CO2 is used to keep things COLD

Ahhh, Facts hurt, huh Crick?

Crick, Industry is used to manufacture our food, how about telling us how we can eat without Industry?
Yes, CO2 cools things, even in our atmosphere, of course there is Crick's unproven theory with zero experiments, but still, Crick, your idea that we could feed the planet without industry is pure nonsense.

You could always grow your friggin own. People do it every day.
So what, if you could take your head out of the sand, you would realize that the people who live in cities could not grow their own food.

Get it, the world needs industry to supply food. We are speaking of something a little bigger than what one individual can do, we are speaking of what is needed today, to supply food to people who live in cities.

Now if you are speaking of me individually, that I could grow my own food on the 168 acres I sit on, I would have to tell you that you are ignorant. I can not grow my own food, I work supplying you with ELECTRICITY so I am not home in the spring, I have a job that you depend on, unless of course you found a magic way to supply your needs of electricity, without any industry.

Of course, we need modern ways to produce our food, but that's not what this thread is about. You made a silly claim about CO2 supposedly cooling our environment. That was wrong, and you should just admit you read some little bit of information and took the wrong conclusion from it. We've all done that, but only an idiot would just keep defending an indefensible post after all the corrections you have received. This is why people laugh at right wingers and say they are dumb. Grow up and quit embarrassing yourself.
I made no such claim, CO2 is used to keep things cool, this thread is specifically about the Industrial use of CO2. The example I used was in the industrial production of Bread. CO2 is used as Cryogenic. That means extremely cold.

Anyhow, if you think its too hot you could sit on a block of CO2, they sell it as DRY ICE!

The only people that laugh at us, are idiots, morons, political hacks, you are no different than those people in the past who laughed and made fun of black people. You are the same person that called black people dumb. You see, your type never goes away, they just find something new to hate. Bigots never disappear, as you prove. The OP is clearly about CO2 being used in industry because its cold.

So political you are, so full of ideology, so stupid and foolish, you did not even take the time to read the OP, saying something good about CO2 must be stopped at all costs yes? Too bad you can't still hang people from under the cover of a White Sheet. I believe you would.

Fact is, CO2 is some super cold stuff.

OK. Then you say this thread is only about the fact that CO2 is sometimes used to cool things. Perhaps I was thrown off by your statement

From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

Of course CO2 has an effect on raising the temperature of the earth. Only an idiot would say differently. I can't see any problem with your claim that it is sometimes used for small scale cooling as well.
of course? How can you prove it? Show an experiment that shows that adding CO2 changes temperatures. Just one, please, since you can write this statement. Just one factual experiment. Please!
You could always grow your friggin own. People do it every day.
So what, if you could take your head out of the sand, you would realize that the people who live in cities could not grow their own food.

Get it, the world needs industry to supply food. We are speaking of something a little bigger than what one individual can do, we are speaking of what is needed today, to supply food to people who live in cities.

Now if you are speaking of me individually, that I could grow my own food on the 168 acres I sit on, I would have to tell you that you are ignorant. I can not grow my own food, I work supplying you with ELECTRICITY so I am not home in the spring, I have a job that you depend on, unless of course you found a magic way to supply your needs of electricity, without any industry.

Of course, we need modern ways to produce our food, but that's not what this thread is about. You made a silly claim about CO2 supposedly cooling our environment. That was wrong, and you should just admit you read some little bit of information and took the wrong conclusion from it. We've all done that, but only an idiot would just keep defending an indefensible post after all the corrections you have received. This is why people laugh at right wingers and say they are dumb. Grow up and quit embarrassing yourself.
I made no such claim, CO2 is used to keep things cool, this thread is specifically about the Industrial use of CO2. The example I used was in the industrial production of Bread. CO2 is used as Cryogenic. That means extremely cold.

Anyhow, if you think its too hot you could sit on a block of CO2, they sell it as DRY ICE!

