Colin Powell Denies Affair with Romanian Politician

You see how this works? Govt's can spy on you ALL DAY AND NIGHT but when YOU spy on THEM?

Get ready for the Drone Attack!
Taint----I get it.

I think it's a great story---I bet the NSA did too

No ---- 'tain't.


How does one general get a pass on fucking around while the other ones didn't? Is this an affirmative action affair ?

No one "gets a pass" -- it's a bullshit story. Meaning a meaningless morality play full of salacity and fury, signifying absolutely nothing. The analogy I keep making is that if Ralph Kramden is my bus driver and one week he starts boinking his neighbor Trixie, he still drives the bus to the same stop. It's irrelevant. There's no "there" here. It's a personal Colin Powell issue; that's it. None of our bidness.
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No ---- 'tain't.


How does one general get a pass on fucking around while the other ones didn't? Is this an affirmative action affair ?

No one "gets a pass" -- it's a bullshit story. Meaning a meaningless morality play full of sound and fury, signifying absolutely nothing. The analogy I keep making is that if Ralph Kramden is my bus driver and one week he starts boinking his neighbor Trixie, he still drives the bus to the same stop. It's irrelevant. There's no "there" here.

Right....I heard that's how his wife felt about it too. No one could be possibly concerned about an top secrets that may been exchanged for promises of silence.
How does one general get a pass on fucking around while the other ones didn't? Is this an affirmative action affair ?

No one "gets a pass" -- it's a bullshit story. Meaning a meaningless morality play full of sound and fury, signifying absolutely nothing. The analogy I keep making is that if Ralph Kramden is my bus driver and one week he starts boinking his neighbor Trixie, he still drives the bus to the same stop. It's irrelevant. There's no "there" here.

Right....I heard that's how his wife felt about it too. No one could be possibly concerned about an top secrets that may been exchanged for promises of silence.

If you think that's what sex is about, you just ain't gettin' enough.

That's not a logical argument anyway; such top secrets could have just as easily been shared with anyone for far better reasons. And if his performance at the UN was any indication, said secrets were nothing to be concerned about. :D

His wife is not the public discourse. It's their problem -- not ours.
Who really gives a shit about who Colin Powell tosses the sausage too? He's 72 years old. Instead of bitching about it if it's true, shouldn't we be cheering him on?
Who really gives a shit about who Colin Powell tosses the sausage too? He's 72 years old. Instead of bitching about it if it's true, shouldn't we be cheering him on?

We can do whatever the hell we want to. We can even piggyback on his recent experiences and discuss proper military justice. How many servicemen have gotten fucked for fucking like he did ?
Who really gives a shit about who Colin Powell tosses the sausage too? He's 72 years old. Instead of bitching about it if it's true, shouldn't we be cheering him on?

We can do whatever the hell we want to. We can even piggyback on his recent experiences and discuss proper military justice. How many servicemen have gotten fucked for fucking like he did ?

You know what they used to say in grammar school...
"if 'everybody else' jumped in the lake, would you jump in too?"

Giving bullshit stories like this any breathing room at all is why we have a mass media that can't deal with real news. This bullshit hogs the blankets.
They always deny, right before they beg forgiveness, understanding, and privacy...

Reminds me of Patraeus. Sad, really. Great men, with egos that just won't quit.

I think it's kind of foolish that we elevate Alpha Males up to positions of power and importance and then act all surprised when they act like.. Alpha males.

All of you bozo's try to act like the alpha male. Not sure what that has to do with anything. :lol:
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Probably not. But they sure as hell know you men always are.

Probably not ? ahhhh they hate sex but trade it for money. I get it now.

Uhhh....I hate to break it to ya...but women aren't ruled by their nether regions the way men are. It has nothing to do with hating sex and everything to do with manipulation..:eusa_shhh:

I hate to break it too ya but some women ARE ruled by their "nether regions".
I bet there are several service men AND women who are more than a bit pissed at the General's indiscretions.
Probably not ? ahhhh they hate sex but trade it for money. I get it now.

Uhhh....I hate to break it to ya...but women aren't ruled by their nether regions the way men are. It has nothing to do with hating sex and everything to do with manipulation..:eusa_shhh:

I hate to break it too ya but some women ARE ruled by their "nether regions".
I bet there are several service men AND women who are more than a bit pissed at the General's indiscretions.

I'm sure there are some in the service pissed about this affair. Especially since the woman involved was a politician from Romania...and not just some random floozie.
Uhhh....I hate to break it to ya...but women aren't ruled by their nether regions the way men are. It has nothing to do with hating sex and everything to do with manipulation..:eusa_shhh:

I hate to break it too ya but some women ARE ruled by their "nether regions".
I bet there are several service men AND women who are more than a bit pissed at the General's indiscretions.

I'm sure there are some in the service pissed about this affair. Especially since the woman involved was a politician from Romania...and not just some random floozie.

I wasn't aware of the "random floozy factor". Is it better if your lover screws a foreign politician ?

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