Colin Kaepernick 49er QB refuses to stand for the National Anthem

If my country is, in fact better than your country, and if I say that my country is better than your country, and if you call that fascist, then feel free and call me a fascist.

I have been called worse than that by better people than you. Words, whatever they are, only "hurt" idiots, who are too stupid to think for themselves.

No. I said it is 'akin to and leads to'. Not is. And you prove my point. I can't think of one good reason why you would need to tell me that other than to feel good about yourself. And if your skin is that thin, then I feel sorry for you.

I have never brought up American exceptionalism except when anti-americans are putting American down.
Nationalism was an honored sentiment in 1945. In 1960. In 2001. And sometimes before and after that little incident in the Ford theater. And let us not forget the Boston Tea Party.

Over rated? Really? No good ever comes from it?

It also led to WW1 and WW2...

ActuallY, WWI was more about Imperialism, and WWII was more from Fascism.
Sounds like someone wants to be traded from the 49ers.

Colin Kaepernick Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,"

NFL QB Protests Anthem Due to Treatment of Minorities

Deport these gimps back to The Great Black Motherland and let him tweet us bragging about how great 'minorities' are treated there and how he feels 'free' now n stuff.
If he had refused to stand saying that it's because obama is polluting the white hut would you still agree to his freedom of speech?

if that were true, loony toon. i'd say it's his right. otherwise, i'd just say he's an imbecile like you

You'd be calling for him to get fired.

no. that's a rightwingnut thing....

The left has been trying to get Rush Limbaugh fired for years. They threaten his advertisers with boycotts all the time.

The Dixie Chicks said they were embarrassed George Bush was from Texas.
They paid a huge price.

Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut.
He paid a huge price.

Both sides play this game.

you mean trying to point out that the oxycontin junkie is a lying loon fomenting hatred in this country for decades just to line his pockets?

and the loser deserved to pay a big prices. i don't think we should be paying for the loon's viagra.
What hatred? Why is everything the Left disagrees with "hate"? Maybe you're the ones full of hate, so that's all you see?
This isn't about you Colin Kaepernick. This is about the brave men and women who have bled the flag crimson for your freedom to be a fucking idiot.


Ever thought that maybe he doesn't see the sacrifices for USA Inc. as worthy sacrifices?
Then he is an idiot, which means he is probably a libtard.
This isn't about you Colin Kaepernick. This is about the brave men and women who have bled the flag crimson for your freedom to be a fucking idiot.


Ever thought that maybe he doesn't see the sacrifices for USA Inc. as worthy sacrifices?

Sounds to me as if he needs to get his little spoiled black ass out of here.
It was a smart maneuver on his part. If he gets fired now, it will seem like racism, validating his point. He must have anticipated that he sucks as a quarterback and the team was getting ready to replace him, so he schemed up a little job protection by manipulating the rancor of politics in his favor.

I'm a very sad 49er fan. My team is probably stuck with this little asshole for a while longer.
I consider him a hypocrite. We have a black president, a black senator, black congressmen, black mayors, black councilmen, black lawyers, black astronauts, black scientists, black doctors, black nurses, black business owners, black ranchers, black farmers and black trade workers.
While inner-city black youths may not have a great opportunity to move out of their environment, the same goes for other inner-city races.
It all boils down to your dream and your drive.

rightiwingnuts hate the first amendment.

and the fourth

and the fifth

and every other constitutional right except for the second, which you don't understand.
You, like all retarded scum libs, have it backwards. It is the leftwingretards that hate the constitution.

They aren't called 'Libtards' for nothing.

Has it been mentioned that Kaepernick converted to Islam?

pretend constitutionalists are funny.

poor rightwingnuts. like i said... you hate every part of the constitution except for the 2nd amendment....and you haven't a clue what that one means.
Screw these entitled black athletes.

Of course, you people pay their high salaries by going to watch their games which are the same repetitive crap over and over.
I've figured it out this way.
I think Kap is in love
People do crazy things when they're in love. And he wanted to impress his muzzzie girlfriend.
He should change his name to Collin Kaperdick.

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