The only people that laugh at us, are idiots, morons, political hacks, you are no different than those people in the past who laughed and made fun of black people. You are the same person that called black people dumb. You see, your type never goes away, they just find something new to hate. Bigots never disappear, as you prove. The OP is clearly about CO2 being used in industry because its cold.

So political you are, so full of ideology, so stupid and foolish, you did not even take the time to read the OP, saying something good about CO2 must be stopped at all costs yes? Too bad you can't still hang people from under the cover of a White Sheet. I believe you would.

Fact is, CO2 is some super cold stuff.

OK. Then you say this thread is only about the fact that CO2 is sometimes used to cool things. Perhaps I was thrown off by your statement

From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

Of course CO2 has an effect on raising the temperature of the earth. Only an idiot would say differently. I can't see any problem with your claim that it is sometimes used for small scale cooling as well.
of course? How can you prove it? Show an experiment that shows that adding CO2 changes temperatures. Just one, please, since you can write this statement. Just one factual experiment. Please!

Well, I expect a teabagger as yourself will just claim Obama ordered NASA to publish this, but the sane world will accept it as credible.
Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence
All branches of the military as well as most of the rest of the world have accepted it as fact, even though many of the countries haven't done anything about it yet. Sadly a few people, like you, are stuck with a flat earth mentality, and
So what, if you could take your head out of the sand, you would realize that the people who live in cities could not grow their own food.

Get it, the world needs industry to supply food. We are speaking of something a little bigger than what one individual can do, we are speaking of what is needed today, to supply food to people who live in cities.

Now if you are speaking of me individually, that I could grow my own food on the 168 acres I sit on, I would have to tell you that you are ignorant. I can not grow my own food, I work supplying you with ELECTRICITY so I am not home in the spring, I have a job that you depend on, unless of course you found a magic way to supply your needs of electricity, without any industry.

Of course, we need modern ways to produce our food, but that's not what this thread is about. You made a silly claim about CO2 supposedly cooling our environment. That was wrong, and you should just admit you read some little bit of information and took the wrong conclusion from it. We've all done that, but only an idiot would just keep defending an indefensible post after all the corrections you have received. This is why people laugh at right wingers and say they are dumb. Grow up and quit embarrassing yourself.
I made no such claim, CO2 is used to keep things cool, this thread is specifically about the Industrial use of CO2. The example I used was in the industrial production of Bread. CO2 is used as Cryogenic. That means extremely cold.

Anyhow, if you think its too hot you could sit on a block of CO2, they sell it as DRY ICE!

The only people that laugh at us, are idiots, morons, political hacks, you are no different than those people in the past who laughed and made fun of black people. You are the same person that called black people dumb. You see, your type never goes away, they just find something new to hate. Bigots never disappear, as you prove. The OP is clearly about CO2 being used in industry because its cold.

So political you are, so full of ideology, so stupid and foolish, you did not even take the time to read the OP, saying something good about CO2 must be stopped at all costs yes? Too bad you can't still hang people from under the cover of a White Sheet. I believe you would.

Fact is, CO2 is some super cold stuff.

OK. Then you say this thread is only about the fact that CO2 is sometimes used to cool things. Perhaps I was thrown off by your statement

From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

Of course CO2 has an effect on raising the temperature of the earth. Only an idiot would say differently. I can't see any problem with your claim that it is sometimes used for small scale cooling as well.
of course? How can you prove it? Show an experiment that shows that adding CO2 changes temperatures. Just one, please, since you can write this statement. Just one factual experiment. Please!

