Cohen to testify trump broke law while in office

Cohen admits he worked with key Dems Schiff, Cummings to prepare for hearings


So, like Hillary in her 2016 DNC Primaries, the Democrats gave Cohen not only gave him the questions the Democrats were going to ask, they also wrote his testimony for him as well. Turns out Cohen is one big criminal PUPPET - you can almost see the Democrats' had up his ass, speaking for him as he moves his lips!


Once again the Democrats get caught red-handed engaging in RIGGED political events / faux political theatrics in an attempt to take-down the President!

On top of Cohen being an admitted Perjurer, finding out now that the Democrats prepped him for the hearing and helped him write his very scripted testimony, this entire hearing and everything that has been said can now be officially thrown out / ignored.

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

You are out and out lying.

At no time did he admit to anything that could be honestly called "scripting"...or prepping...

Really? In Cohen's response to Cummings opening questions at the start it looked as though Cohen was reading his answers.
Hey's common practice for a witness to sit with his LAWYERS to prepare his testimony.

I didn't realize Cummings was one of Cohen's lawyers, but thanks for the info...
How could you make such a ridiculous conclusion?
Witnesses before Congress often sit with the chairman before the testimony to make sure they understand what’s going to happen and how things work. It’s common practice.

Yes we already know democrats like to write the outcome before testimony is given...:bye1:
I hear ya. You'd rather fixate on Weiner's dick
Nice projection, Oscar Meyer....but while YOU were focusing on Weiner's Weiner you completely missed my point of how the laptop the convicted / released criminal was using to perpetrate his crime was illegally filled with illegally obtained / stored TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION forwarded criminally to the laptop by Hillary's aide, Huma Abedin.

(Just recently released Congressional testimony docs showed Comey and the FBI discovered this 'treasure trove' of criminal evidence against Hillary and Huma just DAYS before the 2016 election and HID the crime(s) rather than Perp-Walking Hillary and Huma just days before the election she never should have been in to begin with).

I noted your deflection, pinhead. You're dumb enough to deny it with more deflection.

Dude, it's 2019 - no one cares if you like Weiner's need to try to deny it or pretend you're something you're not. (Or are you admitting the point I made went right over your head because you weren't smart enough to get it?)

I'm noting you're a cowardly deflector.
pretty hilarious seeing all of the Trumpettes here today squirming like crazy at the compelling testimony being offered by Cohen.

Come on Trumpettes; squirm baby squirm. :21:

Sounds like you ready for more “cardio”.
I hear ya. You'd rather fixate on Weiner's dick
Nice projection, Oscar Meyer....but while YOU were focusing on Weiner's Weiner you completely missed my point of how the laptop the convicted / released criminal was using to perpetrate his crime was illegally filled with illegally obtained / stored TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION forwarded criminally to the laptop by Hillary's aide, Huma Abedin.

(Just recently released Congressional testimony docs showed Comey and the FBI discovered this 'treasure trove' of criminal evidence against Hillary and Huma just DAYS before the 2016 election and HID the crime(s) rather than Perp-Walking Hillary and Huma just days before the election she never should have been in to begin with).

I noted your deflection, pinhead. You're dumb enough to deny it with more deflection.

Dude, it's 2019 - no one cares if you like Weiner's need to try to deny it or pretend you're something you're not. (Or are you admitting the point I made went right over your head because you weren't smart enough to get it?)

I'm noting you're a cowardly deflector.
Snowflake, you can make all the false accusations you want - ya been doing it for 2+ years now, so another one ain't gonna hurt no one.

Really? In Cohen's response to Cummings opening questions at the start it looked as though Cohen was reading his answers.
Hey's common practice for a witness to sit with his LAWYERS to prepare his testimony.

I didn't realize Cummings was one of Cohen's lawyers, but thanks for the info...
How could you make such a ridiculous conclusion?
Witnesses before Congress often sit with the chairman before the testimony to make sure they understand what’s going to happen and how things work. It’s common practice.
So it is natural for a Chairman to sit down with other members of the Committee and the witness who will speak for them, to write their testimony and go over it with them?

Unfortunately for you...there's no evidence that what you claim occurred

Sure about that...
You got him now!!!!! Thus time for sure. This will drive him out of office by January 2025 without a doubt mark my words ! :)
I hear ya. You'd rather fixate on Weiner's dick
Nice projection, Oscar Meyer....but while YOU were focusing on Weiner's Weiner you completely missed my point of how the laptop the convicted / released criminal was using to perpetrate his crime was illegally filled with illegally obtained / stored TOP SECRET COMPARTMENTALIZED INFORMATION forwarded criminally to the laptop by Hillary's aide, Huma Abedin.

(Just recently released Congressional testimony docs showed Comey and the FBI discovered this 'treasure trove' of criminal evidence against Hillary and Huma just DAYS before the 2016 election and HID the crime(s) rather than Perp-Walking Hillary and Huma just days before the election she never should have been in to begin with).

