CO2 level highest in 23 million years

I'd rather send you an invite for a bull ring discussion. It'll be fun.
Well that's childish and stupid. Go debate the global scientific community. Publish your research. I defer to them. So it is them you need to convince. Though i doubt they will take a Google cowboy and a few awkward sentences written in crayon very seriously. But that's your problem.
According to this study, it appears that the present CO2 level is the highest it has been since the Miocene.

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A 23 m.y. record of low atmospheric CO2​

Ying Cui;

Brian A. Schubert;

A. Hope Jahren

Geology (2020) 48 (9): 888–892.
A 23 m.y. record of low atmospheric CO2 | Geology | GeoScienceWorld
Article history


Current atmospheric CO2 concentration is known to be higher than it has been during the past ∼800 k.y. of Earth history, based on direct measurement of CO2 within ice cores. A comparison to the more ancient past is complicated by a deficit of CO2 proxies that may be applied across very long spans of geologic time. Here, we present a new CO2 record across the past 23 m.y. of Earth history based on the δ13C value of terrestrial C3 plant remains, using a method applicable to the entire ∼400 m.y. history of C3 photosynthesis on land. Across the past 23 m.y., CO2 likely ranged between ∼230 ppmv and 350 ppmv (68% confidence interval: ∼170–540 ppm). CO2 was found to be highest during the early and middle Miocene and likely below present-day levels during the middle Pliocene (84th percentile: ∼400 ppmv). These data suggest present-day CO2 (412 ppmv) exceeds the highest levels that Earth experienced at least since the Miocene, further highlighting the present-day disruption of long-established CO2 trends within Earth’s atmosphere.

Historically, higher levels of carbon in the atmosphere followed a warming period as the EARTH again cooled off as evidenced by the ICE CORE samples. Perma FRost and Ice store carbon, and they release it during warmer periods which builds up right before the EARTH again cools off. I think you should be more worried that we getting ready to enter our long overdue Ice age. Texas is again cooling---less deserty with more rain....Florida feels cooler this year............and we again cycled from warmer to cooler weather.

It's harder to survive in cold may be wishing that the carbon had warmed us here shortly.
Historically, higher levels of carbon in the atmosphere followed a warming period as the EARTH again cooled off as evidenced by the ICE CORE samples. Perma FRost and Ice store carbon, and they release it during warmer periods which builds up right before the EARTH again cools off. I think you should be more worried that we getting ready to enter our long overdue Ice age. Texas is again cooling---less deserty with more rain....Florida feels cooler this year............and we again cycled from warmer to cooler weather.

It's harder to survive in cold may be wishing that the carbon had warmed us here shortly.
There's no causal relationship... only a correlation between the two events.

We have higher CO² levels because of higher temps is what the charts show...

So... looking elsewhere for a cause would be a good idea.
The above picture shows temperature leading the CO² levels...not the other way around.
Correct. Prior to the industrial revolution CO2 was a proxy for temperature. CO2 would correlate with temperature and sea level. Post industrial revolution CO2 correlates with emissions but not temperature and sea level.

It seems their case for CO2 driving climate change is based upon the fact that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and that temperatures have been rising. The problem is that CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas, the rate of sea level rise has not changed and temperatures are still below the peak temperatures of previous interglacials. So it would be expected for temperatures to rise as we have not yet completed the interglacial cycle.

They will argue that the rate temperatures are rising is unprecedented. Unfortunately that's not true. 25 D-O events during the last glacial cycle show that temperatures rose from glacial temperatures to interglacial temperatures - 5C swings up and down - over the course of a few decades. That's even on NASA's website.

Here's what's really happening... we entered an ice age 2.7 million years ago. You can see the slope change on the oxygen isotope curve which is the well established proxy for temperatures. No one disputes the curve. The drivers were a gradually cooling of the planet coupled with the polar regions being isolated from warm marine currents; the south pole has a continent parked on top of it and the north pole has a mostly landlocked ocean on top of it. Also the rise of the Himalayas and the Panama isthmus. All these things changed the circulation patterns of the atmosphere and the ocean, but the biggest driver was both polar regions being isolated from the warmer marine currents.

