Colin Powell just laid a heavy, heavy smackdown on the GOP

Powell is 100% right. The Gop are anti-American pieces of dog shit for what they have done with their control of the house and senate.
And of course you cannot provide an example of a single anti-American thing the GOP house and senate did, because you are an immature kid who's cranial cavity has been packed with LWNJ bullshit and hermetically sealed.

You are probably doomed to a life of idiocy.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.

. “The first thing we should do is vote out Congress. I’ve never seen anything like this in 40 years,” he says. He compared Congress to the founding fathers. “They wrote a constitution in three months. We can’t pass a budget for six years.”

He says states should stop gerrymandering congressional districts so there is a real chance that entrenched members can be voted out.
“Hold them accountable. Only we the people can do that,” he says.

Immigrants are a strength of America that ought to be better appreciated for their energy and innovation. His parents were immigrants.

He also praised public education, noting that he went through public schools and college in New York. “It cost me nothing,” he says.
Partisan Spin on Clinton’s Emails

The IG report, however, said that Powell’s representative told the State Department in 2015 that he did not retain any work-related emails. So Powell was “asked to provide whatever e-mails he retained,” and he responded.

“In March 2015, former Secretary Powell’s representative advised that while former Secretary Powell used a personal email account during his tenure as Secretary of State, he did not retain those emails or make printed copies.”


What a fucking double standard. Clinton provided over 30,000 emails. Powell provided none. Right wingers will say the rules were rewritten AFTER Powell left office, but we know the rules were rewritten two years AFTER Mrs. Clinton left office.


Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

(Referring to using a private email account, Powell said)
“The beauty of it was I eliminated time and space as a barrier to communications” he says. “I encouraged everybody to use it.”


Presumably, Mrs. Clinton is part of "everybody".

Republicans knew all this stuff. That's why the GOP in congress are swine. That's why Powell says: VOTE THEM OUT!

Well since Powell isn't in Govt. and no longer serves in the military and is, in fact, a private citizen then he's entitled to his opinion.

That doesn't mean anyone has to pay attention to that opinion.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are a lefty loon who supports Hitlery. That says it all. Never mind.
Harry Reid refused to pass a budget. He wouldn't even allow a democrat budget to be voted on. Colon Powelll is an asshole.
Conservatives are becoming less and less relevant every election cycle. And I'm loving it..
In the last general election the elephant party seriously kicked jackass party ass.

You have a very short memory.

Let me refresh it..

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We are now "full-up" or close to it...

No you're not. You've got plenty of room....Great Britain is smaller than Texas and has 1/6th of your population...
And we see what kind of a Third World Shit-Hole that parts of the UK are turning into.

No thank you.

We, not you, will determine when we consider ourselves to be "Full-Up", and unwilling to take-in more.

We do not answer to you.

You can offer your backsides to as many Middle Eastern Neanderthals as you like.

We are not bound to follow your lead in such demonstrations of collective stupidity.

As a matter of fact, in matters of so-called Multi-Culturalism, it's decidedly best that we do not follow your lead.

You, on the other hand, are welcome to continue down the path of Cultural Suicide to your little hearts' content.

I hear the mosques and madrassas in Londonistan are particularly inspiring, this time of year.


The spirits of your English ancestors are rolling over in their graves in disgust with you, their foolish, weakling descendants.

That, or laughing at you from on-high.

Or both.

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Immigrants GOOD...Illegals BAD.
Got it?

Liberals do not believe that illegal immigration exists nor do they believe in securing borders.
That's because the Internationalist Open Borders freak fringe of the Far Left live in an old 1970s Coca Cola commercial...

Cute and appealing as a concept piece and as fluff entertainment and cheap sentimentality...

Downright hilarious - and scary - when considering the large numbers of Geritol Hippies and other whackoids who see such sentiments as reflective of the Real World, in an Immigration and National Borders context...

Two words for that...

Puh - leeeezze !!!
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Powell used a personal e-mail.

Powell did NOT send/receive classified - Hillary did.

Powell Did not break the law - Hillary did.

Powell did not perjure himself - Hillary did.

Powell did not lie about lying - Hillary did.

Powell did not lie about lying about lying - Hillary did.

Congress? I agree. Let's start by indivting, charging, and jailing politicians who break the law - like Castro, Reid, and Hillary - instead of protecting them from the law as Barry has done.

Powell did NOTHING to the GOP.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.

. “The first thing we should do is vote out Congress. I’ve never seen anything like this in 40 years,” he says. He compared Congress to the founding fathers. “They wrote a constitution in three months. We can’t pass a budget for six years.”

He says states should stop gerrymandering congressional districts so there is a real chance that entrenched members can be voted out.
“Hold them accountable. Only we the people can do that,” he says.

Immigrants are a strength of America that ought to be better appreciated for their energy and innovation. His parents were immigrants.

He also praised public education, noting that he went through public schools and college in New York. “It cost me nothing,” he says.
Partisan Spin on Clinton’s Emails

The IG report, however, said that Powell’s representative told the State Department in 2015 that he did not retain any work-related emails. So Powell was “asked to provide whatever e-mails he retained,” and he responded.