Well, I expect a teabagger as yourself will just claim Obama ordered NASA to publish this, but the sane world will accept it as credible.
Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Evidence
All branches of the military as well as most of the rest of the world have accepted it as fact, even though many of the countries haven't done anything about it yet. Sadly a few people, like you, are stuck with a flat earth mentality, and refuse to accept reality.
What is the purpose of the military, to be climate experts, or security experts? What a stupid statement to use as an argument. It is obvious you can't prove it. Can you? Just admit you can't prove it and move forward. Don't give me stupid that is hearsay of something never proven.
You know what? If you had any smarts, you'd delete the duplicate posts you keep posting. But, eh, that's too simple for you. See you have no proof. Bulldog, just remember that.
You know what? If you had any smarts, you'd delete the duplicate posts you keep posting. But, eh, that's too simple for you. See you have no proof. Bulldog, just remember that.

Thanks for mentioning the duplicate posts. I'm not sure why that is happening. There is plenty of proof of CO2 effecting climate change, but I will admit I will never convince you because you just don't care about facts. As far as your previous question about why the military would be concerned about climate change, this is how they explained it
If you don't understand why they might be concerned with security, then you're an idiot.
I made no such claim, CO2 is used to keep things cool, this thread is specifically about the Industrial use of CO2. The example I used was in the industrial production of Bread. CO2 is used as Cryogenic. That means extremely cold.

Actually, it is liquid nitrogen which is used as cryogenic because it is so much colder. Nitrogen is the most common element in our atmosphere. The problem I have with your argument is the failure to understand the nature of elements and compounds in general. Yes, CO2 can be used to cool things, just as nitrogen, freon, oxygen or just plain old air. This does not mean these elements or compounds once released into the atmosphere, are out there continuing to make things cool. Their state changes, carbon dioxide becomes a gas at a certain temperature.

The argument for climate change is centered around the effects of increased CO2 in the atmosphere, which does contribute to the greenhouse effect. However, we need the greenhouse effect, without it there would be no life on earth. It enables our relative air pressure and temperature. The fear of the warmers is that CO2 is causing too much of the greenhouse effect.

CO2 in the atmosphere, which does contribute to the greenhouse effect.


most likely not

CO2 is a great conductor of heat

if you are looking for the great blanket in the atmosphere

that keeps us warm look at the poor conductors great insulators

like nitrogen and H2O for example

Please do not misinterpret my quote. I did not say that CO2 contributes to climate change. There is no question it contributes to the greenhouse effect, along with numerous other gases as well as water vapor. CO2 is a natural element. Mother nature produces more CO2 each year than humans. It's a good thing, this is what all plants need to grow.

The Warmers make a lot out of the climate scientists claims but the botanical scientists say something different. Up until about 600 years ago, our plants and trees were starving for CO2. Commercial greenhouses have often pumped in CO2 to help plants thrive. I suppose this practice will end as Liberals have discovered that when we pay government carbon offset tax, that somehow neutralizes our 'devastating' effect.
You could always grow your friggin own. People do it every day.
So what, if you could take your head out of the sand, you would realize that the people who live in cities could not grow their own food.

Get it, the world needs industry to supply food. We are speaking of something a little bigger than what one individual can do, we are speaking of what is needed today, to supply food to people who live in cities.

Now if you are speaking of me individually, that I could grow my own food on the 168 acres I sit on, I would have to tell you that you are ignorant. I can not grow my own food, I work supplying you with ELECTRICITY so I am not home in the spring, I have a job that you depend on, unless of course you found a magic way to supply your needs of electricity, without any industry.

Of course, we need modern ways to produce our food, but that's not what this thread is about. You made a silly claim about CO2 supposedly cooling our environment. That was wrong, and you should just admit you read some little bit of information and took the wrong conclusion from it. We've all done that, but only an idiot would just keep defending an indefensible post after all the corrections you have received. This is why people laugh at right wingers and say they are dumb. Grow up and quit embarrassing yourself.
I made no such claim, CO2 is used to keep things cool, this thread is specifically about the Industrial use of CO2. The example I used was in the industrial production of Bread. CO2 is used as Cryogenic. That means extremely cold.

Anyhow, if you think its too hot you could sit on a block of CO2, they sell it as DRY ICE!