I noted your deflection, pinhead. You're dumb enough to deny it with more deflection.

Dude, it's 2019 - no one cares if you like Weiner's need to try to deny it or pretend you're something you're not. (Or are you admitting the point I made went right over your head because you weren't smart enough to get it?)

I'm noting you're a cowardly deflector.
Snowflake, you can make all the false accusations you want - ya been doing it for 2+ years now, so another one ain't gonna hurt no one.


Easy being more a characteristic than a name, apparently.
You are out and out lying.

At no time did he admit to anything that could be honestly called "scripting"...or prepping...

Really? In Cohen's response to Cummings opening questions at the start it looked as though Cohen was reading his answers.
Hey's common practice for a witness to sit with his LAWYERS to prepare his testimony.

I didn't realize Cummings was one of Cohen's lawyers, but thanks for the info...
How could you make such a ridiculous conclusion?
Witnesses before Congress often sit with the chairman before the testimony to make sure they understand what’s going to happen and how things work. It’s common practice.

Yes we already know democrats like to write the outcome before testimony is given...:bye1:

They didn’t do a very good job. Cohen ain’t helping. You can tell by the reaction of the board libtards. Listening to Mr. Sarbanes, this was all about “perspective” into “Trump-world”. All this stuff is just Cohen elaborating on stuff already in the news, and it’s not far off the speculation the media put out since 2016.
pretty hilarious seeing all of the Trumpettes here today squirming like crazy at the compelling testimony being offered by Cohen.

Come on Trumpettes; squirm baby squirm. :21:

Sounds like you ready for more “cardio”.

been shoveling snow, got about 15 to 20 minutes left of that chore; later I'll be out for a tasty cigar & a hot toddy.

Maybe an Artuo Fuente Anejo, a Quesada Reserva Privada, or possibly a Gran Habano Zulu Zulu; we'll see.
View attachment 247987

View attachment 247990

Seem like hush money is on paper.

The question needs to be asked.

How many other hooker and porn star were paid off or paid?
What happened to the underage sex and rape civil case. How was she paid off?
View attachment 247993
Of course....this is just more 5th Ave stuff. We aren't surprised at your lack of caring.
It's more nothingburger, with extra nothing.
Of course. :71: That's why there's hardly anyone concerned here.
pretty hilarious seeing all of the Trumpettes here today squirming like crazy at the compelling testimony being offered by Cohen.

Come on Trumpettes; squirm baby squirm. :21:

Sounds like you ready for more “cardio”.

been shoveling snow, got about 15 to 20 minutes left of that chore; later I'll be out for a tasty cigar & a hot toddy.

Maybe an Artuo Fuente Anejo, a Quesada Reserva Privada, or possibly a Gran Habano Zulu Zulu; we'll see.

Now snow shoveling is some damn cardio. I gave up the tobacco.

Cohen claims Trump gets people to lie for him without telling or asking them to.....

He should have just stuck to the script Schiff and Cummings wrote for him. :p


Yeah, well....


The only thing intelligent, credible, and NOT pre-scripted Cohen has said all day is THIS:

"Questions have been raised about whether I know of direct evidence that Mr. Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia," Cohen will testify. "I do not."

Michael Cohen testifies about Trump, Roger Stone-WikiLeaks plot at House hearing -- live blog

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Much has been made about Cohen's previous dishonesty. One idiot Republican even claimed stupidly that no liar had ever testified before Congress before.
You are absolutely correct. The Republican must have completely forgotten about US AG Eric Holder, IRS Director Koskinen, Hillary Clinton, Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein , NSA Director James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, FBI Director James Comey, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, etc......

And their indictments/convictions/guilty pleas are.........................?
And he keeps on lying.
As I said....if you have evidence that Cohen is lying can have the pleasure of sharing that evidence with the Authorities and extend his prison sentence.

You have no evidanc he isn’t so stop trying to play the semantics game, you just aren’t smart enough to pull it off, and besides, it’s a trap. All you can do is run around in circles
Cohen has stated that Mr. Trump is 'individual #1' from the Mueller investigation


Michael Cohen: "Individual 1 is Donald J. Trump"

Yo Trump; how's that Kim un shit going over there in 'Nam? :206::21:

BREAKING NEWS!!!!! If you live in Antarctica.

Sorry; I just got home from the gym & my two hour cardio workout.

Sorry I don't have my computer stuck up my ass 24/7 like some of you here do.

You sound like you must be a Trumpette; must be difficult to swallow the truth, for once. :21:

If you have an issue with my posts, or others, then use the goddamn REPORT feature, Jr.

Stuffing pork rinds into your maw while you surf lizard bukakki is not cardio.
Interesting what we find out is the main CRC pasttime........

the poor fellow sure seems to know what he speaks of when he mentions stuffing pork rinds into his maw while he surfs lizard bukakki.

I never knew Republicans were so ........... different .........
It's a well known fact that one simply does not get between CRCs and their junk food.

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