Colin Powell Denies Affair with Romanian Politician

You actually believe sex is the only tool of spies? Or that spying is the only goal of sex?

This shoddy reasoning was trotted out before, Joe. BLAM. :Boom2:

oh be fair---he didn't make any claims about it being the "only" tool of spies or the only goal of sex.
Do you have to put words in peoples mouths just so you can refute them?

Perhaps it wasn't worded the clearest way, but then again I wasn't exactly speaking to the intelligentsia. The point is that concluding a politically-connected sex affair automatically means spying, has no basis. If a plumber has an affair is there a danger the affairee will come away with esoteric drain secrets? He's jumping to a conclusion without a bridge.

He's scraping the bottom of the logical barrel. Joe likes it down there.

No conclusions have been drawn by anyone. Maybe you better take a break before you try to take on the intelligentsia. You'll get your ass kicked.
The two met when Powell served as secretary of state during the Bush administration, and Cretu worked in various positions in the Romanian government. She is now a senator in the European Parliament?

This is why this IS our business....Powell was "inside baseball" to every secret the US government held at the time and who's to say this Romanian honey wasn't a spy? The russians often used this tactic to entice important people into affairs and then blackmail them. Poor caught with his dick in the wrong chick...that's the story, not who sneaked his emails. :eusa_eh:

This happens though we are all men, General Patreus was fucking a Rolling Stone reporter he met in Iraq, he should be reinstated and issued an apology from this administration.

I disagree....if we'll lie to our wife who won't we lie to? If we cheat on our wife who won't we cheat on? I'm no saint and I've made mistakes but I've strived to not make the same mistakes twice and have not. Cheating is a defense for murder in Texas and I think that's right.
This is why this IS our business....Powell was "inside baseball" to every secret the US government held at the time and who's to say this Romanian honey wasn't a spy? The russians often used this tactic to entice important people into affairs and then blackmail them. Poor caught with his dick in the wrong chick...that's the story, not who sneaked his emails. :eusa_eh:

You actually believe sex is the only tool of spies? Or that spying is the only goal of sex?

This shoddy reasoning was trotted out before, Joe. BLAM. :Boom2:

oh be fair---he didn't make any claims about it being the "only" tool of spies or the only goal of sex.
Do you have to put words in peoples mouths just so you can refute them?

Perhaps it wasn't worded the clearest way, but then again I wasn't exactly speaking to the intelligentsia. The point is that concluding a politically-connected sex affair automatically means spying, has no basis. If a plumber has an affair is there a danger the affairee will come away with esoteric drain secrets? He's jumping to a conclusion without a bridge.

He's scraping the bottom of the logical barrel. Joe likes it down there.

As for the affairee being a politician or whatever, that's simply who you intermingle with when your occupation is diplomacy. If Colin Powell had been, say, an airline pilot, then the affairee would likely be a stewardess. That doesn't mean she'd jump out of bed knowing how to fly a freaking plane.
oh be fair---he didn't make any claims about it being the "only" tool of spies or the only goal of sex.
Do you have to put words in peoples mouths just so you can refute them?

Perhaps it wasn't worded the clearest way, but then again I wasn't exactly speaking to the intelligentsia. The point is that concluding a politically-connected sex affair automatically means spying, has no basis. If a plumber has an affair is there a danger the affairee will come away with esoteric drain secrets? He's jumping to a conclusion without a bridge.

He's scraping the bottom of the logical barrel. Joe likes it down there.

No conclusions have been drawn by anyone. Maybe you better take a break before you try to take on the intelligentsia. You'll get your ass kicked.

Not around here, obviously.
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This is why this IS our business....Powell was "inside baseball" to every secret the US government held at the time and who's to say this Romanian honey wasn't a spy? The russians often used this tactic to entice important people into affairs and then blackmail them. Poor caught with his dick in the wrong chick...that's the story, not who sneaked his emails. :eusa_eh:

This happens though we are all men, General Patreus was fucking a Rolling Stone reporter he met in Iraq, he should be reinstated and issued an apology from this administration.

I disagree....if we'll lie to our wife who won't we lie to? If we cheat on our wife who won't we cheat on? I'm no saint and I've made mistakes but I've strived to not make the same mistakes twice and have not. Cheating is a defense for murder in Texas and I think that's right.


