CNN Sleazebag Exploits Nunberg's Terror

Nunberg IS a lawyer so he knew exactly what he was doing and saying. He was calling news programs and dropping in at Washington Post and CNN seeking his 15 minuted of fame.

Last but not least, by last night he was saying he would cooperate. He also said that Trump is likely guilty.

Just one more bizarre day in Trumpland.

He's probably an ambulance-chaser dealing with claims adjusters and now the fucking FBI is after's on Mueller if he jumps off a bridge.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Nunberg willingly worked with Stone and Trump.

Mueller has no responsibility for anything Nunberg does. Sam chose to work with these criminals. There are consequences when you commit criminal acts.
The problem is Rosenstein has already jailed people who never 'did the crime' in the past...and instead of going to jail for making up false charges and crimes he only got a harsh scolding from the judge.

You’re back! I guess even Russian troll farmer workers get vacations.

But Nunberg said Mueller offered him immunity. So he could have made a deal. He’s more afraid of Roger Stone than jail. That’s pretty telling, wouldn’t you agree?
Nunberg IS a lawyer so he knew exactly what he was doing and saying. He was calling news programs and dropping in at Washington Post and CNN seeking his 15 minuted of fame.

Last but not least, by last night he was saying he would cooperate. He also said that Trump is likely guilty.

Just one more bizarre day in Trumpland.

He's probably an ambulance-chaser dealing with claims adjusters and now the fucking FBI is after's on Mueller if he jumps off a bridge.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Nunberg willingly worked with Stone and Trump.

Mueller has no responsibility for anything Nunberg does. Sam chose to work with these criminals. There are consequences when you commit criminal acts.
The problem is Rosenstein has already jailed people who never 'did the crime' in the past...and instead of going to jail for making up false charges and crimes he only got a harsh scolding from the judge.

You’re back! I guess even Russian troll farmer workers get vacations.

But Nunberg said Mueller offered him immunity. So he could have made a deal. He’s more afraid of Roger Stone than jail. That’s pretty telling, wouldn’t you agree? pathetic. I thought after all this time you would have given up the 'Russian Collusion' BS narrative, as everyone else has, due to the fact that going on 2 years now Mueller / snowflakes still can't even provide evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

Poor dear, trapped in the past, her own ignorance, and partisan butt-hurt delusion......

Nunberg IS a lawyer so he knew exactly what he was doing and saying. He was calling news programs and dropping in at Washington Post and CNN seeking his 15 minuted of fame.

Last but not least, by last night he was saying he would cooperate. He also said that Trump is likely guilty.

Just one more bizarre day in Trumpland.

He's probably an ambulance-chaser dealing with claims adjusters and now the fucking FBI is after's on Mueller if he jumps off a bridge.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Nunberg willingly worked with Stone and Trump.

Mueller has no responsibility for anything Nunberg does. Sam chose to work with these criminals. There are consequences when you commit criminal acts.
The problem is Rosenstein has already jailed people who never 'did the crime' in the past...and instead of going to jail for making up false charges and crimes he only got a harsh scolding from the judge.

You’re back! I guess even Russian troll farmer workers get vacations.

But Nunberg said Mueller offered him immunity. So he could have made a deal. He’s more afraid of Roger Stone than jail. That’s pretty telling, wouldn’t you agree? pathetic. I thought after all this time you would have given up the 'Russian Collusion' BS narrative, as everyone else has, due to the fact that going on 2 years now Mueller / snowflakes still can't even provide evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

Poor dear, trapped in the past, her own ignorance, and partisan butt-hurt delusion......

Less than a year, Easy. There is no report, yet, of evidence. But it is coming.
Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:


Nunberg IS a lawyer so he knew exactly what he was doing and saying. He was calling news programs and dropping in at Washington Post and CNN seeking his 15 minuted of fame.

Last but not least, by last night he was saying he would cooperate. He also said that Trump is likely guilty.

Just one more bizarre day in Trumpland.

He's probably an ambulance-chaser dealing with claims adjusters and now the fucking FBI is after's on Mueller if he jumps off a bridge.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Nunberg willingly worked with Stone and Trump.

Mueller has no responsibility for anything Nunberg does. Sam chose to work with these criminals. There are consequences when you commit criminal acts.
The problem is Rosenstein has already jailed people who never 'did the crime' in the past...and instead of going to jail for making up false charges and crimes he only got a harsh scolding from the judge.