The only people that laugh at us, are idiots, morons, political hacks, you are no different than those people in the past who laughed and made fun of black people. You are the same person that called black people dumb. You see, your type never goes away, they just find something new to hate. Bigots never disappear, as you prove. The OP is clearly about CO2 being used in industry because its cold.

So political you are, so full of ideology, so stupid and foolish, you did not even take the time to read the OP, saying something good about CO2 must be stopped at all costs yes? Too bad you can't still hang people from under the cover of a White Sheet. I believe you would.

Fact is, CO2 is some super cold stuff.

OK. Then you say this thread is only about the fact that CO2 is sometimes used to cool things. Perhaps I was thrown off by your statement

From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

Of course CO2 has an effect on raising the temperature of the earth. Only an idiot would say differently. I can't see any problem with your claim that it is sometimes used for small scale cooling as well.
of course? How can you prove it? Show an experiment that shows that adding CO2 changes temperatures. Just one, please, since you can write this statement. Just one factual experiment. Please!

No problem.

Very nice. I suspect we will see claims that the pressure in the seltzer-water bottle elevated from the pressurization it experienced from the AlkaSeltzer bubbles. He should have waited till it was all dissolved before corking that bottle. He made the global warming scam too obvious. Some of these denier fools are going to catch on that we're making it all up to get rich.

You rich yet?

I'm still waiting for my check.
So what, if you could take your head out of the sand, you would realize that the people who live in cities could not grow their own food.

Get it, the world needs industry to supply food. We are speaking of something a little bigger than what one individual can do, we are speaking of what is needed today, to supply food to people who live in cities.

Now if you are speaking of me individually, that I could grow my own food on the 168 acres I sit on, I would have to tell you that you are ignorant. I can not grow my own food, I work supplying you with ELECTRICITY so I am not home in the spring, I have a job that you depend on, unless of course you found a magic way to supply your needs of electricity, without any industry.

Of course, we need modern ways to produce our food, but that's not what this thread is about. You made a silly claim about CO2 supposedly cooling our environment. That was wrong, and you should just admit you read some little bit of information and took the wrong conclusion from it. We've all done that, but only an idiot would just keep defending an indefensible post after all the corrections you have received. This is why people laugh at right wingers and say they are dumb. Grow up and quit embarrassing yourself.
I made no such claim, CO2 is used to keep things cool, this thread is specifically about the Industrial use of CO2. The example I used was in the industrial production of Bread. CO2 is used as Cryogenic. That means extremely cold.

Anyhow, if you think its too hot you could sit on a block of CO2, they sell it as DRY ICE!

The only people that laugh at us, are idiots, morons, political hacks, you are no different than those people in the past who laughed and made fun of black people. You are the same person that called black people dumb. You see, your type never goes away, they just find something new to hate. Bigots never disappear, as you prove. The OP is clearly about CO2 being used in industry because its cold.

So political you are, so full of ideology, so stupid and foolish, you did not even take the time to read the OP, saying something good about CO2 must be stopped at all costs yes? Too bad you can't still hang people from under the cover of a White Sheet. I believe you would.

Fact is, CO2 is some super cold stuff.

OK. Then you say this thread is only about the fact that CO2 is sometimes used to cool things. Perhaps I was thrown off by your statement

From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

Of course CO2 has an effect on raising the temperature of the earth. Only an idiot would say differently. I can't see any problem with your claim that it is sometimes used for small scale cooling as well.
of course? How can you prove it? Show an experiment that shows that adding CO2 changes temperatures. Just one, please, since you can write this statement. Just one factual experiment. Please!

