Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

Yes, they have a purer version of democracy.

And fewer black people.

And so you decide that it's the black people that causes all the problems, and not the political thinking. Why is that?
The superiority of white culture is made evident by the high success of countries where they are most concentrated. Everything you admire about Scandinavia is because of their ethnic constitution, including their novel ideas of government.

Go to African nation's populated by black people, you get poverty, shanty towns, starvation, rogue militias, anarchy, massacres, and hopelessness.

The contrast couldn't be any clearer.

Or, perhaps this is because of WHERE they live.

If you look at all the big empires we've known, many of them became successful because of the situation they found around them. The Egyptians for example. Why was Egypt very successful thousands of years ago, but now an absolute mess?

Could it be that the Nile was more fertile? Could it be that you needed less of a population to succeed and the Nile could cope with a certain amount of people, but in more modern times it can't cope well?

The Romans. I mean the Italians haven't been known as great warriors for a long time now. Why was Rome so successful 2000 years ago and not now?

Through time the latitude of successful empires has risen from Egypt, to Greece and Rome, the Spanish and Portuguese to then be Germany, England, France, Russia, the USA.

Or maybe as we've developed technology, the colder climates are more successful.

1/7th of the US population lives between DC and Boston. The area is far more successful than the Deep South. Why is that?

Could be all about resources. Coal become a product for industrialization. Who had coal?


Success based on coal? Seems northern Europe has a lot more. Then again Sweden and others don't have much but were successful. So it's not just coal, but coal played an important part.

Basically this topic is extremely complex. Your idea is to make it simple and blame someone else so you don't need to think. You're basically going to be wrong if you do that.
Why is that? Silly! Because DC gets rich off our tax dollars. Everyone in DC works for the government.

I'm not sure that your post is even worth replying to. I'm sure you have a brain to actually reply to the points I wrote rather than going off on a tangent.
And I said what? That you deem a tangent?
There are people like that. There are people not like that. There are white people, Hispanic people, black people, males, females, old, young who are like that, and also not like that.

We get to see the location (town) and customer first names on these calls. They're almost always from highly minority communities, with names like Dequan, Shanequa, and DeAndre. Very few John Smiths from suburban or rural areas.

How the hell do you rack up $7-12,000 in a gas or electric bill? That's not a 2 month issue.

So, black people have been given a raw deal, and they're often in poverty (25% compared to 7% for white people) and then you take this as a sign that they're the problem, rather than they've been struggling against white dominance for 300 and more years?
You're not helping them with lame excuses. The Irish got a raw deal too and they managed to pull out of it just fine. By enabling them with these excuses, you are telling them they are incapable of making responsible decisions and taking command of their destiny. That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans and quite frankly, blacks would be served best by no longer listening to Democrats.

The Irish got a raw deal, and the Irish were white. The Irish didn't suffer slavery and segregation. The Irish didn't have people not selling them houses because of the color of their skin. Yes, they got a raw deal, but nowhere near as raw a deal as black people.

You think these are lame excuses? You think just pointing and giving simple answers for complex problems isn't lame?

You're talking about lame excuses. I'd say the lame excuse is from those who say "oh, we can't do anything to help them, we should just keep on going as we've been going even though it doesn't actually work".

Let's try this. Let's get right away from race and get into the American "can't do" psyche.

I'm going to show you Jamie Oliver. You might have seen his TV program. He's a good guy, thinks he can save the world. In the UK (where he's from) he has set up programs, the government gets behind him and tries to make a difference. He went to the US and thought he could do the same thing.

This is an overview of the program.

However it turned out to be like this. The schools said they wouldn't take on his healthy food program until he could prove that it was workable. He couldn't prove it was workable because they wouldn't take on his healthy food program. A nice Catch-22 situation for them to simply do nothing.

There was a threat on here about Michelle Obama want kids to only have one ketchup sachet per school meal. The right wing went MENTAL. Absolutely crazy over this. Some said schools shouldn't provide food. Some said schools shouldn't tell kids how to eat.

Learning about healthy food is ESSENTIAL in a country like the US where obesity is a massive problem. But all people care about is making sure NOTHING WORKS.

This is the US mentality. And this mentality exists within the issue of food, education, and even with race. You can see people like you giving the same logic as Jamie Oliver encountered.

America has an attitude problem and it's killing the US.

Sorry, you wandered off on a food tangent and lost whatever point you were trying to make.