But the glaciation threshold is different for each pole. Because the south pole has a continent parked on top of it, the southern hemisphere has a lower threshold for extensive continental glaciation than the northern hemisphere does because the north pole has an ocean parked over it. It is this difference which created increased climate fluctuation and environmental uncertainty on the earth. It is the northern hemisphere which dominates the climate of the earth. The coolest average temperatures occurs when the northern hemisphere is in winter and the warmest average temperatures occur when the northern hemisphere is in summer. Again... that's even on NASA's website.

You can see from ice cores during the last glacial cycle how much more erratic temperatures were in the northern hemisphere. By the way these are the D-O events from the Greenland ice cores. My point is that it is not unusual for there to be large temperature swings because that is the signature of the present ice age. We live in a period of bipolar glaciation. Never before has the earth been configured for bipolar glaciation. It is because we have bipolar glaciation where the poles do not have the same glaciation threshold that has led to increased climate fluctuation and environmental uncertainty on the earth. They have mistakenly correlated a period of warming and associated it with an increase from a minor greenhouse gas.

Here's the oxygen isotope curve.
F2 annotated.jpg

Here is a zoomed in view of the oxygen isotope curve showing the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet which clearly shows the increased climate fluctuation and environmental uncertainty of the earth's climate.

transition to icehouse.png

And here is the climate data from the southern and northern hemisphere ice cores for the last glacial period where you can clearly see how much more erratic the climate of the northern hemisphere was compared to the southern hemisphere.


Pass it on.

Suck on this Fort Fun Indiana :)
Only because of using coal to generate the electricity for processing aluminum. The electricity doesn't care whether it is produced by coal, wind, or solar. It will still produce electricity. And wind and solar both produce electricity at a lower cost than coal. So much so that some steel mills are now using solar;
Coal is by far the cheapest and most abundant...
You do not know power commodities very well

Now Frankie Boi, what the fuck would you, a kisser of the orange ass, know about honesty? And the article is from a peer reviewed journal, not from a dumb ass like Carlson or Hannity.
Peer reviewed!!

Crick agrees with Old Rocks!

"Concensus, we have," said Master Yoda

Are there different versions on CO2, one that causes, one for fires?

Debating climate change requires climate scientists. You goobers are passing notes in homeroom compared to that. Let ding invite a climate scientist into the bullring.
What are you babbling about-----the carbon pimpers are paid off to spew their lies which is why they habitual get snagged lying and falsifying data. It is also why they don't have envidence and base their supposed assumptions on a computer model that repeatedly gets its predictions wrong.

Some of us, don't need someone to think or try to manipulate us, we are quite capable of looking at the evidence and coming to the logical conclusion instead of the UN's, CHINA's, paid off scientists (who btw often aren't even specialists in climate but other fields) and others making money off their lies.
What are you babbling about-----the carbon pimpers are paid off to spew their lies which is why they habitual get snagged lying and falsifying data. It is also why they don't have envidence and base their supposed assumptions on a computer model that repeatedly gets its predictions wrong.

Some of us, don't need someone to think or try to manipulate us, we are quite capable of looking at the evidence and coming to the logical conclusion instead of the UN's, CHINA's, paid off scientists (who btw often aren't even specialists in climate but other fields) and others making money off their lies.
LOL Still repeating that stupid lie. Your bunch has been predicting a big cooldown for years. So here we are in a La Nina, and it is very warm. In fact, this year will probably be in the top ten for warmth.



Debating climate change requires climate scientists. You goobers are passing notes in homeroom compared to that. Let ding invite a climate scientist into the bullring.
No one is convinced that climate change is a world ending calamity like you alarmist cultists like to believe.

This topic is literally at the bottom of most people's give a shit list.
Now if you are so concerned about it, quit posting immediately, sell all your electronic devices, give up all modern comforts and go live in a tent. Walk the walk.
Every post you make kills another tree.

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