CNN Sleazebag Exploits Nunberg's Terror

Was Nunberg FORCED to appear on CNN under locks and chains.....or did this moron agree to be interviewed for his own possible gain?

He contacted all the news agencies yesterday and asked to come on their shows and be interviewed, the boy OP has it wrong again.
Flynn selling house to pay legal bills in Trump probe - Hot Air

"Flynn’s 13-year-old, three-bedroom townhouse in Old Town Alexandria outside Washington, which he bought three years ago, was listed for sale in December with an asking price of $895,000 — money he will use to pay his high legal defense debts, his brother Joe Flynn said Monday."

Flynn is an unfortunate 'Scooter Libby' caught up in the Liberal extremist Witch Hunt and is now losing his house because of it.

Yes, he may have lied to the FBI...about something not even illegal, but the point remains he would never have been questioned had the Democrats not started up the witch hunt that was based on NO CRIME PERPETRATED warranting an investigation.

Comparatively, the IG is on the cusp of releasing a report exposing how Deputy Director McCabe of the FBI perjured himself about his authorization for leaking classified / information to the press....and he (like Abedin and mills), unlike Flynn, is not expected to receive any punishment, not expected to be indicted for HIS crime.
Flynn selling house to pay legal bills in Trump probe - Hot Air

"Flynn’s 13-year-old, three-bedroom townhouse in Old Town Alexandria outside Washington, which he bought three years ago, was listed for sale in December with an asking price of $895,000 — money he will use to pay his high legal defense debts, his brother Joe Flynn said Monday."

Flynn is an unfortunate 'Scooter Libby' caught up in the Liberal extremist Witch Hunt and is now losing his house because of it.

Yes, he may have lied to the FBI...about something not even illegal, but the point remains he would never have been questioned had the Democrats not started up the witch hunt that was based on NO CRIME PERPETRATED warranting an investigation.

Comparatively, the IG is on the cusp of releasing a report exposing how Deputy Director McCabe of the FBI perjured himself about his authorization for leaking classified / information to the press....and he (like Abedin and mills), unlike Flynn, is not expected to receive any punishment, not expected to be indicted for HIS crime.

It was a Republican who 'started up the witch hunt'.
Nunberg IS a lawyer so he knew exactly what he was doing and saying. He was calling news programs and dropping in at Washington Post and CNN seeking his 15 minuted of fame.

Last but not least, by last night he was saying he would cooperate. He also said that Trump is likely guilty.

Just one more bizarre day in Trumpland.

He's probably an ambulance-chaser dealing with claims adjusters and now the fucking FBI is after's on Mueller if he jumps off a bridge.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Nunberg willingly worked with Stone and Trump.

Mueller has no responsibility for anything Nunberg does. Sam chose to work with these criminals. There are consequences when you commit criminal acts.
The problem is Rosenstein has already jailed people who never 'did the crime' in the past...and instead of going to jail for making up false charges and crimes he only got a harsh scolding from the judge.

You’re back! I guess even Russian troll farmer workers get vacations.

But Nunberg said Mueller offered him immunity. So he could have made a deal. He’s more afraid of Roger Stone than jail. That’s pretty telling, wouldn’t you agree? pathetic. I thought after all this time you would have given up the 'Russian Collusion' BS narrative, as everyone else has, due to the fact that going on 2 years now Mueller / snowflakes still can't even provide evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

Poor dear, trapped in the past, her own ignorance, and partisan butt-hurt delusion......


There is no doubt that the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from Russians. Donald Trump Jr proved that when he and others met with a Russian to get dirt on Clinton, Also interesting to know how Roger Stone knew that WikiLeaks would release Podesta's emails before they actually did.

You are the one who is trapped in a delusion. There is no evidence that Mueller has it in for Trump yet you persist in that delusion.
Flynn selling house to pay legal bills in Trump probe - Hot Air

"Flynn’s 13-year-old, three-bedroom townhouse in Old Town Alexandria outside Washington, which he bought three years ago, was listed for sale in December with an asking price of $895,000 — money he will use to pay his high legal defense debts, his brother Joe Flynn said Monday."

