CO2 is used to keep things COLD

OK, Jon, demonstrate how that is so? Both depend on GHGs, primarily water vapor, CO2, and CH4. What is stated that if you increase any of those, you increase the amount of heat that the atmosphere retains. Paleontological evidence shows that to be true. When there was more CO2 in the atmosphere, the earth was a warmer place. When there was less, we had ice ages.

Now having the Earth warmer is not a bad thing of itself. However, having that change take place in a short period of time is a very bad thing. Especially on an earth with over 7 billion people to feed, and an agriculture very vulneable to changes in temperature and precipitation.

There is no change taking place in a short period of time. Relative surface air temperatures have only risen 1 degree in 100 years. This 'alarming' change is what we are spending trillions of dollars on and seeking trillions more from capitalism and industry in imposing more stringent guidelines.

More greenhouse effect is not a bad thing. It increases plant life which means more people can be fed per acre of farmland. Over time, deserts can even become grasslands. Forests become thicker and more lush. These are hardly results which are detrimental to humans.
Look, Boss, apparently you think that the deniar nuts have the science right on this. They most certainly do not. First, until 2000, they stated that there was no warming happening, in spite of the obvious evidence there was. Now they are claiming that adding an additional 40+% of CO2 to the atmosphere, an additional 250% of CH4, and many industrial gases that have no natural analogs, and are thousands of times as effective of a GHG as CO2 is not increasing the heat that the atmosphere retains.

You want to know the real facts? Go to physicists, and here is the American Institute of Physics website on this very issue.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Most recent studies show there has been no warming for over 18 years now. This has prompted your 'movement' to stop calling it "global warming" and start calling it "climate change." You may not like it that "denier nuts" are pointing out this Great Pause in global warming, in spite of all that evil CO2 up there from evil corporations, but statistics don't lie.

I don't need links to organizations who promote climate change nonsense. I am fully aware of the billions we spend each year in research grants and subsidies for these people to continue their gravy train, so it's not surprising to find them arguing vociferously for those efforts to continue.
I know its an ugly fact for many of the idiots, but CO2 is used to Cool things. From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

CO2 is used in industry to control the quality while making breads, which gives us better food, meaning we can feed more people. Democrats in California have taxed the use of CO2, as a pollutant?

Flour Dough Cooling Systems for the Baking Industry Praxair Inc.


Mixing consistency in every batch
Optimum dough temperature is critical to any bakery operation. Our specially designed flour and dough cooling systems provide precise, easy-to-operate methods to achieve your required temperature. Our systems use cryogens, either carbon dioxide or nitrogen, to automatically cool your product.

With direct cryogen injection, you can maintain precise control of the temperature of your flour and dough products, resulting in optimum product quality. Additionally, the use of our fully-automated systems eliminates potential human error involved in the manual addition of ice, thus providing for a reduction in labor costs, as well as consistency of batches regardless of seasonal temperature variations, batch size or production levels. Cost-effectively achieve the product quality you desire every time with Praxair’s flour and dough cooling systems.

Ok....A show of hands.... How many students in any junior high science class can explain why the OP is making a stupid comparison between pressurized CO2 use in this application and the effects of CO2 in the atmosphere? All of them? Good .

Don't bother her. It's merely a fine example of "GOP Science".
OK, Jon, demonstrate how that is so? Both depend on GHGs, primarily water vapor, CO2, and CH4. What is stated that if you increase any of those, you increase the amount of heat that the atmosphere retains. Paleontological evidence shows that to be true. When there was more CO2 in the atmosphere, the earth was a warmer place. When there was less, we had ice ages.

Now having the Earth warmer is not a bad thing of itself. However, having that change take place in a short period of time is a very bad thing. Especially on an earth with over 7 billion people to feed, and an agriculture very vulneable to changes in temperature and precipitation.

There is no change taking place in a short period of time. Relative surface air temperatures have only risen 1 degree in 100 years. This 'alarming' change is what we are spending trillions of dollars on and seeking trillions more from capitalism and industry in imposing more stringent guidelines.

