Trump's critics have destroyed the memory of the Holocaust.

The Jews were in Germania before the Germanic tribes in Germania, they came with the Romans who had to fight the Germanic tribes when expanding their territories in Germania.., okay..

Have you come here just to be a twit?
No, I can be a twit anywhere it's not against the law.
But you better leave the Jews in the ME or North Africa prior to one thousand B.C.E.

The I/P thread should be able to accommodate you. You're WAY off topic.

I'll only play with you in the other place.
Should you be saying that in public?
Mel Brooks just ruined the memory of the Holocaust by making fun of Germany and Hitler..

You didn't read the article then?

You just wanted to indulge your hobby horse?
Pestering is a hobby or a horse?
Trump has made speech denying the holocaust acceptable. Many of his supporters are neo-Nazi’s. Across the U.S. and Europe, the Nazi’s are making gains.
I'm sure you have a clip of him denying the holocaust.
In context, naturally.

Many of Obama's supporters are terrorists. Meh.

Nazis always gain influence when brownshirted pigs are in power. Funny how that works.
Is that how you justify Nazism? Disgusing.
Getting back to Godwin's Law and the article attached in OP which focuses the separation of mother's and children with the Nazi's. It concludes with "Twitter buzzes with Trump-as-Hitler talk. ‘This is how the Holocaust started’, they all say."

As I read article it, I wouldn't disagree with much. I don't put too much stock in the click-bait headline and feel the article's premise could also pertain to the destruction of the memory of the Holocaust by those whose argument relates its start with the separation of citizens and their guns.
Trump has made speech denying the holocaust acceptable. Many of his supporters are neo-Nazi’s. Across the U.S. and Europe, the Nazi’s are making gains.
I'm sure you have a clip of him denying the holocaust.
In context, naturally.

Many of Obama's supporters are terrorists. Meh.

Nazis always gain influence when brownshirted pigs are in power. Funny how that works.
Is that how you justify Nazism? Disgusing.
Who’s the trespasser in your family?
Trump has made speech denying the holocaust acceptable. Many of his supporters are neo-Nazi’s. Across the U.S. and Europe, the Nazi’s are making gains.
I'm sure you have a clip of him denying the holocaust.
In context, naturally.

Many of Obama's supporters are terrorists. Meh.

Nazis always gain influence when brownshirted pigs are in power. Funny how that works.
Is that how you justify Nazism? Disgusing.
Who’s the trespasser in your family?
You’re even starting to hallucinate them... poor thing :itsok:
Trump has made speech denying the holocaust acceptable. Many of his supporters are neo-Nazi’s. Across the U.S. and Europe, the Nazi’s are making gains.
I'm sure you have a clip of him denying the holocaust.
In context, naturally.

Many of Obama's supporters are terrorists. Meh.

Nazis always gain influence when brownshirted pigs are in power. Funny how that works.
Is that how you justify Nazism? Disgusing.
Who’s the trespasser in your family?
You’re even starting to hallucinate them... poor thing :itsok:
Either that or you’re a moron.
The Amerindians were not subjected to genocide.

That is a libtard lie.

With events such as Gnadenhutten and whole tribes being separated from their food supply I look at that stance as mostly denial.
Look at it however you want but we still have tribes East of the Missippi with reservations, some without, that stil;l live there b ecause they h ave remained peaceful.

The Amerindian tribes that got fucked brtought it on themselves in the vast majority of cases.

Besides, there are more pure blood Amerindians alive to day than when Columbus landed and three times that who are mixed blood Amerindian.

There was NO genocide, bubba, and that is fairly plain despite the Mass Media lying about it a million times.
Look at it however you want but we still have tribes East of the Missippi with reservations, some without, that stil;l live there b ecause they h ave remained peaceful.

The Amerindian tribes that got fucked brtought it on themselves in the vast majority of cases.

Besides, there are more pure blood Amerindians alive to day than when Columbus landed and three times that who are mixed blood Amerindian.

There was NO genocide, bubba, and that is fairly plain despite the Mass Media lying about it a million times.

What sort of logic is that? That would be like saying give the Jewish population in Europe several hundred years to recover then compare that to what it was in 1933 as determination if the Holocaust occurred.
Don't you know that Jews own the copywrite on the word "Holocaust"?
No other group may use the word without the express written permission of the Holocaust Museum In Washington
An extraordinary thing happened in internet culture this week: Godwin repealed Godwin’s Law. Godwin’s Law is the idea that the longer an internet discussion thread drags on, the more likely it is that one of the discussants will mention Hitler. Rashly and inappropriately. They’ll compare their opponent to Der Fuhrer or say, ‘This is how Nazism started!!!!’. Reductio ad Hitlerum, as some call it. The law was invented by Professor Mike Godwin, an American attorney. And this week he scrapped it. To the delight of virtual leftists and Trump-bashers who are chomping at the bit to say ‘TRUMP IS LITERALLY A NAZI’, Godwin tweeted in relation to the Trump administration and its child-migrant policy: ‘By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I’m with you.’

