Coke, Hookers, Tequila better at preventing suicide than antidepressants

And YOU seem to be ignoring the fact that most people cannot just up and leave their lives on a whim because of many different reasons. :rolleyes-41:

No ... You keep ignoring the fact that ideas like "cannot" do more damage than "how".


That is retarded.

Says the person who is more interested in what they think they cannot do ... Than they are interested in figuring out how they can do what is far more enjoyable. No wonder you think drugs are a better answer for people who are depressed because their life sucks and they don't know how to let go and start moving in a more productive and enjoyable direction.

... And you actually think you are helping people.


This is just silly. People who are suffering from depression should listen to their psychiatrists, not to people on the internet who are spamming for business. Lol!
What people need to realize is that depression is a legitimate mental illness. These people are NOT thinking with a clear head. They do not have good judgment either. They are very unpredictable and can be prone to violence when under the influence of substances.
And YOU seem to be ignoring the fact that most people cannot just up and leave their lives on a whim because of many different reasons. :rolleyes-41:

No ... You keep ignoring the fact that ideas like "cannot" do more damage than "how".


That is retarded.

Says the person who is more interested in what they think they cannot do ... Than they are interested in figuring out how they can do what is far more enjoyable. No wonder you think drugs are a better answer for people who are depressed because their life sucks and they don't know how to let go and start moving in a more productive and enjoyable direction.

... And you actually think you are helping people.


This is just silly. People who are suffering from depression should listen to their psychiatrists, not to people on the internet who are spamming for business. Lol!

Yo peanut ... I have a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology ... And made it about three quarters of the way through my Master's ... When I cut loose from the courses. They were not interested in fixing people ... They are drug pushers and more interested in managing people and their symptoms. I haven't been spamming for business, because my business is by invitation only.

That makes both of your statements wrong (at least regarding me or my business) ... Care to keep going?

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What people need to realize is that depression is a legitimate mental illness. These people are NOT thinking with a clear head. They do not have good judgment either. They are very unpredictable and can be prone to violence when under the influence of substances.

I am certainly not here to treat people ... But I may be able to open their eyes towards better opportunities to improve their own lives.

If you want to take drugs so you can better manage the situations that very well could be the root cause for some of your problems ... Then do what you and your doctor think you need to do. If you are taking their drugs and still want to kill yourself ... Come on down and visit us in the Caribbean ... It won't kill you and we may be able to help you find a different way.

I once got rid of mono by driving a VW van from Detroit down to Ft. Lauderdale and upon arrival drinking 22 beers over the course of 12 hours....passed out on the beach and when I woke up the next day, no more mono. I attribute the cure to the heat, sunshine, and Adolf Coors. :alcoholic:
What people need to realize is that depression is a legitimate mental illness. These people are NOT thinking with a clear head. They do not have good judgment either. They are very unpredictable and can be prone to violence when under the influence of substances.

I am certainly not here to treat people ... But I may be able to open their eyes towards better opportunities to improve their own lives.

If you want to take drugs so you can better manage the situations that very well could be the root cause for some of your problems ... Then do what you and your doctor think you need to do. If you are taking their drugs and still want to kill yourself ... Come on down and visit us in the Caribbean ... It won't kill you and we may be able to help you find a different way.


I think you make a good point. A while back I had a discussion with a surgeon who was helping me with some stomach troubles I developed. I asked him if I should see a doctor to possibly get myself on an anti-depressant. He advised me to develop some hobbies to see if it helps me fight depression if not then the pills are not going anywhere anyway. I think that was one of the best advise I have ever received from a doctor considering doctors are so eager to prescribe medications.

Whenever I felt depressed, I would try to do something relaxing like flying kite, doing Yoga, going for a hike, escaping to the mountains, etc. These activities were quite successful in thwarting depression at least for me.
What people need to realize is that depression is a legitimate mental illness. These people are NOT thinking with a clear head. They do not have good judgment either. They are very unpredictable and can be prone to violence when under the influence of substances.

I am certainly not here to treat people ... But I may be able to open their eyes towards better opportunities to improve their own lives.

If you want to take drugs so you can better manage the situations that very well could be the root cause for some of your problems ... Then do what you and your doctor think you need to do. If you are taking their drugs and still want to kill yourself ... Come on down and visit us in the Caribbean ... It won't kill you and we may be able to help you find a different way.


