CNN, "You are FAKE News!"

Literally NOTHING the Media predicted about Trump for the past 18 months transpired. NOTHING. How is it possible to be that wrong?
And, that's how we know that more people attended Trump's inauguration than any previous inauguration.

BTW: the big screen at yesterday's Dallas Stars hockey game stated attendence at 1.5 million!
Faux news, Breitbart and Infowars has been broadcasting fake news all year......... But you and your buddies are ignoring it. That's very funny guys.

Oh snowflake, you've not even BEGUN to feel the level of ignore that's heading your way.

You know... I get the distinct feeling that most of you have no idea of just how much political power you've lost over the past 6 years. The mouths on some of you seems like you think you still set the agenda and call the shots.

All of your noise made no difference. This was supposed to be your election cycle where Democrats regained the Senate and made headway in the House. You failed on every level. You had the Clinton Machine, Rockstar Obama, the mainstream media, George Soros's billions of dollars... you still couldn't get it done.

Since your devastating loss, all you've done is whine and moan like a bunch of petulant children who didn't get your way... you've blamed the FBI, the Russians, Fake News... anything BUT your own shortcomings. You've protested, burned cities down, rioted and incited violence... boycotted the inauguration... shown your asses in every way you knew how. You've melted down your social media pages until your friends are starting to drop you like a bad habit. And you ALL continue here to make fools out of yourself on a daily basis... you just don't fucking seem to get it.

But you know what? You're gonna get it. Might take a few weeks or maybe a few months, but it is going to start sinking in pretty soon that you no longer have ANY political power and America has largely tuned you out.

Cry me river Boss. This proved you only listen to Faux News, infowars, breitbart.
Power are from the people.
Called People Power.
Okay go for it.

Are you saying or disagreeing that Fox or Faux News listeners are the least misinformed Americans?

Yes, i disagree with any poll making that claim. It's fake poll nonsense.

Did they did this survey just to hurt your feelings?
Survey was not political. Are you aware that polls like these are verified and certified by accounting firm?

It's fake. And no one cares. Movin on...

LOL you are ignoring Faux News. Name one that you think it's fake news coming from CNN.

It isn't 'News.' It's opinion Propaganda. These networks should be required to disclose that to viewers. Warnings should be broadcasted throughout the day expressing that what viewers are being presented with, is opinion information. And that it's not intended to be accepted as 'News.' Right now, they're getting away with deceiving the People. That needs to change.

Yeah right. How about Faux News, brietfart, infowars and tabloids which you relied on?
Yes, i disagree with any poll making that claim. It's fake poll nonsense.

Did they did this survey just to hurt your feelings?
Survey was not political. Are you aware that polls like these are verified and certified by accounting firm?

It's fake. And no one cares. Movin on...

LOL you are ignoring Faux News. Name one that you think it's fake news coming from CNN.

It isn't 'News.' It's opinion Propaganda. These networks should be required to disclose that to viewers. Warnings should be broadcasted throughout the day expressing that what viewers are being presented with, is opinion information. And that it's not intended to be accepted as 'News.' Right now, they're getting away with deceiving the People. That needs to change.

Yeah right. How about Faux News, brietfart, infowars and tabloids which you relied on?

I said all of the 24hr 'News' Networks should be required to broadcast warnings to viewers. They're not presenting News. They're presenting opinion propaganda. They should be required to disclose that to viewers. What they're presenting is actually Fake News.
CNN are a major news channel...

He attacked that organisation and then refused to take a question from them...

I suppose thats the way you want it from President Piss...
CNN is not a news channel. They proved that in this election. They deserve to be ignored especially after running the Fake Golden Shower story they knew was false.

But you are ignoring his own FOX network with his brother Hannity broadcasting lots of fake news. It's quite Disgusting.

So what we have now - thanks in large part to BS "news" sites like BuzzFeed - is an MSM so desperate to compete with the BS they have exchanged their integrity for some ratings.

In the end, when the perception is CNN = BuzzFeed, their ratings will tank.

Faux news, Breitbart and Infowars has been broadcasting fake news all year......... But you and your buddies are ignoring it. That's very funny guys.
View attachment 107798

This is a good example of Hannity style Faux News. Nancy Sinatra has tweeted several issues against Trump including Planned Parenthood and climate change.
She Tweeted about Trump using My Way ......... AS A JOKE. She deleted that tweet and go after CNN. Link will tell you the complete whole story.

Actually it's a joke and very funny to use it as team song for a new era new start ................... *And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain* That should be the theme song for Obama don't you think? Or someone's retiring.
Why not........... We've Only Just Begun from Carpenters or Starting Over by John Lennon? just sayin.