Flynn is an unfortunate 'Scooter Libby' caught up in the Liberal extremist Witch Hunt and is now losing his house because of it.

Yes, he may have lied to the FBI...about something not even illegal, but the point remains he would never have been questioned had the Democrats not started up the witch hunt that was based on NO CRIME PERPETRATED warranting an investigation.

Comparatively, the IG is on the cusp of releasing a report exposing how Deputy Director McCabe of the FBI perjured himself about his authorization for leaking classified / information to the press....and he (like Abedin and mills), unlike Flynn, is not expected to receive any punishment, not expected to be indicted for HIS crime.

It was a Republican who 'started up the witch hunt'.
There is no evidence of any crime warranting this investigation or a Special Counsel.....except for the proven crimes and evidence of crimes committed by Democrats for which there should be a special counsel, indictments, and charges.
I think it was staged. I think he’s scared shitless of Roger Stone and he knows he’s going to have to roll over on him. This way he can claim “They made me do it”.

Stone used to be Manafort’s business partner. Both of them are involved with some really scary people.

Podesta is "scary"? :21:

The Podesta Group was one of six lobbying firms that participated in a 2012–2014 public relations campaign organized by former Donald Trump presidential campaign chairman Paul Manafort on behalf of the ECMU and Ukraine's pro-Russian Party of Regions; the campaign was reportedly designed with the stated goal of improving Ukraine's standing among Western audiences as a possible prelude to Ukrainian membership in the European Union. A Podesta Group spokesman denied any wrongdoing.[14] On October 30, 2017, a federal grand jury unsealed the indictment of Manafort and his deputy Richard Gates. According to NBC News, the Podesta Group is mentioned in the indictment as one of the companies that lobbied on behalf of the Ukrainian government for Manafort and Gates. On that day, Tony Podesta stepped down as head of the Podesta Group.[15]

The Podesta Group also represented (as of 2016) the interests of Russia's largest financial institution, Sberbank of Russia, which controls approximately 30 percent of Russian banking assets.[16]
He's probably an ambulance-chaser dealing with claims adjusters and now the fucking FBI is after's on Mueller if he jumps off a bridge.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Nunberg willingly worked with Stone and Trump.

Mueller has no responsibility for anything Nunberg does. Sam chose to work with these criminals. There are consequences when you commit criminal acts.
The problem is Rosenstein has already jailed people who never 'did the crime' in the past...and instead of going to jail for making up false charges and crimes he only got a harsh scolding from the judge.

You’re back! I guess even Russian troll farmer workers get vacations.

But Nunberg said Mueller offered him immunity. So he could have made a deal. He’s more afraid of Roger Stone than jail. That’s pretty telling, wouldn’t you agree? pathetic. I thought after all this time you would have given up the 'Russian Collusion' BS narrative, as everyone else has, due to the fact that going on 2 years now Mueller / snowflakes still can't even provide evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

Poor dear, trapped in the past, her own ignorance, and partisan butt-hurt delusion......


There is no doubt that the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from Russians. Donald Trump Jr proved that when he and others met with a Russian to get dirt on Clinton, Also interesting to know how Roger Stone knew that WikiLeaks would release Podesta's emails before they actually did.

You are the one who is trapped in a delusion. There is no evidence that Mueller has it in for Trump yet you persist in that delusion.


Rosenstein and Mueller Running for Cover Leaving Brennan Exposed
By Paul Craig Roberts

Now the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein confirms what I told you in my previous post. Mueller found no evidence that Russia had any impact on the outcome of the 2016 election.

So what was Russiagate all about?

It was exactly, precisely what I told you it was about from the very begining. It was a conspiracy orchestrated by the military/security complex, CIA, FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Democratic National Committed against Donald Trump.

Trump’s emphasis during his presidential campaign on normalizing relations with Russia, which the neocon Obama regime had turned into “America’s most dangerous enemy,” was a threat to the power and budgets of the military/security complex. Without a demonized enemy, what is the justification for a 1,000 billion annual budget and the laws passed in the 21st century that completely destroy the protections provided by the US Constitution?