More greenhouse effect is not a bad thing. It increases plant life which means more people can be fed per acre of farmland. Over time, deserts can even become grasslands. Forests become thicker and more lush. These are hardly results which are detrimental to humans.
Look, Boss, apparently you think that the deniar nuts have the science right on this. They most certainly do not. First, until 2000, they stated that there was no warming happening, in spite of the obvious evidence there was. Now they are claiming that adding an additional 40+% of CO2 to the atmosphere, an additional 250% of CH4, and many industrial gases that have no natural analogs, and are thousands of times as effective of a GHG as CO2 is not increasing the heat that the atmosphere retains.

You want to know the real facts? Go to physicists, and here is the American Institute of Physics website on this very issue.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Most recent studies show there has been no warming for over 18 years now. This has prompted your 'movement' to stop calling it "global warming" and start calling it "climate change." You may not like it that "denier nuts" are pointing out this Great Pause in global warming, in spite of all that evil CO2 up there from evil corporations, but statistics don't lie.

I don't need links to organizations who promote climate change nonsense. I am fully aware of the billions we spend each year in research grants and subsidies for these people to continue their gravy train, so it's not surprising to find them arguing vociferously for those efforts to continue.
Silly ass. The globe is still warming. And climate change is what global warming creates. Wider and wilder weather swings, with an overall warming. Which is exactly what we are seeing. And we have seen major effects on agriculture on every continent in the last decade.

Of the last 18 years, during your supposed lack of warming, we have had 14 of the warmest years on record.


Climate change The hottest years on record The Economist

Now you have branded yourself as a willfully ignorant flap yapper, with a political axe to grind, and little to no knowledge of science.
OK, Jon, demonstrate how that is so? Both depend on GHGs, primarily water vapor, CO2, and CH4. What is stated that if you increase any of those, you increase the amount of heat that the atmosphere retains. Paleontological evidence shows that to be true. When there was more CO2 in the atmosphere, the earth was a warmer place. When there was less, we had ice ages.

Now having the Earth warmer is not a bad thing of itself. However, having that change take place in a short period of time is a very bad thing. Especially on an earth with over 7 billion people to feed, and an agriculture very vulneable to changes in temperature and precipitation.

There is no change taking place in a short period of time. Relative surface air temperatures have only risen 1 degree in 100 years. This 'alarming' change is what we are spending trillions of dollars on and seeking trillions more from capitalism and industry in imposing more stringent guidelines.

More greenhouse effect is not a bad thing. It increases plant life which means more people can be fed per acre of farmland. Over time, deserts can even become grasslands. Forests become thicker and more lush. These are hardly results which are detrimental to humans.
Look, Boss, apparently you think that the deniar nuts have the science right on this. They most certainly do not. First, until 2000, they stated that there was no warming happening, in spite of the obvious evidence there was. Now they are claiming that adding an additional 40+% of CO2 to the atmosphere, an additional 250% of CH4, and many industrial gases that have no natural analogs, and are thousands of times as effective of a GHG as CO2 is not increasing the heat that the atmosphere retains.

You want to know the real facts? Go to physicists, and here is the American Institute of Physics website on this very issue.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Most recent studies show there has been no warming for over 18 years now. This has prompted your 'movement' to stop calling it "global warming" and start calling it "climate change." You may not like it that "denier nuts" are pointing out this Great Pause in global warming, in spite of all that evil CO2 up there from evil corporations, but statistics don't lie.

I don't need links to organizations who promote climate change nonsense. I am fully aware of the billions we spend each year in research grants and subsidies for these people to continue their gravy train, so it's not surprising to find them arguing vociferously for those efforts to continue.
Silly ass. The globe is still warming. And climate change is what global warming creates. Wider and wilder weather swings, with an overall warming. Which is exactly what we are seeing. And we have seen major effects on agriculture on every continent in the last decade.

Of the last 18 years, during your supposed lack of warming, we have had 14 of the warmest years on record.


Climate change The hottest years on record The Economist

Now you have branded yourself as a willfully ignorant flap yapper, with a political axe to grind, and little to no knowledge of science.

Regardless of your insults and cheeky propaganda, here is the actual temperature chart:

Now, I don't know what to tell you, if you had rather believe propaganda and hurl insults at me, then I guess that's your business. It doesn't change the fact there is not any 'global warming' happening and hasn't been for 18 years.