Nancy Sinatra criticizes CNN for the ‘rotten spin’ they put on her ‘harmless joke’ about Trump
Did they did this survey just to hurt your feelings?
Survey was not political. Are you aware that polls like these are verified and certified by accounting firm?

It's fake. And no one cares. Movin on...

LOL you are ignoring Faux News. Name one that you think it's fake news coming from CNN.

It isn't 'News.' It's opinion Propaganda. These networks should be required to disclose that to viewers. Warnings should be broadcasted throughout the day expressing that what viewers are being presented with, is opinion information. And that it's not intended to be accepted as 'News.' Right now, they're getting away with deceiving the People. That needs to change.

Yeah right. How about Faux News, brietfart, infowars and tabloids which you relied on?

I said all of the 24hr 'News' Networks should be required to broadcast warnings to viewers. They're not presenting News. They're presenting opinion propaganda. They should be required to disclose that to viewers. What they're presenting is actually Fake News.

You need parental discretion?

Again why are you ignoring Faux News, Brietbart and infowars?
It's fake. And no one cares. Movin on...

LOL you are ignoring Faux News. Name one that you think it's fake news coming from CNN.

It isn't 'News.' It's opinion Propaganda. These networks should be required to disclose that to viewers. Warnings should be broadcasted throughout the day expressing that what viewers are being presented with, is opinion information. And that it's not intended to be accepted as 'News.' Right now, they're getting away with deceiving the People. That needs to change.

Yeah right. How about Faux News, brietfart, infowars and tabloids which you relied on?

I said all of the 24hr 'News' Networks should be required to broadcast warnings to viewers. They're not presenting News. They're presenting opinion propaganda. They should be required to disclose that to viewers. What they're presenting is actually Fake News.

You need parental discretion?

Again why are you ignoring Faux News, Brietbart and infowars?

You really should take the time to fully read replies. I said 'all' 24hr 'News' Channels especially, should be required to warn viewers that what they're presenting is opinion information. The warning should also include language stating that such information shouldn't be accepted as actual 'News.' I would also extend such warning requirements to all tv broadcast 'News.'
CNN is not a news channel. They proved that in this election. They deserve to be ignored especially after running the Fake Golden Shower story they knew was false.

But you are ignoring his own FOX network with his brother Hannity broadcasting lots of fake news. It's quite Disgusting.

So what we have now - thanks in large part to BS "news" sites like BuzzFeed - is an MSM so desperate to compete with the BS they have exchanged their integrity for some ratings.

In the end, when the perception is CNN = BuzzFeed, their ratings will tank.

Faux news, Breitbart and Infowars has been broadcasting fake news all year......... But you and your buddies are ignoring it. That's very funny guys.
View attachment 107798

This is a good example of Hannity style Faux News. Nancy Sinatra has tweeted several issues against Trump including Planned Parenthood and climate change.
She Tweeted about Trump using My Way ......... AS A JOKE. She deleted that tweet and go after CNN. Link will tell you the complete whole story.

Actually it's a joke and very funny to use it as team song for a new era new start ................... *And now the end is near and so I face the final curtain* That should be the theme song for Obama don't you think? Or someone's retiring.
Why not........... We've Only Just Begun from Carpenters or Starting Over by John Lennon? just sayin.

Nancy Sinatra criticizes CNN for the ‘rotten spin’ they put on her ‘harmless joke’ about Trump
CNN lied.
This is a good example of Hannity style Faux News. Nancy Sinatra has tweeted several issues against Trump including Planned Parenthood and climate change.
She Tweeted about Trump using My Way ......... AS A JOKE. She deleted that tweet and go after CNN. Link will tell you the complete whole story.

It's a good example of CNN pumping out FAKE NEWS because their "journalists" jump to a conclusion just as you did here. They assumed, since she was a flaming lib, that she must have been upset at Trump for using her father's song. They misinterpreted her tweet and reported it as "the news" which had not been confirmed. Once was a time, something like that would have cost a journalist their CAREER. I doubt there was even a reprimand by CNN.

Striving to be "the world's leader in fake news", the network followed up the next day with a bogus comparison of aerial photos of the Obama inauguration and Trump inauguration, depicting a scant crowd for Trump. But the forensics show they used a photo from much earlier in the day for the Trump crowd, before everyone was there. This fake news crosscut has now been shown millions of times across social media. And that's how fake news is done.

