Coffee shop refuses to take sides on gay issues

The store probably does have its opinions, it just chooses not to make their views public, which is fair enough.
The store probably does have its opinions, it just chooses not to make their views public, which is fair enough.

That's not good enough for progressives.

If you're not with them, then you're the enemy and you will be taught a lesson.
Yanno...................a good solution for the next time would be for the students to inform the store owner what they intend to put up on the windows, and if the owner objects, they could then go find another store that would allow their decorations.

Sorry, but this one is on the students for not telling the store owner what they intended to put up, as well as is on the store owner for not asking.
The coffee shop is part of the community. Not just the gay community. The majority of people who buy their coffee are not homosexual.

Go here, don't buy that, boycott this store or product, eat this, wear that. The demands never end. Hopefully this is the start of a general rebellion.
I'd be interested in knowing if any of the other window painting were pushing any kind of agenda?

That's been a tradition is Chicago burbs I've lived in but the artwork usually has something to do with the fall season, Halloween, etc.
The coffee shop is part of the community. Not just the gay community. The majority of people who buy their coffee are not homosexual.

Go here, don't buy that, boycott this store or product, eat this, wear that. The demands never end. Hopefully this is the start of a general rebellion.

Heheh, that's like saying they should wash down a Breast Cancer Awareness theme because half their customers aren't female.

Anyone have a pic of the window? I'd like to see it before rendering an opinion.
This might be it...


I'm trying to figure out what this painting had to do with homecoming week...
The coffee shop is part of the community. Not just the gay community. The majority of people who buy their coffee are not homosexual.

Go here, don't buy that, boycott this store or product, eat this, wear that. The demands never end. Hopefully this is the start of a general rebellion.

Heheh, that's like saying they should wash down a Breast Cancer Awareness theme because half their customers aren't female.

Anyone have a pic of the window? I'd like to see it before rendering an opinion.

Good point.
Good for them. The store is trying to support the kids not push an agenda. GSA could have painted a football field with a fall feel, like colorful trees in the background and a rainbow across the sky and the school flag at the bottom with "go ______" and it would have probably been left up. How difficult is that?
This might be it...


I'm trying to figure out what this painting had to do with homecoming week...

If that's the painting I can see why they took it down. It's political and not at all homecoming. I wonder if the establishment would let GSA come back and paint another, more appropriate to homecoming picture in the window?
This might be it...


I'm trying to figure out what this painting had to do with homecoming week...

If that's the painting I can see why they took it down. It's political and not at all homecoming. I wonder if the establishment would let GSA come back and paint another, more appropriate to homecoming picture in the window?

Agreed, I'll have to side with the Coffee shop on this one if for no other reason than the window painting is primarily political/social and has nothing to do with HC.
Liberal throw tantrums as a result

Chicago Tribune

Anything to do with

women's issues
college professors

must be liberal. Cuz with a Republican Party that's 90% white who believes education is for snobs and the earth is only a few thousand years old, so anything else can't be anything but liberal.
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