Colin Powell just laid a heavy, heavy smackdown on the GOP

Powell is 100% right. The Gop are anti-American pieces of dog shit for what they have done with their control of the house and senate.
And what is it that they've done? Not let Barry, Harry and Nancy keep passing garbage like the ACA? Those BASTARDS!!!
Powell is 100% right. The Gop are anti-American pieces of dog shit for what they have done with their control of the house and senate.

Wrong, democrats hate America and think it's the most racist, evil place on Earth, just go to a college campus. And how many budgets did Harry Reid BRING UP in the senate?
This is a typical R-Derp string...he's great at posting misleading statistics and liberal talking points to cover for his "heroes" failures.
Colin Powell can always be relied upon to stab Republicans in the back in the eleventh hour. He lectured Republicans and urged everyone to support moderates like John McCain. Then supported Obama after McCain got the nomination. He should be purged from the party and never be given credibility again as a Republican.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.

. “The first thing we should do is vote out Congress. I’ve never seen anything like this in 40 years,” he says. He compared Congress to the founding fathers. “They wrote a constitution in three months. We can’t pass a budget for six years.”

He says states should stop gerrymandering congressional districts so there is a real chance that entrenched members can be voted out.
“Hold them accountable. Only we the people can do that,” he says.

Immigrants are a strength of America that ought to be better appreciated for their energy and innovation. His parents were immigrants.

He also praised public education, noting that he went through public schools and college in New York. “It cost me nothing,” he says.
Partisan Spin on Clinton’s Emails

The IG report, however, said that Powell’s representative told the State Department in 2015 that he did not retain any work-related emails. So Powell was “asked to provide whatever e-mails he retained,” and he responded.

“In March 2015, former Secretary Powell’s representative advised that while former Secretary Powell used a personal email account during his tenure as Secretary of State, he did not retain those emails or make printed copies.”


What a fucking double standard. Clinton provided over 30,000 emails. Powell provided none. Right wingers will say the rules were rewritten AFTER Powell left office, but we know the rules were rewritten two years AFTER Mrs. Clinton left office.


Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

(Referring to using a private email account, Powell said)
“The beauty of it was I eliminated time and space as a barrier to communications” he says. “I encouraged everybody to use it.”


Presumably, Mrs. Clinton is part of "everybody".

Republicans knew all this stuff. That's why the GOP in congress are swine. That's why Powell says: VOTE THEM OUT!
I read it on the Internet, it must be true!
Colin Powell can always be relied upon to stab Republicans in the back in the eleventh hour. He lectured Republicans and urged everyone to support moderates like John McCain. Then supported Obama after McCain got the nomination. He should be purged from the party and never be given credibility again as a Republican.
He is a fucking neocon liar whose only purpose was to be used to get some traction as minority inclusive, but no one has been THAT stupid when GOP policies have essentially left the Ward political system intact in urban areas.
But the rules had changed when Clinton was appointed Secretary of State. So this bullshit "well Powell did it" won't fly.


"A State Department inspector general report released in May said that Mr. Powell and other senior officials had used personal email accounts for official business, but that by the time Mrs. Clinton took office the rules were clear that using a private server in such a manner was neither allowed nor encouraged because of “significant security risks.”

Hillary Clinton Told F.B.I. Colin Powell Advised Her to Use Private Email
Bullshit. The head of the FBI said she didn't break any rules. Only that she was "reckless". Course, he is a Republican. And I supose he also thought Powell was reckless.........or not.
But the rules had changed when Clinton was appointed Secretary of State. So this bullshit "well Powell did it" won't fly.


"A State Department inspector general report released in May said that Mr. Powell and other senior officials had used personal email accounts for official business, but that by the time Mrs. Clinton took office the rules were clear that using a private server in such a manner was neither allowed nor encouraged because of “significant security risks.”