The response was one of glee. ‘Godwin has officially suspended Godwin’s Law’, tweeters crowed. The ‘actual, literal creator of Godwin’s Law’ has okayed Hitler comparisons, they whooped. They could now crack on with their hysterical likening of Trump to Hitler, and everything he does to what happened in 1930s Europe, without having to worry about someone shouting, ‘Godwin’s Law!’ at them. It so perfectly sums up the arrogance of the Twitterati and opinion-forming set: for years they mocked the Hitler-obsessed ‘below the line’ (BTL) commenters on their Tumblr blogs or Guardian columns, and even instituted an internet law to paint them as vulgar idiots, and now they themselves embrace mad Hitler blather and have scrapped the law that said such online talk was wrong. One online law for thee, another for me.

Trump’s critics have destroyed the memory of the Holocaust
This guy for one is definitely happy about holocaust memories being destroyed -- if it even happened at all

An extraordinary thing happened in internet culture this week: Godwin repealed Godwin’s Law. Godwin’s Law is the idea that the longer an internet discussion thread drags on, the more likely it is that one of the discussants will mention Hitler. Rashly and inappropriately. They’ll compare their opponent to Der Fuhrer or say, ‘This is how Nazism started!!!!’. Reductio ad Hitlerum, as some call it. The law was invented by Professor Mike Godwin, an American attorney. And this week he scrapped it. To the delight of virtual leftists and Trump-bashers who are chomping at the bit to say ‘TRUMP IS LITERALLY A NAZI’, Godwin tweeted in relation to the Trump administration and its child-migrant policy: ‘By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I’m with you.’

The response was one of glee. ‘Godwin has officially suspended Godwin’s Law’, tweeters crowed. The ‘actual, literal creator of Godwin’s Law’ has okayed Hitler comparisons, they whooped. They could now crack on with their hysterical likening of Trump to Hitler, and everything he does to what happened in 1930s Europe, without having to worry about someone shouting, ‘Godwin’s Law!’ at them. It so perfectly sums up the arrogance of the Twitterati and opinion-forming set: for years they mocked the Hitler-obsessed ‘below the line’ (BTL) commenters on their Tumblr blogs or Guardian columns, and even instituted an internet law to paint them as vulgar idiots, and now they themselves embrace mad Hitler blather and have scrapped the law that said such online talk was wrong. One online law for thee, another for me.

Trump’s critics have destroyed the memory of the Holocaust
This guy for one is definitely happy about holocaust memories being destroyed -- if it even happened at all


You've never been in a gas chamber then?
An extraordinary thing happened in internet culture this week: Godwin repealed Godwin’s Law. Godwin’s Law is the idea that the longer an internet discussion thread drags on, the more likely it is that one of the discussants will mention Hitler. Rashly and inappropriately. They’ll compare their opponent to Der Fuhrer or say, ‘This is how Nazism started!!!!’. Reductio ad Hitlerum, as some call it. The law was invented by Professor Mike Godwin, an American attorney. And this week he scrapped it. To the delight of virtual leftists and Trump-bashers who are chomping at the bit to say ‘TRUMP IS LITERALLY A NAZI’, Godwin tweeted in relation to the Trump administration and its child-migrant policy: ‘By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I’m with you.’

The response was one of glee. ‘Godwin has officially suspended Godwin’s Law’, tweeters crowed. The ‘actual, literal creator of Godwin’s Law’ has okayed Hitler comparisons, they whooped. They could now crack on with their hysterical likening of Trump to Hitler, and everything he does to what happened in 1930s Europe, without having to worry about someone shouting, ‘Godwin’s Law!’ at them. It so perfectly sums up the arrogance of the Twitterati and opinion-forming set: for years they mocked the Hitler-obsessed ‘below the line’ (BTL) commenters on their Tumblr blogs or Guardian columns, and even instituted an internet law to paint them as vulgar idiots, and now they themselves embrace mad Hitler blather and have scrapped the law that said such online talk was wrong. One online law for thee, another for me.

Trump’s critics have destroyed the memory of the Holocaust
This guy for one is definitely happy about holocaust memories being destroyed -- if it even happened at all


You've never been in a gas chamber then?

Are you telling me that all of these GOP candidates are lying to me??

