CNN, "You are FAKE News!"

Did they did this survey just to hurt your feelings?
Survey was not political. Are you aware that polls like these are verified and certified by accounting firm?

No they're not... what a load of total crap. What do you think they're the fucking Emmy Awards? :dunno:

Most surveys are done by polling firms using various methodologies. You have no idea what methodology they used unless you do some research. Many times it's a relatively low sample number (under 1,000) and results largely depend on when they do the survey. It can be manipulated by using tricky language or the phrasing of the questions. A single poll is just not an accurate way to determine any fucking thing.
They want to drop the term 'fake news'. When they trotted it out they didn't anticipate it being used against them.

You guys don't really understand the concept of "Fake News"

Fake News is not news that you don't like.....You actually have to provide EVIDENCE that it is fake
Evidence has been provided, shitstain... this was a fake story that CNN failed to vet.

What part of CNN's story was provably not true.
Did they did this survey just to hurt your feelings?
Survey was not political. Are you aware that polls like these are verified and certified by accounting firm?

No they're not... what a load of total crap. What do you think they're the fucking Emmy Awards? :dunno:

Most surveys are done by polling firms using various methodologies. You have no idea what methodology they used unless you do some research. Many times it's a relatively low sample number (under 1,000) and results largely depend on when they do the survey. It can be manipulated by using tricky language or the phrasing of the questions. A single poll is just not an accurate way to determine any fucking thing.

Sorry Dude. You are a good example of Faux News very low informed listeners.

If it favor Trump coming from Faux News owned by Trump with his boot licker Hannity it's real news. I may add Breitbart and Foxwars it's real news.

Anything against Trump are Fake news. Grow up and start paying attention.
Sorry Dude. You are a good example of Faux News very low informed listeners.

If it favor Trump coming from Faux News owned by Trump with his boot licker Hannity it's real news. I may add Breitbart and Foxwars it's real news.

Anything against Trump are Fake news. Grow up and start paying attention.
Nope.. I'm a HIGH information voter who has at least 50 pts. on you when it comes to IQ.

You are a left-wing hack and you prove that every day here.

Your "Fake News" meme blew up in your stupid face and now you're all butthurt.
The World’s Most Powerful and Secret Group, Explained

Who pulls the strings? (part 3)

Who pulls the strings?
I asked for examples, and I was given one: "During the Falklands war, the British government's request for international sanctions against Argentina fell on stony ground. But at a Bilderberg meeting in, I think, Denmark, David Owen stood up and gave the most fiery speech in favour of imposing them. Well, the speech changed a lot of minds. I'm sure that various foreign ministers went back to their respective countries and told their leaders what David Owen had said. And you know what? Sanctions were imposed."

The man who told me this story added,

"I hope that gives you a flavour of what really does go on in Bilderberg meetings."

This is how Denis Healey described a Bilderberg person to me: "To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing."

He said, "Bilderberg is a way of bringing together politicians, industrialists, financiers and journalists. Politics should involve people who aren't politicians. We make a point of getting along younger politicians who are obviously rising, to bring them together with financiers and industrialists who offer them wise words. It increases the chance of having a sensible global policy."

"Does going help your career?" I asked.

"Oh yes," he said. Then he added, "Your new understanding of the world will certainly help your career."

"Which sounds like a conspiracy," I said.

"Crap!" said Denis Healey. "Idiocy! Crap! I've never heard such crap! That isn't a conspiracy! That is the world. It is the way things are done. And quite rightly so."

Who pulls the strings? (part 3)
A conspiracy can be thought of as a social network for immoral or illegal or sinister purposes.

They see themselves as merely a social network of powerful people, not as conspirators, because they dont see what they are doing as something sinister or immoral.

In their view they are only a community, not a conspiracy group.
Sorry Dude. You are a good example of Faux News very low informed listeners.

If it favor Trump coming from Faux News owned by Trump with his boot licker Hannity it's real news. I may add Breitbart and Foxwars it's real news.

Anything against Trump are Fake news. Grow up and start paying attention.
Nope.. I'm a HIGH information voter who has at least 50 pts. on you when it comes to IQ.

You are a left-wing hack and you prove that every day here.

Your "Fake News" meme blew up in your stupid face and now you're all butthurt.

This is the problem when low informed people like you ONLY listen to Faux News.
What fake news are you specifically referring to?
CNN is not any worse or any better than the rest of the news they all do as there owners ask. there is no more just the facts news, its opinion news skewed to viewership & money
Then why are they the only major news network that carried the Golden Shows story?

One America News seems to be a more reliable source for objective fact, IMO, and I watch it more than anything else except Lou Dobbs and Charles Payne
I think it's time to force these companies to remove the word 'News' from their names. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i saw nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' It was all opinion propaganda. I think these networks should be forced to disclose the fact they're not reporting actual 'News.'

They should disclose they're only reporting opinion propaganda. That would be the right thing to do. Because at this point, most Americans really believe their receiving real 'News' from these networks. I think more disclosure needs to be required.
Yes, I am sure that this should fall under 'False Advertising' laws.
...If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
...Buzzfeed is crap.


Yet CNN - likely as aware as you that BF is crap - reported their story anyway!

