Cohen Does Interview With Clinton Operative George Step. It's Bull Shit.


When George Stephanopoulos gets involved you know it's the Clintons. Michael Cohen did an interview with him and came up with some serious whoppers.

Currently the Clinton Foundation is under legal assault. Hillary is out of the country, and their corrupt operatives are busy trying to frame Trump.

Whistleblowers have testified in front of Congress that Bill and Hillary have been using the Clinton Foundation to sell weapons technology to foreign governments. The shit is hitting the fan and the usual Clinton tactic is deny, deny, and make counter-accusations.

Michael Cohen was sentenced to 3 years why is he out there giving interviews that reveal his guilt?
Because it's all a sham. This is simply Hillary propaganda meant to cause an impeachment.
Hillary is behind the Mueller investigation, plain and simple. What better way to reduce your sentence than cooperate with ABC and give the public the story that they want. Trump made Cohen do everything. He even made him cheat on his taxes.
In truth....Cohen plead guilty to lying, of which he is guilty of.
He plead guilty to acts that are not even crimes.
So essentially this is just yet another Hillary fraud campaign.

Michael Cohen: 'Of Course' Donald Trump Knew Hush Money Payments Were Wrong | HuffPost

Fox Judge Napolitano Continues to Trash Trump with Inaccurate 'Analysis'

Trump: I Never Ordered Cohen to Do Anything Wrong | Breitbart

Behar: Maybe Orrin Hatch 'Needs to Go to Jail' for Supporting Trump | Breitbart
Explain to us in terms of the law, how Cohen didn't commit any crimes?
Once Cohen admitted his guilt and now helps the prosecution, any question of his guilt is moot. Right?

When George Stephanopoulos gets involved you know it's the Clintons. Michael Cohen did an interview with him and came up with some serious whoppers.

Currently the Clinton Foundation is under legal assault. Hillary is out of the country, and their corrupt operatives are busy trying to frame Trump.

Whistleblowers have testified in front of Congress that Bill and Hillary have been using the Clinton Foundation to sell weapons technology to foreign governments. The shit is hitting the fan and the usual Clinton tactic is deny, deny, and make counter-accusations.

Michael Cohen was sentenced to 3 years why is he out there giving interviews that reveal his guilt?
Because it's all a sham. This is simply Hillary propaganda meant to cause an impeachment.
Hillary is behind the Mueller investigation, plain and simple. What better way to reduce your sentence than cooperate with ABC and give the public the story that they want. Trump made Cohen do everything. He even made him cheat on his taxes.
In truth....Cohen plead guilty to lying, of which he is guilty of.
He plead guilty to acts that are not even crimes.
So essentially this is just yet another Hillary fraud campaign.

Michael Cohen: 'Of Course' Donald Trump Knew Hush Money Payments Were Wrong | HuffPost

Fox Judge Napolitano Continues to Trash Trump with Inaccurate 'Analysis'

Trump: I Never Ordered Cohen to Do Anything Wrong | Breitbart

Behar: Maybe Orrin Hatch 'Needs to Go to Jail' for Supporting Trump | Breitbart
Hilarious. So many links and not one about the Clinton foundation. I posted a link about the Clinton foundation.
Looks like Republicans have finally given up.
Yeah Trump.force Cohen to evade paying his taxes...this guy is a pathetic weasel ...what an embarrassment

Fox Judge Napolitano Continues to Trash Trump with Inaccurate 'Analysis'
"Spewing all kinds of mindless gloom and doom (you can watch the full segment here), while ignoring the all-important mitigating context that proves just how stupid his gloom and doom is, Napolitano painted a dire picture of President Trump as a felon.

After Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison, Smith teed up Napolitano with this: “Prosecutors have told us through these filings that they have evidence that the President committed a felony.”

Breitbart TV

Naturally, Napolitano heartily agreed:

The felony is paying Michael Cohen to commit a felony. It’s pretty basic. Somebody hires you — A hires B to shoot someone. A is as liable as if he had pulled the trigger. You pay someone to commit a crime, they commit the crime, you are liable, criminally liable for their commission of that crime, as well as they being liable. That’s what the prosecutors told the federal judge.​
Keep in mind that this is coming from the same Judge FakeNews who called proven liar Christine Blasey Ford “exceptionally credible” after hearing only a few minutesof her testimony.

But here is the important information the Judge FakeNews is deliberately hiding from Fox viewers…

At worst, at the very worst, this is a campaign finance violation, and even that is a stretch when you are talking about paying off a couple of scheming blackmailers who threatened to ruin your reputation and cause trouble in your family and marriage.

There is nothing illegal about committing adultery, about paying hush money, about caving to blackmail, about hiding all of this from the public and voters. Nothing.

The only way this is illegal is if an overbearing government decides this particular expenditure was a campaign expenditure — in other words, something you would not have paid for were you not running for office — which is absurd in the case of Trump, who has a decades-long history of aggressively working to kill stories that might damage his reputation — not all of them sex related.

And let me again point out that Trump used his own money — his own money — to pay off his blackmailers. He did not use campaign funds.

