Cohen to testify trump broke law while in office

It's funny how hard the Republican committee members are trying to prove that Trump hires really sleazy people like Cohen to do his dirty work for him. :lol:


The only question would be whether they themselves don't understand that, or they are supremely confident their "base" won't, and thus there won't be any damage arising from their indirectly smearing Trump.

Given what I've seen on here, it's probably the latter.
It all boils down to their now firm belief that "Snitches get stitches."
What Michael Cohen has proven so far is he has zero credibility, and it’s a shit show in Washington
pretty hilarious seeing all of the Trumpettes here today squirming like crazy at the compelling testimony being offered by Cohen.

Come on Trumpettes; squirm baby squirm. :21:
This is what happens when a trump lacky STOPS lying for him.
This is what happens when sore loser butt hurt Trump-hating snowflakes are so desperate that they are willing to latch onto anything, to include a propaganda-filled Russian-authored document sold to their criminal 2016 Presidential election loser or the faux testimony of an admitted, convicted Felon who has lied to Congress before and who claims, as part of his testimony, that Trump has some type of mind control power that makes people do things without him ever telling or asking them to do so.

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Refresh our many convictions/guilty pleas have come from this so-called desperation?
That was his main qualification for being Trump's personal attorney, as well as a Vice-President of the Trump Org. Trump supporters embrace lying. It's a requirement.
Says someone who trusts career politicians

That's not true, of course. It's just you saying stupid stuff, but I can't think of any politicians I trust less than Trump. I'll add that if you think professional politicians are bad, wait until you see the real cost of amateurs.
Career politicians make Trump look like an amateur when it comes to lying, they have a whole career public life as proof...
You think trump started lying after being elected?? He has a history of lying
Like I have said, trump lies a lot... But nowhere near as much as career politicians do.
There still is no there, there in this whole Circus
Any circus you see and it is a 3 ring circus ,lays at the feet of this clown you put into our WH
Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to tell Congress that Trump broke the law while in office

He will need corroborating information. Otherwise the complicit Repubs will never believe him. They have, long ago, driven over the morality cliff...

Sure, he will lie some more to save himself. He'll say whatever he thinks the prosecutors want to hear. He's already proven himself to be a liar.
Save himself from what? He’s already convicted and sentenced.

He's a dealmaker. Something in the likeness of a Saul Goodman. He did testify he met with Democrat lawmakers before this deposition.... now why would that be? A good testimony from him that dots all the I's and checks the right boxes will get him a deal on the back end. You can bet... I could see a hook up with Hillary's book publisher and when he gets out he will be making tens of millions.... with his "riveting story"
Blasting Trump, Cohen Admits:
No Evidence of Collusion
No Directive to Commit Perjury
Key Claim in Dossier is False

Good Summary:
"The president’s ethics are poor. The portrait/straw purchaser allegation (w/ documentation) is an almost-comical vignette of petty ego & ethical bankruptcy. The Stormy hush payments seem undeniable. I’m dubious that they constitute a crime that justifies impeachment."

Blasting Trump, Cohen Admits: No Evidence of Collusion, No Directive to Commit Perjury, Key Claim in Dossier is False
Did you see Rep Roy from Texas say Trump is trying to bring healthcare FREEDOM to the United States.

Meaning, die quickly. Because you deserve no healthcare.
pretty hilarious seeing all of the Trumpettes here today squirming like crazy at the compelling testimony being offered by Cohen.

Come on Trumpettes; squirm baby squirm. :21:
This is what happens when a trump lacky STOPS lying for him.
This is what happens when sore loser butt hurt Trump-hating snowflakes are so desperate that they are willing to latch onto anything, to include a propaganda-filled Russian-authored document sold to their criminal 2016 Presidential election loser or the faux testimony of an admitted, convicted Felon who has lied to Congress before and who claims, as part of his testimony, that Trump has some type of mind control power that makes people do things without him ever telling or asking them to do so.

