CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

You’re too lazy to check iggy. Did you spoon feed your children till they were 21 goober ? Probably did. You’re a lazy Fk.

You copied your stupid post from a stupid site.
Are you also too stupid to post the link? Obviously, you are.
3 “stupids” in one post. You must have been abused as a child up to now. Not sure how old you are. Mental age, about 8.

You're worth much more than 3 stupids.

Are you getting slapped around by someone with twice your mental age again?
Nice post Mortimer Snerd.

No math? ... and I haven't even brought up scientific instrumentation ... look on the decal as tell us what is says ...
No math? ... and I haven't even brought up scientific instrumentation ... look on the decal as tell us what is says ...
I have a t-shirt that reads "2 + 2 = 5 for sufficiently large values of 2".

Will that do?
Give it up Todd. You've got nothing here but unsupportable speculation. The EVIDENCE shows there was nothing disingenuous taking place. Climategate is a flop because global warming is not a conspiratorial hoax.

Don't you think that if it was a hoax, that thousands of emails and documents would have yielded a little more evidence than these two, 3-word phrases.

Climategate is a flop because global warming is not a conspiratorial hoax.

Did you hear about that University of Pittsburgh anthropology professor who said there
is no difference between male and female skeletons?

Is he part of a conspiratorial hoax?
Is that why Nobel Prize winner, Michael Mann, hasn't paid the money he owes?

He just doesn't know that his court case was dismissed?
We aren't the hero-worshippers you seem to think we all are. I haven't looked at news about his court case in months and then it would only have been to support arguments here. On the other hand, I have looked at his work a great many times. It pops up in any search for global temperatures.
manmade climate change is a crazy cult
View attachment 702225View attachment 702224

Thank you for living up to your user name.

Climate change catastrophes are costing the US economy more than $100 billion per year and you’re still pretending it’s not happening.

This is”smoking, causes cancer” all over again. There are billions of dollars to be made in solving this problem but you first have to admit there’s a problem.
Thank you for living up to your user name.

Climate change catastrophes are costing the US economy more than $100 billion per year and you’re still pretending it’s not happening.

This is”smoking, causes cancer” all over again. There are billions of dollars to be made in solving this problem but you first have to admit there’s a problem.

God, that's hilarious!

Thank you for living up to your user name.

Climate change catastrophes are costing the US economy more than $100 billion per year and you’re still pretending it’s not happening.

This is”smoking, causes cancer” all over again. There are billions of dollars to be made in solving this problem but you first have to admit there’s a problem.
The biggest environmental problems stem from overpopulation; societal problems as well. Nothing short of drastically reducing population numbers will do. Current efforts and proposals are just attempts to get away with it.
Thank you for living up to your user name.

Climate change catastrophes are costing the US economy more than $100 billion per year and you’re still pretending it’s not happening.

This is”smoking, causes cancer” all over again. There are billions of dollars to be made in solving this problem but you first have to admit there’s a problem.

There are billions of dollars to be made in solving this problem but you first have to admit there’s a problem.

There are billions of dollars to be wasted in solving this "problem" but you first have to admit there’s a problem.
Thank you for living up to your user name.

Climate change catastrophes are costing the US economy more than $100 billion per year and you’re still pretending it’s not happening.

This is”smoking, causes cancer” all over again. There are billions of dollars to be made in solving this problem but you first have to admit there’s a problem.
Cigarettes have nothing to do with climate change.

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