But rather than explain the important context of the government’s ludicrous attempt to “gotcha” Trump with a felony, rather than explain to viewers that these prosecutors are almost certainly politically motivated, Napolitano chooses to mislead viewers with inane analysis about Trump “directing a felony.”

How dumb is this campaign finance law that gotchas candidates over what they choose to spend their own money on? This is how dumb it is…

Should Mitt Romney be charged with a felony if he failed to report all of the expenses involved in his move to Utah, a move that was all about running for a senate seat there?

Should Hillary Clinton be charged with a felony if she failed to report the cost of her hairstylings, because before she ran for president, Hillary showed no interest in styling her hair.

If a candidate purchases a nicer wardrobe than he would have otherwise, has her teeth whitened, gets hair implants, bleaches her upper lip, or purchases a voter-friendly American made car in preparation for a run for office, and does it with his or her own money, should they be charged with a felony if it is not listed as a campaign expense?

There is nothing illegal about hiding your sex life, bad teeth, or bald head from voters, and to criminalize such things with vague campaign finance laws will not fly. Even the jury in a case involving former presidential candidate John Edwards, who funneled other people’s money through his campaign to hide payments to his mistress, came out deadlocked.

And what about the 264 active members of Congress who created a $17 million slush fund using taxpayer dollars to make sexual harassment and other employer-related conduct lawsuits go away?

These are active members of Congress using our money to make their sins go away, to pay off women to sign non-disclosure agreements, and that is perfectly a-okay with prosecutors (and a media that has lost total interest in the story), but Private Citizen Trump doing what he has done for decades — making a bad story go away — has committed a felony?

If you are holding off canceling your cable to hold onto Fox News, it is time to rethink that. If Fox News is going to mislead and spread anti-Trump propaganda that is no different from the fake news coming from CNN …

Mic drop. BOOM​
You are beyond the point of stupidity. These payments were made at the direction of Trump with witnesses in the room who said Trump was doing this to protect his campaign. That is a planned pre-meditated crime.

When George Stephanopoulos gets involved you know it's the Clintons. Michael Cohen did an interview with him and came up with some serious whoppers.

Currently the Clinton Foundation is under legal assault. Hillary is out of the country, and their corrupt operatives are busy trying to frame Trump.

Whistleblowers have testified in front of Congress that Bill and Hillary have been using the Clinton Foundation to sell weapons technology to foreign governments. The shit is hitting the fan and the usual Clinton tactic is deny, deny, and make counter-accusations.

Michael Cohen was sentenced to 3 years why is he out there giving interviews that reveal his guilt?
Because it's all a sham. This is simply Hillary propaganda meant to cause an impeachment.
Hillary is behind the Mueller investigation, plain and simple. What better way to reduce your sentence than cooperate with ABC and give the public the story that they want. Trump made Cohen do everything. He even made him cheat on his taxes.
In truth....Cohen plead guilty to lying, of which he is guilty of.
He plead guilty to acts that are not even crimes.
So essentially this is just yet another Hillary fraud campaign.

Michael Cohen: 'Of Course' Donald Trump Knew Hush Money Payments Were Wrong | HuffPost

Fox Judge Napolitano Continues to Trash Trump with Inaccurate 'Analysis'

Trump: I Never Ordered Cohen to Do Anything Wrong | Breitbart

Behar: Maybe Orrin Hatch 'Needs to Go to Jail' for Supporting Trump | Breitbart
Hilarious. So many links and not one about the Clinton foundation. I posted a link about the Clinton foundation.
Looks like Republicans have finally given up.
They're liars. There is nothing about the Clinton Foundation to debate.
But then again, you support Democrats, so logic doesn't enter into it.
Let’s put aside for now how Trump makes the US appear outside the Land of the Brave and the Free and observe the mindless tribal idiocy of Democrats and Republicans tearing each other to pieces whilst Putin sits back waiting and watching, giggling to himself in anticipation for the next US civil war.
But in reality the media was able to make Obama and Hillary seem like good leaders.
So if other countries are laughing at Trump, it's because they're watching our corrupt media coverage.
Then they meet him and discover he's nobody to play with.
They're laughing at Trump because he's an idiot.
Honestly I feel sorry for him. He had to chose between his wife and father in law serving time, or himself.
Complete horseshit. Cohen had no choice and was going to go to prison.
Cohen's father in law and his wife involved in Cohen's money laundering and tax avoidance schemes, and were threatened by Mueller's thugs, which is why he caved. Most third world thugs and dictators do the same, they torture and hold a wanted suspect's family hostage until he shows up.
Have you lost your mind? Cohen is involved in tax schemes and Mueller is the thug? And when did we decide we were okay with what dictators and third world thugs were doing? You folks on the Right have totally lost it.
But then again, you support Democrats, so logic doesn't enter into it.
Let’s put aside for now how Trump makes the US appear outside the Land of the Brave and the Free and observe the mindless tribal idiocy of Democrats and Republicans tearing each other to pieces whilst Putin sits back waiting and watching, giggling to himself in anticipation for the next US civil war.
But in reality the media was able to make Obama and Hillary seem like good leaders.
So if other countries are laughing at Trump, it's because they're watching our corrupt media coverage.
Then they meet him and discover he's nobody to play with.
They're laughing at Trump because he's an idiot.
I remember when they did it behind closed fingers.

