough evidence for an investigation.

......and, if I may add

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...
Just like the lying pile of dog excrement in the whitehouse, whiny little B*TCH right winger, tea baggers.
Poor little white collar sissy. Pissing his pants and you are right with him.
Wow...such vile hatred from the Left on display.... thank you for proving every point I have made so far....
In all of that, you failed to demonstrate that there isn't enough evidence not to investigate.
On;y in the twisted mind of a desperate, butt-hurt, hate-driven liberal extremist snowflake.

I guess that includes most Americans then.

I have pointed out the existing EVIDENCE already produced exposing Democrat crimes...and the fact that there was NEVER any evidence of a crime perpetrated warranting an investigation and Special Counsel.

No, you haven't. You simply depend on right wing sources for your information. Also, whether there was an investigation on the Democrats is completely separate on whether there is one about the Russian influence into our election. Why do you insist on making them the same thing?

Nice attempt to TWIST, but you continue to fail in producing any evidence that justifies the launching of this witch hunt or any evidence / justification for it continuing.

The charge was to investigate 'Russian Collusion' - there is / was none...on Trump's behalf.

Sorry, enough evidence for the investigation has been established and by Republicans. There very well may be no collusion between Trump himself and the Russians, there is only one way to find out.
I am not pre-judging anything. I am willing to wait and see Mueller's final report.
There should BE no report.
There was never any need for an investigation.
There was never any reason for a Special Counsel.
There was never a crime committed warranting an investigation.
There was never any evidence of any crime committed warranting an investigation / Special Counsel.
THAT is what exposes all of this as a 'Witch Hunt'!
Well there is that Don Jr. meeting. How about Trump asking Russia to hack into our emails? There are a few dubious financial dealings with the Russians. A Trump surrogate who knew when Wikileaks was going to data dump and tweeted about it just before it happened. We now have a president who even though it's established that Russia tried to manipulate our elections has not done anything to secure future elections or even attempt to hold Russia accountable.

There is more than enough evidence for an investigation.

......and, if I may add

Trump denies business dealings with Russia - The Washington Post
Jan 11, 2017


Eric trump once said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO

Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy. “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...

Thanks! I just went with a couple things off the top of my head. But yeah, there is enough info out there to demonstrate a link between the Trump's and Russian money to warrant an investigation.
You are such a idiot. Mueller is doing a thorough job and you can't stand it hence the need to attack Mueller. There is no evidence he is targeting anyone.

Mueller was appointed special counsel to investigate Russian Collusion and Obstruction. Going on 2 years now he has failed to present one shred of evidence any crime involving either ever occurred warranting an investigation. His only indictments so far have been 'Scooter Libby's who have nothing to do with either.

ZERO evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation.
ZERO evidence of crimes committed by the President...
--- BTW, tick, tock...BB. Where's your evidence?

Evidence has been presented proving crimes perpetrated by Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Rice, Power, Brennan, Clapper, Koskinen, and even Obama himself.

Either Mueller is not looking for 'CRIMES' or he is demonstrating he is specifically targeting Trump and any one associated with him.

You complete the investigation before you prosecute and you certainly do not make it public. No one knows what he has. His investigation is following a logical path. You follow the money. His indictments have been logical as well. Watergate started with simple burglary so where this goes no one knows.

There is no evidence of crimes perpetrated by Democrats. I'll bet you see that in your dreams.
Just like the lying pile of dog excrement in the whitehouse, whiny little B*TCH right winger, tea baggers.
Poor little white collar sissy. Pissing his pants and you are right with him.
Wow...such vile hatred from the Left on display.... thank you for proving every point I have made so far....

Looked more like disgust to me and rightfully so, Prudence.

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