Coke, Hookers, Tequila better at preventing suicide than antidepressants

Anyway, self-medicating is TERRIBLE advice to give to those suffering from suicidal ideation and chronic depression. Really terrible advice.

So, what, you'd rather them pop mind altering pills the rest of their life? How is that better than, say, Marijuana?

Wouldn't vaporizing some epic OG KUSH be a far better medication for them? At least they would feel pleasure and enjoyment and happiness with almost zero negative side effects and no long term health issues.

That would make it easier for them to get their life in check, if they are feeling confident and happy while they conquer themselves, and as they shape the world around them into something far more desirable.

Personally, I feel that regular meditation and developing your own spiritual system personally would help combat the majority of these alleged "mental illnesses", and is a far better way to conquer yourself than pill popping.

This whole "mental illness" bullshit is so often just a way for people to cast the blame on something else rather than accepting responsibility for their own failures, behavior, and/ or alleged imperfections.

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The feel-good story of the year:

Amidst a battle of debilitating depression, he traveled to Mexico to purchase “chemicals” to humanely end his life. The aptly-named Reddit user, plzsendhalp, shares his story involving ripping lines of coke off hookers’ tits, battling whiskey/coke dick with Viagra, multiple threesomes, and of course his will to finally live.

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.

Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.

Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.

Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.​
He then packed his shit up and headed back home, STD-free.​

The use of mind-altering substances is usually a deadly in a suicidal person. The substances can only make you feel "good" for a short time and are a substitute.

Drugs and sex do not cure chronic depression and makes things worse, MUCH worse, in most cases.

At the same time it has never been a secret that a change in latitude can definitely change your attitude.

I make my money off folks who escape the grind of the expectations and responsibilities associated with living in a country where every part of your life is managed. There have been clients that leave their prescribed "feel good" drugs at home when they visit and cut loose.

Sometimes a trip south of the border does wonders for the traveller ... And can certainly set your head straight for a little while.


The problem is that it's a dangerous way to find a temporary fix to a serious mental illness. They don't think of how bad they're going to feel when they are alone again and "coming down" off their drugs. That feeling of coming down can intensify suicidal urges.

yeah..we know all of that.
humans are flawed creatures and you can't "fix" them.There will always be misfits...some of them dangerous...we all know that, too.
It doesn't matter what their particular specific malfunction is...people will do stupid/dangerous/evil things.

FWIW I don't think anyone is ADVOCATING hookers and blow.
The OP was amusing...

I had that same experience in the Philipines only it was with Redhorse beer and Butterscotch Rum. (but no drugs)

And I'm sure a lot of other Vets have too! I know "Gunny" did. looks like Livin' on Reds, Vitamin C and Cocaine is not such a bad lifestyle after all, as long as one has lots of sex!
Anyway, self-medicating is TERRIBLE advice to give to those suffering from suicidal ideation and chronic depression. Really terrible advice.

So, what, you'd rather them pop mind altering pills the rest of their life? How is that better than, say, Marijuana?

Wouldn't vaporizing some epic OG KUSH be a far better medication for them? At least they would feel pleasure and enjoyment and happiness with almost zero negative side effects and no long term health issues.

That would make it easier for them to get their life in check, if they are feeling confident and happy while they conquer themselves, and as they shape the world around them into something far more desirable.

Personally, I feel that regular meditation and developing your own spiritual system personally would help combat the majority of these alleged "mental illnesses", and is a far better way to conquer yourself than pill popping.

This whole "mental illness" bullshit is so often just a way for people to cast the blame on something else rather than accepting responsibility for their own failures, behavior, and/ or alleged imperfections.

Well, another thing to keep in mind is that most people who are suicidal are either very young (teens) or very old and suffering from pain and/or terminal illness, also depression.

U.S. Suicide Statistics (2001)

Actual Suicides
1.3% of all deaths are from suicide.

On average, one suicide occurs every 17 minutes.

On average, an elderly person dies by suicide every 1 hour and 37 minutes.

On average, a young person (age 15-24) dies by suicide every 2 hours and 12 minutes.

Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death for all Americans.

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people aged 15-24 year olds.
(1st = accidents, 2nd = homicide)

Suicide is the fifth leading cause of death for young people aged 5-14 year olds.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college students.

Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death for males.

Suicide is the nineteenth leading cause of death for females.

More males die from suicide than females.
(4 male deaths by suicide for each female death by suicide.)

More people die from suicide than from homicide.
(Suicide ranks as the 11th leading cause of death; Homicide ranks 13th.)

73% of all suicide deaths are white males.

80% of all firearm suicide deaths are white males.