No problem.

hahahahahaahahahahahhaha. I'm not wasting my time with this one. the one, the one that has been requested, is the one that proves adding CO2 changes temperatures. Not filling a bottle up and then saying it's a greenhouse gas. :dig:

Again, Herr Koch, 1901.
Of course, we need modern ways to produce our food, but that's not what this thread is about. You made a silly claim about CO2 supposedly cooling our environment. That was wrong, and you should just admit you read some little bit of information and took the wrong conclusion from it. We've all done that, but only an idiot would just keep defending an indefensible post after all the corrections you have received. This is why people laugh at right wingers and say they are dumb. Grow up and quit embarrassing yourself.
I made no such claim, CO2 is used to keep things cool, this thread is specifically about the Industrial use of CO2. The example I used was in the industrial production of Bread. CO2 is used as Cryogenic. That means extremely cold.

Anyhow, if you think its too hot you could sit on a block of CO2, they sell it as DRY ICE!

The only people that laugh at us, are idiots, morons, political hacks, you are no different than those people in the past who laughed and made fun of black people. You are the same person that called black people dumb. You see, your type never goes away, they just find something new to hate. Bigots never disappear, as you prove. The OP is clearly about CO2 being used in industry because its cold.

So political you are, so full of ideology, so stupid and foolish, you did not even take the time to read the OP, saying something good about CO2 must be stopped at all costs yes? Too bad you can't still hang people from under the cover of a White Sheet. I believe you would.

Fact is, CO2 is some super cold stuff.

OK. Then you say this thread is only about the fact that CO2 is sometimes used to cool things. Perhaps I was thrown off by your statement

From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

Of course CO2 has an effect on raising the temperature of the earth. Only an idiot would say differently. I can't see any problem with your claim that it is sometimes used for small scale cooling as well.
of course? How can you prove it? Show an experiment that shows that adding CO2 changes temperatures. Just one, please, since you can write this statement. Just one factual experiment. Please!

No problem.

hahahahahaahahahahahhaha. I'm not wasting my time with this one. the one, the one that has been requested, is the one that proves adding CO2 changes temperatures. Not filling a bottle up and then saying it's a greenhouse gas. :dig:

Again, Herr Koch, 1901.

The question was whether CO2 changes temperatures. Did you not see the temperature change in the bottle that contained the CO2? Crick got it right. You people are morons, hands down.
I made no such claim, CO2 is used to keep things cool, this thread is specifically about the Industrial use of CO2. The example I used was in the industrial production of Bread. CO2 is used as Cryogenic. That means extremely cold.

Anyhow, if you think its too hot you could sit on a block of CO2, they sell it as DRY ICE!

The only people that laugh at us, are idiots, morons, political hacks, you are no different than those people in the past who laughed and made fun of black people. You are the same person that called black people dumb. You see, your type never goes away, they just find something new to hate. Bigots never disappear, as you prove. The OP is clearly about CO2 being used in industry because its cold.

So political you are, so full of ideology, so stupid and foolish, you did not even take the time to read the OP, saying something good about CO2 must be stopped at all costs yes? Too bad you can't still hang people from under the cover of a White Sheet. I believe you would.

Fact is, CO2 is some super cold stuff.

OK. Then you say this thread is only about the fact that CO2 is sometimes used to cool things. Perhaps I was thrown off by your statement

From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

Of course CO2 has an effect on raising the temperature of the earth. Only an idiot would say differently. I can't see any problem with your claim that it is sometimes used for small scale cooling as well.
of course? How can you prove it? Show an experiment that shows that adding CO2 changes temperatures. Just one, please, since you can write this statement. Just one factual experiment. Please!

No problem.

hahahahahaahahahahahhaha. I'm not wasting my time with this one. the one, the one that has been requested, is the one that proves adding CO2 changes temperatures. Not filling a bottle up and then saying it's a greenhouse gas. :dig:

Again, Herr Koch, 1901.

