CNN, "You are FAKE News!"

What part of CNN's story was provably not true.

Things don't have to be proven not true, idiot. The burden of proof is on the accuser.

What accusations did CNN make in their reporting?

Point out CNNs falsehoods.

They reported the contents of the dossier on Trump regarding "golden showers" with Russian prostitutes. There was no evidence to back any of it up and they had no business reporting it. Putin has denied the whole thing so we don't even know where this dossier even came from at this point... Micheal Moore and George Soros could've cooked it all up in their basement for all we know.

Bottom line, it's FAKE NEWS and they got called on it... and guess what, jackass? Your little fake news outlets are going to get called on everything from now on. You're either going to report the truth or you're going to keep your little pie holes shut until you have truth to report. Or we can just let the FCC shut your asses down.. that would suit me fine too.

Both CNN and Buzfeed reported that the dossier was, as yet, unverified. What they reported was the truth...the dossier exists and both the President and the petulant elect were briefed on a two page synopsis of it. There was nothing false in CNN or Buzzfeads reporting.
Both CNN and Buzfeed reported that the dossier was, as yet, unverified. What they reported was the truth...the dossier exists and both the President and the petulant elect were briefed on a two page synopsis of it. There was nothing false in CNN or Buzzfeads reporting.

No, they reported on the content and there is absolutely NO evidence to support anything in the content. You can do your little tap-dance and pretend they covered their bases by using phrases like "yet to be verified" or whatever. We all know what they did and what they were trying to imply. You leftists do this shit all the time. It's why it was SO ironic that you complained about "fake news" when Hildabitch lost the election.

Now nobody has said anything was "false" was FAKE! Do you comprehend these are two entirely different words with different meanings or are you mentally deficient? You can report something that's not entirely false but it can still be FAKE... and that's what CNN and Buzzfeed did. That's what the left-wing news media does all the time.

I read a headline the other day about Trump's secretary of agriculture nominee, Sonny Perdue. The man was the fucking governor of Georgia! The headline read: Sonny Perdue, who once prayed for rain, is Trump's pick for Agriculture. Now what the hell do you call that shit? Is that honest journalistic integrity to you? No... that's a left-wing hit job by a left-wing hack.

The days of this kind of shit are OVER buddy... you started this "fake news" crap and you're gonna get it shoved straight up your ass for the next 8 years. Enjoy!
...If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
...Buzzfeed is crap.
EXACTLY! Yet CNN - likely as aware as you that BF is crap - reported their story anyway! Getting the picture? Now apply some simple math ... 2+2= ...
They reported there was a salacious rumor spreading around the world, without any details. It's called journalism...

No ... it's called yellow journalism, and reporting a bogus story from what even you admit is "crap" is what has earned CNN the disdain of our very-soon-to-be Prez and all honest Americans (as well as a seat at the back of the room).
Last edited:
...If you honestly can't differentiate between ideological tenets without the help of the news media, then I don't understand how you can possibly feel like your political opinions have any merit.
...Buzzfeed is crap.
EXACTLY! Yet CNN - likely as aware as you that BF is crap - reported their story anyway! Getting the picture? Now apply some simple math ... 2+2= ...
They reported there was a salacious rumor spreading around the world, without any details. It's called journalism...

No ... it's called yellow journalism, and reporting a bogus story from what even you admit is "crap" is what has earned CNN the disdain of our very-soon-to-be Prez and all honest Americans (as well as a seat at the back of the room).
There wasn't any salacious, noncredible rumor going around? lol. And your "news" is total bs propaganda/hate...
Both CNN and Buzfeed reported that the dossier was, as yet, unverified. What they reported was the truth...the dossier exists and both the President and the petulant elect were briefed on a two page synopsis of it. There was nothing false in CNN or Buzzfeads reporting.

No, they reported on the content and there is absolutely NO evidence to support anything in the content. You can do your little tap-dance and pretend they covered their bases by using phrases like "yet to be verified" or whatever. We all know what they did and what they were trying to imply. You leftists do this shit all the time. It's why it was SO ironic that you complained about "fake news" when Hildabitch lost the election.

And they stated that the dossier was unverified. Nothing false in the reporting. Not liking what it said does not make it false or fake. You have not been able to identify a single thing they were untruthful about...that's because they weren't. They reported on exactly what was going on.