“In March 2015, former Secretary Powell’s representative advised that while former Secretary Powell used a personal email account during his tenure as Secretary of State, he did not retain those emails or make printed copies.”


What a fucking double standard. Clinton provided over 30,000 emails. Powell provided none. Right wingers will say the rules were rewritten AFTER Powell left office, but we know the rules were rewritten two years AFTER Mrs. Clinton left office.


Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

(Referring to using a private email account, Powell said)
“The beauty of it was I eliminated time and space as a barrier to communications” he says. “I encouraged everybody to use it.”


Presumably, Mrs. Clinton is part of "everybody".

Republicans knew all this stuff. That's why the GOP in congress are swine. That's why Powell says: VOTE THEM OUT!

Powell proved himself to be on the plantation when he voted Obama.
I think powell would be a great potus. Wish he would run.
He can't.

He threw away a tremendous legacy of service, when he knowingly acted as the front-man for Dubya at the UN, in the run-up to that bogus war.

I thank him for his service, and his brilliance in Gulf War I, but I feel sorry for him, that he tarnished his image forevermore, by his later actions as a civilian.
Colin Powell support that asshole Obama in 2008 and 2012. That pretty well makes him an idiot and therefore no credibility.
Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

During his keynote address at Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit he told the 3,400 in attendance that he had two computers on his desk, one the official secure computer – “clunky and difficult to use” – and the other a laptop with a phone line and modem that he used exclusively for his AOL account.

. “The first thing we should do is vote out Congress. I’ve never seen anything like this in 40 years,” he says. He compared Congress to the founding fathers. “They wrote a constitution in three months. We can’t pass a budget for six years.”

He says states should stop gerrymandering congressional districts so there is a real chance that entrenched members can be voted out.
“Hold them accountable. Only we the people can do that,” he says.

Immigrants are a strength of America that ought to be better appreciated for their energy and innovation. His parents were immigrants.

He also praised public education, noting that he went through public schools and college in New York. “It cost me nothing,” he says.
Partisan Spin on Clinton’s Emails

The IG report, however, said that Powell’s representative told the State Department in 2015 that he did not retain any work-related emails. So Powell was “asked to provide whatever e-mails he retained,” and he responded.

“In March 2015, former Secretary Powell’s representative advised that while former Secretary Powell used a personal email account during his tenure as Secretary of State, he did not retain those emails or make printed copies.”


What a fucking double standard. Clinton provided over 30,000 emails. Powell provided none. Right wingers will say the rules were rewritten AFTER Powell left office, but we know the rules were rewritten two years AFTER Mrs. Clinton left office.


Gartner: Colin Powell says he used insecure email during State Department tenure; Oh and we should vote out Congress

(Referring to using a private email account, Powell said)
“The beauty of it was I eliminated time and space as a barrier to communications” he says. “I encouraged everybody to use it.”


Presumably, Mrs. Clinton is part of "everybody".

Republicans knew all this stuff. That's why the GOP in congress are swine. That's why Powell says: VOTE THEM OUT!
A few valid points:

  1. This country was built by immigration........not illegal immigration.
  2. Powell had only 12 emails that were considered business related on his AOL account, not 60,000.
  3. None of his emails on his personal account were classified.
  4. Powell used a seperate government computer and government servers to transmit and receive classified emails, not one personal server.
  5. There was no request to turn over any state department emails by anyone because they already had them. Hillary destroyed 33,000 of hers to hide her illegal activities.
Powell used his AOL account for ALL off his official state dept email.

Yes, there was classified material found in the few that were looked at (he deleted all of them)

READ THE OIG REPORT. It's in there.
Bullshit. The head of the FBI said she didn't break any rules. Only that she was "reckless". Course, he is a Republican. And I supose he also thought Powell was reckless.........or not.
He said that she did break the law but he felt he could not prosecute here because she is so fucking stupid she could not be assumed to have been responsible for her carelessness, which in most other people are accused equates to 'Criminal Negligence' but not for the Royal House Clinton.
Because their parents or grandparents are immigrants.

That doesnt make the grand kids immigrants you lying sack of shit

Saying that all people of ethnic groups that migrated here are forever immigrants because their ancestors immigrated is a racist view of history that facts simply do not support.

Because their parents or grandparents are immigrants.

That doesnt make the grand kids immigrants you lying sack of shit

Saying that all people of ethnic groups that migrated here are forever immigrants because their ancestors immigrated is a racist view of history that facts simply do not support.


And that includes even the so called Native Americans.
Colin Powell can always be relied upon to stab Republicans in the back in the eleventh hour. He lectured Republicans and urged everyone to support moderates like John McCain. Then supported Obama after McCain got the nomination. He should be purged from the party and never be given credibility again as a Republican.

Bullshit. He's one of the few remaining REAL Republicans, not one of the fucking Nazi rightist fascist extremists who have hijacked the party. I think you belong to a party even further right than the GOP.
You belong at the kiddie table, not with the adults. Get lost.

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