The GOP's 'Nazi problem' comes to California with anti-Semitic Holocaust denier candidate
An extraordinary thing happened in internet culture this week: Godwin repealed Godwin’s Law. Godwin’s Law is the idea that the longer an internet discussion thread drags on, the more likely it is that one of the discussants will mention Hitler. Rashly and inappropriately. They’ll compare their opponent to Der Fuhrer or say, ‘This is how Nazism started!!!!’. Reductio ad Hitlerum, as some call it. The law was invented by Professor Mike Godwin, an American attorney. And this week he scrapped it. To the delight of virtual leftists and Trump-bashers who are chomping at the bit to say ‘TRUMP IS LITERALLY A NAZI’, Godwin tweeted in relation to the Trump administration and its child-migrant policy: ‘By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I’m with you.’

The response was one of glee. ‘Godwin has officially suspended Godwin’s Law’, tweeters crowed. The ‘actual, literal creator of Godwin’s Law’ has okayed Hitler comparisons, they whooped. They could now crack on with their hysterical likening of Trump to Hitler, and everything he does to what happened in 1930s Europe, without having to worry about someone shouting, ‘Godwin’s Law!’ at them. It so perfectly sums up the arrogance of the Twitterati and opinion-forming set: for years they mocked the Hitler-obsessed ‘below the line’ (BTL) commenters on their Tumblr blogs or Guardian columns, and even instituted an internet law to paint them as vulgar idiots, and now they themselves embrace mad Hitler blather and have scrapped the law that said such online talk was wrong. One online law for thee, another for me.

Trump’s critics have destroyed the memory of the Holocaust
This guy for one is definitely happy about holocaust memories being destroyed -- if it even happened at all


You've never been in a gas chamber then?

Are you telling me that all of these GOP candidates are lying to me??

The GOP's 'Nazi problem' comes to California with anti-Semitic Holocaust denier candidate

I'm not telling you anything.
An extraordinary thing happened in internet culture this week: Godwin repealed Godwin’s Law. Godwin’s Law is the idea that the longer an internet discussion thread drags on, the more likely it is that one of the discussants will mention Hitler. Rashly and inappropriately. They’ll compare their opponent to Der Fuhrer or say, ‘This is how Nazism started!!!!’. Reductio ad Hitlerum, as some call it. The law was invented by Professor Mike Godwin, an American attorney. And this week he scrapped it. To the delight of virtual leftists and Trump-bashers who are chomping at the bit to say ‘TRUMP IS LITERALLY A NAZI’, Godwin tweeted in relation to the Trump administration and its child-migrant policy: ‘By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I’m with you.’

The response was one of glee. ‘Godwin has officially suspended Godwin’s Law’, tweeters crowed. The ‘actual, literal creator of Godwin’s Law’ has okayed Hitler comparisons, they whooped. They could now crack on with their hysterical likening of Trump to Hitler, and everything he does to what happened in 1930s Europe, without having to worry about someone shouting, ‘Godwin’s Law!’ at them. It so perfectly sums up the arrogance of the Twitterati and opinion-forming set: for years they mocked the Hitler-obsessed ‘below the line’ (BTL) commenters on their Tumblr blogs or Guardian columns, and even instituted an internet law to paint them as vulgar idiots, and now they themselves embrace mad Hitler blather and have scrapped the law that said such online talk was wrong. One online law for thee, another for me.

Trump’s critics have destroyed the memory of the Holocaust

It's a fake 'law', there is no such thing it is merely another meme someone made up. The real problem is it is now giving cover to people who actually DO act like Nazis, like Lying Trump and his leper colony. His idiotic followers think that just by screaming 'Godwin's Law' they have a get out of jail free card when their dear leader and his facktard minions perpetrate all the same sort of debauchery that Goebbels would love.

You don't and neither does your lying orange turd.

You have no defense of what your dear leader does so you resort to the big lie or using fake memes and citing them as legitimate argument. They aren't. But you don't have anything else. Sorry choates, your fake crap works within your bubble and on Fake Fox News but no here in the real world. It's another Red Herring to deflect from the real vile shit your white trash leader perpetrates on humanity.

You want desperately to hide behind fake but it isn't going to work. You comments on the Holocaust are ludicrous to the infinite.
An extraordinary thing happened in internet culture this week: Godwin repealed Godwin’s Law. Godwin’s Law is the idea that the longer an internet discussion thread drags on, the more likely it is that one of the discussants will mention Hitler. Rashly and inappropriately. They’ll compare their opponent to Der Fuhrer or say, ‘This is how Nazism started!!!!’. Reductio ad Hitlerum, as some call it. The law was invented by Professor Mike Godwin, an American attorney. And this week he scrapped it. To the delight of virtual leftists and Trump-bashers who are chomping at the bit to say ‘TRUMP IS LITERALLY A NAZI’, Godwin tweeted in relation to the Trump administration and its child-migrant policy: ‘By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I’m with you.’