Flynn selling house to pay legal bills in Trump probe - Hot Air

"Flynn’s 13-year-old, three-bedroom townhouse in Old Town Alexandria outside Washington, which he bought three years ago, was listed for sale in December with an asking price of $895,000 — money he will use to pay his high legal defense debts, his brother Joe Flynn said Monday."

Flynn is an unfortunate 'Scooter Libby' caught up in the Liberal extremist Witch Hunt and is now losing his house because of it.

Yes, he may have lied to the FBI...about something not even illegal, but the point remains he would never have been questioned had the Democrats not started up the witch hunt that was based on NO CRIME PERPETRATED warranting an investigation.

Comparatively, the IG is on the cusp of releasing a report exposing how Deputy Director McCabe of the FBI perjured himself about his authorization for leaking classified / information to the press....and he (like Abedin and mills), unlike Flynn, is not expected to receive any punishment, not expected to be indicted for HIS crime.

It was a Republican who 'started up the witch hunt'.
There is no evidence of any crime warranting this investigation or a Special Counsel.....except for the proven crimes and evidence of crimes committed by Democrats for which there should be a special counsel, indictments, and charges.

There is quite a bit of 'evidence' demonstrating that an investigation is warranted. Starting with the fact that Russia attempted to influence our election and there were multiple contacts between Russians and the Trump campaign. A Republican got the whole special counsel thing rolling in the first place and it's in Republican hands if they want to investigate the Democrats. I don't think there is anything worth investigating, but hey, it's not up to me.
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'Blood in the Water' ... Abject Fear

This is Rosenstein's and Mueller's 'MO'...their recorded history - bully, intimidating, even withholding evidence that would keep innocent people out of jail and creating false crimes and fake evidence to send other innocent people to jail. And this is 'A1'' TV for the POS liberal media like the King of Fake News / Liberal Propaganda, CNN.

Mueller doesn't give a d@mn about this guy. They are desperate to come up with anything on the President...because going on 2 years now they can't even produce evidence to show there was a crime committed that warranted an investigation let alone a Special Counsel.

As mentioned, Rosenstein and Mueller have not hesitated in the past to destroy the lives of innocent people, and they won't hesitate to do so now.

What innocent people have Mueller destroyed. and how?
We've had this same conversation, and I have provided you with the links to answer your same question numerous times. you then wait a while then ask the same question when it comes up again. Look it up, do your own research, write it down.... You get no more 'repeats' or 'freebies'. If you are too stupid to remember or too lazy to look up the facts on your own that's your problem.

Your links are Info Wars, Breitbart, the Moonie Times, the Daily Caller, and various alt-right blogs. Fake news sites all.

You’re the guy who says that Trump isn’t a criminal because he’s never been charged or convicted when in fact he has been charged and settled various criminal law suits, paid various fines, and is currently under investigation for skimming St. Jude’s donations, running an illegal charity and the Mueller Investigation.

But Hillary who had never been charged, indicted, convicted or fined, is guilty as hell.

Hypocrisy your name is easy65, Russian troll extraordinaire. 37,000 posts in 2 1/2 years. 41 posts a day 365 days a year. Putin must be so proud.
There is no doubt that the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from Russians.

1. Please provide the FACTUAL evidence to support this bullshit claim. Tick, tock, dear...

2. There is no doubt HILLARY was willing to accept help from Russians
- She took $145 million from the KGB Bank

- Bill took $500k per speech from the KGB Bank

- Hillary Campaign manager John Podesta took thousands of unreported Russian stocks

- Podesta's company's board of directors consisted of 1/3rd prominent Russians w/connections to Putin

- Podeta's company was working for the Russians

- Tony Podesta worked for the KGB bank & the Russian Intel Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC (& has NOT been thoroughly investigated for working with the enemy that reportedly interfered in the 2016 election?)

GOOD LORD! If anyone in the Trump campaign - -especially Trump himself - had any of these connections to the Russians that Hillary and her campaign team does Trump would have been Impeached by now, and Democrats would have indicted him......but Hillary and her team get a pass. WTF?!

You bat-$hit crazy, butt-hurt, liberal extremist know-slobberers are beyond insane, driven mad by your partisan extremism and Hillary's loss, which you can still not come to grips with.

