Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Except they do work as a deterrent for countries taking advantage of us. Remember when you said soybean farmers were all going to die? They're not. The objective is 0 tariffs. Let the product speak for itself.
Trump 2020 because there are still more lopsided Obama deals to get rid of...
Yeah why do unions go on strike, workers lose money during a strike. The goal makes up for it.

Temporary strikes by workers have nothing to do with tariffs, and could arise for a number of reasons. If the workers walk out, they don't get paid and neither does the plant. Strikers walk out because of unsafe working conditions, more pay, better retirement contracts... Unions used to take care of the worker. Now the unions take care of themselves and can be a detriment to both worker and employer.
There was a committee hearing with Lighthizer on CSPAN last night. The senators had plenty of issues with how tariffs were impacting their states, but Lighthizer had few answers. He said now that his deputies have been confirmed, they will be working on bilateral trade agreements to sell those goods like hardwood and soybeans to East Asia "and others."

I don't get this tariff thing. I thought it was supposed to be so US steel could sell its product for less than foreign importers, and therefore grow/survive. But US steel has raised its prices to match the tariffed commodities, so that's apparently not the plan. Toro says tariffs are meant to raise prices, and give our producers the ability to charge more.
Either way, it's all coming out of the every day consumer's pocket, isn't it?

Prices of steel that made in US had skyrocketed. It didn’t brought the prices down.
Although Trump was warned this is/was going to happen.

Yes. BECAUSE OF TARIFFS! You are right, it didn't bring prices down, it put the whole steel industry OUT OF WORK.
Trump had nothing to do with it. He didn't close our steel mills. But guess what, thanks to Trump, the Steel Valley is about to make steel again. < if you'll give us a minute to get rid of the rust and fire up the boilers again. Geeze.

Furnaces, not boilers.:D

When my father-in-law worked in the steel mill one of the boiler pipes blew and he was showered with steam that burned 50% of his body. It was months before the doctors could say for sure he would survive. Didn't they co fire the blast furnace with the boiler to control flame instability? I know he was burned by the steam from the boiler, and not by fire, but don't really know what capacity the boiler served in the mill. I know both were in the Weirton Steel plant though.

They use electric furnaces now.

I thought as much. This happened a while ago.
Except they do work as a deterrent for countries taking advantage of us. Remember when you said soybean farmers were all going to die? They're not. The objective is 0 tariffs. Let the product speak for itself.
Trump 2020 because there are still more lopsided Obama deals to get rid of...

I am 100% sure you don’t understand what your Moron did to the farmers or you just refused to understand.

1. The zero tariffs you are talking about has a lots of work that need to be done. Your Moron always open his mouth without a clear view of understanding what he heck he is talking about.

2. You may want to read what all the farmers are talking about how disappointed or disgusted about Trump trade wars. They prefer to sell their products than suddenly they are in ($12b ) welfare.

3. Prices all over will effect every sectors of businesses and daily livelihood that will never come down. That you Mr. President.
The last oil crisis several years ago was an excuse for food suppliers to raise prices.
The price of oil plummeted and yet we’re still paying extortion prices for food.
Fuck ‘em.

That is a big difference bud.
Most farms are owned by major corporations and they’re making a shit load of money.
The Board of Directors can sell one of their 20 homes.

Really? I mean REALLY?
So why is Trump sending $12b of welfare money to save the farmers?

Please explain.
12 billion on top of how many billions.
Honestly, I’m against it.
Let the fuckers phoney stock prices fall.
. It’s nice of you that you are speaking for the rest of poor Americans that are not willing to pay for higher prices.
Since when paying more at the counter is .... FUCKING ACCEPTABLE.

Poor Americans are already paying higher prices at the counter for cheap Chinese garbage. Then again a week later when the inferior Chinese shit breaks. How about a Walmart that sells quality merchandise, made by Americans who used to be poor but now have paychecks to spend, because they work in the factory manufacturing the things that Walmart stacks it's shelves with.

I gave 4 items but you only mentioned one item. And still VERY WRONG.

1. Tell that to poor Americans that are struggling and looking for cheaper price.
2. Since when made in US are cheaper to manufacture?
Look at your pathological liar hypocrite Trump. His products are made overseas. PLEASE EXPLAIN THAT.

3. Again..... since when paying more at the counter is FUCKING ACCEPTABLE just because of your POTUS moron.

Dude you are fighting a NO win argument.
I’m sure you sympathized with those poor people when Reagan opened our borders and began the process of have them on welfare for generations to come.
Except they do work as a deterrent for countries taking advantage of us. Remember when you said soybean farmers were all going to die? They're not. The objective is 0 tariffs. Let the product speak for itself.
Trump 2020 because there are still more lopsided Obama deals to get rid of...