The response was one of glee. ‘Godwin has officially suspended Godwin’s Law’, tweeters crowed. The ‘actual, literal creator of Godwin’s Law’ has okayed Hitler comparisons, they whooped. They could now crack on with their hysterical likening of Trump to Hitler, and everything he does to what happened in 1930s Europe, without having to worry about someone shouting, ‘Godwin’s Law!’ at them. It so perfectly sums up the arrogance of the Twitterati and opinion-forming set: for years they mocked the Hitler-obsessed ‘below the line’ (BTL) commenters on their Tumblr blogs or Guardian columns, and even instituted an internet law to paint them as vulgar idiots, and now they themselves embrace mad Hitler blather and have scrapped the law that said such online talk was wrong. One online law for thee, another for me.

Trump’s critics have destroyed the memory of the Holocaust

It's a fake 'law', there is no such thing it is merely another meme someone made up. The real problem is it is now giving cover to people who actually DO act like Nazis, like Lying Trump and his leper colony. His idiotic followers think that just by screaming 'Godwin's Law' they have a get out of jail free card when their dear leader and his facktard minions perpetrate all the same sort of debauchery that Goebbels would love.

You don't and neither does your lying orange turd.

You have no defense of what your dear leader does so you resort to the big lie or using fake memes and citing them as legitimate argument. They aren't. But you don't have anything else. Sorry choates, your fake crap works within your bubble and on Fake Fox News but no here in the real world. It's another Red Herring to deflect from the real vile shit your white trash leader perpetrates on humanity.

You want desperately to hide behind fake but it isn't going to work. You comments on the Holocaust are ludicrous to the infinite.

He's not my leader.

And you have no idea what you are talking about.
Trump has made speech denying the holocaust acceptable. Many of his supporters are neo-Nazi’s. Across the U.S. and Europe, the Nazi’s are making gains.

The Nazi's were a German phenomena.

Nothing else compares. Nothing.
Yeah because for the last 8 decades the world stood united in opposition against Nazi ideology. Not anymore.
The Jews were citizens, not trespassers.
And you are disturbed.
They were called trespassers. Also you, Trump, and his sheep have not limited their hostile actions to just non-citizens.
I don’t believe they were called trespassers. They were called vermin. You know, like Donald the lowlife calls immigrants who aren’t from white northern countries
Quote or video of him calling immigrants vermin, please?

I knew you couldn't. Would you like to see a video of Hitlery calling American citizens deplorables?
An extraordinary thing happened in internet culture this week: Godwin repealed Godwin’s Law. Godwin’s Law is the idea that the longer an internet discussion thread drags on, the more likely it is that one of the discussants will mention Hitler. Rashly and inappropriately. They’ll compare their opponent to Der Fuhrer or say, ‘This is how Nazism started!!!!’. Reductio ad Hitlerum, as some call it. The law was invented by Professor Mike Godwin, an American attorney. And this week he scrapped it. To the delight of virtual leftists and Trump-bashers who are chomping at the bit to say ‘TRUMP IS LITERALLY A NAZI’, Godwin tweeted in relation to the Trump administration and its child-migrant policy: ‘By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I’m with you.’

The response was one of glee. ‘Godwin has officially suspended Godwin’s Law’, tweeters crowed. The ‘actual, literal creator of Godwin’s Law’ has okayed Hitler comparisons, they whooped. They could now crack on with their hysterical likening of Trump to Hitler, and everything he does to what happened in 1930s Europe, without having to worry about someone shouting, ‘Godwin’s Law!’ at them. It so perfectly sums up the arrogance of the Twitterati and opinion-forming set: for years they mocked the Hitler-obsessed ‘below the line’ (BTL) commenters on their Tumblr blogs or Guardian columns, and even instituted an internet law to paint them as vulgar idiots, and now they themselves embrace mad Hitler blather and have scrapped the law that said such online talk was wrong. One online law for thee, another for me.

Trump’s critics have destroyed the memory of the Holocaust

It's a fake 'law', there is no such thing it is merely another meme someone made up. The real problem is it is now giving cover to people who actually DO act like Nazis, like Lying Trump and his leper colony. His idiotic followers think that just by screaming 'Godwin's Law' they have a get out of jail free card when their dear leader and his facktard minions perpetrate all the same sort of debauchery that Goebbels would love.

You don't and neither does your lying orange turd.

You have no defense of what your dear leader does so you resort to the big lie or using fake memes and citing them as legitimate argument. They aren't. But you don't have anything else. Sorry choates, your fake crap works within your bubble and on Fake Fox News but no here in the real world. It's another Red Herring to deflect from the real vile shit your white trash leader perpetrates on humanity.

You want desperately to hide behind fake but it isn't going to work. You comments on the Holocaust are ludicrous to the infinite.

He's not my leader.

And you have no idea what you are talking about.

He's your roomate. And your complete lack of an argument belies your ignorance doesn't it.

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