Silly ass. The globe is still warming. And climate change is what global warming creates.

No, silly ass, the globe warms and cools and then, warms and cools, as it has for billions of years. Climate change is happening every second of every day all over earth, as it has for billions of years. What is relatively new is the liberal socialist movement to punish capitalism through fear and intimidation over a made up phenomenon that isn't actually happening.
OK, Jon, demonstrate how that is so? Both depend on GHGs, primarily water vapor, CO2, and CH4. What is stated that if you increase any of those, you increase the amount of heat that the atmosphere retains. Paleontological evidence shows that to be true. When there was more CO2 in the atmosphere, the earth was a warmer place. When there was less, we had ice ages.

Now having the Earth warmer is not a bad thing of itself. However, having that change take place in a short period of time is a very bad thing. Especially on an earth with over 7 billion people to feed, and an agriculture very vulneable to changes in temperature and precipitation.

There is no change taking place in a short period of time. Relative surface air temperatures have only risen 1 degree in 100 years. This 'alarming' change is what we are spending trillions of dollars on and seeking trillions more from capitalism and industry in imposing more stringent guidelines.

More greenhouse effect is not a bad thing. It increases plant life which means more people can be fed per acre of farmland. Over time, deserts can even become grasslands. Forests become thicker and more lush. These are hardly results which are detrimental to humans.
Look, Boss, apparently you think that the deniar nuts have the science right on this. They most certainly do not. First, until 2000, they stated that there was no warming happening, in spite of the obvious evidence there was. Now they are claiming that adding an additional 40+% of CO2 to the atmosphere, an additional 250% of CH4, and many industrial gases that have no natural analogs, and are thousands of times as effective of a GHG as CO2 is not increasing the heat that the atmosphere retains.

You want to know the real facts? Go to physicists, and here is the American Institute of Physics website on this very issue.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Most recent studies show there has been no warming for over 18 years now. This has prompted your 'movement' to stop calling it "global warming" and start calling it "climate change." You may not like it that "denier nuts" are pointing out this Great Pause in global warming, in spite of all that evil CO2 up there from evil corporations, but statistics don't lie.

I don't need links to organizations who promote climate change nonsense. I am fully aware of the billions we spend each year in research grants and subsidies for these people to continue their gravy train, so it's not surprising to find them arguing vociferously for those efforts to continue.

Sorry sweetlips, but exactly what is your background in science? Just because you are aware that money is spent studying climate change doesn't give you the knowledge to interpret those results. When almost every scientist in the field agrees with you, I'll agree with you. I'm not a scientist, so I have to go by what the extreme majority of scientists in the field say instead of some crackpot who can only point to a handful of oil company paid scientists who disagree.

Why yes, let us look at that graph. Look at the red line, the centered running 13 month average. Only twice since 1998 has the lowest point on the red line dipped as low as the highest point on the line prior to 1998. In fact, only twice since 1998 has the red line dipped to the zero line, and only four times before 1998 did it even barely get above the zero line. By this graph, there has been definate warming since 1998.

Why yes, let us look at that graph. Look at the red line, the centered running 13 month average. Only twice since 1998 has the lowest point on the red line dipped as low as the highest point on the line prior to 1998. In fact, only twice since 1998 has the red line dipped to the zero line, and only four times before 1998 did it even barely get above the zero line. By this graph, there has been definate warming since 1998.

So one little chart tells you everything there is to know about global climate it.

Why yes, let us look at that graph. Look at the red line, the centered running 13 month average. Only twice since 1998 has the lowest point on the red line dipped as low as the highest point on the line prior to 1998. In fact, only twice since 1998 has the red line dipped to the zero line, and only four times before 1998 did it even barely get above the zero line. By this graph, there has been definate warming since 1998.

Yes, we had a warming event in 1998 which wasn't the result of carbon dioxide produced by man. Temps are slightly higher now as before the event, but this is again, the result of the event. As you can see, there is no significant increase in the warming after things stabilized at about 0.2 above normal. It's not getting warmer.