By the way, you should know that kids themselves rejected the horrible crap Michelle tried to make them eat. They began bringing their own lunches and bartering. They have their whole lives to eat cardboard, it shouldn't be forced down their throats by sadistic Leftist control freaks. As Pink Floyd would say, "Hey, Teacher, leave those kids alone!"
Helped here too. But all ribbing aside, I consider Churchill the greatest leader in the world in modern times.

So did we. I think Roosevelt did a pretty good job, too.
As for Churchill....hhhmmm...not the most favoured person down this way for other reasons related to WW1. However, during WWII he certainly kept the Brit's hopes up.
You guys downgrade Churchill because of his firm stance against socialism. For which he was right. Boar wars, brilliant and brave. WW1 he was brilliant with his flanking maneuvers but in typical British fashion the army moved at breathtaking snail speed. He stood his ground warning you Brits about Hitlers rise and you shoved him into the back room. Thankfully you gave him the job for fighting Hitler.
Yes it does. You think Scandinavia is just a happy clappy place?

However the difference between Scandinavia and other European countries is that the people vote in politicians to work for the people, and the politicians work for the people.
Yes, they have a purer version of democracy.

And fewer black people.

And so you decide that it's the black people that causes all the problems, and not the political thinking. Why is that?
The superiority of white culture is made evident by the high success of countries where they are most concentrated. Everything you admire about Scandinavia is because of their ethnic constitution, including their novel ideas of government.

Go to African nation's populated by black people, you get poverty, shanty towns, starvation, rogue militias, anarchy, massacres, and hopelessness.

The contrast couldn't be any clearer.

Or, perhaps this is because of WHERE they live.

If you look at all the big empires we've known, many of them became successful because of the situation they found around them. The Egyptians for example. Why was Egypt very successful thousands of years ago, but now an absolute mess?

Could it be that the Nile was more fertile? Could it be that you needed less of a population to succeed and the Nile could cope with a certain amount of people, but in more modern times it can't cope well?

The Romans. I mean the Italians haven't been known as great warriors for a long time now. Why was Rome so successful 2000 years ago and not now?

Through time the latitude of successful empires has risen from Egypt, to Greece and Rome, the Spanish and Portuguese to then be Germany, England, France, Russia, the USA.

Or maybe as we've developed technology, the colder climates are more successful.

1/7th of the US population lives between DC and Boston. The area is far more successful than the Deep South. Why is that?

Could be all about resources. Coal become a product for industrialization. Who had coal?


Success based on coal? Seems northern Europe has a lot more. Then again Sweden and others don't have much but were successful. So it's not just coal, but coal played an important part.

Basically this topic is extremely complex. Your idea is to make it simple and blame someone else so you don't need to think. You're basically going to be wrong if you do that.
I'm not blaming anyone, just laying out the facts. The reason the world was brought to modernity by Western civilization is because it's superior. I'm part of a race less advanced than even the Ancient Egyptians. We fought pointless wars over the same territory for thousands of years and would have remained just as primitive without intervention by Europeans for thousands of years more.

While you perpetuate black inferiority with lame excuses, individual blacks are finding rapid upward mobility by rejecting the Democrat politics of victimhood and embracing white culture as I have. The more blacks and NA's act like white people, the more successful and prosperous we become.

All the facts or just a few that are convenient?

You then claim OPINION as facts which is rather convenient.

" The reason the world was brought to modernity by Western civilization is because it's superior."

This is not a fact.

You talk about "black inferiority", but the problem is, if you go to other countries what do you see?

Poverty rates among ethnic groups in Great Britain

In the UK the income poverty (which is not comparable as a statistic with rates you'll see coming from the US) is this:

"Bangladeshis (65%), Pakistanis (55%) and black Africans (45%) have the highest rates; black Caribbeans (30%), Indians (25%), white Other (25%) and white British (20%)"

So, minorities in general are more likely to be in poverty. Indians have done quite well in this sense. But also so have black Caribbeans. Why are the Caribbean blacks doing better than the African blacks?
They're both black.


Then again poverty rates are dropping for all groups. For black Caribbeans they have seen the largest drop in poverty, but even Black Africans have see a drop too.

Why are levels dropping in the UK?



From 1996 to 2011 the poverty rates dropped but then went right back to where they were before. You're looking at poverty rates being similar to the 1960s in the US.

