Colin Kaepernick's Protest Is Against Police Brutality and Systematic Racism

Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

Systematic racism does not exist and police brutality is rare and when it occurs is dealt with through our legal system.
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

Then he shouldn't have brought the National Anthem into it. Doing so is an insult to all that have died and suffered defending the flag. I guess he's just too stupid to know that OR he meant the insult?

Which is it, OP?
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

READ: "if you don't think like I do then you are a racist".

Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.
A black man has more a chance getting hit by lightning than killed by cop. If he wants to protest do it on his own time. Also don't kneel in defiance of our national anthem. People died fight for his right to do what he is doing. It's disrespecting our great troops.
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

yeah, because those little piggie socks he wore aren't a personal attack on anyone.....
It is a 'protest' without any action or solutions.

What is the point then?
Sure because we know Black people in general really respect the Police and appreciate the risks they take every day. Is that the snake oil you are trying to sell today? And Kapaernik wasn't doing his game time demonstration to draw attention to himself right?
Prove this statement from Kaepernick is true.
The primary reason Kaepernick took the knee was to protest:
"I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police."
Opinion | Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee

What is the "incredible number"?
More so what does the singing of the national anthem have to do with black people?

A. The land of the Free and the Home of the brave is a phrase which adequately describes an alternative reality when it comes to African Americans and their interaction with a small minority of Law Enforcement.

There is no single reason for this situation, and fingers can be pointed in a number of directions, but the protest itself put an exclamation mark on unwarranted violence perpetrated by a few LEOs on generally young black men.

The issue needs to be discussed rationally, unfortunately very little rational statements emanate from the Bully Pulpit or on social media; in fact the behavior of President Trump has exacerbated racial tensions and given permission to those who hate an entire race, religion or ethnicity to express their bigotry.
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Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

Right, you bigoted f---ing moron. If someone is offended by someone disrespecting the flag their family has fought and died over, you must be be a racist!!! WHAT A LAUGH YOU MORONS ARE.

The entire BLM thing, the whole ruckus over this person or that, racism and brutality, blacks getting singled out unfairly, it is all a big lie fomented by the Left! DOJ data shows that blacks are involved in up to 20 to 30 times the violent crime as whites are, yet only get stopped, arrested, etc., a mere 2.5X more! And Black cops are much more likely to shoot a black than a white cop.

SO WHERE IS THE RACISM? WHERE IS THE DISCRIMINATION? WHERE IS THE OPPRESSION? Blacks actually get favorable treatment over whites! They are hands off because of all the public attention. They are given the benefit of the doubt. I see them doing things in public that never would be tolerated if a white did it! If they are stopped, arrested or hassled more often, it is because they deserve it. It is only natural they be stopped more if they are doing 80-90% of the violent crime! Not only is most of the crime caused by them, they are forever acting in a threatening and defiant way in the presence of police, ramping up their own fears of safety. Is it any wonder an occasional officer overreacts or just gets sick and tired of their shit.

Why don't blacks worry about the REAL cause of most Black deaths and shootings? OTHER BLACKS. The door is wide open, if you think America is so bad, there's a plane back to Africa EVER HOUR.
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

Systematic racism does not exist and police brutality is rare and when it occurs is dealt with through our legal system.

It does exist and the legal system doesn't do squat about it. Hence th outrage and protest .
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

Right, you bigoted f---ing moron. If someone is offended by someone disrespecting the flag their family has fought and died over, you must be be a racist!!! WHAT A LAUGH YOU MORONS ARE.

The entire BLM thing, the whole ruckus over this person or that, racism and brutality, blacks getting singled out unfairly, it is all a big lie fomented by the Left! DOJ data shows that blacks are involved in up to 20 to 30 times the violent crime as whites are, yet only get stopped, arrested, etc., a mere 2.5X more! And Black cops are much more likely to shoot a black than a white cop.

SO WHERE IS THE RACISM? WHERE IS THE DISCRIMINATION? WHERE IS THE OPPRESSION? Blacks actually get favorable treatment over whites! They are hands off because of all the public attention. They are given the benefit of the doubt. I see them doing things in public that never would be tolerated if a white did it! If they are stopped, arrested or hassled more often, it is because they deserve it. It is only natural they be stopped more if they are doing 80-90% of the violent crime! Not only is most of the crime caused by them, they are forever acting in a threatening and defiant way in the presence of police, ramping up their own fears of safety. Is it any wonder an occasional officer overreacts or just gets sick and tired of their shit.

Why don't blacks worry about the REAL cause of most Black deaths and shootings? OTHER BLACKS. The door is wide open, if you think America is so bad, there's a plane back to Africa EVER HOUR.

Racists propaganda.

But hey, thanks for admitting blacks are being targeted . So we can get over this "racism doesn't exist " bs .
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting? That can only mean one thing, which is you are one dumb mother-fucker MarcATL.
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

He needs to take that up with the local governments if that's what he's trying to do. Dishonoring the flag, as he is, shows how disgusting and despicable he really is.
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

Systematic racism does not exist and police brutality is rare and when it occurs is dealt with through our legal system.

It does exist and the legal system doesn't do squat about it. Hence th outrage and protest .

Prejudice and selective discrimination exist, not racism.
The term racism has been bastardized by the left to mean anything and everything.
But by it's real definition, meaning an entire race of people, there is no systematic policies against an entire race of people.
Prove this statement from Kaepernick is true.
The primary reason Kaepernick took the knee was to protest:
"I began paying attention to reports about the incredible number of unarmed black people being killed by the police."
Opinion | Eric Reid: Why Colin Kaepernick and I Decided to Take a Knee

What is the "incredible number"?
More so what does the singing of the national anthem have to do with black people?

A. The land of the Free and the Home of the brave is a phrase which adequately describes an alternative reality when it comes to African Americans and their interaction with a small minority of Law Enforcement.

There is no single reason for this situation, and fingers can be pointed in a number of directions, but the protest itself put an exclamation mark on unwarranted violence perpetrated by a few LEOs on generally young black men.

The issue needs to be discussed rationally, unfortunately very little rational statements emanate from the Bully Pulpit or on social media; in fact the behavior of President Trump has exacerbated racial tensions and given permission to those who hate an entire race, religion or ethnicity to express their bigotry.

No. It shows that the players really are childish, prejudiced, bigots who have no idea of what they're even protesting.
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

And people who want to watch football don't care about anything they are protesting against at that moment. They want for those 4 hours to forget about the world.

If these players and the NFL are truly sincere about this they would put their money where there mouth is. Until they do this the stupid jocks and the lame white owners should shut up.

Just a FYI
Not the police and/or individual police, or any other thing you want to brand it as.

Know the difference.

If you are offended by the protest, you are probably guilty of exactly what he's protesting.

Just an FYI.

This is bullshit. He's protesting against the national anthem and our nation's flag. That means he's protesting against the very existence of the USA. There is absolutely nothing about his protest that has the slightest thing to do with police brutality or racism.

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