We will have several climactic events over the course of a typical century. They may raise or lower our overall average temperatures. We may have Summers hotter than any in recorded history, we may have Winters breaking records, big storms, cataclysmic results from things like volcanoes, which mankind has absolutely NOTHING to do with. And... Arctic icebergs and glaciers may melt, stranding the poor polar bear who will starve to death.... and bleeding heart liberals will sob and cry, pretending that this is all caused by evil rich people who don't care.

Fucking Life Goes On!

Latest Global Temps Roy Spencer PhD

Why yes, let us look at that graph. Look at the red line, the centered running 13 month average. Only twice since 1998 has the lowest point on the red line dipped as low as the highest point on the line prior to 1998. In fact, only twice since 1998 has the red line dipped to the zero line, and only four times before 1998 did it even barely get above the zero line. By this graph, there has been definate warming since 1998.

So one little chart tells you everything there is to know about global climate it.

LMAO... No.... One little chart which shows the temperatures are not getting warmer tells me the temperatures are not getting warmer. As I said, the global climate changes every second of every hour all over the world. We don't live in a Utopian universe where the climate remains perfect always and never deviates from absolute stability and perfection. Don't ask me why, ask God! It just happens to be the way it's designed and how nature works.

For you fucking morons to believe penalizing capitalists by making them pay massive amounts of money to government is ever going to "save the planet," you're stupid beyond belief. I mean dangerously stupid.

Latest Global Temps Roy Spencer PhD

Why yes, let us look at that graph. Look at the red line, the centered running 13 month average. Only twice since 1998 has the lowest point on the red line dipped as low as the highest point on the line prior to 1998. In fact, only twice since 1998 has the red line dipped to the zero line, and only four times before 1998 did it even barely get above the zero line. By this graph, there has been definate warming since 1998.

So one little chart tells you everything there is to know about global climate it.

LMAO... No.... One little chart which shows the temperatures are not getting warmer tells me the temperatures are not getting warmer. As I said, the global climate changes every second of every hour all over the world. We don't live in a Utopian universe where the climate remains perfect always and never deviates from absolute stability and perfection. Don't ask me why, ask God! It just happens to be the way it's designed and how nature works.

For you fucking morons to believe penalizing capitalists by making them pay massive amounts of money to government is ever going to "save the planet," you're stupid beyond belief. I mean dangerously stupid.

Again, Any sane person would believe the vast majority of experts in the field before they would accept the ramblings of some idiot on a discussion board quoting results from a small group of oil company paid self appointed experts.
Sorry sweetlips, but exactly what is your background in science? Just because you are aware that money is spent studying climate change doesn't give you the knowledge to interpret those results. When almost every scientist in the field agrees with you, I'll agree with you. I'm not a scientist, so I have to go by what the extreme majority of scientists in the field say instead of some crackpot who can only point to a handful of oil company paid scientists who disagree.

Well I actually have a university degree in Science, but it doesn't take this to look at a simple chart of the average temps and see there has been no 'global warming' for 18 years. It just takes having enough sense to understand how to read a graph. Now my graph isn't some concocted graph based on bogus data by a bunch of college punks on a mission to push an agenda, it's legitimate government data which is public information to all.

I have a very close personal friend who holds a masters in Botanical Science, and she says the AGW movement is "the craziest moonbat nonsense ever!" So not ALL Scientists are on board with this. Her position, purely as a Botanist is, increased CO2 in the atmosphere is beneficial to ALL plant life. She proposed the analogy; What if something humans were doing was greatly beneficial to ALL human life? Like if factories were producing protein or oxygen.. something vital to humans for vibrant health.... would there be a movement to STOP that?

Latest Global Temps Roy Spencer PhD

Why yes, let us look at that graph. Look at the red line, the centered running 13 month average. Only twice since 1998 has the lowest point on the red line dipped as low as the highest point on the line prior to 1998. In fact, only twice since 1998 has the red line dipped to the zero line, and only four times before 1998 did it even barely get above the zero line. By this graph, there has been definate warming since 1998.

So one little chart tells you everything there is to know about global climate it.