Now nobody has said anything was "false" was FAKE! Do you comprehend these are two entirely different words with different meanings or are you mentally deficient? You can report something that's not entirely false but it can still be FAKE... and that's what CNN and Buzzfeed did. That's what the left-wing news media does all the time.

No, it's unverified, not fake. There is nothing fake about it. The dossier exists, has existed for months and has been in the hands of the FBI since this summer. President Obama and Petulant Elect Trump were both briefed on the contents. This is all true and not "fake". Also, CNN did not release the contents of the dossier, Buzzfeed did. Stop conflating the two organizations. CNN reported on a true story. No embellishments, no falsehoods and they stated unequivocally that the dossier was unverified.

I read a headline the other day about Trump's secretary of agriculture nominee, Sonny Perdue. The man was the fucking governor of Georgia! The headline read: Sonny Perdue, who once prayed for rain, is Trump's pick for Agriculture. Now what the hell do you call that shit? Is that honest journalistic integrity to you? No... that's a left-wing hit job by a left-wing hack.

You read a headline where? Context is important. Go to Brietbart or Drudge and read me some of those headlines, mkay? Also, it was a true headline was it not? I remember when that happened. It was national news. Here's an NPR article from 2007.

In Drought-Stricken Georgia, a Prayer for Rain

At the state capitol in Georgia Tuesday, the governor tried something different. On a partly cloudy warm fall day, hundreds of people from the region came to join Gov. Sonny Perdue in a prayer service for rain.

"I'm here today to appeal to you and to all Georgians and all people who believe in the power of prayer to ask God to shower our state, our region, our nation with the blessings of water," Perdue said

So, tell me what's so "dishonest" about reporting that? Imagine for a hot second that an appointee of Barack Obama's had held a public rain dance. What would the Drudge or Brietbart or even Fox headlines have been?
The days of this kind of shit are OVER buddy... you started this "fake news" crap and you're gonna get it shoved straight up your ass for the next 8 years. Enjoy!

You have to prove it is fake, little buddy. You haven't.
Yellow journalism is ghey.........most folks know it too as we saw on election day!!

Hey anybody watch Trumps speech last night? He was hammering CNN again about their fake coverage on election night!! I was laughing my balls off!!:2up:
Both CNN and Buzfeed reported that the dossier was, as yet, unverified. What they reported was the truth...the dossier exists and both the President and the petulant elect were briefed on a two page synopsis of it. There was nothing false in CNN or Buzzfeads reporting.

No, they reported on the content and there is absolutely NO evidence to support anything in the content. You can do your little tap-dance and pretend they covered their bases by using phrases like "yet to be verified" or whatever. We all know what they did and what they were trying to imply. You leftists do this shit all the time. It's why it was SO ironic that you complained about "fake news" when Hildabitch lost the election.

And they stated that the dossier was unverified. Nothing false in the reporting. Not liking what it said does not make it false or fake. You have not been able to identify a single thing they were untruthful about...that's because they weren't. They reported on exactly what was going on.

Now nobody has said anything was "false" was FAKE! Do you comprehend these are two entirely different words with different meanings or are you mentally deficient? You can report something that's not entirely false but it can still be FAKE... and that's what CNN and Buzzfeed did. That's what the left-wing news media does all the time.

No, it's unverified, not fake. There is nothing fake about it. The dossier exists, has existed for months and has been in the hands of the FBI since this summer. President Obama and Petulant Elect Trump were both briefed on the contents. This is all true and not "fake". Also, CNN did not release the contents of the dossier, Buzzfeed did. Stop conflating the two organizations. CNN reported on a true story. No embellishments, no falsehoods and they stated unequivocally that the dossier was unverified.

I read a headline the other day about Trump's secretary of agriculture nominee, Sonny Perdue. The man was the fucking governor of Georgia! The headline read: Sonny Perdue, who once prayed for rain, is Trump's pick for Agriculture. Now what the hell do you call that shit? Is that honest journalistic integrity to you? No... that's a left-wing hit job by a left-wing hack.

You read a headline where? Context is important. Go to Brietbart or Drudge and read me some of those headlines, mkay? Also, it was a true headline was it not? I remember when that happened. It was national news. Here's an NPR article from 2007.

In Drought-Stricken Georgia, a Prayer for Rain

At the state capitol in Georgia Tuesday, the governor tried something different. On a partly cloudy warm fall day, hundreds of people from the region came to join Gov. Sonny Perdue in a prayer service for rain.

