Colin Powell Has A Parasite

Powell warned Clinton 3 times not to try to use him as an excuse for her crimes, as he used a personal email for UNclassified and a secure govt-provided system for all classified...

Yet she still threw 'the black guy' under the bus, falsely claiming she only did what he had done.

These leaked email finally, definitively KILLS the LIE Hillary & libs on this board have been pushing!

That is the latest on Powells emails, but he will still vote for Hillary.

Because she's black, right?
In a liberals world if ole Hillary wants to be a black woman. She can be a black woman. I mean liberals called Bill the first black president.
Don't tell Hillary supporters...they truly believe what Hillary and Powell did are the same....their media dupes them repeatedly and yet they still dutifully believe that lying media.

What is it with you dumb shitheads? You can't fuck the milf next door because you're too busy masturbating. Open you fucking eyes!

Enough with the email bullshit. You're barking up the wrong tree. There was nothing wrong with Clinton's use of a private server. So stop masturbating over it. But pay attention and take a look at what Powell said. Clinton could have avoided this whole thing two years ago if she had simply admitted what she was doing at the time, instead of dragging it out to eventually be caught in a lie. That's the milf next door! Even when she's innocent the bitch still lies.

Get your dick out of your hand, bend that milf over, and give it to her how she likes it. If Hillary Clinton lies when she's innocent, what will she do when she's guilty?
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Don't tell Hillary supporters...they truly believe what Hillary and Powell did are the same....their media dupes them repeatedly and yet they still dutifully believe that lying media.

except he said he didnt use

devices that would capture data

because doing such would be "subject to the law"

hillary ignored that advice
Don't tell Hillary supporters...they truly believe what Hillary and Powell did are the same....their media dupes them repeatedly and yet they still dutifully believe that lying media.

What is it with you dumb shitheads? You can't fuck the milf next door because you're too busy masturbating. Open you fucking eyes!

Enough with the email bullshit. You're barking up the wrong tree. There was nothing wrong with Clinton's use of a private server. So stop masturbating over it. But pay attention and take a look at what Powell said. Clinton could have avoided this whole thing two years ago if she had simply admitted what she was doing at the time, instead of dragging it out to eventually be caught in a lie. That's the milf next door! Even when she's innocent the bitch still lies.

Get your dick out of your and, bend that milf over, and give it to her how she likes it. If Hillary Clinton lies when she's innocent, what will she do when she's guilty?

Can't fix stupid.
Colin Powell supported that jackass Obama for President, who appointed Crooked Hillary for Secretary of State, so he deserves the consequences of his stupidity.

If you make a deal with the Devil don't be surprised if you get the short end of the stick.

Piss on him!
Don't tell Hillary supporters...they truly believe what Hillary and Powell did are the same....their media dupes them repeatedly and yet they still dutifully believe that lying media.

What is it with you dumb shitheads? You can't fuck the milf next door because you're too busy masturbating. Open you fucking eyes!

Enough with the email bullshit. You're barking up the wrong tree. There was nothing wrong with Clinton's use of a private server. So stop masturbating over it. But pay attention and take a look at what Powell said. Clinton could have avoided this whole thing two years ago if she had simply admitted what she was doing at the time, instead of dragging it out to eventually be caught in a lie. That's the milf next door! Even when she's innocent the bitch still lies.

Get your dick out of your and, bend that milf over, and give it to her how she likes it. If Hillary Clinton lies when she's innocent, what will she do when she's guilty?

She is a congenital liar IMO. You may be right about nothing being wrong with the private server. The problem is the emails to other government employees to and from the server are property of the United States and she deleted them.
I hear the Liberals pleading and begging, 'Puh, puh, Puh-leeeaaassse - enough with the emails already'...becauase they are a never-ending, self-inflicted, puss-fille oozing wound for Hillary.

America hasn't seen a 10th of them, that are being slow-walked/leaked to the public, and each one is damning.

No wonder they are BEGGING for an end to them....No wonder Nancy Pelosi was BEGGING Paul Ryan for the GOP not to use their himiliation, anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, homophobic leaked emails againt them!

This is 'PRICELESS'!

Wait until they see what Assange will release next... :p
The fact that she lied about not having a Blackberry?
As you know, that fact is meaningless to many Americans.