LMAO... No.... One little chart which shows the temperatures are not getting warmer tells me the temperatures are not getting warmer. As I said, the global climate changes every second of every hour all over the world. We don't live in a Utopian universe where the climate remains perfect always and never deviates from absolute stability and perfection. Don't ask me why, ask God! It just happens to be the way it's designed and how nature works.

For you fucking morons to believe penalizing capitalists by making them pay massive amounts of money to government is ever going to "save the planet," you're stupid beyond belief. I mean dangerously stupid.

Again, Any sane person would believe the vast majority of experts in the field before they would accept the ramblings of some idiot on a discussion board quoting results from a small group of oil company paid self appointed experts.

All I did was post THE graph which shows average temperature of planet Earth for the past 35 years. I think the data comes from NOAA. I don't think they are paid by the Oil Companies now, but with Obummer, who knows, right?

Just so happens, the "vast majority of experts in the field" are all getting nice fat paychecks to remain the foremost experts in the field. They aren't interested in the facts. I've shown you the only fact you need to acknowledge, and that is, there has been no warming for 18 years.

What is stupid is being a sheep.

Latest Global Temps Roy Spencer PhD

Why yes, let us look at that graph. Look at the red line, the centered running 13 month average. Only twice since 1998 has the lowest point on the red line dipped as low as the highest point on the line prior to 1998. In fact, only twice since 1998 has the red line dipped to the zero line, and only four times before 1998 did it even barely get above the zero line. By this graph, there has been definate warming since 1998.

So one little chart tells you everything there is to know about global climate it.

LMAO... No.... One little chart which shows the temperatures are not getting warmer tells me the temperatures are not getting warmer. As I said, the global climate changes every second of every hour all over the world. We don't live in a Utopian universe where the climate remains perfect always and never deviates from absolute stability and perfection. Don't ask me why, ask God! It just happens to be the way it's designed and how nature works.

For you fucking morons to believe penalizing capitalists by making them pay massive amounts of money to government is ever going to "save the planet," you're stupid beyond belief. I mean dangerously stupid.

Actually, you are trying to combine two different arguments. You are trying to discredit the first argument about whether global weather change even exists (a fact that has been proven so many times till it is accepted by the vast majority of all experts in the field) so you don't have to worry about the second argument which is what do we do and how do we pay for it. As I said, the first question has been answered for all but the most actively ignorant doubters. If you want to argue that the people causing the change shouldn't have to pay for it, then feel free, but it's too late to argue whether the problem even exists or why.

Latest Global Temps Roy Spencer PhD

Why yes, let us look at that graph. Look at the red line, the centered running 13 month average. Only twice since 1998 has the lowest point on the red line dipped as low as the highest point on the line prior to 1998. In fact, only twice since 1998 has the red line dipped to the zero line, and only four times before 1998 did it even barely get above the zero line. By this graph, there has been definate warming since 1998.

So one little chart tells you everything there is to know about global climate it.

LMAO... No.... One little chart which shows the temperatures are not getting warmer tells me the temperatures are not getting warmer. As I said, the global climate changes every second of every hour all over the world. We don't live in a Utopian universe where the climate remains perfect always and never deviates from absolute stability and perfection. Don't ask me why, ask God! It just happens to be the way it's designed and how nature works.

For you fucking morons to believe penalizing capitalists by making them pay massive amounts of money to government is ever going to "save the planet," you're stupid beyond belief. I mean dangerously stupid.

Again, Any sane person would believe the vast majority of experts in the field before they would accept the ramblings of some idiot on a discussion board quoting results from a small group of oil company paid self appointed experts.

All I did was post THE graph which shows average temperature of planet Earth for the past 35 years. I think the data comes from NOAA. I don't think they are paid by the Oil Companies now, but with Obummer, who knows, right?

Just so happens, the "vast majority of experts in the field" are all getting nice fat paychecks to remain the foremost experts in the field. They aren't interested in the facts. I've shown you the only fact you need to acknowledge, and that is, there has been no warming for 18 years.

What is stupid is being a sheep.

