CNN’s shameless assault on the memory of the Holocaust.

If you want to know what a democrat is up to just look at what they accuse others of doing.
Ms Amanpour anti-semitic rants have been around for years. I'm surprised, but not much, that she didn't go the way of Helen Thomas.
How do you sleep at night?
Both you and OP Mindless take hypocrisy to a level I've seldom seen.
Your target a British Journalist who simply calls out what she considers wrongdoing by whoever.
As when she condemned the Charlie Hebdo killers.
Of course making any comparison of Trump's anti-Muslim, Anti- Mexican, Racist speeches and presidential policy's with the Nazi's anti-Semitic speeches and policy's of the 1930's you consider a reason for demanding her forced resignation. As was exactly the outcome you lobbied for against Helen Turner who's career you destroyed.
I'm beginning to understand that what is happening to Jeremy Corbyn is an international Zionist conspiracy against anyone who criticises Jewish/Israeli wrongdoing or makes comparisons daring not to accept that Nazi anti-Semitism is so far above any other form of racism subscribers must be hounded and practically criminalised.
You're always quick to condemn Britain's Race Hate Laws, which incidentally nothing either journalist has ever said as regards Jewish/Israeli affairs would be prosecuted as such.
Yet you laud your first Amendment 'Free Speech' where anyone can say anything no matter how race hateful, that is of course as long as it's not aimed at you!
Most Trumpbots are willfully blind to where their anti-democracy movement is headed.

When I read you posts, I find myself wishing there were a single word that conveys retarded and dishonest.
That would be Fox. Everybody knows it but people who only watch Fox, in the entire world. Brainwashed functional idiot. Scumbag Rupert Murdoch runs Fox and all the newspapers that agree with you -all five of them.
She has apologized.

We all make mistakes at times.

She has just hurt her brand by saying something like that.

There are some TV executives who have probably just put her on their "Don't hire" list.

She has punished herself.

She deserves that punishment.

When people have a chance to be a commentator on national TV, it goes to their head.

Antisemitism is not a "mistake". It's a conscious, vicious expression of hatred and a pack of lies. She has done it before. She is damn lucky I cannot reach her throat.
She is comparing Trump to Kristallnacht what kinda nut is she?
She's an Iranian. Shiite Moslems are not rational very often. They are the folks who run through the streets of Tehran shouting "Death to America, the Great Satan." They are the folks who demand the destruction of Israel.
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She is comparing Trump to Kristallnacht what kinda nut is she?
She's an Iranian. Shiite Moslems are not rational very often.
Explain the only actual spike in violence since Trump has been against Jews black Muslims gays and now Chinese. And the violence doubles in areas where he has a rally. Please. He and his propaganda machine are disgrace.
And being against right-wing Israeli politicians is not anti-Semitism people.

Please explain the connection between Kristalnacht and Israelis (right or left wing).

I'm keen to know your thoughts.
Try Wikipedia ignoramus.

Why would you refer to Wikipedia as "ignoramus"?

I'm keen to know your thoughts, not anonymous Internet authors.

Could it be, you don't have any thoughts of your own, just those of anonymous Internet authors?
What is your question? Do you want me to write a book for you...

Allow me to repeat ... " Please explain the connection between Kristalnacht and Israelis (right or left wing). "
I have a masters in history with a concentration on the 20th century and France and Hitler. I guess I know what the hell is wrong with you LOL

As usual, you can’t answer simple questions. Thanks for proving how ignorant you are.

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