Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

Yes it does. You think Scandinavia is just a happy clappy place?

However the difference between Scandinavia and other European countries is that the people vote in politicians to work for the people, and the politicians work for the people.
Yes, they have a purer version of democracy.

And fewer black people.

And so you decide that it's the black people that causes all the problems, and not the political thinking. Why is that?
The superiority of white culture is made evident by the high success of countries where they are most concentrated. Everything you admire about Scandinavia is because of their ethnic constitution, including their novel ideas of government.

Go to African nation's populated by black people, you get poverty, shanty towns, starvation, rogue militias, anarchy, massacres, and hopelessness.

The contrast couldn't be any clearer.

Or, perhaps this is because of WHERE they live.

If you look at all the big empires we've known, many of them became successful because of the situation they found around them. The Egyptians for example. Why was Egypt very successful thousands of years ago, but now an absolute mess?

Could it be that the Nile was more fertile? Could it be that you needed less of a population to succeed and the Nile could cope with a certain amount of people, but in more modern times it can't cope well?

The Romans. I mean the Italians haven't been known as great warriors for a long time now. Why was Rome so successful 2000 years ago and not now?

Through time the latitude of successful empires has risen from Egypt, to Greece and Rome, the Spanish and Portuguese to then be Germany, England, France, Russia, the USA.

Or maybe as we've developed technology, the colder climates are more successful.

1/7th of the US population lives between DC and Boston. The area is far more successful than the Deep South. Why is that?

Could be all about resources. Coal become a product for industrialization. Who had coal?


Success based on coal? Seems northern Europe has a lot more. Then again Sweden and others don't have much but were successful. So it's not just coal, but coal played an important part.

Basically this topic is extremely complex. Your idea is to make it simple and blame someone else so you don't need to think. You're basically going to be wrong if you do that.
Why is that? Silly! Because DC gets rich off our tax dollars. Everyone in DC works for the government.

I'm not sure that your post is even worth replying to. I'm sure you have a brain to actually reply to the points I wrote rather than going off on a tangent.
Sounds like someone wants to be traded from the 49ers.

Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

NFL QB Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities
Did you read the article? Sounds more like the 49ers support his freedom to express himself.

Of course, however if enough fans were pissed off he could be out a job. It's San Fran though, so likely most of their fans will agree than disagree with him.

Keep in mind he hasn't been very happy, and he may have other motives here.
Maybe the 49ers won't release him and he's doing this in hopes he'll be released because of the fallout.
He could very well be, that remains to be seen. After all, the franchise is a business and like all businesses, relies on profits. But as it stands now, the organization seems to be supporting his protest.
Interesting that he doesn't want to show pride in a flag or country that oppresses black people or people of color but getting paid millions and millions dollars to play a kids game has no impact on his pride.
Yeah, he's so oppressed by his loving, white Blindside parents.

that's michael oher, you bigoted, brain dead twit.
You stupid asswipe, Kaepernick has white parents too.

Now go in the corner and feel stupid, dumbass!

was The Blindside made about him, you pretend christian bigoted lowlife?
You already embarrassed yourself enough. Bye, dumbass.
Helped here too. But all ribbing aside, I consider Churchill the greatest leader in the world in modern times.

So did we. I think Roosevelt did a pretty good job, too.
As for Churchill....hhhmmm...not the most favoured person down this way for other reasons related to WW1. However, during WWII he certainly kept the Brit's hopes up.
There are people like that. There are people not like that. There are white people, Hispanic people, black people, males, females, old, young who are like that, and also not like that.

We get to see the location (town) and customer first names on these calls. They're almost always from highly minority communities, with names like Dequan, Shanequa, and DeAndre. Very few John Smiths from suburban or rural areas.

How the hell do you rack up $7-12,000 in a gas or electric bill? That's not a 2 month issue.

So, black people have been given a raw deal, and they're often in poverty (25% compared to 7% for white people) and then you take this as a sign that they're the problem, rather than they've been struggling against white dominance for 300 and more years?
That's the first mistake, living three hundred years ago. How do you think people like Ben Carson managed? Not by living three hundred years ago. No one in America today ever owned a slave and no one living today was a slave. Blacks living in poverty is not the fault of the whites. Being a single mom of several illegitimate children will do it though. Make smarter choices!

And how do you make smart choices?

Good education helps a lot. Who's not getting good education?
Single mom multiple children households without the necessary family support.

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