Coal country begs Obama for mercy as hundreds of coal plants ready for closing


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Coal country begs Obama for mercy as hundreds of coal plants ready for closing

Coal industry lobbyists and politicians have been urging the Obama administration to ease up on its regulatory agenda and craft carbon dioxide emission rules that would allow the coal industry to survive.

All the while, reports indicate that hundreds of coal plants are slated to be shut down in the coming years.

The unveiling of President Obama’s plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants earlier this summer stoked the fears of coal supporters who have already been hit hard by stricter environmental regulations.

However, the industry is not going down without a fight.

Read more: Coal country begs Obama for mercy | The Daily Caller
Matt, I grew up in coal country, in a house that had a coal furnace, as did my first school.

Coal is the old black. There are no two ways about it, coal is on the way out. There's nothing that can be done to change that.

I feel bad, really bad, fucking awful for those that will be out of work. They'll be just like I was during the Rust Belt years. I know exactly how much life will suck for them.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Instead of begging Obama and Congress to continue with an obsolete industry, they can insist that their displaced workforce be included in rebuilding the country's energy grid. They can demand that solar panel factories be funded in their districts, and that wind farms be built on the old mine sites - and that they be trained and hired to maintain those windmills.

It's not just energy, it's energy efficiency - they can ask for window glass factories, or fiberglass insulation factories.

Ever been to Mammoth Cave? There's a lot of hillside in Appalachia, building homes into the hills instead of perching houses on a ridge could start a whole new geothermal-based housing boom, you never know.
when in this country did you ever think YOU THE PEOPLE would have to BEG a frikken President FOR ANYTHING, Especially when it is about shutting down people's JOBS and livelihood?

this is not the Untied States I grew up in
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when in this country did you ever think YOU THE PEOPLE would have to BEG a frikken President FOR ANYTHING, Especially when it is about shutting down people's JOBS and livelihood?

this is not the Untied States I grew up in

The Progressives have given you a King. A Lord. It appears you must bow down as a lowly peasant these days.
I do feel sorry for people living in the coal and steel-producing areas.

It must be devastating to grow up in a region with so many jobs and much promise, and see those mills and mines close a generation later.

But does anyone remember the Miner's Strike in England under Thatcher?

She saw the writing on the wall for coal more than 30 years ago - and she was the High Priestess of Conservatism.

The real sadness here is that jobs that should have gone to Americans developing new technologies are instead going to Germany, Korea and the UK, because those countries are more innovative and more future oriented. If anyone is to blame for this, it is the Luddites who still think coal is the best way to produce elecricity.
When are the people going to SAY, enough is enough?

only you can make things happen...CALL your Representatives folks even if you don't live in those states...Stand up for the people...
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Matt, I grew up in coal country, in a house that had a coal furnace, as did my first school.

Coal is the old black. There are no two ways about it, coal is on the way out. There's nothing that can be done to change that.

I feel bad, really bad, fucking awful for those that will be out of work. They'll be just like I was during the Rust Belt years. I know exactly how much life will suck for them.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Instead of begging Obama and Congress to continue with an obsolete industry, they can insist that their displaced workforce be included in rebuilding the country's energy grid. They can demand that solar panel factories be funded in their districts, and that wind farms be built on the old mine sites - and that they be trained and hired to maintain those windmills.

It's not just energy, it's energy efficiency - they can ask for window glass factories, or fiberglass insulation factories.

Ever been to Mammoth Cave? There's a lot of hillside in Appalachia, building homes into the hills instead of perching houses on a ridge could start a whole new geothermal-based housing boom, you never know.

How are you going to be on your computer until the windmills are all in operation? How are you going to make coffee in the morning until mega solar panels are in gear?

Honest question because it is absolutely insane to shut down a major power source without the replacement in place. But hey I'm luckily on a water powered electric grid and if need be I can go primal again.

But if all your coal power sources are going to be shut down with out another power source in place you are in deep shit.

It is crazy.

You can have clean coal though. The technology is out there.

The world's first "clean coal" power plant went on-line in September 2008 in Spremberg, Germany.

The plant is owned by the Swedish company Vattenfall and has been built by the German firm Siemens.

The plant is called Schwarze Pumpe power station. The facility captures CO2 and acid rain producing sulfides, separates them, and compresses the CO2 into a liquid.

Plans are to inject the CO2 into depleted natural gas fields or other geological formations.

This technology is considered not to be a final solution for CO2 reduction in the atmosphere, but provides an achievable solution in the near term while more desirable alternative solutions to power generation can be made economically practical.

Clean coal technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I do feel sorry for people living in the coal and steel-producing areas.

It must be devastating to grow up in a region with so many jobs and much promise, and see those mills and mines close a generation later.

But does anyone remember the Miner's Strike in England under Thatcher?

She saw the writing on the wall for coal more than 30 years ago - and she was the High Priestess of Conservatism.

The real sadness here is that jobs that should have gone to Americans developing new technologies are instead going to Germany, Korea and the UK, because those countries are more innovative and more future oriented. If anyone is to blame for this, it is the Luddites who still think coal is the best way to produce elecricity.

Obviously you are ignorant of the clean coal technology developed in Europe.

Sadly what Obama's administration did was give political cronies like the people that ran Solyndra into the ground all the kick backs from the 2008 election and the companies weren't real.