Again, this is a complex issue and coming out with simplistic answers won't give you a real answer.
You guys downgrade Churchill because of his firm stance against socialism. For which he was right. Boar wars, brilliant and brave. WW1 he was brilliant with his flanking maneuvers but in typical British fashion the army moved at breathtaking snail speed. He stood his ground warning you Brits about Hitlers rise and you shoved him into the back room. Thankfully you gave him the job for fighting Hitler.

Let me get something straight here. I'm not English. I'm a New Zealander living in Australia. Google "Gallipoli" "Anzac" and "Churchill". Then you'll understand why Churchill is not flavour of the month. During WW1 he was First Lord of the Admiralty. And he tried one of those flanking movements. It was a spectacular failure.
You guys downgrade Churchill because of his firm stance against socialism. For which he was right. Boar wars, brilliant and brave. WW1 he was brilliant with his flanking maneuvers but in typical British fashion the army moved at breathtaking snail speed. He stood his ground warning you Brits about Hitlers rise and you shoved him into the back room. Thankfully you gave him the job for fighting Hitler.

Let me get something straight here. I'm not English. I'm a New Zealand living in Australia. Google "Gallipoli" "Anzac" and "Churchill". Then you'll understand why Churchill is not flavour of the month. During WW1 he was First Lord of the Admiralty. And he tried one of those flanking movements. It was a spectacular failure.
Ah. Subject of the Crown. Love NZ. Just there last year. I'd live there if you had respectable housing costs. Where abouts in Australia? Have an invite from a Melbourne family for a stay with them.

I'm most familiar with the actions of the Aussies in WW2, of which you kicked arse.
You're not making the point you think you are. As ethnic minorities gather into enclaves, they become factories for crime, poverty, and despair. Black cities and neighborhoods are no different than Muslim balkans in France and Germany. The original idea of the "Melting Pot" is to have immigrants assimilate fully into American life and experience the same success.

My father moved his family off the reservation when I was a little boy. He didn't want us kids to grow up seeing what he saw everyday and despair, giving into an impoverished, hopeless culture. My life is very different, having grown up in white schools and white neighborhoods. I've never done drugs, never been arrested, I married a white woman and if I say so myself, my life is fucking AWESOME!

About twice a year, we go up to Montana to visit family at the rez, but I see nothing there to indicate my father made a mistake.

Two cultures, one inferior, one superior. I embraced the latter and that has made all the difference.
Ah. Subject of the Crown. Love NZ. Just there last year. I'd live there if you had respectable housing costs. Where abouts in Australia? Have an invite from a Melbourne family for a stay with them.

I'm most familiar with the actions of the Aussies in WW2, of which you kicked arse.

I live in Sydney. You think housing is expensive in NZ, you should try it here. It's ridiculous....

I think we all did well in WWII getting rid of the Nazis. I am of the belief maybe we should have carried on into Eastern Europe and got rid of Stalin too. In saying that, things worked out in the end...well, while Yeltsin was in charge...
You're not making the point you think you are. As ethnic minorities gather into enclaves, they become factories for crime, poverty, and despair. Black cities and neighborhoods are no different than Muslim balkans in France and Germany. The original idea of the "Melting Pot" is to have immigrants assimilate fully into American life and experience the same success.

My father moved his family off the reservation when I was a little boy. He didn't want us kids to grow up seeing what he saw everyday and despair, giving into an impoverished, hopeless culture. My life is very different, having grown up in white schools and white neighborhoods. I've never done drugs, never been arrested, I married a white woman and if I say so myself, my life is fucking AWESOME!

About twice a year, we go up to Montana to visit family at the rez, but I see nothing there to indicate my father made a mistake.

Two cultures, one inferior, one superior. I embraced the latter and that has made all the difference.

Do you get any resentment from the family in Montana?

I concur with mixing in. I have this idea that if you don't mix in with the country you've immigrated to, you'll eventually turn into the place you left. So why leave in the first place?
Ah. Subject of the Crown. Love NZ. Just there last year. I'd live there if you had respectable housing costs. Where abouts in Australia? Have an invite from a Melbourne family for a stay with them.

I'm most familiar with the actions of the Aussies in WW2, of which you kicked arse.

I live in Sydney. You think housing is expensive in NZ, you should try it here. It's ridiculous....

I think we all did well in WWII getting rid of the Nazis. I am of the belief maybe we should have carried on into Eastern Europe and got rid of Stalin too. In saying that, things worked out in the end...well, while Yeltsin was in charge...
No wonder you're not proud of your country. WTF has New Zealand ever done except be a dingleberry hanging off Australia's ass?