You’re back! I guess even Russian troll farmer workers get vacations.

But Nunberg said Mueller offered him immunity. So he could have made a deal. He’s more afraid of Roger Stone than jail. That’s pretty telling, wouldn’t you agree? pathetic. I thought after all this time you would have given up the 'Russian Collusion' BS narrative, as everyone else has, due to the fact that going on 2 years now Mueller / snowflakes still can't even provide evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

Poor dear, trapped in the past, her own ignorance, and partisan butt-hurt delusion......


Did you see Napolitano of Fox this morning?


Anyone who thinks Special Counsel Robert Mueller is winding down his investigation is mistaken, Judge Andrew Napolitano said Tuesday.

"I believe he's gearing up and the president remains in his crosshairs," the Fox News senior judicial analyst said on "Fox & Friends."

According to the New York Times, Mueller's investigators have interviewed George Nader, a businessman who advised United Arab Emirates leaders and visited the White House frequently last year. The probe is looking into whether the UAE bought political influence with the Trump campaign.
Less than a year, Easy. There is no report, yet, of evidence. But it is coming.
There have been multiple investigations spanning more than a year.

There have been MANY Reports and actual evidence provided - unfortunately for Democrats, all of it has exposed crimes committed by DEMOCRATS, like Hillary.

ANOTHER report IS coming - the IG announced it will release its latest report soon, this one on former RBI Assistant Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe exposing how he mislead / lied about his authorization for a leak of information...

Democrats / Mueller STILL can not provide the 1st shred of evidence proving there was ever any crime committed warranting an investigation let alone a Special Counsel appointment.

The vast majority of Americans are TIRED of the liberal inability to accept the outcome of the last Presidential election, have had enough of the repeated BULLSHIT claim of, "it's coming..." when everyone knows they have NOTHING - no evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation and no evidence of a crime perpetrated by Trump involving collusion with Russians to warrant an investigation being started.

Based on those things it is clear this is, as it always has been, a fishing expedition to try to find something - anything - on Trump.

And in all this time the Democrats have been trying so desperately to find any evidence of crimes committed by TRUMP they have continued to ignore the UNDENIABLE MOUNTAID OF EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTS PERPETRATED BY DEMOCRATS, to include Hillary, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Koskinen, Rice, Power, and even Obama himself.... They should all have been indicted by now and facing criminal charges. The fact that they have not been perp-walked yet but their crimes have instead been ignored is further evidence that Democrats could give a rat's ass about crimes actually committed or bring those who have committed crimes to's all about taking down Trump for daring to beat Hillary.

ZERO EVIDENCE of a crime ever being committed warranting an investigation, and ZERO EVIDENCE of crimes committed by the President; yet, Democrats continue to carry out Putin's PsyOps program of trying to further divide this country through this witch hunt that has - AGAIN - generated NO EVIDENCE of a crime committed warranting an investigation!
He sure too bringing attention to himself so Mueller can't sandbag him nice and quiet like he's tried with the others.

How "true and clever"......Yes, Nunberg, epitomizes right wing intelligentsia.....LOL

This is your life....running to my OPs and hitting the funny-button.....:113:

Yeah, that's pretty much his shtick... funny buttons. I think that will be my new name for him... "Funny Buttons".
He's probably an ambulance-chaser dealing with claims adjusters and now the fucking FBI is after's on Mueller if he jumps off a bridge.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Nunberg willingly worked with Stone and Trump.

Mueller has no responsibility for anything Nunberg does. Sam chose to work with these criminals. There are consequences when you commit criminal acts.
The problem is Rosenstein has already jailed people who never 'did the crime' in the past...and instead of going to jail for making up false charges and crimes he only got a harsh scolding from the judge.

You’re back! I guess even Russian troll farmer workers get vacations.

But Nunberg said Mueller offered him immunity. So he could have made a deal. He’s more afraid of Roger Stone than jail. That’s pretty telling, wouldn’t you agree? pathetic. I thought after all this time you would have given up the 'Russian Collusion' BS narrative, as everyone else has, due to the fact that going on 2 years now Mueller / snowflakes still can't even provide evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

Poor dear, trapped in the past, her own ignorance, and partisan butt-hurt delusion......