She has lied so much about so many thing for so many years, while the MSM covers up or minimizes, that D voters can't help but conclude it is all about nothing.

From what I have read so far, Colin Powell's use of email, his use of a private company was more negligent than Hillary's use. At least her email was isolated, Powell's email was open to any admin on that system. The fact both used private Internet addresses tells me our security people were asleep or didn't care? Or this was standard practice then. Much ado about nothing as you can't change that and rehashing it serves no purpose. All systems using the Internet are insecure, so is it time to bring back letters and couriers. lol

""DS [diplomatic security] would not allow them into the secure spaces, especially up your way," Powell wrote. "When I asked why not they gave me all kinds of nonsense about how they gave out signals and could be read by spies, etc....I had numerous meetings with them. We even opened one up for them to try to explain to me why it was more dangerous than say, a remote control for one of the many tvs in the suite. Or something embedded in my shoe heel. They never satisfied me and NSA/CIA wouldn't back off. So, we just went about our business and stopped asking."
"I had an ancient version of a PDA and used it," Powell added. "In general, the suite was so sealed that it is hard to get signals in or out wirelessly.""

Powell advice to Clinton about email goes public
You're really a dumbass.

Fact: AOL had better security than Hillary had on her server.

Fact: Colin Powell sent roughly a dozen emails on the private account in question. Hillary did all of her business on a private server that was unsecure and nobody, who had direct access to it, had a security clearance, thus all of them claimed the 5th under questioning yesterday to prevent incriminating themselves.

According to you this means they did nothing wrong.
Don't tell Hillary supporters...they truly believe what Hillary and Powell did are the same....their media dupes them repeatedly and yet they still dutifully believe that lying media.

What is it with you dumb shitheads? You can't fuck the milf next door because you're too busy masturbating. Open you fucking eyes!

Enough with the email bullshit. You're barking up the wrong tree. There was nothing wrong with Clinton's use of a private server. So stop masturbating over it. But pay attention and take a look at what Powell said. Clinton could have avoided this whole thing two years ago if she had simply admitted what she was doing at the time, instead of dragging it out to eventually be caught in a lie. That's the milf next door! Even when she's innocent the bitch still lies.

Get your dick out of your and, bend that milf over, and give it to her how she likes it. If Hillary Clinton lies when she's innocent, what will she do when she's guilty?

She is a congenital liar IMO. You may be right about nothing being wrong with the private server. The problem is the emails to other government employees to and from the server are property of the United States and she deleted them. post the truth, but it does not matter to D voters. Hillary lying and breaking the law is meaningless, but if Trump did the same thing they would demand he be shot at dawn.
From what I have read so far, Colin Powell's use of email, his use of a private company was more negligent than Hillary's use. At least her email was isolated, Powell's email was open to any admin on that system. The fact both used private Internet addresses tells me our security people were asleep or didn't care? Or this was standard practice then. Much ado about nothing as you can't change that and rehashing it serves no purpose. All systems using the Internet are insecure, so is it time to bring back letters and couriers. lol

""DS [diplomatic security] would not allow them into the secure spaces, especially up your way," Powell wrote. "When I asked why not they gave me all kinds of nonsense about how they gave out signals and could be read by spies, etc....I had numerous meetings with them. We even opened one up for them to try to explain to me why it was more dangerous than say, a remote control for one of the many tvs in the suite. Or something embedded in my shoe heel. They never satisfied me and NSA/CIA wouldn't back off. So, we just went about our business and stopped asking."
"I had an ancient version of a PDA and used it," Powell added. "In general, the suite was so sealed that it is hard to get signals in or out wirelessly.""

Powell advice to Clinton about email goes public
You're really a dumbass.

Fact: AOL had better security than Hillary had on her server.

Fact: Colin Powell sent roughly a dozen emails on the private account in question. Hillary did all of her business on a private server that was unsecure and nobody, who had direct access to it, had a security clearance, thus all of them claimed the 5th under questioning yesterday to prevent incriminating themselves.