Of course you all have a funny accent. I guess you can be proud of that.
Yeah, you are stupid enough to be a conservative.

The minute the owner's would be as stupid as you ( they aren't) and terminated his contract because he exercised his First Amend they would pay more than he's making.

You idiot, the only people that think he is hurting their brand are folks ignorant of the U.S. Constitution.

I dumb this down for. Your boss has a right to tell you to stand for the national Anthem. You have the right not to comply. He then in turn has the right to fire you. Get it?
I'll dumb it gown for you...idiot.
You fired a Player for exercising his First Amend Rights and then are still too stupid to understand the owner's actions and your final day...
You tards have no idea what rights are. Free speech means the government can't censor you for political speech. That does NOT apply to the private sector. Why don't you ignorant fucks actually read the Constitution?
Cheap fire water makes stupid injuns...

Expressive conduct[edit]
Expressive conduct, also called "symbolic speech" or "speech acts", is nonverbal conduct that intends to communicate a message. Example include creating or destroying an object when performed as a statement (such as flag burning in a political protest), silent marches and parades intended to convey a message, clothing bearing meaningful symbols (such as anti-war armbands), body language, messages written in code, ideas and structures embodied as computer code ("software"), mathematical and scientific formulae, and illocutionary acts that convey by implication an attitude, request, or opinion.

The First Amendment generally protects expressive conduct.[7][8] Seen in light of the First Amendment, computer code is a way to speak about how a problem is solved, using the precise terms a computer might be given as directions, and flag burning is a way to speak or express forcefully of one's views opposing the acts or political position of the relevant country.[7][8]Significantly, the possibility exists for a single speech act to be protected or not depending upon context and intention. For example, there may be a First Amendment distinction between burning a flag in protest and the same act performed as mere wanton vandalism.[7]
Blow me, Pale Face.

I bet you didn't say shit about President Chimp firing General McCrystal for "exercising his free speech" with Rolling Stones Magazine.

Did you?
Blow stupid savages blew your load when you spent the proceeds from the island of Manhattan sale on more rot gut....
You are now trying to deflect because I made you look stupid, guess what, it was very easy to do.
You're not making the point you think you are. As ethnic minorities gather into enclaves, they become factories for crime, poverty, and despair. Black cities and neighborhoods are no different than Muslim balkans in France and Germany. The original idea of the "Melting Pot" is to have immigrants assimilate fully into American life and experience the same success.

My father moved his family off the reservation when I was a little boy. He didn't want us kids to grow up seeing what he saw everyday and despair, giving into an impoverished, hopeless culture. My life is very different, having grown up in white schools and white neighborhoods. I've never done drugs, never been arrested, I married a white woman and if I say so myself, my life is fucking AWESOME!

About twice a year, we go up to Montana to visit family at the rez, but I see nothing there to indicate my father made a mistake.

Two cultures, one inferior, one superior. I embraced the latter and that has made all the difference.

Do you get any resentment from the family in Montana?

I concur with mixing in. I have this idea that if you don't mix in with the country you've immigrated to, you'll eventually turn into the place you left. So why leave in the first place?
I'm Native American, in case that didn't come across. Everyone else is an immigrant.
I dumb this down for. Your boss has a right to tell you to stand for the national Anthem. You have the right not to comply. He then in turn has the right to fire you. Get it?
I'll dumb it gown for you...idiot.
You fired a Player for exercising his First Amend Rights and then are still too stupid to understand the owner's actions and your final day...
You tards have no idea what rights are. Free speech means the government can't censor you for political speech. That does NOT apply to the private sector. Why don't you ignorant fucks actually read the Constitution?
Cheap fire water makes stupid injuns...

Expressive conduct[edit]
Expressive conduct, also called "symbolic speech" or "speech acts", is nonverbal conduct that intends to communicate a message. Example include creating or destroying an object when performed as a statement (such as flag burning in a political protest), silent marches and parades intended to convey a message, clothing bearing meaningful symbols (such as anti-war armbands), body language, messages written in code, ideas and structures embodied as computer code ("software"), mathematical and scientific formulae, and illocutionary acts that convey by implication an attitude, request, or opinion.