"I'm here today to appeal to you and to all Georgians and all people who believe in the power of prayer to ask God to shower our state, our region, our nation with the blessings of water," Perdue said

So, tell me what's so "dishonest" about reporting that? Imagine for a hot second that an appointee of Barack Obama's had held a public rain dance. What would the Drudge or Brietbart or even Fox headlines have been?
The days of this kind of shit are OVER buddy... you started this "fake news" crap and you're gonna get it shoved straight up your ass for the next 8 years. Enjoy!

You have to prove it is fake, little buddy. You haven't.

s0n.....don't hang your hat on this.....nobody is going to care about this story in a week or two. CNN and MSNBC might be keeping it alive by a thread but nobody watches those networks so by February, will be dead.:2up:
Both CNN and Buzfeed reported that the dossier was, as yet, unverified. What they reported was the truth...the dossier exists and both the President and the petulant elect were briefed on a two page synopsis of it. There was nothing false in CNN or Buzzfeads reporting.

No, they reported on the content and there is absolutely NO evidence to support anything in the content. You can do your little tap-dance and pretend they covered their bases by using phrases like "yet to be verified" or whatever. We all know what they did and what they were trying to imply. You leftists do this shit all the time. It's why it was SO ironic that you complained about "fake news" when Hildabitch lost the election.

And they stated that the dossier was unverified. Nothing false in the reporting. Not liking what it said does not make it false or fake. You have not been able to identify a single thing they were untruthful about...that's because they weren't. They reported on exactly what was going on.

Now nobody has said anything was "false" was FAKE! Do you comprehend these are two entirely different words with different meanings or are you mentally deficient? You can report something that's not entirely false but it can still be FAKE... and that's what CNN and Buzzfeed did. That's what the left-wing news media does all the time.

No, it's unverified, not fake. There is nothing fake about it. The dossier exists, has existed for months and has been in the hands of the FBI since this summer. President Obama and Petulant Elect Trump were both briefed on the contents. This is all true and not "fake". Also, CNN did not release the contents of the dossier, Buzzfeed did. Stop conflating the two organizations. CNN reported on a true story. No embellishments, no falsehoods and they stated unequivocally that the dossier was unverified.

I read a headline the other day about Trump's secretary of agriculture nominee, Sonny Perdue. The man was the fucking governor of Georgia! The headline read: Sonny Perdue, who once prayed for rain, is Trump's pick for Agriculture. Now what the hell do you call that shit? Is that honest journalistic integrity to you? No... that's a left-wing hit job by a left-wing hack.

You read a headline where? Context is important. Go to Brietbart or Drudge and read me some of those headlines, mkay? Also, it was a true headline was it not? I remember when that happened. It was national news. Here's an NPR article from 2007.

In Drought-Stricken Georgia, a Prayer for Rain

At the state capitol in Georgia Tuesday, the governor tried something different. On a partly cloudy warm fall day, hundreds of people from the region came to join Gov. Sonny Perdue in a prayer service for rain.

"I'm here today to appeal to you and to all Georgians and all people who believe in the power of prayer to ask God to shower our state, our region, our nation with the blessings of water," Perdue said

So, tell me what's so "dishonest" about reporting that? Imagine for a hot second that an appointee of Barack Obama's had held a public rain dance. What would the Drudge or Brietbart or even Fox headlines have been?
The days of this kind of shit are OVER buddy... you started this "fake news" crap and you're gonna get it shoved straight up your ass for the next 8 years. Enjoy!

You have to prove it is fake, little buddy. You haven't.

s0n.....don't hang your hat on this.....nobody is going to care about this story in a week or two. CNN and MSNBC might be keeping it alive by a thread but nobody watches those networks so by February, will be dead.:2up:

Probably because there will be new scandals in record time.

But, this isn't going away. While our press isn't doing its job, the foreign press is and they say that this MI6 agent isn't the only source out there.

Warnings. These networks need to be required to provide warnings to viewers. Viewers should be warned that what they're seeing is not 'News.' They should be warned that what they're seeing in only opinion information. I watched CNN last night. They had a panel of eight 'experts', and all were only presenting negative information on Trump.