View attachment 248032
He testified that Trump used a type of “code” that made it clear he was telling you to do something without coming out and saying it

Just like a Mafia Don
Did you see Rep Roy from Texas say Trump is trying to bring healthcare FREEDOM to the United States.

Meaning, die quickly. Because you deserve no healthcare.
Damn did that guy go into a word salad
Did you see Rep Roy from Texas say Trump is trying to bring healthcare FREEDOM to the United States.

Meaning, die quickly. Because you deserve no healthcare.
Any sort socialized medicine/healthcare should be 100% voluntary, Millions of Americans want nothing to do with the shit. And it does not require our participation...
pretty hilarious seeing all of the Trumpettes here today squirming like crazy at the compelling testimony being offered by Cohen.

Come on Trumpettes; squirm baby squirm. :21:
This is what happens when a trump lacky STOPS lying for him.
This is what happens when sore loser butt hurt Trump-hating snowflakes are so desperate that they are willing to latch onto anything, to include a propaganda-filled Russian-authored document sold to their criminal 2016 Presidential election loser or the faux testimony of an admitted, convicted Felon who has lied to Congress before and who claims, as part of his testimony, that Trump has some type of mind control power that makes people do things without him ever telling or asking them to do so.

View attachment 248032
He testified that Trump used a type of “code” that made it clear he was telling you to do something without coming out and saying it

Just like a Mafia Don
you watch far too many Hollywood movies made by Hollywood child molesting types
pretty hilarious seeing all of the Trumpettes here today squirming like crazy at the compelling testimony being offered by Cohen.

Come on Trumpettes; squirm baby squirm. :21:
This is what happens when a trump lacky STOPS lying for him.
This is what happens when sore loser butt hurt Trump-hating snowflakes are so desperate that they are willing to latch onto anything, to include a propaganda-filled Russian-authored document sold to their criminal 2016 Presidential election loser or the faux testimony of an admitted, convicted Felon who has lied to Congress before and who claims, as part of his testimony, that Trump has some type of mind control power that makes people do things without him ever telling or asking them to do so.

View attachment 248032
He testified that Trump used a type of “code” that made it clear he was telling you to do something without coming out and saying it

Just like a Mafia Don

Good example of.....
And he keeps on lying.
As I said....if you have evidence that Cohen is lying can have the pleasure of sharing that evidence with the Authorities and extend his prison sentence.

Um, did you miss where Meadows just caught Cohen in a lie and is referring him for a FARA violations...
So good...let's see how that works.

If you must. But I don’t think you will hear what your looking for. It will just be more debate fodder.
What I am looking for is for someone to show that Cohen is lying today so that his prison term is increased. Get to it.

You can not point to one thing that hasn’t been presented by any major news network.
I want to know if there were any special deals made there to avoid prosecution .
In all your republican wisdom ,,you think Cohen wants more jail time for lying now??
He is unable to tell the truth, because he has zero credibility. I would say he does not even know what to truth is, It’s his word against someone else’s and in some cases against two other people.
He obviously has no life, and even if he did the shimmer of life before, it certainly will not last through this.
His family obviously realizes he is the lowest of life forms to them....
Quite obvious you believe in republican bs , politics before country

We don't have a country any more if the Green New Deal is implemented. $93 Trillion program will reduce America to Shithole Status.
you've done that already

America is doing great under President Trump, ed.

Market at record heights, unemployment at record lows, peace is breaking out all over. The Democrat Party is running against President Trump's tremendous policies of Peace as well as Prosperity.

I don't know how popular Trump's ideas are, we'll see if the people vote against Peace and Prosperity in like 20 months.

But if the people vote against Peace and Prosperity, they will definitely get what they are asking for.

LOL The thinly veiled threats of Cult45 are quite funny. At this point, most of America is over the Orange Virus reality show. Perhaps elect candidates that aren't corrupt, lying, traitorous douche bags next time. An ignorant electorate got us here in the first place. Let's not let it happen again!

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