Now, they do it openly.
Cohen has Trump on tape talking about hush money payments
We heard that shit almost a year ago....and the only person that was trying to do anything illegal was Cohen. Trump wanted him to use a check and Cohen was saying pay cash.
This is ancient history.
The fact is you cannot be charged with a crime for paying hush money.

It isn't against the law.
If anything, Stormy Daniels is the one breaking the law.
Trump has even won a $300 million settlement against her for harassment.
Google it, dipshit.
Need a tissue?

Nope. I proved my point.
It's not my fault you are in denial.
You proved that you can’t think at a level above NewsMax.

Plus, you lied. Trump didn’t win a $300 million settlement.

And paying hush money to win an election is definitely illegal.
So should Obama be prosecuted since he tried to pay Wright off? Should all the house leaders be prosecuted for paying off women with our tax dollars?
Ha liar, prove "Obama tried to pay off Wright"?
I don't believe anything Cohen says. I don't believe anything Trump says
Okay, but federal prosecutors have claimed these crimes were committed at the direction of trump.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least, and we'll find out soon enough. And as I just posted elsewhere about Trump and a predecessor of his:

The behaviors of both - from taking advantage of a young, star-struck intern and using her as an ashtray in the Oval Office, to banging hookers and conspiring to pay them off - are pretty lousy. And their obedient little tribes only "see" the "other" guy.

This is, and was, all about politics, and it's pretty obvious.
They were both consensual. It’s not about the sex no matter how hard you stomp your feet. It’s about conspiracy to commit election fraud.

Is dying your grey hair black election fraud too????
No, but you proving there wasn't election fraud is.
Hold the phone....

Isn't the "investigation" still continuing?....WTF is one of the subjects of it doing talking to the media?
Cohen's part in the campaign finance violations are over dumb ass.
We heard that shit almost a year ago....and the only person that was trying to do anything illegal was Cohen. Trump wanted him to use a check and Cohen was saying pay cash.
This is ancient history.
The fact is you cannot be charged with a crime for paying hush money.

It isn't against the law.
If anything, Stormy Daniels is the one breaking the law.
Trump has even won a $300 million settlement against her for harassment.
Google it, dipshit.
Need a tissue?

Nope. I proved my point.
It's not my fault you are in denial.
You proved that you can’t think at a level above NewsMax.

Plus, you lied. Trump didn’t win a $300 million settlement.

And paying hush money to win an election is definitely illegal.
So should Obama be prosecuted since he tried to pay Wright off? Should all the house leaders be prosecuted for paying off women with our tax dollars?
Ha liar, prove "Obama tried to pay off Wright"?
Prove he didn't, seems that's the democrat way now. Guilty till proven innocent.
Need a tissue?

Nope. I proved my point.
It's not my fault you are in denial.
You proved that you can’t think at a level above NewsMax.

Plus, you lied. Trump didn’t win a $300 million settlement.

And paying hush money to win an election is definitely illegal.
So should Obama be prosecuted since he tried to pay Wright off? Should all the house leaders be prosecuted for paying off women with our tax dollars?
Ha liar, prove "Obama tried to pay off Wright"?
Prove he didn't, seems that's the democrat way now. Guilty till proven innocent.
Are you talking about the GOP vendetta against Clinton? You can choose either.

The "failed" vendetta.
Stephanopholous is a known, bought and paid for Clinton operative. No links, no "proof" required. He is a partisan turd. That's all. Look it up. He is a biased asshole.
Need a tissue?

Nope. I proved my point.
It's not my fault you are in denial.
You proved that you can’t think at a level above NewsMax.

Plus, you lied. Trump didn’t win a $300 million settlement.

And paying hush money to win an election is definitely illegal.
So should Obama be prosecuted since he tried to pay Wright off? Should all the house leaders be prosecuted for paying off women with our tax dollars?
Ha liar, prove "Obama tried to pay off Wright"?
Prove he didn't, seems that's the democrat way now. Guilty till proven innocent.
Ha dumb ass, you made the claim, not me. If you can't prove it, you're a liar.
Stephanopholous is a known, bought and paid for Clinton operative. No links, no "proof" required. He is a partisan turd. That's all. Look it up. He is a biased asshole.
Instead of us looking it up, why don't you prove he is a "bought and paid for Clinton operative"? You can't which makes you a liar.
No, but paying hush money is.
No it isn't.
Election fraud is a media that censors the news and attacks one side while favoring another. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, and various other networks do this daily.
Election fraud is going door to door and collecting ballots, throwing away the votes you don't like and keeping the ones you like. Democrats did this in Arizona and California. It's called vote harvesting.
No, Republicans did this in NC09.
Yeah.....I'm sure there are thousands of conservatives in Antifa too.
You continue to be a low-information wingnut.

North Carolina GOP admits a new House election is probably needed after election fraud scandal
It just proves the old adage....."Opinions are like assholes....."
Your concession is noted.

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