I think you make a good point. A while back I had a discussion with a surgeon who was helping me with some stomach troubles I developed. I asked him if I should see a doctor to possibly get myself on an anti-depressant. He advised me to develop some hobbies to see if it helps me fight depression if not then the pills are not going anywhere anyway. I think that was one of the best advise I have ever received from a doctor considering doctors are so eager to prescribe medications.

Whenever I felt depressed, I would try to do something relaxing like flying kite, doing Yoga, going for a hike, escaping to the mountains, etc. These activities were quite successful in thwarting depression at least for me.

Again, this is NOT depression. You people need to learn the difference between feeling "sadness" and having a mental illness. Seriously, LEARN the difference.
Please . . . PLEASE educate yourselves because I'm tired of the ignorant comments.

NAMI What is Depression

Major depression is a mood state that goes well beyond temporarily feeling sad or blue. It is a serious medical illness that affects one’s thoughts, feelings, behavior, mood and physical health. Depression is a life-long condition in which periods of wellness alternate with recurrences of illness.

Each year depression affects 5-8 percent of adults in the United States. This means that about 25 million Americans will have an episode of major depression this year alone, but only one-half receive treatment. Without treatment, the frequency and severity of these symptoms tend to increase over time. All age groups and all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups can experience depression.

Some individuals may only have one episode of depression in a lifetime, but often people have recurrent episodes. More than one-half of people who experience a first episode of depression will have at least one other episode during his/her lifetime. Some people may have several episodes in the course of a year, and others may have ongoing symptoms. If untreated, episodes commonly last anywhere from a few months to many years.

Major depression is also known as clinical depression, major depressive illness, major affective disorder and unipolar mood disorder. It involves some combination of the following symptoms: depressed mood (sadness), poor concentration, insomnia, fatigue, appetite disturbances, excessive guilt and thoughts of suicide. Left untreated, depression can lead to serious impairment in daily functioning and even suicide, which is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. Researchers believe that more than one-half of people who die by suicide are experiencing depression. Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and represents a global public health challenge. According to the World Health Organization, it is the forth-leading contributor to Global Burden of Disease, and by 2020, depression is projected to be the second-leading cause. Devastating as this disease may be, it is treatable in most people. The availability of effective treatments and a better understanding of the biological basis for depression may lessen the barriers that can prevent early detection, accurate diagnosis and the decision to seek medical treatment.
Warning Signs of Severe Depression

Depression is a common but serious disease that ranges widely in severity. If you have a milder case, you may struggle with symptoms that include sadness, irritability, anger, and fatigue that last for weeks or longer. Such depression interferes with your daily life and relationships.

But some cases of depression are more severe, with intense symptoms that may include significant appetitie and weight loss, sleep problems, and frequent thoughts of death or suicide. Such depression can be paralyzing. You may isolate yourself and have trouble getting out of bed or leaving the house.

Symptoms of Severe Depression
What are the symptoms of severe depression?

  • Alcohol or drug abuse
  • Insomnia or excessive sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Loss of interest in activities that used to be enjoyable
  • Hopelessness
  • Persistent thoughts of something bad happening
  • Thoughts of death or suicide or suicide attempts
  • In very severe cases, psychotic symptoms (such as hallucinations or delusions)
Although you might feel that there's no hope, talk to your doctor about treatment options. Even severe depression symptoms can be treated.

Risk Factors for Suicide
Not all people with risk factors will be suicidal. In addition to depression or other mental illness, risk factors for suicide include:

  • Past history of substance abuse
  • Past history of suicide attempt
  • Family history of suicide
  • Family history of mental illness or substance abuse
  • Firearms in the home
  • Incarceration
  • Feelings of hopelessness
Suicidal Thoughts: An Emergency
For people who are severely depressed, suicide is a real threat. Each year, about 30,000 people in the U.S. take their own lives, although the true number may be higher. Some suicides go unrecognized because they're classified as accidents, drug overdoses, or shootings. Among people whose depression remains untreated, up to 15% will kill themselves.

What are the warning signs of suicide? According to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, they include:

  • Talking about wanting to die or wanting to kill yourself
  • Looking for a way to kill yourself, such as searching online for methods or buying a gun
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
  • Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
  • Talking about being a burden to others
  • Increasing use of alcohol or drugs
  • Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly
  • Sleeping too little or too much
  • Withdrawing or feeling isolated
  • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
  • Displaying extreme mood swings
Please . . . PLEASE educate yourselves because I'm tired of the ignorant comments.