The question was whether CO2 changes temperatures. Did you not see the temperature change in the bottle that contained the CO2? Crick got it right. You people are morons, hands down.

that isn't the question or the argument. CO2 is logarithmic. And the potential is greatest at the first 20 PPM after that, not so much. So any added CO2 will not increase temperature. So, show that experiment. The one that shows that adding CO2 to existing control makes a difference in temperature. You won't be able to, because it doesn't. herr Koch 1901!!!!
OK. Then you say this thread is only about the fact that CO2 is sometimes used to cool things. Perhaps I was thrown off by your statement

Of course CO2 has an effect on raising the temperature of the earth. Only an idiot would say differently. I can't see any problem with your claim that it is sometimes used for small scale cooling as well.
of course? How can you prove it? Show an experiment that shows that adding CO2 changes temperatures. Just one, please, since you can write this statement. Just one factual experiment. Please!

No problem.

hahahahahaahahahahahhaha. I'm not wasting my time with this one. the one, the one that has been requested, is the one that proves adding CO2 changes temperatures. Not filling a bottle up and then saying it's a greenhouse gas. :dig:

Again, Herr Koch, 1901.

The question was whether CO2 changes temperatures. Did you not see the temperature change in the bottle that contained the CO2? Crick got it right. You people are morons, hands down.

that isn't the question or the argument. CO2 is logarithmic. And the potential is greatest at the first 20 PPM after that, not so much. So any added CO2 will not increase temperature. So, show that experiment. The one that shows that adding CO2 to existing control makes a difference in temperature. You won't be able to, because it doesn't. herr Koch 1901!!!!

I take it you failed to read Crick's post on Koch. That would explain why you continue to cite his flawed work in your argument.
of course? How can you prove it? Show an experiment that shows that adding CO2 changes temperatures. Just one, please, since you can write this statement. Just one factual experiment. Please!

No problem.

hahahahahaahahahahahhaha. I'm not wasting my time with this one. the one, the one that has been requested, is the one that proves adding CO2 changes temperatures. Not filling a bottle up and then saying it's a greenhouse gas. :dig:

Again, Herr Koch, 1901.

The question was whether CO2 changes temperatures. Did you not see the temperature change in the bottle that contained the CO2? Crick got it right. You people are morons, hands down.

that isn't the question or the argument. CO2 is logarithmic. And the potential is greatest at the first 20 PPM after that, not so much. So any added CO2 will not increase temperature. So, show that experiment. The one that shows that adding CO2 to existing control makes a difference in temperature. You won't be able to, because it doesn't. herr Koch 1901!!!!

I take it you failed to read Crick's post on Koch. That would explain why you continue to cite his flawed work in your argument.

yes, I read it, I also asked him to disprove it with an experiment that disproves Koch's experiment. it's easy to just say it isn't valid, but then provide one that is. See, his experiment was done with the options that was asked of him. So his test is therefore not invalid. So, just provide the one that does what he was doing proving added CO2 to temperatures. Just one!!!!!
No problem.

hahahahahaahahahahahhaha. I'm not wasting my time with this one. the one, the one that has been requested, is the one that proves adding CO2 changes temperatures. Not filling a bottle up and then saying it's a greenhouse gas. :dig:

Again, Herr Koch, 1901.

The question was whether CO2 changes temperatures. Did you not see the temperature change in the bottle that contained the CO2? Crick got it right. You people are morons, hands down.

that isn't the question or the argument. CO2 is logarithmic. And the potential is greatest at the first 20 PPM after that, not so much. So any added CO2 will not increase temperature. So, show that experiment. The one that shows that adding CO2 to existing control makes a difference in temperature. You won't be able to, because it doesn't. herr Koch 1901!!!!

I take it you failed to read Crick's post on Koch. That would explain why you continue to cite his flawed work in your argument.

yes, I read it, I also asked him to disprove it with an experiment that disproves Koch's experiment. it's easy to just say it isn't valid, but then provide one that is. See, his experiment was done with the options that was asked of him. So his test is therefore not invalid. So, just provide the one that does what he was doing proving added CO2 to temperatures. Just one!!!!!