According to you this means they did nothing wrong.

leftards would vote for a pine cone

as long as a (D) is behind it
From what I have read so far, Colin Powell's use of email, his use of a private company was more negligent than Hillary's use. At least her email was isolated, Powell's email was open to any admin on that system. The fact both used private Internet addresses tells me our security people were asleep or didn't care? Or this was standard practice then. Much ado about nothing as you can't change that and rehashing it serves no purpose. All systems using the Internet are insecure, so is it time to bring back letters and couriers. lol

""DS [diplomatic security] would not allow them into the secure spaces, especially up your way," Powell wrote. "When I asked why not they gave me all kinds of nonsense about how they gave out signals and could be read by spies, etc....I had numerous meetings with them. We even opened one up for them to try to explain to me why it was more dangerous than say, a remote control for one of the many tvs in the suite. Or something embedded in my shoe heel. They never satisfied me and NSA/CIA wouldn't back off. So, we just went about our business and stopped asking."
"I had an ancient version of a PDA and used it," Powell added. "In general, the suite was so sealed that it is hard to get signals in or out wirelessly.""

Powell advice to Clinton about email goes public
You're really a dumbass.

Fact: AOL had better security than Hillary had on her server.

Fact: Colin Powell sent roughly a dozen emails on the private account in question. Hillary did all of her business on a private server that was unsecure and nobody, who had direct access to it, had a security clearance, thus all of them claimed the 5th under questioning yesterday to prevent incriminating themselves.

According to you this means they did nothing wrong.

leftards would vote for a pine cone

as long as a (D) is behind it
They would vote for a corpse.
From what I have read so far, Colin Powell's use of email, his use of a private company was more negligent than Hillary's use. At least her email was isolated, Powell's email was open to any admin on that system. The fact both used private Internet addresses tells me our security people were asleep or didn't care? Or this was standard practice then. Much ado about nothing as you can't change that and rehashing it serves no purpose. All systems using the Internet are insecure, so is it time to bring back letters and couriers. lol

""DS [diplomatic security] would not allow them into the secure spaces, especially up your way," Powell wrote. "When I asked why not they gave me all kinds of nonsense about how they gave out signals and could be read by spies, etc....I had numerous meetings with them. We even opened one up for them to try to explain to me why it was more dangerous than say, a remote control for one of the many tvs in the suite. Or something embedded in my shoe heel. They never satisfied me and NSA/CIA wouldn't back off. So, we just went about our business and stopped asking."
"I had an ancient version of a PDA and used it," Powell added. "In general, the suite was so sealed that it is hard to get signals in or out wirelessly.""

Powell advice to Clinton about email goes public
You're really a dumbass.

Fact: AOL had better security than Hillary had on her server.

Fact: Colin Powell sent roughly a dozen emails on the private account in question. Hillary did all of her business on a private server that was unsecure and nobody, who had direct access to it, had a security clearance, thus all of them claimed the 5th under questioning yesterday to prevent incriminating themselves.

According to you this means they did nothing wrong.

leftards would vote for a pine cone

as long as a (D) is behind it
They would vote for a corpse.

From what I have read so far, Colin Powell's use of email, his use of a private company was more negligent than Hillary's use. At least her email was isolated, Powell's email was open to any admin on that system. The fact both used private Internet addresses tells me our security people were asleep or didn't care? Or this was standard practice then. Much ado about nothing as you can't change that and rehashing it serves no purpose. All systems using the Internet are insecure, so is it time to bring back letters and couriers. lol

""DS [diplomatic security] would not allow them into the secure spaces, especially up your way," Powell wrote. "When I asked why not they gave me all kinds of nonsense about how they gave out signals and could be read by spies, etc....I had numerous meetings with them. We even opened one up for them to try to explain to me why it was more dangerous than say, a remote control for one of the many tvs in the suite. Or something embedded in my shoe heel. They never satisfied me and NSA/CIA wouldn't back off. So, we just went about our business and stopped asking."
"I had an ancient version of a PDA and used it," Powell added. "In general, the suite was so sealed that it is hard to get signals in or out wirelessly.""

Powell advice to Clinton about email goes public
You're really a dumbass.

Fact: AOL had better security than Hillary had on her server.

Fact: Colin Powell sent roughly a dozen emails on the private account in question. Hillary did all of her business on a private server that was unsecure and nobody, who had direct access to it, had a security clearance, thus all of them claimed the 5th under questioning yesterday to prevent incriminating themselves.

