Colin Powell Denies Affair with Romanian Politician

The two things are not even in the same league.

THousands of people died because of our Iraq policies.

Did someone die because the General was getting some on the side.

We won't know will we but I'd prefer that the Sec of State was paying more attention to the business at hand than boinking some Romanian.

And of course you have evidence that CP spent 24 hours a day Rumanian-boinking, leaving no time for Secretary of State-in...

How many hours of the day do you think people work?

Np--I got you down as pro adultery.
We won't know will we but I'd prefer that the Sec of State was paying more attention to the business at hand than boinking some Romanian.

And of course you have evidence that CP spent 24 hours a day Rumanian-boinking, leaving no time for Secretary of State-in...

How many hours of the day do you think people work?

Np--I got you down as pro adultery.

Just put me down as one who knows the difference between what's on the clock and what's off it.
The two things are not even in the same league.

THousands of people died because of our Iraq policies.

Did someone die because the General was getting some on the side.

If you have little regard for your wife, then you're not going to give a shit about some guy 8,000 miles around the world. Stop pretending like there isn't a chain of events to anything.

It doesn't necessarily mean you have little regard for your wife. Think about it.

In a relative sense, it most certainly does. You're not going to find many adulturers who care about those poor people in Iraq. Think about it.
If you have little regard for your wife, then you're not going to give a shit about some guy 8,000 miles around the world. Stop pretending like there isn't a chain of events to anything.

It doesn't necessarily mean you have little regard for your wife. Think about it.

In a relative sense, it most certainly does. You're not going to find many adulturers who care about those poor people in Iraq. Think about it.

That doesn't even make any sense.
It doesn't necessarily mean you have little regard for your wife. Think about it.

In a relative sense, it most certainly does. You're not going to find many adulturers who care about those poor people in Iraq. Think about it.

That doesn't even make any sense.

Cmon Pogo---when was the last time you cleaned your ears (eyes) out ?
You keep pulling the "I don't get it" routine.
Adultery has zero to do with the fucking population of Iraq. Think about it. :banghead:

Now you claim that there are no Iraqis born as a result of adultery ?



Well it wasn't exactly a Stephen Hawkingworthy argument.
Low hanging fruit. Yum.

Another obscure reference to mask the fact you're drunk and only capable of these teeth-grinding sessions where you play dumb, then misquote, then claim you're doing're a humorless fool Miss Pogo.
It doesn't necessarily mean you have little regard for your wife. Think about it.

In a relative sense, it most certainly does. You're not going to find many adulturers who care about those poor people in Iraq. Think about it.

That doesn't even make any sense.

I've come to accept that there's all types of common sense that you either willfully or ignorantly don't/won't recognize.
No ---- 'tain't.


How does one general get a pass on fucking around while the other ones didn't? Is this an affirmative action affair ?

No one "gets a pass" -- it's a bullshit story. Meaning a meaningless morality play full of salacity and fury, signifying absolutely nothing. The analogy I keep making is that if Ralph Kramden is my bus driver and one week he starts boinking his neighbor Trixie, he still drives the bus to the same stop. It's irrelevant. There's no "there" here. It's a personal Colin Powell issue; that's it. None of our bidness.

How does one general get a pass on fucking around while the other ones didn't? Is this an affirmative action affair ?

No one "gets a pass" -- it's a bullshit story. Meaning a meaningless morality play full of salacity and fury, signifying absolutely nothing. The analogy I keep making is that if Ralph Kramden is my bus driver and one week he starts boinking his neighbor Trixie, he still drives the bus to the same stop. It's irrelevant. There's no "there" here. It's a personal Colin Powell issue; that's it. None of our bidness.


You realize that you're applauding the concept that world leaders need no less integrity than people who do menial jobs? Well. You might as well be applauding your own idiocy then.
No one "gets a pass" -- it's a bullshit story. Meaning a meaningless morality play full of salacity and fury, signifying absolutely nothing. The analogy I keep making is that if Ralph Kramden is my bus driver and one week he starts boinking his neighbor Trixie, he still drives the bus to the same stop. It's irrelevant. There's no "there" here. It's a personal Colin Powell issue; that's it. None of our bidness.


You realize that you're applauding the concept that world leaders need no less integrity than people who do menial jobs? Well. You might as well be applauding your own idiocy then.

First, I am applauding the part of the post which I bolded. I found it to be very clever, the literary allusion.

Second, world leaders are human beings. If you expect them to be perfect paragons of virture, you will always be disappointed. For example: GW Bush was a drunk and a drug addict at one time. As well, he dodged conscription during the Vietnam war. Hardly someone of high moral integrity. His wife killed someone in an auto accident because she was an irresponsible teenage driver. She got away without punishment because of her father's position of power in their community. Hardly a paragon of moral integrity. What is important about world leaders is that they do their job as a world leader with responsiblity and integrity. Their sex lives or love lives are not our business. Your knee jerk need to call people with whom you disagree 'idiots' shows the lack of integrity you possess.
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You guys ? I'm not on any team here. I have a big issue with him getting up and lying to the UN. I have a big issue with him cheating on his wife too or are we condoning adultery for men who have served a certain amount of years in the military. My father worked directly with Gen Powell in G-1 at Ft Carson. I bet if he were alive today he'd find this all very interesting.

