CNN, "You are FAKE News!"

CNN vindicated.

CNN is not fake news
Trump is a fake President

The CNN report that Trump was briefed on the possibility of Russia having information on him was TRUE

It was Trump who was lying once again
They want to drop the term 'fake news'. When they trotted it out they didn't anticipate it being used against them.

You guys don't really understand the concept of "Fake News"

Fake News is not news that you don't like.....You actually have to provide EVIDENCE that it is fake
They want to drop the term 'fake news'. When they trotted it out they didn't anticipate it being used against them.

You guys don't really understand the concept of "Fake News"

Fake News is not news that you don't like.....You actually have to provide EVIDENCE that it is fake
Evidence has been provided, shitstain... this was a fake story that CNN failed to vet.

I told you fart weasels when you came up with this "fake news" meme it was going to come back to slap you upside your goofy heads and it has. Now, it seems a few of you morons want to double-down like a bunch of ass clowns and make the fake story true by continuing to insist it's true until proven false. All I can suggest is go apply for a reporter job at CNN... you're cred is shot.
You still give lots of credit to Trump, in spite of his proven lies.
I have given Trump credit for:
- Already bringing jobs back / creating no cost
- Standing up to the corrupt, career, Washington Establishment, Status Quo politicians people are tired of
- For being less corrupt and criminal than Hillary and the Clinton crime syndicate
- For his actions against Buzzfeed and CNN. If they wish to be 'Fake News', Propagandists, and arrogantly declare on the air they have helped 1 candidate over another and have given them a pass on every scandal they have no official place in the WH News Corp. They can still report the news, but from the outside - it is deserved.
I have defended him against the proven lies, subversive behavior, and attacks against him despite the fact that he has not even taken his oath of office yet.

I have no delusions of who or what the man is. I just believe he is a far better option for this nation than Hillary Clinton. That odes not make me a Trump supporter - it makes me an American who chose the lesser of two 'evils' for the good of the country.
Fake News is not news that you don't like.....You actually have to provide EVIDENCE that it is fake
No, when you make accusations you have to provide evidence that it is TRUE, something the Democrats have been miserably failing at repeatedly for a while now. Just ask Buzzfeed.

Proof? Cohen was never in Prague. He was with his son in L.A.
- Buzzfeed engaged in un-professional, near-criminal, piss-poor journalism, lowering itself to the level of, if not below, the National Inquirer.

Liberals STILL push the lies as fact despite the evidence to the contrary. The Senator from New Hampshire is a perfect example. She just embarrassed the hell out of herself, her state, and the Democratic Party by submitting a line of questions during the Confirmation hearings that were BASED ON A 'FAKE NEWS' STORY THAT HAD BEEN DEBUNKED NOW FOR SOME TIME. EVERYONE, except her it seems, knew it was a fake and had been debunked.

It was hilarious - out of touch, ignorant, believing 'Fake News', and actually using it to 'grill' a future Cabinet member. She failed to dis-qualify the candidate, but she did make a very good case for her being dis-qualified as a US Senator!
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CNN is not fake news

Yep... they ARE! It's now documented fact.

And hey.... let me just say, those of us on the right are bathing in your salty bitter tears over this! The more whining and moaning, the better! So you little snowflakes keep this up because we are enjoying the hell out of your meltdown.

They simply reported that BF had put out a report with little or no credibility that was spreading around the world. Trump and Rush conflate the 2, and as usual the dupes get everything all wrong.
That's like simply stabbing someone in the back. So they aren't putting the story out there if they "simply" report the story someone else is putting out there?

You liberals cannot think, period. It's amusing to watch, like chimps with toy blocks but you "simply" repeat what you've been told and can't connect the dots.
Sorry you can't control all the news, destructive as that would be.
CNN is not fake news

Yep... they ARE! It's now documented fact.

And hey.... let me just say, those of us on the right are bathing in your salty bitter tears over this! The more whining and moaning, the better! So you little snowflakes keep this up because we are enjoying the hell out of your meltdown.

Only in dupe word...Fake News Central.
Can anybody else every remember a member of the press getting so pwned in a press conference? Imagine being a fly of the wall in a CNN board room this week as they sit around with their heads exploding about how to proceed? Especially when your viewership is already near off the air ratings?:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I guess they'll continue being wouldn't understand. Here's some.
CNN vindicated.
Well the CIA/White House leaked fake news to CNN…

Trump and Conway caught straight lying (again), another day another shit pie for you to take to face, courtesy of clown-in-charge

Both of them lied all the time............. all the time......... ...... but these dumb ( I don't want to get ballistic) believed everything whatever it comes out from trump and Conway mouth.
Buzz Feed did it, not CNN.

That lie just won't float, Soros troll.

CNN flung a pile of shit, then Buzzfeed rolled in it and smeared it all over themselves. Without CNN flinging the poo, Buzzfeed would have had nothing.

Look, you're just a Soros troll who spreads fake news to disrupt the American election process, it's not like you can think. But no matter how many lies you tell, CNN is done.

You people crack me up. After DOZENS of fake news stories that were designed to benefit Donald Trump,

you people latch onto a buzzfeed stumble as if you've found the Holy Grail.
You people crack me up. After DOZENS of fake news stories that were designed to benefit Donald Trump,

you people latch onto a buzzfeed stumble as if you've found the Holy Grail.

Nobody latched onto anything... Donald Trump bitch slapped a CNN reporter and his network over FAKE NEWS they participated in, and will be lucky not to have their asses sued over. It was YOU PEOPLE who screamed about "Fake News." I don't think you believed it would come back to bite you in the ass like this and that's irritating you a bit.

And here's another thing... the days of you people controlling and disseminating the news is over. No more of this one-sided bullshit machine working for the DNC. You can sit here and whine about it or be in denial all you like. I really don't give two shits.
Well, at least enterprising entrepreneurs are cashing in on Trump's perversion.


Would You Eat This ‘Golden Shower’ Burger Inspired By Trump?

“Topped with a very small pickle.”

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