Coke or Pepsi?

I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...

Both are going to kill you.

I worked in a supermarket one summer in Colorado. There was this manager there, 'Nam vet, lowest level manager (it wasn't a big supermarket, a locally run supermarket at that). This guy had two kids, his wife had run off, he got food stamps and and had a shitty car.

We could get free Coca-Cola out of the taps all day at work. He bought Pepsi even though realistically he couldn't realistically afford it.

I asked him why. He said that Pepsi was his sort of drink, he'd bought into the whole advertising campaigns. Coca-Cola was for other people, richer people or something.
I've always preferred Dr Pepper.

Unfortunately, I've been around long enough to know that ALL of the sodas today are NOT the same sodas from when I was a teenager back in the 70's.

The 1980's was a time for many things....grunge music, rock opera, electronic music, some of the best movies ever created.......and also soda companies finding ways to screw over their customers by using cheaper, fake, and artificial flavors and colors.

As much as I love Dr Pepper, I also drank Coke. And the Coke today is NOT the original formula. In fact, if you remember the fiasco that went on when Coke tried to sell "New Coke" as the updated version of Coke to get rid of "Coke Classic", then you know what I'm referencing here.

Coca Cola setup that fiasco in order to stop using the original recipe for Coke, because they claimed using all those natural ingredients was too expensive. So they developed this "New Coke". As expected, Coke drinkers would not have any of it. They said if the company got rid of the original Coke, they would stop buying their products.

So the company went with their written pretense on this situation, and of course "decided" to keep Coke as Coke Classic and phase out New Coke.

What they DID NOT tell anyone, is that this was their plan all along. In order to get rid of the original Coke recipe, they had to create a "magic trick" in order to keep their customers drinking Coke, but at the same time change the recipe without them realizing it. And that's exactly what they did.

Coca Cola used their new recipe as New Coke. When the "sh*t hit the fan" over expected....the company simply claims they will continue to make "Coke Classic" and get rid of "New Coke".

What happened was, that the company kept the New Coke recipe and simply bottled it as Coke Classic. But customers were in such a frenzied state, that they never caught on. Well, except for people like me that can actually taste the difference in any changed recipe.

The original Coke is gone in favor of the new Coke recipe. And Coke never lost their customer base.

Pepsi did the same thing, but they used Michael Jackson at the height of his popularity as their "magic show", in order to switch recipes.

Dr Pepper on the other hand, who has always been loyal to their customer base, did not lie to them or try any sort of "magic trick" to lie to their customers. They simply stated in a news article that one of their major recipe ingredients just got too expensive. And instead of raising the price of Dr Pepper to something ridiculous, they favored replacing the ingredients with something more friendly to everybodys wallets, but also did not change the taste of Dr Pepper too much to really notice.

Nowadays with all this Woke bullsh*t and SJW crap going on..........Coke and Coke products are completely off my shopping list. I won't even let my friends drink it around me....I buy them something else.

I like Pepsi Zero, it is the best "diet" soda out of all of them, until Dr Pepper Zero came along. So, I still love my Dr Pepper and am able to drink it without the worry of all that sugar affecting me. I still drink Pepsi Zero once in a while. But Coke is gone from my life forever.
I've always preferred Dr Pepper.

Unfortunately, I've been around long enough to know that ALL of the sodas today are NOT the same sodas from when I was a teenager back in the 70's.

The 1980's was a time for many things....grunge music, rock opera, electronic music, some of the best movies ever created.......and also soda companies finding ways to screw over their customers by using cheaper, fake, and artificial flavors and colors.

As much as I love Dr Pepper, I also drank Coke. And the Coke today is NOT the original formula. In fact, if you remember the fiasco that went on when Coke tried to sell "New Coke" as the updated version of Coke to get rid of "Coke Classic", then you know what I'm referencing here.

Coca Cola setup that fiasco in order to stop using the original recipe for Coke, because they claimed using all those natural ingredients was too expensive. So they developed this "New Coke". As expected, Coke drinkers would not have any of it. They said if the company got rid of the original Coke, they would stop buying their products.

So the company went with their written pretense on this situation, and of course "decided" to keep Coke as Coke Classic and phase out New Coke.

What they DID NOT tell anyone, is that this was their plan all along. In order to get rid of the original Coke recipe, they had to create a "magic trick" in order to keep their customers drinking Coke, but at the same time change the recipe without them realizing it. And that's exactly what they did.

Coca Cola used their new recipe as New Coke. When the "sh*t hit the fan" over expected....the company simply claims they will continue to make "Coke Classic" and get rid of "New Coke".

What happened was, that the company kept the New Coke recipe and simply bottled it as Coke Classic. But customers were in such a frenzied state, that they never caught on. Well, except for people like me that can actually taste the difference in any changed recipe.