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This happens though we are all men, General Patreus was fucking a Rolling Stone reporter he met in Iraq, he should be reinstated and issued an apology from this administration.

I disagree....if we'll lie to our wife who won't we lie to? If we cheat on our wife who won't we cheat on? I'm no saint and I've made mistakes but I've strived to not make the same mistakes twice and have not. Cheating is a defense for murder in Texas and I think that's right.


::: scrape :::: scrape :::: scrape :::::

Your latin sucks and you can't even produce a smiley. :lol:
This is why this IS our business....Powell was "inside baseball" to every secret the US government held at the time and who's to say this Romanian honey wasn't a spy? The russians often used this tactic to entice important people into affairs and then blackmail them. Poor caught with his dick in the wrong chick...that's the story, not who sneaked his emails. :eusa_eh:

This happens though we are all men, General Patreus was fucking a Rolling Stone reporter he met in Iraq, he should be reinstated and issued an apology from this administration.

I disagree....if we'll lie to our wife who won't we lie to? If we cheat on our wife who won't we cheat on? I'm no saint and I've made mistakes but I've strived to not make the same mistakes twice and have not. Cheating is a defense for murder in Texas and I think that's right.

Men have cheated since the beginning of time, women cheat but are much slicker at covering it up. If a man cheats on his wife thats between them and he shouldn't lose his employment over it.
This happens though we are all men, General Patreus was fucking a Rolling Stone reporter he met in Iraq, he should be reinstated and issued an apology from this administration.

I disagree....if we'll lie to our wife who won't we lie to? If we cheat on our wife who won't we cheat on? I'm no saint and I've made mistakes but I've strived to not make the same mistakes twice and have not. Cheating is a defense for murder in Texas and I think that's right.

Men have cheated since the beginning of time, women cheat but are much slicker at covering it up. If a man cheats on his wife thats between them and he shouldn't lose his employment over it.

He sure better if he's privy to top-secret information and blackmail-worthy. Who knows what kind of pillow-talk he had with this Romanian babe? :eusa_eh:
I disagree....if we'll lie to our wife who won't we lie to? If we cheat on our wife who won't we cheat on? I'm no saint and I've made mistakes but I've strived to not make the same mistakes twice and have not. Cheating is a defense for murder in Texas and I think that's right.

Men have cheated since the beginning of time, women cheat but are much slicker at covering it up. If a man cheats on his wife thats between them and he shouldn't lose his employment over it.

He sure better if he's privy to top-secret information and blackmail-worthy. Who knows what kind of pillow-talk he had with this Romanian babe? :eusa_eh:

lol I see your point.
Men have cheated since the beginning of time, women cheat but are much slicker at covering it up. If a man cheats on his wife thats between them and he shouldn't lose his employment over it.

He sure better if he's privy to top-secret information and blackmail-worthy. Who knows what kind of pillow-talk he had with this Romanian babe? :eusa_eh:

lol I see your point.

I don't. It has no basis. Spies have any number of ways to get info that have zero to do with sex. On the other hand there are a million temptation invitations to sex for the sake of ... sex. Guess which one's waaaaaaay more likely.

:::: scrape :::: scrape :::: scrape
This happens though we are all men, General Patreus was fucking a Rolling Stone reporter he met in Iraq, he should be reinstated and issued an apology from this administration.

I disagree....if we'll lie to our wife who won't we lie to? If we cheat on our wife who won't we cheat on? I'm no saint and I've made mistakes but I've strived to not make the same mistakes twice and have not. Cheating is a defense for murder in Texas and I think that's right.

Men have cheated since the beginning of time, women cheat but are much slicker at covering it up. If a man cheats on his wife thats between them and he shouldn't lose his employment over it.

It really depends on the job and the employer. Powell wasn't an elected official in this case. But, as an aside, we should boot cheating elected officials to the curb. They parade around their spouses at events to show what wonderful family men they are. So, when it turns out otherwise, we should just boot their asses to the curb. That may seem harsh to people who want it to just be about the "issues." But, society his supposed to have moral fortitude to attract the highest character people possible. Once we start looking the other way, we're just asking for any scum to represent us.
Can anyone get his wife on twitter?

Let's give it to old "I'm perfect mr powell"

Exactly why he was targeted by a hacker no doubt. Colin Powell would be the last person I would expect to act this way while on the job. Too damn uptight. Just highlights once again...there aren't many in Washington you can trust.