So all the climate scientists in the world are just shills out for a buck? I'm pretty sure that if that were true, the Kochs would be making a lot of those scientists very rich to change their opinions. Even you would have to admit that if their professional opinions could be bought, there would be more deniers.
Interesting, Boss. So, you state that you have a degree in Science. What Discipline is your degree in? Or are you just another flapyapper making silly claims like ol' Billy Boob?

If you had any knowledge of the ongoing discussion, you would have recognized that graph as from the UAH site of Dr. Spencer. Thus far, I have found your posts noteably lacking in scientific knowledge.
I know its an ugly fact for many of the idiots, but CO2 is used to Cool things. From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

CO2 is used in industry to control the quality while making breads, which gives us better food, meaning we can feed more people. Democrats in California have taxed the use of CO2, as a pollutant?

Flour Dough Cooling Systems for the Baking Industry Praxair Inc.


Mixing consistency in every batch
Optimum dough temperature is critical to any bakery operation. Our specially designed flour and dough cooling systems provide precise, easy-to-operate methods to achieve your required temperature. Our systems use cryogens, either carbon dioxide or nitrogen, to automatically cool your product.

With direct cryogen injection, you can maintain precise control of the temperature of your flour and dough products, resulting in optimum product quality. Additionally, the use of our fully-automated systems eliminates potential human error involved in the manual addition of ice, thus providing for a reduction in labor costs, as well as consistency of batches regardless of seasonal temperature variations, batch size or production levels. Cost-effectively achieve the product quality you desire every time with Praxair’s flour and dough cooling systems.
How old are you, 9?
How old am I, how about how smart are you, that is the best you can do? Seriously, what kind of person compares people to children, I guess if you are dumb, you would think children are dumb.

Seriously, if you must compare me to a child, you are not smart, not at all, hence I doubt you really could ever understand that Dry Ice is pure CO2, and that CO2 is used in industry because its cold, cryogenic, cryogenic, that is like Science is right?
I know its an ugly fact for many of the idiots, but CO2 is used to Cool things. From what I read in the threads, people are actually arguing you can use CO2 to heat the earth, and they claim they know Science, they even claim Scientists support their bizarre ideas.

CO2 is used in industry to control the quality while making breads, which gives us better food, meaning we can feed more people. Democrats in California have taxed the use of CO2, as a pollutant?

Flour Dough Cooling Systems for the Baking Industry Praxair Inc.


Mixing consistency in every batch
Optimum dough temperature is critical to any bakery operation. Our specially designed flour and dough cooling systems provide precise, easy-to-operate methods to achieve your required temperature. Our systems use cryogens, either carbon dioxide or nitrogen, to automatically cool your product.

With direct cryogen injection, you can maintain precise control of the temperature of your flour and dough products, resulting in optimum product quality. Additionally, the use of our fully-automated systems eliminates potential human error involved in the manual addition of ice, thus providing for a reduction in labor costs, as well as consistency of batches regardless of seasonal temperature variations, batch size or production levels. Cost-effectively achieve the product quality you desire every time with Praxair’s flour and dough cooling systems.

Ok....A show of hands.... How many students in any junior high science class can explain why the OP is making a stupid comparison between pressurized CO2 use in this application and the effects of CO2 in the atmosphere? All of them? Good .
Hey, idiot, the correct term, beings that you are scientific, is that;

I am stating the fact that CO2 is used as a CRYOGENIC, not simply as a pressurized CO2, the two are very different. The fact that you make a ridiculous comment, "pressurized CO2", shows you did not read the OP. Is it Bulldog or Bullshit, cause Junior High Science does not teach the uses of CO2 as a CRYOGENIC.

bulldog, just think of CYROGENIC as COLD, real COLD. its not really about being PRESSURIZED.
"Seriously, if you must compare me to a child, you are not smart, not at all, hence I doubt you really could ever understand that Dry Ice is pure CO2, and that CO2 is used in industry because its cold, cryogenic, cryogenic, that is like Science is right?" Elektra.

Well, yes, that is kind of like science, if you haven't graduated from the third grade. No matter what the material is, it does not have a preferred temperature. It's temperature depends entirely on how much energy is put into it or how much is removed. CO2 is just a chemical compound, which has various states, solid, liquid, or gaseous depending on pressure and temperature.

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