The First Amendment generally protects expressive conduct.[7][8] Seen in light of the First Amendment, computer code is a way to speak about how a problem is solved, using the precise terms a computer might be given as directions, and flag burning is a way to speak or express forcefully of one's views opposing the acts or political position of the relevant country.[7][8]Significantly, the possibility exists for a single speech act to be protected or not depending upon context and intention. For example, there may be a First Amendment distinction between burning a flag in protest and the same act performed as mere wanton vandalism.[7]
Blow me, Pale Face.

I bet you didn't say shit about President Chimp firing General McCrystal for "exercising his free speech" with Rolling Stones Magazine.

Did you?
Blow stupid savages blew your load when you spent the proceeds from the island of Manhattan sale on more rot gut....
You are now trying to deflect because I made you look stupid, guess what, it was very easy to do.
I like you. You make me laugh.
Ah. Subject of the Crown. Love NZ. Just there last year. I'd live there if you had respectable housing costs. Where abouts in Australia? Have an invite from a Melbourne family for a stay with them.

I'm most familiar with the actions of the Aussies in WW2, of which you kicked arse.

I live in Sydney. You think housing is expensive in NZ, you should try it here. It's ridiculous....

I think we all did well in WWII getting rid of the Nazis. I am of the belief maybe we should have carried on into Eastern Europe and got rid of Stalin too. In saying that, things worked out in the end...well, while Yeltsin was in charge...
That's what Patton wanted to do. World would have been much better.

That's the problem with socialist style governments. Here housing is kept reasonable by supply and demand, with developers adding more housing as prices rice, thus lowering it. You've got plenty of land to build on, but the government restricts it.
There are people like that. There are people not like that. There are white people, Hispanic people, black people, males, females, old, young who are like that, and also not like that.

We get to see the location (town) and customer first names on these calls. They're almost always from highly minority communities, with names like Dequan, Shanequa, and DeAndre. Very few John Smiths from suburban or rural areas.

How the hell do you rack up $7-12,000 in a gas or electric bill? That's not a 2 month issue.

So, black people have been given a raw deal, and they're often in poverty (25% compared to 7% for white people) and then you take this as a sign that they're the problem, rather than they've been struggling against white dominance for 300 and more years?
That's the first mistake, living three hundred years ago. How do you think people like Ben Carson managed? Not by living three hundred years ago. No one in America today ever owned a slave and no one living today was a slave. Blacks living in poverty is not the fault of the whites. Being a single mom of several illegitimate children will do it though. Make smarter choices!

And how do you make smart choices?

Good education helps a lot. Who's not getting good education?
Single mom multiple children households without the necessary family support.

I agree to a certain extent. However the problem is that 1/4 kids are born without a father at home.

Now the question is this, why are poor people more likely to have single parent families?

The Most Important Statistics About Single Parents
Single Mother Statistics — Single Mother Guide

"30.4% of custodial single mothers and their children lived in poverty"

"18.8% of custodial single fathers and their children lived in poverty"

'Today 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 — a total of about 17.4 million — are being raised without a father4 and nearly half (45%) live below the poverty line.5"

So, nearly half of kids in fatherless families are living in poverty.

What's the relationship between poverty and single parent families? Well it doesn't seem that hard to come up with a few possibilities. Say, poor people are likely to be less well educated. They're more likely to be frustrated with their job, if they have one. They're more likely to get into drugs. Poverty is where the problems get exacerbated massively. Many people have lost hope that their lives will be any good and they're more likely to commit crime.

Do single parents lead to poverty or does poverty lead to single parents, or both, or both are possible but sometimes it's one, sometimes the other and sometimes both?

Another question is this. If you're born into poverty what are your chances of success? I ask this not as an excuse (people are continually look for people looking for excuses and label anyone who say anything they don't like as looking for excuses), but for reality.

Some poor people make it. But only a percentage of them will make it, the rest won't. Now, this is the reality and not all of these poor people can possibly make it, the way the US is set up simply will not allow it. If more poor people rise out of poverty it means those not born in poverty will sink into it.

So doing nothing won't change things. Demanding that poorly educated young people get up off their ass and go do something about it doesn't work because they've grown up believing there is no hope, from the parents, their grandparents, for those around them, and they're looking for a way out but won't get help in education and other areas.

There's a problem. And the problem is made worse by people passing the buck and blaming black people for being in poverty, or for having problems with their families etc.

The questions are. How do you stop this cycle of single parents? How do you stop the cycle of poverty? How do you go about being proactive and making the US work again?

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