And are now bankrupt.
Oh and I have been to the Mammoth Caves many times and the average temp is like 55 degrees and thank you very much but no freaking way do I want to live with that as my average temp in my house(when I lived in TN my family and friends would visit and it was a big deal to take them up to Kentucky to show them the caves)
So called 'clean coal' is one damned expensive solution. Each year, coal gets more expensive, both in direct and indirect costs. And every year, the costs of alternatives is coming down. Coal is going the way of the horse drawn buggy, and not a minute too soon.
Oh and I have been to the Mammoth Caves many times and the average temp is like 55 degrees and thank you very much but no freaking way do I want to live with that as my average temp in my house(when I lived in TN my family and friends would visit and it was a big deal to take them up to Kentucky to show them the caves)

You're kidding, right?

Tiny, in a geothermal house you do NOT keep the temp at 55, that is simply the STARTING temp that you're working with.

Ergo. heating of cooling that geothermal air is much much cheaper than starting with ambiant air temps of either winter or summer.
Oh and I have been to the Mammoth Caves many times and the average temp is like 55 degrees and thank you very much but no freaking way do I want to live with that as my average temp in my house(when I lived in TN my family and friends would visit and it was a big deal to take them up to Kentucky to show them the caves)

Really, that is kind of a dumb statement. 55 degrees to 70 degrees is only a 15 degree change, versus 30 to 70 many times in the winter, or 90 or more to 70 in the summer. And insulation between you and the surrounding rock or ground means that there will be a very slow leakage of heat from your home. No wind, except for the front exposure, to rob heat, either. Many people have gone this route in very hot climates, and it would work equally well in cooler climates.
Matt, I grew up in coal country, in a house that had a coal furnace, as did my first school.

Coal is the old black. There are no two ways about it, coal is on the way out. There's nothing that can be done to change that.

I feel bad, really bad, fucking awful for those that will be out of work. They'll be just like I was during the Rust Belt years. I know exactly how much life will suck for them.

But it doesn't have to be that way. Instead of begging Obama and Congress to continue with an obsolete industry, they can insist that their displaced workforce be included in rebuilding the country's energy grid. They can demand that solar panel factories be funded in their districts, and that wind farms be built on the old mine sites - and that they be trained and hired to maintain those windmills.

It's not just energy, it's energy efficiency - they can ask for window glass factories, or fiberglass insulation factories.

Ever been to Mammoth Cave? There's a lot of hillside in Appalachia, building homes into the hills instead of perching houses on a ridge could start a whole new geothermal-based housing boom, you never know.

Granny should go without heat in the winter, we'd feel bad for her, but that's the sacrifice one must make to save the planet
I think the first thing to happen would be for the AGW Cult members to go without heat in winter or AC in summer, I'd feel bad for them, but that's the kind of sacrifice they need to make

We can use the NSA data to locate them them turn their power off...and save the planet
I think the first thing to happen would be for the AGW Cult members to go without heat in winter or AC in summer, I'd feel bad for them, but that's the kind of sacrifice they need to make

We can use the NSA data to locate them them turn their power off...and save the planet

I can go for that...shouldn't they lead by EXAMPLE?
I think the first thing to happen would be for the AGW Cult members to go without heat in winter or AC in summer, I'd feel bad for them, but that's the kind of sacrifice they need to make

We can use the NSA data to locate them them turn their power off...and save the planet

I can go for that...shouldn't they lead by EXAMPLE?

Well it would save the planet
Obviously you are ignorant of the clean coal technology developed in Europe.

Obviously you are ignorant of what Clean Coal Technology costs.

It is far, far more expensive than wind or nuclear, genius.

Why would you even comment on Clean Coal if you know nothing about it?
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I do feel sorry for people living in the coal and steel-producing areas.

It must be devastating to grow up in a region with so many jobs and much promise, and see those mills and mines close a generation later.

But does anyone remember the Miner's Strike in England under Thatcher?

She saw the writing on the wall for coal more than 30 years ago - and she was the High Priestess of Conservatism.

The real sadness here is that jobs that should have gone to Americans developing new technologies are instead going to Germany, Korea and the UK, because those countries are more innovative and more future oriented. If anyone is to blame for this, it is the Luddites who still think coal is the best way to produce elecricity.

ROFL! Green Energy is bankrupting Germany and every other country that spent heavily on it. Many Germans can't pay their power bills because subsidies to wind and solar have doubled the price of electricity. Over 800,000 have had their power shut off.

Yeah, that sure seems like a smart policy for the economy.
Obviously you are ignorant of the clean coal technology developed in Europe.

Obviously you are ignorant of what Clean Coal Technology costs.

It is far, far more expensive than wind or nuclear, genius.

Why would you even comment on Clean Coal if you know nothing about it?

If by "clean coal" you mean the kind that doesn't produce any CO2, then you would be correct. It's not economically practical. However the latest coal plants we have now are plenty clean enough and they are far cheaper than wind or nuclear. They also work when the wind isn't blowing.
I do feel sorry for people living in the coal and steel-producing areas.

It must be devastating to grow up in a region with so many jobs and much promise, and see those mills and mines close a generation later.

But does anyone remember the Miner's Strike in England under Thatcher?

She saw the writing on the wall for coal more than 30 years ago - and she was the High Priestess of Conservatism.

The real sadness here is that jobs that should have gone to Americans developing new technologies are instead going to Germany, Korea and the UK, because those countries are more innovative and more future oriented. If anyone is to blame for this, it is the Luddites who still think coal is the best way to produce elecricity.

ROFL! Green Energy is bankrupting Germany and every other country that spent heavily on it. Many Germans can't pay their power bills because subsidies to wind and solar have doubled the price of electricity. Over 800,000 have had their power shut off.

Yeah, that sure seems like a smart policy for the economy.

Saigon doesn't think about that, he relies on their Government not their economy...also how big is his country compared to ours?
but he knows what's best for us

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