But the most hilarious fake news story was the looming dilemma facing the Trumps as fashion designers were vowing to boycott dressing the First Lady! Oh my! What are the Trumps going to do? No one wants to dress Melania! *Gasp* --Turns out, Ralph Lauren, probably the most notable fashion designer of the last century, knocks one out of the fucking park with a stunning powder blue outfit that left even the libtards speechless. :rofl:

Now we're back to bashing on his kid.
‘You Are Fake News!’: Trump and CNN’s Jim Acosta Get Into Shouting Match at Presser

During President-elect Donald Trump’s press conference today, Trump took aim at “fake news” regarding the release of an unverified dossier by Buzzfeed, calling them a “failing piece of garbage.” Following that, he ended up getting into an argument with a CNN reporter, who he also called out during the presser over their report on a two-page synopsis they claim was presented to Trump.

With Trump looking to call on other reporters, Jim Acosta yelled out, “You are attacking our news organization, can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir?”

“I’m not going to give you a question,” Trump responded. “You are fake news!”

Literally NOTHING the Media predicted about Trump for the past 18 months transpired. NOTHING. How is it possible to be that wrong?

That's the real funny thing about them. They keep predicting all this doom and gloom and that Trump is "done" with every new "scandal" they fabricate.
They've cried wolf so many times now, that even if he does something controversial it won't effect him one bit.
This is a good example of Hannity style Faux News. Nancy Sinatra has tweeted several issues against Trump including Planned Parenthood and climate change.
She Tweeted about Trump using My Way ......... AS A JOKE. She deleted that tweet and go after CNN. Link will tell you the complete whole story.

1. Its a good example of CNN pumping out FAKE NEWS because their "journalists" jump to a conclusion just as you did here. They assumed, since she was a flaming lib, that she must have been upset at Trump for using her father's song. They misinterpreted her tweet and reported it as "the news" which had not been confirmed. Once was a time, something like that would have cost a journalist their CAREER. I doubt there was even a reprimand by CNN.

2. Striving to be "the world's leader in fake news", the network followed up the next day with a bogus comparison of aerial photos of the Obama inauguration and Trump inauguration, depicting a scant crowd for Trump. But the forensics show they used a photo from much earlier in the day for the Trump crowd, before everyone was there. This fake news crosscut has now been shown millions of times across social media. And that's how fake news is done.

3. But the most hilarious fake news story was the looming dilemma facing the Trumps as fashion designers were vowing to boycott dressing the First Lady! Oh my! What are the Trumps going to do? No one wants to dress Melania! *Gasp* --Turns out, Ralph Lauren, probably the most notable fashion designer of the last century, knocks one out of the fucking park with a stunning powder blue outfit that left even the libtards speechless. :rofl:

4. Now we're back to bashing on his kid.

1. The link I posted.......... Nancy was criticizing the wording of the song being used by Trump. Then later she said it's a joke and deleted her tweet.

2. Can you provide a different link or a picture where and why do you think the picture was fake? Even Spicer can't defend it. Even Faux News disagree with you.

3. That is not the point. Normally all I mean ALL fashion designers will line up and beg for the job who will design FLOTUS clothing. It's an honor.
But in this case.............. lot of them back off and boycotted.
4. There are awful disgusting threads after threads bashing Chelsea Clinton. So what's new?
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1. The link I posted.......... Nancy was criticizing the wording of the song being used by Trump. Then later she said it's a joke and deleted her tweet.

The issue was not what Nancy was or wasn't saying. It was what CNN reported, which was false.

2. Can you provide a different link or a picture where and why do you think the picture was fake? Even Spicer can't defend it. Even Faux News disagree with you.

I don't need to back up anything, jackwagon. Nobody disputes the historic 2009 inauguration of the first African-American President was larger. The photo they used to compare with Trump's inauguration showed the mall 3 hrs. before the event started. You can go to CNN's website and view a 360 degree photo depicting a full mall with overflow spreading from each side.

3. That is not the point. Normally all I mean ALL fashion designers will line up and beg for the job who will design FLOTUS clothing. It's an honor.
But in this case.............. lot of them back off and boycotted.

No they didn't, they weren't asked. Just like the butthurt performers weren't asked to perform. You can't boycott something you weren't invited to. Dumbass.

4. There are awful disgusting threads after threads bashing Chelsea Clinton. So what's new?

I don't recall ANYONE in the media making comments about Chelsea Clinton. You can't show me any. All we hear is this pathetic excuse that people said things about how ugly Chelsea was.... I don't remember it being a joke on SNL or anywhere else. Feel free to prove me wrong.

But that aside, there is no excuse for this. You can't excuse bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. That doesn't make it alright.
Asian dude shoots White BernieBro at Milo Protest, claiming he looked like a White Supremacist. Media promptly investigates - the dying guy.

I'm a big fan of fake news myself. Beats the hell out of the real shit.

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