NAMI What is Depression

Major depression is a mood state that goes well beyond temporarily feeling sad or blue. It is a serious medical illness that affects one’s thoughts, feelings, behavior, mood and physical health. Depression is a life-long condition in which periods of wellness alternate with recurrences of illness.

Each year depression affects 5-8 percent of adults in the United States. This means that about 25 million Americans will have an episode of major depression this year alone, but only one-half receive treatment. Without treatment, the frequency and severity of these symptoms tend to increase over time. All age groups and all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups can experience depression.

Some individuals may only have one episode of depression in a lifetime, but often people have recurrent episodes. More than one-half of people who experience a first episode of depression will have at least one other episode during his/her lifetime. Some people may have several episodes in the course of a year, and others may have ongoing symptoms. If untreated, episodes commonly last anywhere from a few months to many years.

Major depression is also known as clinical depression, major depressive illness, major affective disorder and unipolar mood disorder. It involves some combination of the following symptoms: depressed mood (sadness), poor concentration, insomnia, fatigue, appetite disturbances, excessive guilt and thoughts of suicide. Left untreated, depression can lead to serious impairment in daily functioning and even suicide, which is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. Researchers believe that more than one-half of people who die by suicide are experiencing depression. Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and represents a global public health challenge. According to the World Health Organization, it is the forth-leading contributor to Global Burden of Disease, and by 2020, depression is projected to be the second-leading cause. Devastating as this disease may be, it is treatable in most people. The availability of effective treatments and a better understanding of the biological basis for depression may lessen the barriers that can prevent early detection, accurate diagnosis and the decision to seek medical treatment.

I got depressed just reading that. :cry:
Please . . . PLEASE educate yourselves because I'm tired of the ignorant comments.

NAMI What is Depression

Major depression is a mood state that goes well beyond temporarily feeling sad or blue. It is a serious medical illness that affects one’s thoughts, feelings, behavior, mood and physical health. Depression is a life-long condition in which periods of wellness alternate with recurrences of illness.

Each year depression affects 5-8 percent of adults in the United States. This means that about 25 million Americans will have an episode of major depression this year alone, but only one-half receive treatment. Without treatment, the frequency and severity of these symptoms tend to increase over time. All age groups and all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups can experience depression.

Some individuals may only have one episode of depression in a lifetime, but often people have recurrent episodes. More than one-half of people who experience a first episode of depression will have at least one other episode during his/her lifetime. Some people may have several episodes in the course of a year, and others may have ongoing symptoms. If untreated, episodes commonly last anywhere from a few months to many years.

Major depression is also known as clinical depression, major depressive illness, major affective disorder and unipolar mood disorder. It involves some combination of the following symptoms: depressed mood (sadness), poor concentration, insomnia, fatigue, appetite disturbances, excessive guilt and thoughts of suicide. Left untreated, depression can lead to serious impairment in daily functioning and even suicide, which is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S. Researchers believe that more than one-half of people who die by suicide are experiencing depression. Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and represents a global public health challenge. According to the World Health Organization, it is the forth-leading contributor to Global Burden of Disease, and by 2020, depression is projected to be the second-leading cause. Devastating as this disease may be, it is treatable in most people. The availability of effective treatments and a better understanding of the biological basis for depression may lessen the barriers that can prevent early detection, accurate diagnosis and the decision to seek medical treatment.

I got depressed just reading that. :cry:

Sorry, but I'm trying to get people to understand that depression is, most of the time, a lot more than just feeling sad or having a bad day or even a bad week. It is a mental illness, and these people need help in the form of therapy and approved medications, of which side effects are well known and can be watched for. Also, when under a physician's care, the medications can be titrated down or up or even changed if the patient is having a bad reaction or if they are ineffective in treating the patient's depression. There are SO many options that are better than hookers and drugs and drinking to treat depression. People who are suffering from it should not ever attempt too self-medicate, especially since they aren't thinking very clearly or logically in a lot of instances.
BAH! The best antidotes for depression are sunshine and SEX with a woman who doesn't patronize you....PERFORM and reap thy WHIRLWIND!
And YOU seem to be ignoring the fact that most people cannot just up and leave their lives on a whim because of many different reasons. :rolleyes-41:

No ... You keep ignoring the fact that ideas like "cannot" do more damage than "how".