Tick, tock, Busy...tick, tock.
There is quite a bit of 'evidence' demonstrating that an investigation is warranted. Starting with the fact that Russia attempted to influence our election and there were multiple contacts between Russians and the Trump campaign..

Please provide evidence to back up your BS.
- ZERO evidence of 'Collusion' (which is not even a crime)
- ZERO evidence of any illegal contact between the Trump team and Russians. Obama himself said that teams contact foreign reps before an election to make transitions after the elction go faster and smoother. Obama did it. Hillary did it.


A Republican got the whole special counsel thing rolling in the first place...

There was never any evidence of a crime warranting an investigation...never has been, still isn't.

There is no evidence of crimes committed by Trump associates regarding 'Collusion' or 'Interference'.

There is vast amounts of evidence of Democrat crimes being ignored by the Special Counsel who is demonstrating the only crimes he is interested in are those committed by Trump or his team.
Your links are Info Wars, Breitbart, the Moonie Times, the Daily Caller, and various alt-right blogs. Fake news sites all.

You are a LIAR, which you have proven many times before. Thank you for demonstrating, again, you have zero credibility and will resort to lying your ass of when you are getting whipped in honest debate.

No reason to do anything but to ignore you further....
There is no doubt that the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from Russians.

1. Please provide the FACTUAL evidence to support this bullshit claim. Tick, tock, dear...

2. There is no doubt HILLARY was willing to accept help from Russians
- She took $145 million from the KGB Bank

- Bill took $500k per speech from the KGB Bank

- Hillary Campaign manager John Podesta took thousands of unreported Russian stocks

- Podesta's company's board of directors consisted of 1/3rd prominent Russians w/connections to Putin

- Podeta's company was working for the Russians

- Tony Podesta worked for the KGB bank & the Russian Intel Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC (& has NOT been thoroughly investigated for working with the enemy that reportedly interfered in the 2016 election?)

GOOD LORD! If anyone in the Trump campaign - -especially Trump himself - had any of these connections to the Russians that Hillary and her campaign team does Trump would have been Impeached by now, and Democrats would have indicted him......but Hillary and her team get a pass. WTF?!

You bat-$hit crazy, butt-hurt, liberal extremist know-slobberers are beyond insane, driven mad by your partisan extremism and Hillary's loss, which you can still not come to grips with.

Tick, tock, Busy...tick, tock.

You go first. No alt right sources, or conspiracy theory websites allowed.

Post copies of court records, Congressional investigations, and and reports. Hard proof only.
There is quite a bit of 'evidence' demonstrating that an investigation is warranted. Starting with the fact that Russia attempted to influence our election and there were multiple contacts between Russians and the Trump campaign..

Please provide evidence to back up your BS.
- ZERO evidence of 'Collusion' (which is not even a crime)
- ZERO evidence of any illegal contact between the Trump team and Russians. Obama himself said that teams contact foreign reps before an election to make transitions after the elction go faster and smoother. Obama did it. Hillary did it.


Well there is that Don Jr. meeting. How about Trump asking Russia to hack into our emails? There are a few dubious financial dealings with the Russians. A Trump surrogate who knew when Wikileaks was going to data dump and tweeted about it just before it happened. We now have a president who even though it's established that Russia tried to manipulate our elections has not done anything to secure future elections or even attempt to hold Russia accountable.

There is more than enough evidence for an investigation.
Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:

Your fucking propaganda news network Fox didn’t even cover this major story you stupid piece of shit.
They were totally focused on........
The tv ratings of the Oscars.
This is why you dumb mfers don’t know shit.
Your links are Info Wars, Breitbart, the Moonie Times, the Daily Caller, and various alt-right blogs. Fake news sites all.

You are a LIAR, which you have proven many times before. Thank you for demonstrating, again, you have zero credibility and will resort to lying your ass of when you are getting whipped in honest debate.

No reason to do anything but to ignore you further....

Why Snowflake, are your feelings hurt? Do you need a safe space?

The first Rule of Troll Club:

When trapped and cornered, accuse your opponent of the very thing that you’re doing.

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