According to you this means they did nothing wrong.

leftards would vote for a pine cone

as long as a (D) is behind it
They would vote for a corpse.

They have been told by their media that Trump is a dumb ass devil, and they believe. This while they are told that Hillary is wonderful and her numerous scandals are right wing conspiracies. Naturally they believe the propaganda, which indicates an inability to think logically.
Powell warned Clinton 3 times not to try to use him as an excuse for her crimes, as he used a personal email for UNclassified and a secure govt-provided system for all classified...

Yet she still threw 'the black guy' under the bus, falsely claiming she only did what he had done.

These leaked email finally, definitively KILLS the LIE Hillary & libs on this board have been pushing!

You hit the nail on the head, she threw the super predator under the bus.
Powell warned Clinton 3 times not to try to use him as an excuse for her crimes, as he used a personal email for UNclassified and a secure govt-provided system for all classified...

Yet she still threw 'the black guy' under the bus, falsely claiming she only did what he had done.

These leaked email finally, definitively KILLS the LIE Hillary & libs on this board have been pushing!

You hit the nail on the head, she threw the super predator under the bus.
Yup. She did nothing wrong.

And she promised never to do it ever again.

Trust her.

Powell warned Clinton 3 times not to try to use him as an excuse for her crimes, as he used a personal email for UNclassified and a secure govt-provided system for all classified...

Yet she still threw 'the black guy' under the bus, falsely claiming she only did what he had done.

These leaked email finally, definitively KILLS the LIE Hillary & libs on this board have been pushing!

You hit the nail on the head, she threw the super predator under the bus.
Yup. She did nothing wrong.

And she promised never to do it ever again.

Trust her.


She said that non were marked classified and she didn't send or receive any classified information. how is that possible for her to know if she doesn't know what is classified?
Powell warned Clinton 3 times not to try to use him as an excuse for her crimes, as he used a personal email for UNclassified and a secure govt-provided system for all classified...

Yet she still threw 'the black guy' under the bus, falsely claiming she only did what he had done.

These leaked email finally, definitively KILLS the LIE Hillary & libs on this board have been pushing!

You hit the nail on the head, she threw the super predator under the bus.
Yup. She did nothing wrong.

And she promised never to do it ever again.

Trust her.


She said that non were marked classified and she didn't send or receive any classified information. how is that possible for her to know if she doesn't know what is classified?
It's an argument intended for sycophantic followers and people who aren't paying attention. Most people see right thru it, but to some a poor excuse is all they need.

The Secretary knows that any information is considered critical if its disemmination could cause harm. It doesn't have to be labeled classified to be of a sensitive nature, and she knows that spreading rumors or hints can be as damaging as passing out top secret documents. Many of her followers don't care if Hillary is a massive security risk. What she talked about on a regular basis on her private server was a classic textbook FAILURE to follow correct OPSEC procedures. I finished a class on the subject last Friday. Just talking about foreign operations on an open channel is strictly prohibited.
Don't tell Hillary supporters...they truly believe what Hillary and Powell did are the same....their media dupes them repeatedly and yet they still dutifully believe that lying media.
the right wing congress and critters on this board accused Hillary of hiding Benghazi emails of wrong doing and this is why they were after her....

THEY FOUND ZERO Benghazi emails that had not already been turned over, that did not confirm what Obama and Hillary had been then they went on to blast her for her personal server use and security and then when it turned out there was no indication her server was hacked it went on to confidentiality levels and what was on her server yahdahdahdahdah....and then the pay for pay claims that turned out not to be true....

Enough is enough, and these Republican congress Critters have taken their abuse of power to investigate too far and are using it for political tax dollars for their campaigning against Hillary and that, that is pure bull crud.

Kevin McCarthy’s truthful gaffe on Benghazi

So now we know: One of the principal reasons Republicans spent so much public money investigating the tragic Benghazi episode was to bring down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers.

Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), the likely successor to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), told Fox News’s Sean Hannity explicitly on Tuesday night that the Clinton investigation was part of a “strategy to fight and win.”

He explained: “Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping.
Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known any of that had happened, had we not fought.”

The Republican-led House hasn’t been particularly good at governing, but perhaps governing has never been the point. Why govern when there’s a future election to influence?

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