Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

Mexico has a better chance at becoming our 51 state.

I reckon in about 200 years time, if you look at a map of North America you'll see California, Arizona, New Mexico and even Texas as a stand-alone country or part of Mexico. I think Quebec will become a separate country and some of the Canadian provinces will be come part of the US....
I agree to a certain extent. However the problem is that 1/4 kids are born without a father at home.

Now the question is this, why are poor people more likely to have single parent families?

The Most Important Statistics About Single Parents
Single Mother Statistics — Single Mother Guide

"30.4% of custodial single mothers and their children lived in poverty"

"18.8% of custodial single fathers and their children lived in poverty"

'Today 1 in 4 children under the age of 18 — a total of about 17.4 million — are being raised without a father4 and nearly half (45%) live below the poverty line.5"

So, nearly half of kids in fatherless families are living in poverty.

What's the relationship between poverty and single parent families? Well it doesn't seem that hard to come up with a few possibilities. Say, poor people are likely to be less well educated. They're more likely to be frustrated with their job, if they have one. They're more likely to get into drugs. Poverty is where the problems get exacerbated massively. Many people have lost hope that their lives will be any good and they're more likely to commit crime.

Do single parents lead to poverty or does poverty lead to single parents, or both, or both are possible but sometimes it's one, sometimes the other and sometimes both?

Another question is this. If you're born into poverty what are your chances of success? I ask this not as an excuse (people are continually look for people looking for excuses and label anyone who say anything they don't like as looking for excuses), but for reality.

Some poor people make it. But only a percentage of them will make it, the rest won't. Now, this is the reality and not all of these poor people can possibly make it, the way the US is set up simply will not allow it. If more poor people rise out of poverty it means those not born in poverty will sink into it.

So doing nothing won't change things. Demanding that poorly educated young people get up off their ass and go do something about it doesn't work because they've grown up believing there is no hope, from the parents, their grandparents, for those around them, and they're looking for a way out but won't get help in education and other areas.

There's a problem. And the problem is made worse by people passing the buck and blaming black people for being in poverty, or for having problems with their families etc.

The questions are. How do you stop this cycle of single parents? How do you stop the cycle of poverty? How do you go about being proactive and making the US work again?
You stop the cycle by having community leaders set the bar high where it should be for behavior, and calling BS on the PC claptrap of everyone can do what they want if it feels good for you.

Ah, yes, the simple solutions that didn't work before and aren't working now and won't work in the future.

Like trying to fix a fridge by looking at the oven.
You don't see that scale of problem in other cultures, why? Standards and expectations.

Because politicians and people actually try and solve the problems in society. Yes, standards and expectations. People expect their govt to work for them. In the US people don't.
How are politicians and people doing at solving the problem?
Yeah, blacks making $20M a year sit down during the anthem and politicians mock law enforcement.

Obvious why things are spinning out of control.

And just take one thing and another thing and put them together and then try and make this look like the whole country. Yeah, that's a fucking amazing post that tells me nothing.

A black person is president of the USA and a white person is in poverty, clearly ALL black people are President of the USA and ALL white people are in poverty.

I too can play this stupid fucking game.
Sounds like someone wants to be traded from the 49ers.

Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

NFL QB Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities
I would bench him.
ya have a point from the standpoint that people watch the nfl to watch the nfl. Not some freak acting out his political fantasies.
Sounds like someone wants to be traded from the 49ers.

Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

NFL QB Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities
He's an ignorant idiot. Not only does the country NOT OPPRESS BLACKS, it OPPRESSES WHITES by discriminating against them, in Affirmative Action.

Kaepernick got the country oppresses people right. He just go the wrong "people"
Sounds like someone wants to be traded from the 49ers.

Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

NFL QB Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities
He's an ignorant idiot. Not only does the country NOT OPPRESS BLACKS, it OPPRESSES WHITES by discriminating against them, in Affirmative Action.

Kaepernick got the country oppresses people right. He just go the wrong "people"
His defensive line has let him down. He's been sacked too many times and is now suffering the effects of multiple head injuries. Before too long, he'll be sitting in his own filth if he doesn't get 24 hour home hospice care.
Sounds like someone wants to be traded from the 49ers.

Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

NFL QB Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities
More ignorant white conservatives mad that the First Amendment isn't just for the things they approve of...oh the horror!!!!!!

I didn't say he didn't have a right to publicly air his views. I said he's a prick and an asshole.
I wasn't replying to you...

Lol!! Really?
You can't help being an asshole, can you...smh.

I'll make it so simple that even you can understand things...

Go to post#70 and you will see that you weren't being responded to...