Hillary Clinton Told F.B.I. Colin Powell Advised Her to Use Private Email
Bullshit. The head of the FBI said she didn't break any rules. Only that she was "reckless". Course, he is a Republican. And I supose he also thought Powell was reckless.........or not.

rdean get a grip. She broke the rules.

Clinton E-Mail Use Violated Rules, Inspector General Finds

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail system while she was secretary of state violated State Department rules, the agency’s inspector general concluded in a report that will hand Republicans an additional line of attack as the general election campaign gets under way.

The audit by the State Department’s independent investigator found no evidence that Clinton requested guidance or approval to conduct official business via personal e-mail on a private server and concluded that she wouldn’t have gotten it if she had. The inspector general also faulted the State Department’s handling of electronic records and communications generally."
Let me get this straight

The secure system is the old Tandy which reads magnetic tape

The unsecure system is the sleek new Dell with WiFi and DVD/cd-rom plus all the tech goodies? Lap top and 2+ GHz?

I don't believe this. Would it not be harder to keep older computers secure? Most older hackers used those as lesson tools, like little kids use alphabet blocks for spelling.

The old machines are harder to secure, so what gives?
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But the rules had changed when Clinton was appointed Secretary of State. So this bullshit "well Powell did it" won't fly.


"A State Department inspector general report released in May said that Mr. Powell and other senior officials had used personal email accounts for official business, but that by the time Mrs. Clinton took office the rules were clear that using a private server in such a manner was neither allowed nor encouraged because of “significant security risks.”

Hillary Clinton Told F.B.I. Colin Powell Advised Her to Use Private Email
Bullshit. The head of the FBI said she didn't break any rules. Only that she was "reckless". Course, he is a Republican. And I supose he also thought Powell was reckless.........or not.

rdean get a grip. She broke the rules.

Clinton E-Mail Use Violated Rules, Inspector General Finds

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail system while she was secretary of state violated State Department rules, the agency’s inspector general concluded in a report that will hand Republicans an additional line of attack as the general election campaign gets under way.

The audit by the State Department’s independent investigator found no evidence that Clinton requested guidance or approval to conduct official business via personal e-mail on a private server and concluded that she wouldn’t have gotten it if she had. The inspector general also faulted the State Department’s handling of electronic records and communications generally."

Clinton E-Mail Use Violated Rules, Inspector General Finds
I missed the part where she was issued guidelines. In fact, it seems the guidelines she was given came from former SOS, Colin Powell. And she did what he did.
I am all for Hilly keeping her computer open. It will give Russia impediment free access to the state department and any other branch of government. I trust Putin to put that information to good use.

The whole world knows hers emails by now

The bitch didn't give a fig ....she transmitted them to everybody.....friend and foe....

Bitch should be in jail

I wanted some of her emails, but I didn't get any.
Conservatives are becoming less and less relevant every election cycle. And I'm loving it..
Immigrants GOOD...Illegals BAD.
Got it?
We are a nation of immigrants.

We are a nation of the descendants of immigrants, who got here in time, or did it the right way...

We are also a nation of 300,000,000 , and no longer require immigration, at 19th Century levels...

We are now "full-up" or close to it...

Time to hang a "No Vacancy" sign on the Statue of Liberty for a while...

That, and another sign that says: "Closed for repairs."

We are not obliged to let-in a single soul that we do not want nor trust.

It's our country - we can do whatever the hell we want to, with immigration.

We are not bound by historical constructs with roots in an underpopulated and still-expanding nation of times past.

The notion that we are hamstrung by the informal immigration traditions of times past is a dangerous one that inflames the passions of the simple-minded.
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Colin Powell can always be relied upon to stab Republicans in the back in the eleventh hour. He lectured Republicans and urged everyone to support moderates like John McCain. Then supported Obama after McCain got the nomination. He should be purged from the party and never be given credibility again as a Republican.

Bullshit. He's one of the few remaining REAL Republicans, not one of the fucking Nazi rightist fascist extremists who have hijacked the party. I think you belong to a party even further right than the GOP.

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