It just came off as so rigged. Clearly, there's a propaganda agenda going on. It didn't resemble 'News' or 'Journalism' in any way. The viewers should be warned that what they're seeing isn't intended to be accepted as actual 'News Reporting.' The People shouldn't continue to be deceived by these networks.
YMCA Bans CNN Because of its 'Fake News'

Valparaiso YMCA Accused Of Censorship After Banning CNN From TVs

'Not long after President-elect Donald Trump accused CNN of being “fake news” and refused to take a question from a CNN reporter, the Valparaiso Family YMCA has declared the channel off-limits in its workout room.

“To me, it’s blatant censorship that I find very surprising,” said Greg Quartucci, who has been a member of the YMCA in Valparaiso for more than a decade.

He said CNN has been a fixture on a TV at the Valparaiso Y for years.'

Greg is a dumbass Liberal. The YMCA can put on anything it wants on their TVs. Nothing says it has to play CNN on its TVs. If Greg wants to watch CNN while he works out or sits around in the locker room while men change clothes he can do so somewhere else.
YMCA Bans CNN Because of its 'Fake News'

Valparaiso YMCA Accused Of Censorship After Banning CNN From TVs

'Not long after President-elect Donald Trump accused CNN of being “fake news” and refused to take a question from a CNN reporter, the Valparaiso Family YMCA has declared the channel off-limits in its workout room.

“To me, it’s blatant censorship that I find very surprising,” said Greg Quartucci, who has been a member of the YMCA in Valparaiso for more than a decade.

He said CNN has been a fixture on a TV at the Valparaiso Y for years.'

Greg is a dumbass Liberal. The YMCA can put on anything it wants on their TVs. Nothing says it has to play CNN on its TVs. If Greg wants to watch CNN while he works out or sits around in the locker room while men change clothes he can do so somewhere else.


Seriously, they think it's "censorship" to decide what to play on their own TVs? Leftists are constantly striving to reach a new level of stupid
I watched CNN, Fox News and other cable news and also from foreign countries.
Fox News is the worst I've seen. They are very good in telling you the technicalities but not the reality....... in short distorted and very disturbing. Even my guest from other countries who the hell listen to Fox News so I showed then these links. Read the last paragraph.
Fox News watchers/listeners are the most UNINFORMED & UNEDUCATED Americans.

The Science of Fox News: Why Its Viewers Are the Most Misinformed

Survey: NPR’s listeners best-informed, Fox viewers worst-informed

Fox News Viewers Uninformed, NPR Listeners Not, Poll Suggests

People were asked questions about news habits and current events in a statewide poll of 600 New Jersey residents recently. Results showed that viewers of Sunday morning news shows were the most informed about current events, while Fox News viewers were the least informed.

In fact, FDU poll results showed they were even less informed than those who say they don’t watch any news at all.

Careful, don't get me started on Fake News Polls either. That's a whole other problem. But some of these media outlets should just be required to disclose that they're reporting opinion-based information. Because right now, they're being allowed to deceive the People by claiming to be reporting 'News.' They should disclose up front that it's biased information they're offering. That would be the right thing to do.

Okay go for it.

Are you saying or disagreeing that Fox or Faux News listeners are the least misinformed Americans?

Yes, i disagree with any poll making that claim. It's fake poll nonsense.

Did they did this survey just to hurt your feelings?
Survey was not political. Are you aware that polls like these are verified and certified by accounting firm?

It's fake. And no one cares. Movin on...

LOL you are ignoring Faux News. Name one that you think it's fake news coming from CNN.
You have no concept of the 1st Amendment and how he's trying to kill it. Good work, you total fucking idiot.
Lefty thinks the 1st Amendment means the President must respond to assholes.

CNN are a major news channel...

He attacked that organisation and then refused to take a question from them...

I suppose thats the way you want it from President Piss...
CNN is not a news channel. They proved that in this election. They deserve to be ignored especially after running the Fake Golden Shower story they knew was false.

But you are ignoring his own FOX network with his brother Hannity broadcasting lots of fake news. It's quite Disgusting.

So what we have now - thanks in large part to BS "news" sites like BuzzFeed - is an MSM so desperate to compete with the BS they have exchanged their integrity for some ratings.

In the end, when the perception is CNN = BuzzFeed, their ratings will tank.

Faux news, Breitbart and Infowars has been broadcasting fake news all year......... But you and your buddies are ignoring it. That's very funny guys.
Both CNN and Buzfeed reported that the dossier was, as yet, unverified. What they reported was the truth...the dossier exists and both the President and the petulant elect were briefed on a two page synopsis of it. There was nothing false in CNN or Buzzfeads reporting.