Less than a year, Easy. There is no report, yet, of evidence. But it is coming.

Yeah, any day now, any day.
He's probably an ambulance-chaser dealing with claims adjusters and now the fucking FBI is after's on Mueller if he jumps off a bridge.

If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Nunberg willingly worked with Stone and Trump.

Mueller has no responsibility for anything Nunberg does. Sam chose to work with these criminals. There are consequences when you commit criminal acts.
The problem is Rosenstein has already jailed people who never 'did the crime' in the past...and instead of going to jail for making up false charges and crimes he only got a harsh scolding from the judge.

You’re back! I guess even Russian troll farmer workers get vacations.

But Nunberg said Mueller offered him immunity. So he could have made a deal. He’s more afraid of Roger Stone than jail. That’s pretty telling, wouldn’t you agree? pathetic. I thought after all this time you would have given up the 'Russian Collusion' BS narrative, as everyone else has, due to the fact that going on 2 years now Mueller / snowflakes still can't even provide evidence a crime was committed warranting an investigation.

Poor dear, trapped in the past, her own ignorance, and partisan butt-hurt delusion......


Did you see Napolitano of Fox this morning?


Anyone who thinks Special Counsel Robert Mueller is winding down his investigation is mistaken, Judge Andrew Napolitano said Tuesday.

"I believe he's gearing up and the president remains in his crosshairs," the Fox News senior judicial analyst said on "Fox & Friends."

According to the New York Times, Mueller's investigators have interviewed George Nader, a businessman who advised United Arab Emirates leaders and visited the White House frequently last year. The probe is looking into whether the UAE bought political influence with the Trump campaign.

1. I don't watch Fox.

2. Of course he is not winding down his investigation. This is a full-blown fishing trip / witch hunt, and Mueller has not even begun to indict more 'Scooter Libby's!

Unless you are STUPID, which you are proving you might be, 'you' understand that this is not just a 'Fishing trip ' Witch Hunt' - this is also part of the Democrats 2018 Mid-Term Election Plan / Strategy. Much like DACA for Dems, they don't want to RESOLVE anything - they want the issue to be a festering sore that emotionally plays upon the voters.

Based on the fact that Mueller CAN'T provide any evidence that a crime was ever committed warranting his investigation, it is only common sense to know that the Democrats will continue to draw this out all the way through the election...without question.

Just like standing with illegals instead of American citizens to shut the government down, just like their open public declaration after Trump won that they were / are 100% committed in ensuring everything - every bit of potential progress for this country fails while the GOP and Trump run the government, they are showing their 1st and foremost loyalty is to themselves and their party, not this country and not to the people in it. This witch hunt is just part of their strategy to drag the country through the sh!t while keeping it divided in hopes of taking back Congress....for their own personal and party benefit.

The ONLY way snowflakes / democrats could possibly prove that is not the case is to FINALLY produce any shred of evidence that a crime regarding collusion with Russians and assisting in Russian interference was committed warranting an investigation, as well as Mueller's witch Hunt.

It can NOT be done.
it has NOT been done.
It will NOT be done.
...but snowflakes will continue to scream...'It's coming. We don't have the evidence YET, but it is coming.'

Great - in the meantime there is enough actual evidence to indict and charge Hillary, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Huma, Mills, Rice, Powers, and even Obama himself...evidence snowflakes / Democrats refuse to acknowledge / do anything about...
Less than a year, Easy. There is no report, yet, of evidence. But it is coming.
There have been multiple investigations spanning more than a year.

There have been MANY Reports and actual evidence provided - unfortunately for Democrats, all of it has exposed crimes committed by DEMOCRATS, like Hillary.

ANOTHER report IS coming - the IG announced it will release its latest report soon, this one on former RBI Assistant Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe exposing how he mislead / lied about his authorization for a leak of information...

Democrats / Mueller STILL can not provide the 1st shred of evidence proving there was ever any crime committed warranting an investigation let alone a Special Counsel appointment.

The vast majority of Americans are TIRED of the liberal inability to accept the outcome of the last Presidential election, have had enough of the repeated BULLSHIT claim of, "it's coming..." when everyone knows they have NOTHING - no evidence a crime was ever committed warranting an investigation and no evidence of a crime perpetrated by Trump involving collusion with Russians to warrant an investigation being started.