Among the highest rates (when categorized by gender and race) are suicide deaths for white men over 85. (54 per 100,000)
The feel-good story of the year:

Amidst a battle of debilitating depression, he traveled to Mexico to purchase “chemicals” to humanely end his life. The aptly-named Reddit user, plzsendhalp, shares his story involving ripping lines of coke off hookers’ tits, battling whiskey/coke dick with Viagra, multiple threesomes, and of course his will to finally live.

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.

Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.

Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.

Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.​
He then packed his shit up and headed back home, STD-free.​

The use of mind-altering substances is usually a deadly in a suicidal person. The substances can only make you feel "good" for a short time and are a substitute.

Drugs and sex do not cure chronic depression and makes things worse, MUCH worse, in most cases.

At the same time it has never been a secret that a change in latitude can definitely change your attitude.

I make my money off folks who escape the grind of the expectations and responsibilities associated with living in a country where every part of your life is managed. There have been clients that leave their prescribed "feel good" drugs at home when they visit and cut loose.

Sometimes a trip south of the border does wonders for the traveller ... And can certainly set your head straight for a little while.


The problem is that it's a dangerous way to find a temporary fix to a serious mental illness. They don't think of how bad they're going to feel when they are alone again and "coming down" off their drugs. That feeling of coming down can intensify suicidal urges.

yeah..we know all of that.
humans are flawed creatures and you can't "fix" them.There will always be misfits...some of them dangerous...we all know that, too.
It doesn't matter what their particular specific malfunction is...people will do stupid/dangerous/evil things.

FWIW I don't think anyone is ADVOCATING hookers and blow.
The OP was amusing...


Some of us don't find suicide to be very amusing, especially when the title makes a bogus claim.
The feel-good story of the year:

Amidst a battle of debilitating depression, he traveled to Mexico to purchase “chemicals” to humanely end his life. The aptly-named Reddit user, plzsendhalp, shares his story involving ripping lines of coke off hookers’ tits, battling whiskey/coke dick with Viagra, multiple threesomes, and of course his will to finally live.

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.

Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.

Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.

Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.​
He then packed his shit up and headed back home, STD-free.​

The use of mind-altering substances is usually a deadly in a suicidal person. The substances can only make you feel "good" for a short time and are a substitute.

Drugs and sex do not cure chronic depression and makes things worse, MUCH worse, in most cases.

At the same time it has never been a secret that a change in latitude can definitely change your attitude.

I make my money off folks who escape the grind of the expectations and responsibilities associated with living in a country where every part of your life is managed. There have been clients that leave their prescribed "feel good" drugs at home when they visit and cut loose.

Sometimes a trip south of the border does wonders for the traveller ... And can certainly set your head straight for a little while.


The problem is that it's a dangerous way to find a temporary fix to a serious mental illness. They don't think of how bad they're going to feel when they are alone again and "coming down" off their drugs. That feeling of coming down can intensify suicidal urges.

yeah..we know all of that.
humans are flawed creatures and you can't "fix" them.There will always be misfits...some of them dangerous...we all know that, too.
It doesn't matter what their particular specific malfunction is...people will do stupid/dangerous/evil things.

FWIW I don't think anyone is ADVOCATING hookers and blow.
The OP was amusing...


Some of us don't find suicide to be very amusing, especially when the title makes a bogus claim.

Chris, no one committed suicide...I get that this is important to you but like I said..humans are flawed and do crazy stuff...

I thought the OP was funny in that he went there considering suicide but changed his mind after going on a party binge..
He still may do it someday, though..Oh well...
What a good story! When someone is contemplating suicide it is because they can't stop obsessing over themselves. Anything that puts a break in that line of thinking will stop the suicide.

I am not a believer in the efficacy of anti depressants. Any medication purportedly taken to make someone less depressed and has thoughts of suicide as a side effect by definition doesn't work.
Anti depressants tend to alter brain's chemistry which is pretty scary experience. One should avoid these medications at all cost. If you have to pick between hookers and anti depressants, I would advise the hookers. But I have never been with a hooker so I am not aware of the side affects of being with a hooker. So, I guess you should try to avoid both if you can.
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The "exotic" is part of the experience?
What's exotic about third world standards?


Those were nice pictures.

(Never mind moonglow. He is a moron.)

Thanks ...

The top and bottom pictures are from Palancar Reef, Cozumel ( more of a local hangout and public beach not frequented by many tourists) and the middle picture is an estate in Belize off Hummingbird Highway.

The "exotic" is part of the experience?
What's exotic about third world standards?


Those were nice pictures.

(Never mind moonglow. He is a moron.)

Thanks ...

The top and bottom pictures are from Palancar Reef, Cozumel ( more of a local hangout and public beach not frequented by many tourists) and the middle picture is an estate in Belize off Hummingbird Highway.


They are awesome pictures.

So, what made you move to Belize and start this scuba diving business?
Really, think about it, how can turning yourself into a loser help you feel better about yourself?
And yet rock stars are notorious for banging chicks, getting high and leading a party lifestyle and we rarely see them crying into a cup of tea about how they live.