No one has to disprove Koch's claims. It was for him to validate them. He didn't do that. And no one has since.
hahahahahaahahahahahhaha. I'm not wasting my time with this one. the one, the one that has been requested, is the one that proves adding CO2 changes temperatures. Not filling a bottle up and then saying it's a greenhouse gas. :dig:

Again, Herr Koch, 1901.

The question was whether CO2 changes temperatures. Did you not see the temperature change in the bottle that contained the CO2? Crick got it right. You people are morons, hands down.
that isn't the question or the argument. CO2 is logarithmic. And the potential is greatest at the first 20 PPM after that, not so much. So any added CO2 will not increase temperature. So, show that experiment. The one that shows that adding CO2 to existing control makes a difference in temperature. You won't be able to, because it doesn't. herr Koch 1901!!!!

I take it you failed to read Crick's post on Koch. That would explain why you continue to cite his flawed work in your argument.
yes, I read it, I also asked him to disprove it with an experiment that disproves Koch's experiment. it's easy to just say it isn't valid, but then provide one that is. See, his experiment was done with the options that was asked of him. So his test is therefore not invalid. So, just provide the one that does what he was doing proving added CO2 to temperatures. Just one!!!!!

No one has to disprove Koch's claims. It was for him to validate them. He didn't do that. And no one has since.
he did validate it!!!!!!!! prove his test wrong if you don't like the results. That would mean a test that shows adding CO2 does indeed change temperature. Sorry fail!!!!
The question was whether CO2 changes temperatures. Did you not see the temperature change in the bottle that contained the CO2? Crick got it right. You people are morons, hands down.
that isn't the question or the argument. CO2 is logarithmic. And the potential is greatest at the first 20 PPM after that, not so much. So any added CO2 will not increase temperature. So, show that experiment. The one that shows that adding CO2 to existing control makes a difference in temperature. You won't be able to, because it doesn't. herr Koch 1901!!!!

I take it you failed to read Crick's post on Koch. That would explain why you continue to cite his flawed work in your argument.
yes, I read it, I also asked him to disprove it with an experiment that disproves Koch's experiment. it's easy to just say it isn't valid, but then provide one that is. See, his experiment was done with the options that was asked of him. So his test is therefore not invalid. So, just provide the one that does what he was doing proving added CO2 to temperatures. Just one!!!!!

No one has to disprove Koch's claims. It was for him to validate them. He didn't do that. And no one has since.
he did validate it!!!!!!!! prove his test wrong if you don't like the results. That would mean a test that shows adding CO2 does indeed change temperature. Sorry fail!!!!

No sir he did not. This has been pointed out to you on numerous occasions. What's more, repeatedly demanding test results that also have been given to you on numerous occasions is insane. The fact that you are in denial is meaningless to the issue of global warming, which, I assure you is very real, and has a significant human-induced component.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The assistant ("Herr J. Koch," otherwise unrecorded in history) put in rather less of the gas in total than would be found in a column of air reaching to the top of the atmosphere. The assistant reported that the amount of radiation that got through the tube scarcely changed when he cut the quantity of gas back by a third. Apparently it took only a trace of the gas to "saturate" the absorption — that is, in the bands of the spectrum where CO2 blocked radiation, it did it so thoroughly that more gas could make little (7*)
Still more (8)
These measurements and arguments had fatal flaws. Herr Koch had reported to Ångström that the absorption had not been reduced by more than 0.4% when he lowered the pressure, but a modern calculation shows that the absorption would have decreased about 1% — like many a researcher, the assistant was over confident about his degree of precision.(9*) But even if he had seen the1% shift, Ångström would have thought this an insignificant perturbation. He failed to understand that the logic of the experiment was altogether false.

Sorry, YOU fail, and on every level.
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that isn't the question or the argument. CO2 is logarithmic. And the potential is greatest at the first 20 PPM after that, not so much. So any added CO2 will not increase temperature. So, show that experiment. The one that shows that adding CO2 to existing control makes a difference in temperature. You won't be able to, because it doesn't. herr Koch 1901!!!!