Based on those things it is clear this is, as it always has been, a fishing expedition to try to find something - anything - on Trump.

And in all this time the Democrats have been trying so desperately to find any evidence of crimes committed by TRUMP they have continued to ignore the UNDENIABLE MOUNTAID OF EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL ACTS PERPETRATED BY DEMOCRATS, to include Hillary, Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Koskinen, Rice, Power, and even Obama himself.... They should all have been indicted by now and facing criminal charges. The fact that they have not been perp-walked yet but their crimes have instead been ignored is further evidence that Democrats could give a rat's ass about crimes actually committed or bring those who have committed crimes to's all about taking down Trump for daring to beat Hillary.

ZERO EVIDENCE of a crime ever being committed warranting an investigation, and ZERO EVIDENCE of crimes committed by the President; yet, Democrats continue to carry out Putin's PsyOps program of trying to further divide this country through this witch hunt that has - AGAIN - generated NO EVIDENCE of a crime committed warranting an investigation!

Are you one of the guys named Mueller’s troll farm indictments? Lots of evidence there. It seems like Mueller either hacked your little operation or you’ve got an FBI mole working for you.

But keep trying to flog that “But, but HILLARY!” narrative.

Now let’s talk about Nunberg. He says Trump’s guilty.
Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:


I can not believe that the special counsel - an UNCONSTITUTIONAL OFFICE is allowed out there to harrass people.



If Congress believes that the President must be removed from office then impeach and remove. But they can not force the president to appoint someone within the executive branch to investigate the president.

I can not believe that Americans are so narcotized and/or ignorant to allow the powers that be and the deep state to depose our duly elected president.


Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:


Wake up to Erin Burnett every morning? Yes please.

Other than that, Nunberg was acting insane yesterday on multiple news networks and programs, but it's Erin Burnett that has the problem?
Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:


Hardly. Even people who know him said that what he was saying was bizarre. You are so dishonest that you have no room for talking Liars For Trump. That is what you are.
Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:


Wake up to Erin Burnett every morning? Yes please.

Other than that, Nunberg was acting insane yesterday on multiple news networks and programs, but it's Erin Burnett that has the problem?

Our Founding Fathers taught us that it is our duty to stand our ground and disobey tyranny and arbitrary power.

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)

Was Nunberg FORCED to appear on CNN under locks and chains.....or did this moron agree to be interviewed for his own possible gain?

He sure too bringing attention to himself so Mueller can't sandbag him nice and quiet like he's tried with the others.

Actually he has changed his tune. He says he will probably cooperate.
Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:


Wake up to Erin Burnett every morning? Yes please.

Other than that, Nunberg was acting insane yesterday on multiple news networks and programs, but it's Erin Burnett that has the problem?

Our Founding Fathers taught us that it is our duty to stand our ground and disobey tyranny and arbitrary power.

I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater (R-AZ)


That's funny. Was CNN abusing Nunberg's rights or do you just pop in with random quotes?
Watching Erin Burnett try to psychoanalyze this poor terrified bastard took that craphole network into a new low. Mueller is laying the lumber to Trump wannabe's and fringe players because he has nothing and nobody else left to stalk and harass. Sending Sam Nunberg in front of a grand jury is ridiculous....they've talked to him before and one of Mueller's stooges supposedly asked him if anybody is speaking RUSSIAN in the White House. But back to the drive-by Erin Burnett.....she was sending him down rabbit holes trying to get a hot quote they can lie about non-stop for 24 hours....her emmy-hopeful performance was both hideous and hilarious....imagine having to wake up to that every morning. :cow:


I can not believe that the special counsel - an UNCONSTITUTIONAL OFFICE is allowed out there to harrass people.



If Congress believes that the President must be removed from office then impeach and remove. But they can not force the president to appoint someone within the executive branch to investigate the president.

I can not believe that Americans are so narcotized and/or ignorant to allow the powers that be and the deep state to depose our duly elected president.


Really? So you don't agree with the investigation being pushed by the Republicans on the Special Investigation itself?
Deposing our President is granting him due process, getting his side of the story. Clearing him if he had nothing to do with it.
None of it is illegal, unconstitutional or part of a deep state conspiracy.
Don't talk crazy.

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