Well American Soyabeans use GMO and have less protein than Argentina's.... Are you sure you want to play fair...

China can produce cheap steel and put American Steel production out of business in the morning....

Tarrifs just don't work... Europe are laughing at the moment... Trump started a trade war with Europe and just retreated... EU will still not import US Beef, Europe has a very small Soyabean market and Europe was already increasing its orders for American Gas...

Trump just made the US look weak... The TPP was the best deal and would have put China in a serious bind... But that would take some forethought...
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?
The losses soybean farmers are suffering from the trade war with China are much greater than the gains with the EU.

Oh, really, the Europeon Union agreed to buy a whole lot more soybeans and Trump is just getting warmed up.

You just don't like Trump winning and now we have the upper hand for once in four decades.

Now pay attention. We, America, consume 80% of what we make and have a 700 Billion trade deficit. We are the one with the upper hand. We don't need them and they need us. Pretty simple shit.

There still is about a 70,000,000 ton short call between the amount of soybeans Jina used to buy and what the EU will buy!

The world demand for soy beans has not changed in any meaningful way. The buyers may change, but the same amount of soy beans will be consumed.

Yes, and we just lost our biggest market as Argentina, Brazil and a few others up their crops to steal more of that market. A market that our farmers used to have and may never get back.

'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

I am happy to make this sacrifice.

So, what is the price increase?
'J. P. Morgan chief executive officer and chairman Jamie Dimon is bullish on the U.S. economy, which is in the latter stages of one of the longest expansions in history.

But when asked Monday what the single biggest risk to the economy is on CNBC's "Closing Bell, Dimon had two answers. First, the U.S. trade dispute with China, if it escalates into a full-blown war, would erase much of the progress the administration has made, he said.'

The market is dealing with something it’s never seen before and that has Jamie Dimon worried

Every CEO with a properly working brain probably KNOWS that a trade war is BAD for the U.S. economy.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Oh no! The worst problem in America is the lack of sugar. What will we do now?
Dude you are fighting a NO win argument.

It is Dudette, and..The fight is over. We won.
Everybody's products were made overseas or in Mexico thanks to Billy NAFTA Clinton and the extreme limits put on our products.
But we won the day. There are jobs for those poor Americans now. With paychecks! And welfare for those who choose not to work, or cannot. Stores filled with American products makes America stronger, at the expense of China, not the other way around.
Stocking Walmart shelves with products made in America means Americans are getting paychecks to make the merchandise. Paychecks tend to make the poor not be poor.
Our problem now is to get the poor off of drugs so they can function. Trump is on it. Trump 2020

There is no way shelves will be made in USA. Few maybe.
I gave you an example your moron POTUS products are made in Mexico, China etc etc.....If he made those lousy tie or socks here.... Only few can afford it. That’s the reality. Sorry Dudette it ain’t going to happen.

I could have than that myself (or Trump).

Perhaps it will drive up the cost enough to stem people from killing themselves with aluminum poisoning ...
And put a dent in the number of future Alzheimer’s patients ... :thup:

'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

I can live with a hike in coke prices, mainly because I don't drink the shit. When Coors raises the price of beer, it will be time to go to war about tariffs. Most economists still think that Keynesian economic theories are valid, and that pretty much negates their opinions on modern market forces.

Trump is right on the money with his trade policies, and it is not his fault that you do not understand the basis for his actions.

Well name us one or anybody or anyone that supports Trump trade war. Just about every one are blasting this MORON. Remember the ripple effect of this trade war will hit just about every day services, commodities, consumers etc etc etc.

Maybe you can share us why you think Trump is RIGHT with his trade war policies. Please.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?
The losses soybean farmers are suffering from the trade war with China are much greater than any gains they may get from the EU.
There was a committee hearing with Lighthizer on CSPAN last night. The senators had plenty of issues with how tariffs were impacting their states, but Lighthizer had few answers. He said now that his deputies have been confirmed, they will be working on bilateral trade agreements to sell those goods like hardwood and soybeans to East Asia "and others."

I don't get this tariff thing. I thought it was supposed to be so US steel could sell its product for less than foreign importers, and therefore grow/survive. But US steel has raised its prices to match the tariffed commodities, so that's apparently not the plan. Toro says tariffs are meant to raise prices, and give our producers the ability to charge more.
Either way, it's all coming out of the every day consumer's pocket, isn't it?

Prices of steel that made in US had skyrocketed. It didn’t brought the prices down.
Although Trump was warned this is/was going to happen.

Yes. BECAUSE OF TARIFFS! You are right, it didn't bring prices down, it put the whole steel industry OUT OF WORK.
Trump had nothing to do with it. He didn't close our steel mills. But guess what, thanks to Trump, the Steel Valley is about to make steel again. < if you'll give us a minute to get rid of the rust and fire up the boilers again. Geeze.