Getting the picture? Now apply some simple math ... 2+2= ...
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You have no concept of the 1st Amendment and how he's trying to kill it. Good work, you total fucking idiot.
Lefty thinks the 1st Amendment means the President must respond to assholes.

CNN are a major news channel...

He attacked that organisation and then refused to take a question from them...

I suppose thats the way you want it from President Piss...
CNN is not a news channel. They proved that in this election. They deserve to be ignored especially after running the Fake Golden Shower story they knew was false.

But you are ignoring his own FOX network with his brother Hannity broadcasting lots of fake news. It's quite Disgusting.

So what we have now - thanks in large part to BS "news" sites like BuzzFeed - is an MSM so desperate to compete with the BS they have exchanged their integrity for some ratings.

In the end, when the perception is CNN = BuzzFeed, their ratings will tank.
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I think it's time to force these companies to remove the word 'News' from their names. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i saw nothing resembling 'News' or 'Journalism.' It was all opinion propaganda. I think these networks should be forced to disclose the fact they're not reporting actual 'News.'

They should disclose they're only reporting opinion propaganda. That would be the right thing to do. Because at this point, most Americans really believe their receiving real 'News' from these networks. I think more disclosure needs to be required.

I watched CNN, Fox News and other cable news and also from foreign countries.
Fox News is the worst I've seen. They are very good in telling you the technicalities but not the reality....... in short distorted and very disturbing. Even my guest from other countries who the hell listen to Fox News so I showed then these links. Read the last paragraph.
Fox News watchers/listeners are the most UNINFORMED & UNEDUCATED Americans.

The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers Are the Most Misinformed

Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed.

In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Careful, don't get me started on Fake News Polls either. That's a whole other problem. But some of these media outlets should just be required to disclose that they're reporting opinion-based information. Because right now, they're being allowed to deceive the People by claiming to be reporting 'News.' They should disclose up front that it's biased information they're offering. That would be the right thing to do.

Okay go for it.

Are you saying or disagreeing that Fox or Faux News listeners are the least misinformed Americans?

Yes, i disagree with any poll making that claim. It's fake poll nonsense.

Did they did this survey just to hurt your feelings?
Survey was not political. Are you aware that polls like these are verified and certified by accounting firm?

It's fake. And no one cares. Movin on...
I think there should be warnings required every hour, on these 24hr 'News' Networks. The warning would clearly state that what they're airing is strictly opinion-based information. And that it isn't supposed to be accepted as actual "News.' I think there's a vast deception taking place in our Media, especially in 'News' Media. Most if not all of it, is opinion propaganda. I think the viewer should be warned. That would be the right thing to do.
What part of CNN's story was provably not true.

Things don't have to be proven not true, idiot. The burden of proof is on the accuser.

What accusations did CNN make in their reporting?

Point out CNNs falsehoods.

They reported the contents of the dossier on Trump regarding "golden showers" with Russian prostitutes. There was no evidence to back any of it up and they had no business reporting it. Putin has denied the whole thing so we don't even know where this dossier even came from at this point... Micheal Moore and George Soros could've cooked it all up in their basement for all we know.

Bottom line, it's FAKE NEWS and they got called on it... and guess what, jackass? Your little fake news outlets are going to get called on everything from now on. You're either going to report the truth or you're going to keep your little pie holes shut until you have truth to report. Or we can just let the FCC shut your asses down.. that would suit me fine too.
...If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
...Buzzfeed is crap.


Yet CNN - likely as aware as you that BF is crap - reported their story anyway!

Getting the picture? Now apply some simple math ... 2+2= ...
They reported there was a salacious rumor spreading around the world, without any details. It's called journalism. Meanwhile, the New BS GOP Propaganda Machine told you for 25 years what corrupt liars/murderers the Clintons were, with no evidence, dupe.
What part of CNN's story was provably not true.

Things don't have to be proven not true, idiot. The burden of proof is on the accuser.

What accusations did CNN make in their reporting?

Point out CNNs falsehoods.

They reported the contents of the dossier on Trump regarding "golden showers" with Russian prostitutes. There was no evidence to back any of it up and they had no business reporting it. Putin has denied the whole thing so we don't even know where this dossier even came from at this point... Micheal Moore and George Soros could've cooked it all up in their basement for all we know.

Bottom line, it's FAKE NEWS and they got called on it... and guess what, jackass? Your little fake news outlets are going to get called on everything from now on. You're either going to report the truth or you're going to keep your little pie holes shut until you have truth to report. Or we can just let the FCC shut your asses down.. that would suit me fine too.
The hell they did, dupe.
Meanwhile, the New BS GOP Propaganda Machine told you for 25 years what corrupt liars/murderers the Clintons were, with no evidence, dupe.

Well see, here's the thing... IF FoxNews were reporting stories nightly about this sort of crap as if it were legitimate news, you might have a leg to stand on. But the Clinton Body Count, Drug Running out of Mena, Vince Foster was murdered stuff... that is only found on tabloid-style conspiracy theory sites. That is now the journalistic integrity CNN has lowered itself to.

The hell they did, dupe.
They did and they got busted. Now you're all butthurt about it. STUPE-dupe!

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