No, they reported on the content and there is absolutely NO evidence to support anything in the content. You can do your little tap-dance and pretend they covered their bases by using phrases like "yet to be verified" or whatever. We all know what they did and what they were trying to imply. You leftists do this shit all the time. It's why it was SO ironic that you complained about "fake news" when Hildabitch lost the election.

Now nobody has said anything was "false" was FAKE! Do you comprehend these are two entirely different words with different meanings or are you mentally deficient? You can report something that's not entirely false but it can still be FAKE... and that's what CNN and Buzzfeed did. That's what the left-wing news media does all the time.

I read a headline the other day about Trump's secretary of agriculture nominee, Sonny Perdue. The man was the fucking governor of Georgia! The headline read: Sonny Perdue, who once prayed for rain, is Trump's pick for Agriculture. Now what the hell do you call that shit? Is that honest journalistic integrity to you? No... that's a left-wing hit job by a left-wing hack.

The days of this kind of shit are OVER buddy... you started this "fake news" crap and you're gonna get it shoved straight up your ass for the next 8 years. Enjoy!
Liberals hate Sonny Perdue because he was raised a farmer. In lib think a professor of sex history knows more about agriculture than a farmer.
Faux news, Breitbart and Infowars has been broadcasting fake news all year......... But you and your buddies are ignoring it. That's very funny guys.

Oh snowflake, you've not even BEGUN to feel the level of ignore that's heading your way.

You know... I get the distinct feeling that most of you have no idea of just how much political power you've lost over the past 6 years. The mouths on some of you seems like you think you still set the agenda and call the shots.

All of your noise made no difference. This was supposed to be your election cycle where Democrats regained the Senate and made headway in the House. You failed on every level. You had the Clinton Machine, Rockstar Obama, the mainstream media, George Soros's billions of dollars... you still couldn't get it done.

Since your devastating loss, all you've done is whine and moan like a bunch of petulant children who didn't get your way... you've blamed the FBI, the Russians, Fake News... anything BUT your own shortcomings. You've protested, burned cities down, rioted and incited violence... boycotted the inauguration... shown your asses in every way you knew how. You've melted down your social media pages until your friends are starting to drop you like a bad habit. And you ALL continue here to make fools out of yourself on a daily basis... you just don't fucking seem to get it.

But you know what? You're gonna get it. Might take a few weeks or maybe a few months, but it is going to start sinking in pretty soon that you no longer have ANY political power and America has largely tuned you out.
Careful, don't get me started on Fake News Polls either. That's a whole other problem. But some of these media outlets should just be required to disclose that they're reporting opinion-based information. Because right now, they're being allowed to deceive the People by claiming to be reporting 'News.' They should disclose up front that it's biased information they're offering. That would be the right thing to do.

Okay go for it.

Are you saying or disagreeing that Fox or Faux News listeners are the least misinformed Americans?

Yes, i disagree with any poll making that claim. It's fake poll nonsense.

Did they did this survey just to hurt your feelings?
Survey was not political. Are you aware that polls like these are verified and certified by accounting firm?

It's fake. And no one cares. Movin on...

LOL you are ignoring Faux News. Name one that you think it's fake news coming from CNN.

It isn't 'News.' It's opinion Propaganda. These networks should be required to disclose that to viewers. Warnings should be broadcasted throughout the day expressing that what viewers are being presented with, is opinion information. And that it's not intended to be accepted as 'News.' Right now, they're getting away with deceiving the People. That needs to change.
Lefty thinks the 1st Amendment means the President must respond to assholes.

CNN are a major news channel...

He attacked that organisation and then refused to take a question from them...

I suppose thats the way you want it from President Piss...
CNN is not a news channel. They proved that in this election. They deserve to be ignored especially after running the Fake Golden Shower story they knew was false.

But you are ignoring his own FOX network with his brother Hannity broadcasting lots of fake news. It's quite Disgusting.

So what we have now - thanks in large part to BS "news" sites like BuzzFeed - is an MSM so desperate to compete with the BS they have exchanged their integrity for some ratings.

In the end, when the perception is CNN = BuzzFeed, their ratings will tank.

Faux news, Breitbart and Infowars has been broadcasting fake news all year......... But you and your buddies are ignoring it. That's very funny guys.
Literally NOTHING the Media predicted about Trump for the past 18 months transpired. NOTHING. How is it possible to be that wrong?

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