Wrong again Dudette.
Trump declared trade wars. Trump is totally responsible. If he listened to his advisers not using his dumb blond hair. We wouldn’t be in this predicament.

That’s right steel companies are making an enormous profits. The only industry that is benefiting this dumb trade policy. While American consumers are paying higher prices. WOW..... How stupid is that?

The steel companies that was closed long time ago..... ARE NOT COMING BACK.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

And the far left drones just buy into the propaganda, even though their own "sugar" laws and other factors, have affected sales and prices were slowly climbing anyway..

Just like the price of bread and eggs and all other products shot up because of Obamacare.
The losses soybean farmers are suffering from the trade war with China are much greater than the gains with the EU.

Oh, really, the Europeon Union agreed to buy a whole lot more soybeans and Trump is just getting warmed up.

You just don't like Trump winning and now we have the upper hand for once in four decades.

Now pay attention. We, America, consume 80% of what we make and have a 700 Billion trade deficit. We are the one with the upper hand. We don't need them and they need us. Pretty simple shit.

Wrong dude. Very wrong.

1. They will buy more soybeans. Why would they buy more soybeans now than before? Did they tell you which European country? If you are buying ( consuming) 2 loaf of bread every week from your grocery. Are you going to buy more than you need because your grocery close down?

2. We are one of the largest consumers in the world that is why trade deficits will always be there.
3. Prove to us where you got your numbers 80% of what we consumed are made in America.
4. Prove to us why you said we don’t need them. Even your fucked up president make his products overseas.

Simple minded lieberals can't do basic math. We exported 2.3 Trillion and imported 2.9 Trillion in 2017 out of a 20 Trillion economy. Sorry to ruin your day but we have the leverage and it's time for fair trade.

1. Show me a proof of what you are saying.

2. Show me a single entities of companies or businesses (except steel industry) that support this trade wars.

3. Show me a single Republicans, Economist or anybody that supports trade wars.

This has nothing to do with liberals. This has something to do with your MORON.

You are a Trump supporter and it really doesn’t matter what Trump does even if it hurts your wallet. You still support his stupidity.

I don't support anyone's stupidity, but I do support fixing our trade policies, and I do support ceasing to finance China's desire to destroy the U.S. If it costs a little extra to do so, then so be it. Those that cannot see the writing on the great wall of China are blinded by their own greed.

How is fixing trade war policies when..... We Americans are paying higher prices?

How is Trump trade wars will fix foreign trade policies?

There are no clear or even any what the goal of Trump trade wars.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

So.... you are saying that Trump is going to help people drink healthier alternatives go sugary pop? Trump wins again.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Everything the Orange Virus is doing these days seems to harm the consumer.
how so? taking sugar out of homes is good according to ain't Michelle.
'America's favorite soda is the latest victim of the Trump administration's tariffs.
Coca-Cola (CCE) has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because the recently enacted 10% tariff on imported aluminum has made Coke cans more expensive to produce.

CEO James Quincey admitted on the company's earnings call Wednesday that the hike was "disruptive" but necessary.

"Obviously, while [customers] may understand the cost pressures that are out there on freight, on the increases in steel and aluminum and other input costs that affect the bottling system and affects some of our finished products, clearly, these conversations are difficult," he said on the call.'

Coke is raising soda prices because of aluminum tariffs

Sure, it's only going to be a small rise...but this is what tariffs do. They make things more expensive without making the product the slightest bit better.
So the consumer loses.

And again, forget lots of long term jobs. No corporation is going to built a huge, new plant for increased production JUST for a tariff that could end any day.

Trade wars have NEVER worked. Most economists/CEO's know this...unfortunately, Trump doesn't.

Thanks for the laugh. Trump just got the head of the Europeon Union to work towards zero tariffs.

Now what was that about them not working, again?
The losses soybean farmers are suffering from the trade war with China are much greater than the gains with the EU.

Oh, really, the Europeon Union agreed to buy a whole lot more soybeans and Trump is just getting warmed up.

You just don't like Trump winning and now we have the upper hand for once in four decades.

Now pay attention. We, America, consume 80% of what we make and have a 700 Billion trade deficit. We are the one with the upper hand. We don't need them and they need us. Pretty simple shit.

Wrong dude. Very wrong.

1. They will buy more soybeans. Why would they buy more soybeans now than before? Did they tell you which European country? If you are buying ( consuming) 2 loaf of bread every week from your grocery. Are you going to buy more than you need because your grocery close down?

2. We are one of the largest consumers in the world that is why trade deficits will always be there.
3. Prove to us where you got your numbers 80% of what we consumed are made in America.
4. Prove to us why you said we don’t need them. Even your fucked up president make his products overseas.
did they tell you anything different?

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