If this guy's problems revolved around women, say he was a fat guy, then 6 Mexican whores could have reoriented him onto a better path. He still might not be able to get a lady but he could afford the services of a professional and if they brings a spark to his life, then that's all that was needed.

In the world of loserdom which is worse, being a dead loser found in a Mexican whorehouse or being a living loser who just banged 6 Mexican whores?

How about getting legitimate treatment for the mental illness? It works. I type about it every single day. When it does not work is when people stop going to therapy and stop taking their medications because they "feel better." THIS is the biggest problem I see in the psychiatric patients. Noncompliance with their treatment causes them to go again into a downward spiral. A lot of times they try to self-medicate and, yes, they can become violent because they are also angry inside in a lot of instances.
It depends if he's suffering from situational or clinical depression. Clinical is a tough nut to crack, situational is much easier because the remedy really could be 6 Mexican whores to help you get over being dumped by a cheating girlfriend.

I find the best cure for situational depression is a motorcycle ride. :) (Though not for a while...fuck winter!)
The feel-good story of the year:

Amidst a battle of debilitating depression, he traveled to Mexico to purchase “chemicals” to humanely end his life. The aptly-named Reddit user, plzsendhalp, shares his story involving ripping lines of coke off hookers’ tits, battling whiskey/coke dick with Viagra, multiple threesomes, and of course his will to finally live.

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.

Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.

Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.

Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.​
He then packed his shit up and headed back home, STD-free.​
You must be for the legalization of prostitution and drugs, right?
The feel-good story of the year:

Amidst a battle of debilitating depression, he traveled to Mexico to purchase “chemicals” to humanely end his life. The aptly-named Reddit user, plzsendhalp, shares his story involving ripping lines of coke off hookers’ tits, battling whiskey/coke dick with Viagra, multiple threesomes, and of course his will to finally live.

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.

Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.

Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.

Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.​
He then packed his shit up and headed back home, STD-free.​
You must be for the legalization of prostitution and drugs, right?
Oh, you're not. :bs1:
The feel-good story of the year:

Amidst a battle of debilitating depression, he traveled to Mexico to purchase “chemicals” to humanely end his life. The aptly-named Reddit user, plzsendhalp, shares his story involving ripping lines of coke off hookers’ tits, battling whiskey/coke dick with Viagra, multiple threesomes, and of course his will to finally live.

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.

Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.

Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.

Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.​
He then packed his shit up and headed back home, STD-free.​
You must be for the legalization of prostitution and drugs, right?
Oh, you're not. :bs1:

This poster has claimed that the loss of family values (or something to that effect), is the reason why America is not doing very well. Now, he is here talking about how doing illegal drugs and seeing prostitutes is good. Go figure. Who knows what kind of point he is trying to make with all of this? Not me. :D
The feel-good story of the year:

Amidst a battle of debilitating depression, he traveled to Mexico to purchase “chemicals” to humanely end his life. The aptly-named Reddit user, plzsendhalp, shares his story involving ripping lines of coke off hookers’ tits, battling whiskey/coke dick with Viagra, multiple threesomes, and of course his will to finally live.

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.

Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.

Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.

Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.​
He then packed his shit up and headed back home, STD-free.​
You must be for the legalization of prostitution and drugs, right?
Oh, you're not. :bs1:

This poster has claimed that the loss of family values (or something to that effect), is the reason why America is not doing very well. Now, he is here talking about how doing illegal drugs and seeing prostitutes is good. Go figure. Who knows what kind of point he is trying to make with all of this? Not me. :D

I think something has gone wrong with his brain.
The feel-good story of the year:

Amidst a battle of debilitating depression, he traveled to Mexico to purchase “chemicals” to humanely end his life. The aptly-named Reddit user, plzsendhalp, shares his story involving ripping lines of coke off hookers’ tits, battling whiskey/coke dick with Viagra, multiple threesomes, and of course his will to finally live.

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.

Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.

Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.

Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.​
He then packed his shit up and headed back home, STD-free.​
You must be for the legalization of prostitution and drugs, right?
Oh, you're not. :bs1:

This poster has claimed that the loss of family values (or something to that effect), is the reason why America is not doing very well. Now, he is here talking about how doing illegal drugs and seeing prostitutes is good. Go figure. Who knows what kind of point he is trying to make with all of this? Not me. :D

I'm not going to condemn a man for finding a way out of committing suicide. There is a scale to bad things. Better to hire a hooker than to commit suicide.
They are awesome pictures.

So, what made you move to Belize and start this scuba diving business?

It was't hookers and coke ... Maybe tequila had something's to do with it.

That's another topic though ... And the best I can say here is never underestimate the power of changing your location and looking at everything differently.


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