CNN's Erin Burnett says Biden got the debate questions beforehand!!


Gold Member
May 1, 2024
Same thing happened in the 2016 democrat primary debate when donna brazille was caught giving hillary the debate questions. Donna is still on TV!!!!

june 28 2024 She said he went through six days of preparation but was corrected by Chris Wallace that it was actually more than a week. "They know the rules," she said. "He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

Wait, what? He "knows every one of these questions is coming?" Really?

Is that an admission they gave him the questions? Please clarify, Erin Burnett. Did someone tell him about every one of these queries? Are we talking about something similar to the Donna Brazile situation when she tipped off then-candidate Hillary Clinton about what was coming?
Same thing happened in the 2016 democrat primary debate when donna brazille was caught giving hillary the debate questions. Donna is still on TV!!!!

It was pretty clear to me. After five days of prep, two pages of notes with him at the podium.

I am almost thinking if I am Trump I may not even debate in September. Tell the voters, "I am not going to put him through this again, it is dangerous for our country. You can choose, four more years of my policies or four more of his"
Same thing happened in the 2016 democrat primary debate when donna brazille was caught giving hillary the debate questions. Donna is still on TV!!!!

As we predicted. Camp David was transformed into the CNN debate stage complete with lookalikes for Trump Tapper and Bash. Questions provided and a week of rehearsals and THAT was the result. YIKES
The hell it doesn't. But i see your problem - you have no choice but to lie about this.

"He knows every one of these questions is coming "

It doesn't say - because we gave them to him.

Because he is the fucking President and has a team that follows politics.
Hell, I could have told you 90% of what the questions were going to be.
In the end, despite 10 days of preparation, Joe Biden was unable to perform rationally, or physically in a debate that was tailor made for him by CNN.

CNN Reporter Says Top Democrats Are Right Now Plotting to Replace Biden (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott

Despite the obvious confusion and inability to answer questions cogently, now Joe say's he will not quit the race....


Was it just Biden who imploded or did the whole Democrat party implode, too?

28 Jun 2024 ~~ By Andrea Widberg

Depending on whether you are a conservative or a leftist, the debate last night was either fun or awful. I’ll have a few things to say about it but the more pivotal question is whether Biden’s disastrous performance harmed only him or if it harmed the entire Democrat party. It’s an important distinction because the former means Democrat machinations and a possible path to victory, while the latter means that the Democrats, finally, are a spent force.
I’ll start with a few comments about the debate. It’s now known around the world that Biden was barely sentient. From the thin whispery voice to the pressed speech to the dilated, staring eyes to the slack-jawed expression to the stumbling and stuttering to the endless flow of lies, it was the worst thing ever seen on an American—or any—debate stage. Having Jill gently guide him down the stairs after the debate ended just emphasized that Joe Biden is gone:

Abraham Lincoln (probably) said, “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” The Democrats have just learned the wisdom behind that saying. We will learn in November whether the American people, having been brutally fooled, will be in a forgiving mood.

This appears to have been orchestrated, which means they have had some sinister plan to sneak in someone who they know could never have won in the primaries. Hillary because she is a nasty and unlikable person. Newsome because his California policies have been disasters.
In fact several talking heads have mentioned "Big Mike" taking a shot at the presidency.
Imagine for a moment the type of people behind the scenes who have been running this fraud and shoving in into the public’s face ad nauseum for the passed 3.5 years and what they are capable of. Advice to Donald Trump: Redouble your security.
I dont think it means what you think. I mean, dont get me wrong. It certainly wouldnt surprise me if they did..
Everyone knows about what questions are going to be asked. I feel like that is what was meant.
Like hell. There were literally thousands of questions that could have been asked. No way Pedo Joe knew what questions were coming unless he was told beforehand. THINK

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