If you're not the one married to him .... wtf?

Don't have to be married to him to be disappointed to learn that he has no honor,after carrying himself in a certain manner for so long.
You guys ? I'm not on any team here. I have a big issue with him getting up and lying to the UN. I have a big issue with him cheating on his wife too or are we condoning adultery for men who have served a certain amount of years in the military. My father worked directly with Gen Powell in G-1 at Ft Carson. I bet if he were alive today he'd find this all very interesting.

The two things are not even in the same league.

THousands of people died because of our Iraq policies.

Did someone die because the General was getting some on the side.
You guys ? I'm not on any team here. I have a big issue with him getting up and lying to the UN. I have a big issue with him cheating on his wife too or are we condoning adultery for men who have served a certain amount of years in the military. My father worked directly with Gen Powell in G-1 at Ft Carson. I bet if he were alive today he'd find this all very interesting.

The two things are not even in the same league.

THousands of people died because of our Iraq policies.

Did someone die because the General was getting some on the side.

If you have little regard for your wife, then you're not going to give a shit about some guy 8,000 miles around the world. Stop pretending like there isn't a chain of events to anything.
You guys ? I'm not on any team here. I have a big issue with him getting up and lying to the UN. I have a big issue with him cheating on his wife too or are we condoning adultery for men who have served a certain amount of years in the military. My father worked directly with Gen Powell in G-1 at Ft Carson. I bet if he were alive today he'd find this all very interesting.

The two things are not even in the same league.

THousands of people died because of our Iraq policies.

Did someone die because the General was getting some on the side.

If you have little regard for your wife, then you're not going to give a shit about some guy 8,000 miles around the world. Stop pretending like there isn't a chain of events to anything.

Apparently honesty and honor are not values people are concerned with these days. Not that I'm surprised by that at all mind you.
You guys ? I'm not on any team here. I have a big issue with him getting up and lying to the UN. I have a big issue with him cheating on his wife too or are we condoning adultery for men who have served a certain amount of years in the military. My father worked directly with Gen Powell in G-1 at Ft Carson. I bet if he were alive today he'd find this all very interesting.

The two things are not even in the same league.

THousands of people died because of our Iraq policies.

Did someone die because the General was getting some on the side.

We won't know will we but I'd prefer that the Sec of State was paying more attention to the business at hand than boinking some Romanian.
Exactly why he was targeted by a hacker no doubt. Colin Powell would be the last person I would expect to act this way while on the job. Too damn uptight. Just highlights once again...there aren't many in Washington you can trust.

If you're not the one married to him .... wtf?

Don't have to be married to him to be disappointed to learn that he has no honor,after carrying himself in a certain manner for so long.

On innuendo alone with no proof, huh?

Ah, takes me back to the days of the Inquisition. I'm gettin' all misty.
You guys ? I'm not on any team here. I have a big issue with him getting up and lying to the UN. I have a big issue with him cheating on his wife too or are we condoning adultery for men who have served a certain amount of years in the military. My father worked directly with Gen Powell in G-1 at Ft Carson. I bet if he were alive today he'd find this all very interesting.

The two things are not even in the same league.

THousands of people died because of our Iraq policies.

Did someone die because the General was getting some on the side.

If you have little regard for your wife, then you're not going to give a shit about some guy 8,000 miles around the world. Stop pretending like there isn't a chain of events to anything.

It doesn't necessarily mean you have little regard for your wife. Think about it.
You guys ? I'm not on any team here. I have a big issue with him getting up and lying to the UN. I have a big issue with him cheating on his wife too or are we condoning adultery for men who have served a certain amount of years in the military. My father worked directly with Gen Powell in G-1 at Ft Carson. I bet if he were alive today he'd find this all very interesting.

The two things are not even in the same league.

THousands of people died because of our Iraq policies.

Did someone die because the General was getting some on the side.

We won't know will we but I'd prefer that the Sec of State was paying more attention to the business at hand than boinking some Romanian.

And of course you have evidence that CP spent 24 hours a day Rumanian-boinking, leaving no time for Secretary of State-in...

How many hours of the day do you think people work?

I tell ya, for a fallacy hunter this thread is like striking gold. I feel like Jed Clampett coming up with an oil well by shooting a rifle into the ground.
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