The two things are not even in the same league.

THousands of people died because of our Iraq policies.

Did someone die because the General was getting some on the side.

We won't know will we but I'd prefer that the Sec of State was paying more attention to the business at hand than boinking some Romanian.

Meh, not really.

The problem with Powell and his crew at State was that they knew going into Iraq was a terrible idea, but Rummy and the NeoCons at Defense were all for it, and they had Bush's ear because Saddam tried to kill Bush's Dad.

You realize that you're applauding the concept that world leaders need no less integrity than people who do menial jobs? Well. You might as well be applauding your own idiocy then.

First, I am applauding the part of the post which I bolded. I found it to be very clever, the literary allusion.

Second, world leaders are human beings. If you expect them to be perfect paragons of virture, you will always be disappointed. For example: GW Bush was a drunk and a drug addict at one time. As well, he dodged conscription during the Vietnam war. Hardly someone of high moral integrity. His wife killed someone in an auto accident because she was an irresponsible teenage driver. She got away without punishment because of her father's position of power in their community. Hardly a paragon of moral integrity. What is important about world leaders is that they do their job as a world leader with responsiblity and integrity. Their sex lives or love lives are not our business. Your knee jerk need to call people with whom you disagree 'idiots' shows the lack of integrity you possess.

First, You probably should've quoted the part then, rather than bold. Seems like it would have eliminated the confusion. (I had never even seen his original post and had figured he had bolded his own words. People do that all the time).

Second, there is no documentation that GWB was a drug addict. Nor have I seen anything to state that he was an alcoholic, though I find it believable that he could have a sordid past. Regardless, he seemed to have done a great job of putting that in his past well before he entered the public arena. And he managed to continue on that path while in office.

Third, you continued with your cheap shots of the Bushes. Laura was in an 'accident.' There was no criminal negligence and it appears that you're just taking partisan hack shots.

Fourth. Really? Politicians sex lives are not our business? Because those same politicians seem to think that our anything is our business when they're performing their warrantless searches. I may not have the right to know anyone's sex lives, but let's not pretend that such occurrences don't speak to people's lack of character.

Fifth, you'll judge my character on a message board post, but say we shouldn't judge politicians who cheat on their spouses? Okay, lady. If you say so.
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First, You probably should've quoted the part then, rather than bold. Seems like it would have eliminated the confusion. (I had never even seen his original post and had figured he had bolded his own words. People do that all the time).

Second, there is no documentation that GWB was a drug addict. Nor have I seen anything to state that he was an alcoholic, though I find it believable that he could have a sordid past. Regardless, he seemed to have done a great job of putting that in his past well before he entered the public arena. And he managed to continue on that path while in office.

The guy was arrested for a DUI. And he hid it until someone exposed it hours before the 2000 election.

Third, you continued with your cheap shots of the Bushes. Laura was in an 'accident.' There was no criminal negligence and it appears that you're just taking partisan hack shots.

Mrs. Bush ran stop sign in fatal crash

Details in a 1963 accident report say that Laura Bush, then 17, ran a stop sign in the Texas crash that killed a friend in another car. The report, adding information to previous reports of the crash, was released to The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Fourth. Really? Politicians sex lives are not our business? Because those same politicians seem to think that our anything is our business when they're performing their warrantless searches. I may not have the right to know anyone's sex lives, but let's not pretend that such occurrences don't speak to people's lack of character.

General Powell is not performing a warrentless search.

Incidently, no one here has actually proven anything other than he exchanged e-mails with some woman in Romania.

Fifth, you'll judge my character on a message board post, but say we shouldn't judge politicians who cheat on their spouses? Okay, lady. If you say so.

Frankly, when you say mean-spirited, angry things on the internet and spend most of your life hating on President Obama, how can we NOT draw conclusions?
1. Being arrested for a DUI is different than being a drug addict and a drunk, is it not?
2. Do you not know the definition of accident? Why are you giving me details that support my statement? BTW, both drivers ran the stop sign too.
3. Did I say CP performed warrantless searches? You need to follow a train of thought without being a total butt fucking moron.
4. "Mean-spirited" LMAO. I don't suffer liars and scammers like yourself. Deal with it.
1. Being arrested for a DUI is different than being a drug addict and a drunk, is it not?
2. Do you not know the definition of accident? Why are you giving me details that support my statement? BTW, both drivers ran the stop sign too.
3. Did I say CP performed warrantless searches? You need to follow a train of thought without being a total butt fucking moron.
4. "Mean-spirited" LMAO. I don't suffer liars and scammers like yourself. Deal with it.

And pretty much why we judge you.

Laura Bush ran a stop sign and killed someone. But, hey, her daddy was rich, so they covered it up. I just want to keep this in mind next time you feel the urge to whine about Cappaquidick.

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