The original Coke is gone in favor of the new Coke recipe. And Coke never lost their customer base.

Pepsi did the same thing, but they used Michael Jackson at the height of his popularity as their "magic show", in order to switch recipes.

Dr Pepper on the other hand, who has always been loyal to their customer base, did not lie to them or try any sort of "magic trick" to lie to their customers. They simply stated in a news article that one of their major recipe ingredients just got too expensive. And instead of raising the price of Dr Pepper to something ridiculous, they favored replacing the ingredients with something more friendly to everybodys wallets, but also did not change the taste of Dr Pepper too much to really notice.

Nowadays with all this Woke bullsh*t and SJW crap going on..........Coke and Coke products are completely off my shopping list. I won't even let my friends drink it around me....I buy them something else.

I like Pepsi Zero, it is the best "diet" soda out of all of them, until Dr Pepper Zero came along. So, I still love my Dr Pepper and am able to drink it without the worry of all that sugar affecting me. I still drink Pepsi Zero once in a while. But Coke is gone from my life forever.
I was there during that fiasco and New coke is not classic coke. Classic coke may not be original coke but it is definitely not New coke. New coke sucked.
diabetes forced me to start drinking diet coke :(

fyi 1963 I was born and my father would put coke in a baby bottle and feed it to me.
1987 I worked security for Cocoa Cola and had a 48 can per week coke habit since I didn't have to pay for it I drank nothing but coke.
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...

Both are going to kill you.

I don't drink enough of either to have to worry about that, really. I can count the number of soft drinks I've hadin the last two weeks on one hand...
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...

Both are going to kill you.

I don't drink enough of either to have to worry about that, really. I can count the number of soft drinks I've hadin the last two weeks on one hand...

I can't count the number of soft drinks I've had this year on one hand. Because it's zero.
I've been on a two-way cross country trip since April 1.

From Florida to Boston to Wooster, Ohio getting Coca Cola was no problem whatsoever. From Wooster west, though, it's as if Coke is simply non-existent. Persona no grata. Banished.

What's the deal? I've spent time in Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Iowa, and I'll be damned if I couldn't get a Coke every single time we stopped to eat.

It's just weird...

Both are going to kill you.

I don't drink enough of either to have to worry about that, really. I can count the number of soft drinks I've hadin the last two weeks on one hand...

I can't count the number of soft drinks I've had this year on one hand. Because it's zero.
I have had enough to mix my booze with--but straight soda? None.
ALL Coke products are banned from my life. I like Pepsi Zero. Love all Dr Pepper products.
Safeway brand sodas are good, but they loose their fizz if you don't drink them in one sitting.
I stay off the pops, they are all bad for you and the diet pop is the worst for you. Better off drinking water, it is healthier and is more refreshing.
Sangria Señorial is a non-alcoholic drink flavored with sangria made by Mezgo SA de CV in Mexico since 1960. It is made with wine grapes, lemonessence, cane sugar and carbonated water. It is distributed in the United States by Novamex since 1982,the producers of jarritos soft drinks.


You can get at most places, like Wal-Mart, but in the Hispanic food section.
Worthy trying.
I had a shot of ginger ale and Captain Morgan a couple years ago.That other shit ??? Been decades
My wife likes Coke, but will do Pepsi if Coke not available. HOWEVER, it usually has to be the Mexican version of either which uses real sugar versus corn syrup or other artificial sweeteners. It's part of her after workday treat to have about half a bottle over crushed ice while see unwinds.

I'll have some once in a while, but as big a fan of it as she is.

I'm reminded of an event back in the mid 1960s when I was a cadet in Civil Air Patrol and we were hosting locally some similar aviation cadets from Portuegal. The was obvious difficulties in mutual language translations, but a typical theme for males of any nationality was females. In this case the female shape/form as expressed in the shape of the bottles for Coke (rather curvy) or Pepsi (more slender and 'straight') and which would you prefer? IIRC, the consensus in that context tended to lean far more towards "Coke" than "Pepsi".
My wife likes Coke, but will do Pepsi if Coke not available. HOWEVER, it usually has to be the Mexican version of either which uses real sugar versus corn syrup or other artificial sweeteners. It's part of her after workday treat to have about half a bottle over crushed ice while see unwinds.

I'll have some once in a while, but as big a fan of it as she is.

I'm reminded of an event back in the mid 1960s when I was a cadet in Civil Air Patrol and we were hosting locally some similar aviation cadets from Portuegal. The was obvious difficulties in mutual language translations, but a typical theme for males of any nationality was females. In this case the female shape/form as expressed in the shape of the bottles for Coke (rather curvy) or Pepsi (more slender and 'straight') and which would you prefer? IIRC, the consensus in that context tended to lean far more towards "Coke" than "Pepsi".

Here's Why Mexican Coke Tastes Better Than American Coke​


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