I take it you failed to read Crick's post on Koch. That would explain why you continue to cite his flawed work in your argument.
yes, I read it, I also asked him to disprove it with an experiment that disproves Koch's experiment. it's easy to just say it isn't valid, but then provide one that is. See, his experiment was done with the options that was asked of him. So his test is therefore not invalid. So, just provide the one that does what he was doing proving added CO2 to temperatures. Just one!!!!!

No one has to disprove Koch's claims. It was for him to validate them. He didn't do that. And no one has since.
he did validate it!!!!!!!! prove his test wrong if you don't like the results. That would mean a test that shows adding CO2 does indeed change temperature. Sorry fail!!!!

No sir he did not. This has been pointed out to you on numerous occasions. What's more, repeatedly demanding test results that also have been given to you on numerous occasions is insane. The fact that you are in denial is meaningless to the issue of global warming, which, I assure you is very real, and has a significant human-induced component.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The assistant ("Herr J. Koch," otherwise unrecorded in history) put in rather less of the gas in total than would be found in a column of air reaching to the top of the atmosphere. The assistant reported that the amount of radiation that got through the tube scarcely changed when he cut the quantity of gas back by a third. Apparently it took only a trace of the gas to "saturate" the absorption — that is, in the bands of the spectrum where CO2 blocked radiation, it did it so thoroughly that more gas could make little (7*)
Still more (8)
These measurements and arguments had fatal flaws. Herr Koch had reported to Ångström that the absorption had not been reduced by more than 0.4% when he lowered the pressure, but a modern calculation shows that the absorption would have decreased about 1% — like many a researcher, the assistant was over confident about his degree of precision.(9*) But even if he had seen the1% shift, Ångström would have thought this an insignificant perturbation. He failed to understand that the logic of the experiment was altogether false.

Sorry, YOU fail, and on every level.
again, that means absolutely nothing. So again, someone merely stating it is not evidence man!!! Angstrom doesn't just get to make a statement like I said. Man up and post the one that disproves him!!!!
Ahhh, Facts hurt, huh Crick?

Crick, Industry is used to manufacture our food, how about telling us how we can eat without Industry?
Yes, CO2 cools things, even in our atmosphere, of course there is Crick's unproven theory with zero experiments, but still, Crick, your idea that we could feed the planet without industry is pure nonsense.

You could always grow your friggin own. People do it every day.
So what, if you could take your head out of the sand, you would realize that the people who live in cities could not grow their own food.

Get it, the world needs industry to supply food. We are speaking of something a little bigger than what one individual can do, we are speaking of what is needed today, to supply food to people who live in cities.

Now if you are speaking of me individually, that I could grow my own food on the 168 acres I sit on, I would have to tell you that you are ignorant. I can not grow my own food, I work supplying you with ELECTRICITY so I am not home in the spring, I have a job that you depend on, unless of course you found a magic way to supply your needs of electricity, without any industry.

Oh dear. You didn't get the memo? Many people in cities DO grow their own food. And have for quite a while. I never said that they are independent of the market. Industrial farms, particularly in the Midwest, grow primarily feed grains, such as corn fodder, the bulk of which is nearly indigestible to the animals for which they were intended, but does fatten them up for the market rather nicely right before it burns a hole in their guts and they die horrible deaths. And the bottom line is, after all, the primary goal of your industrial farms, not feeding the world.
Oh my, you did not get a brain? You believe Manhattan or Los Angeles can and do grow all the food they need? You believe this is possible?

What part of "I never said that they are independent of the market" escaped your notice?
You made the claim that farms do not provide food to people, you made the claim that people in cities can grow their own food and do not need farms.

If you did not say that, what in the hell are you saying? You took issue that farms and industry provide food and tried to make a point that farms and industry do not or are not needed to feed billions of people.

CO2, you take issue that CO2 is good and needed in our modern society.

If what I say is not true, what in the hell do you have a problem with?

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