That is retarded.

Says the person who is more interested in what they think they cannot do ... Than they are interested in figuring out how they can do what is far more enjoyable. No wonder you think drugs are a better answer for people who are depressed because their life sucks and they don't know how to let go and start moving in a more productive and enjoyable direction.

... And you actually think you are helping people.


This is just silly. People who are suffering from depression should listen to their psychiatrists, not to people on the internet who are spamming for business. Lol!

Yo peanut ... I have a Bachelor's of Science in Psychology ... And made it about three quarters of the way through my Master's ... When I cut loose from the courses. They were not interested in fixing people ... They are drug pushers and more interested in managing people and their symptoms. I haven't been spamming for business, because my business is by invitation only.

That makes both of your statements wrong (at least regarding me or my business) ... Care to keep going?


You are wrong. The medications work. I type about these patients every single day.
BAH! The best antidotes for depression are sunshine and SEX with a woman who doesn't patronize you....PERFORM and reap thee WHIRLWIND!

You say this because you are ignorant about depression. Most people who are suffering from depression are not even interested in sex. Obviously you didn't even read the links. How disappointing, but not unexpected around here with a bunch of children.
You say this because you are ignorant about depression. Most people who are suffering from depression are not even interested in sex. Obviously you didn't even read the links. How disappointing, but not unexpected around here with a bunch of children.

Lighten up! I got a psych minor BS and I would tell you most shrinks are shrinks because they're too fucking weird to do anything else. At every level of my BF Skinner torture tour, there were nothing but contradictions and one school bad-mouthing another school of thought....when I had my 20 semester hours, I realized all I had learned was psychiatry is the art of being a professional "friend" to a victim for $100 an hour. And please, I've seen enough rambunctious young boys put on Ritalin because some old bitch school principal prefers her boys to be zombies. Drugs and therapy? Tequilla and a hooker are a better bet than what you're advocating Nurse Ratched. :cuckoo:
And one of the biggest differences between being treated by a legitimate psychiatrist and self-medicating is that you are being cared for by a professional who can check levels of the drugs, who can check for any liver damage by checking your LFTs occasionally, who can change the dosage safely and effectively to help if you are having problems with the medications. On the other hand, the illegal drugs and prostitutes don't give 2 craps if you live or die, as long as you have money. Then, what do you when you have no more money because you've been sucked dry (pun intended - lol)?
You say this because you are ignorant about depression. Most people who are suffering from depression are not even interested in sex. Obviously you didn't even read the links. How disappointing, but not unexpected around here with a bunch of children.

Lighten up! I got a psych minor BS and I would tell you most shrinks are shrinks because they're too fucking weird to do anything else. At every level of my BF Skinner torture tour, there were nothing but contradictions and one school bad-mouthing another school of thought....when I had my 20 semester hours, I realized all I had learned was psychiatry is the art of being a professional "friend" to a victim for $100 an hour. And please, I've seen enough rambunctious young boys put on Ritalin because some old bitch school principal prefers her boys to be zombies. Drugs and therapy? Tequilla and a hooker are a better bet than what you're advocating Nurse Ratchet. :cuckoo:

I will not lighten up. Not only do I type about such patients every day for my living, but suicide and depression have touched me in a personal way, and I take this stuff deadly serious. I don't care about your past experiences.
You say this because you are ignorant about depression. Most people who are suffering from depression are not even interested in sex. Obviously you didn't even read the links. How disappointing, but not unexpected around here with a bunch of children.

Lighten up! I got a psych minor BS and I would tell you most shrinks are shrinks because they're too fucking weird to do anything else. At every level of my BF Skinner torture tour, there were nothing but contradictions and one school bad-mouthing another school of thought....when I had my 20 semester hours, I realized all I had learned was psychiatry is the art of being a professional "friend" to a victim for $100 an hour. And please, I've seen enough rambunctious young boys put on Ritalin because some old bitch school principal prefers her boys to be zombies. Drugs and therapy? Tequilla and a hooker are a better bet than what you're advocating Nurse Ratchet. :cuckoo:

I will not lighten up. Not only do I type about such patients every day for my living, but suicide and depression have touched me in a personal way, and I take this stuff deadly serious. I don't care about your past experiences.

Fine....have a nice day...or a bad day...your choice. :eusa_angel:
It's a stupid thread with a dumber than crap title with a bunch of children posting in it.

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