Dumbshit go back and look at post #60 :laugh:.
Ho hum, another straw man from a stupid Leftie. Can't get through a day without seeing them.
Ho Hum...another stupid conservative that equates the First Amendment to a straw man...trump's squatters...

Lefties are so stupid they don't even recognize when they use a straw man argument.
Conservatives are so stupid , they don't know what a Constitutional Right is....

You're the one that is stupid. You apparently don't understand that someones constitutional rights does not protect them from criticism.
Actually you ignorant pile of shit...people were stating that he should lose his job.
That's not criticism...

It's their opinion of what the consequences should be. No one is challenging his legal rights.
If he had refused to stand saying that it's because obama is polluting the white hut would you still agree to his freedom of speech?

if that were true, loony toon. i'd say it's his right. otherwise, i'd just say he's an imbecile like you

You'd be calling for him to get fired.

no. that's a rightwingnut thing....

The left has been trying to get Rush Limbaugh fired for years. They threaten his advertisers with boycotts all the time.

The Dixie Chicks said they were embarrassed George Bush was from Texas.
They paid a huge price.

Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut.
He paid a huge price.

Both sides play this game.
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If he had refused to stand saying that it's because obama is polluting the white hut would you still agree to his freedom of speech?

if that were true, loony toon. i'd say it's his right. otherwise, i'd just say he's an imbecile like you

You'd be calling for him to get fired.

no. that's a rightwingnut thing....

The left has been trying to get Rush Limbaugh fired for years. They threaten his advertisers with boycotts all the time.

The Dixie Chicks said they were embarrassed George Bush was from Texas.
They paid a huge price.

Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut.
He paid a huge price.

Both sides play this game.

you mean trying to point out that the oxycontin junkie is a lying loon fomenting hatred in this country for decades just to line his pockets?

and the loser deserved to pay a big prices. i don't think we should be paying for the loon's viagra.
i notice he still lives here and accepts that big he cant be that perturbed....

He seems real oppressed. What has he done with all his millions to help black people?

Well you know, he sat down during the national anthem. That's literally what he has done for blacks. Now all blacks that have been oppressed can feel liberated because some millionaire QB sat during the national anthem. It was really important ya know, it's already changed so many lives in the poor black communities.

What's sad is many poor ones in the black communities will look to him doing that and feel good about it thinking he stood up for them. At the same time, they'll be trying to find a way to get their water, power, or gas service cut back on because they couldn't pay the bill. But, they'll be proud
If he had refused to stand saying that it's because obama is polluting the white hut would you still agree to his freedom of speech?

if that were true, loony toon. i'd say it's his right. otherwise, i'd just say he's an imbecile like you

You'd be calling for him to get fired.

no. that's a rightwingnut thing....

The left has been trying to get Rush Limbaugh fired for years. They threaten his advertisers with boycotts all the time.

The Dixie Chicks said they were embarrassed George Bush was from Texas.
They paid a huge price.

Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut.
He paid a huge price.

Both sides play this game.

you mean trying to point out that the oxycontin junkie is a lying loon fomenting hatred in this country for decades just to line his pockets?

and the loser deserved to pay a big prices. i don't think we should be paying for the loon's viagra.

Yet you think it's OK for taxpayers to fund places like Planned Parenthood so some freeloader can get her birth control free.
This isn't about you Colin Kaepernick. This is about the brave men and women who have bled the flag crimson for your freedom to be a fucking idiot.

No, it's not.

Yeah it is. You neocon-type Yanks love to feel good about yourselves. You need to be the loudest in the room. In the world. You love to be noticed. You are forever dying to tell everybody how great you are. All that does is lead to resentment. The word's 'quiet achiever' are not in the neocon Yank lexicon. Trump being a classic example.

Thanks for telling me about myself.

Definition of NATIONALISM

Nationalism: loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups

Patriotism: love for or devotion to one's country

Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralizedautocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Conservatives love our nation and our culture and are not afraid to champion it and our interests vs others.

In the definition of fascism, everything after nation has nothing to do with conservatism or the Republican Party.

You lie about your enemies because you cannot defend your policies and/or positions honestly.
Seems like the bigger you are, the bigger your assholes are.

In Canada we never burn our flag. We stand, respectfully, when it is being played. Hell we even try to sing it without stylized screeching and modulations. You know, just from the heart.

I am offended when an American defies American traditions, just as I would be offended if a Canadian defied Canadian traditions.

Has to do with common decency.

I don't agree with flag burning either. I just think nationalism is over rated. No good ever comes from it.

If it was not for American nationalism, the Confederacy would have been allowed to break away and keep slavery alive.

If not for American and Russian Nationalism, Nazi Germany would have won the war.

If not for American nationalism, the Soviet Union would have won the Cold War.

For three very simple examples.

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