Colin Powell needs to shut his trap and never be heard from again

How dare Powell not march in lockstep with the Trump/GOP!!!
Powell is absolutely free to be a hypocritical shitbag piling on to Trump when his globalist overlords call on all their lackeys to get their critical quotes in the public eye while they are trying once again to drive him from office through a campaign of disinformation and lies.

And we are absolutely free to call Powell's bull shit what it is.....bull shit! Politicized bull shit, to be specific.

I can tell you one thing for certain...Trump is not going to gin up a neo-con war machine based on lies and bad intel
in order to provoke a costly and needless war, the destructive reverberations of which we are still suffering from, thanks to Bush toadies like Colin Powell..

Colin Powell is his own man, unlike the republicans in the Congress today. They are nothing more than boot licking lackeys that are afraid to say anything against Trump because they are afraid of his wrath.
If they are so afraid. Then why are they coming up with lies on him every day? If they are afraid of Pres.Trump. That they would of have been doing what Bernie is doing about Hillary rigging the election against him. But he talks so boldly about Pres.Trump in public. But when ignores what Hillary has done to him. And so was Bernie afraid to go against the Big Kahuna, Hillary, or were they both were in cahoots staging the primary election so that Hillary can win?.
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He told us and the world that Iraq had WMD'S and that invasion was necessary. Whatever Trump's mistakes may be, they don't remotely compare to Powell's monolithic, catastrophic FUCK-UP.

Colin Powell: 'Foreign Policy is a Shambles' Under Trump

You can't stand a little wisdom? The catastrophic FUCK-UP was dubya being led around by his balls by cheney. The responsibility for the invasion of Iraq lies squarely in the laps of the thugs who furthered the plot planned by the thugs in the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), which had ties to the American Enterprise Institute.

Powell was a Republican long before the republican party went down the sewer to its current state of being the party of dregs only. If it is going to emerge from the sewer, it needs to come up with some reasonable voices.
His opinion is worth shit.

Did you actually read what he said..

Here's some excerpts..

“And I see things happening that are hard to understand. A couple weeks ago the president put a circle around south east Alabama, saying it’s going to get hit by a hurricane. He put it on top of the meteorological prediction,” Powell said.

“In my time, one of us would have gone to the president and said, ‘Mr President, you screwed up, so we’ve got to fix it and we’ll put out a correction.’ You know what they did this time? They ordered the Commerce Department to go out and backup whatever the president mis-said. This is not the way the country’s supposed to run, and Congress is one of the institutions that should be doing something about this.”

His supporters worship him like a God.

That’s why his handlers do that shit.
How dare Powell not march in lockstep with the Trump/GOP!!!
Powell is absolutely free to be a hypocritical shitbag piling on to Trump when his globalist overlords call on all their lackeys to get their critical quotes in the public eye while they are trying once again to drive him from office through a campaign of disinformation and lies.

And we are absolutely free to call Powell's bull shit what it is.....bull shit! Politicized bull shit, to be specific.

I can tell you one thing for certain...Trump is not going to gin up a neo-con war machine based on lies and bad intel
in order to provoke a costly and needless war, the destructive reverberations of which we are still suffering from, thanks to Bush toadies like Colin Powell..

Colin Powell is his own man, unlike the republicans in the Congress today. They are nothing more than boot licking lackeys that are afraid to say anything against Trump because they are afraid of his wrath.
If they are so afraid. Then why are they coming up with lies on him every day?

What lies are repubs coming up with?

If they are afraid of Pres.Trump. That they would of have been doing what Bernie is doing about Hillary rigging the election against him. But he talks so boldly about Pres.Trump in public. But when ignores what Hillary has done to him. And so was Bernie afraid to go against the Big Kahuna, Hillary, or were they both were in cahoots staging the primary election so that Hillary can win?.

WTF are you talking about?
Colin Powell is his own man, unlike the republicans in the Congress today. They are nothing more than boot licking lackeys that are afraid to say anything against Trump because they are afraid of his wrath.
His own man who said yes sir when Bush and his neo cons started their ridiculous wasteful war in Iraq. You are unbelievably dumb and selective in what you seem to notice.
Colin Powell is his own man, unlike the republicans in the Congress today. They are nothing more than boot licking lackeys that are afraid to say anything against Trump because they are afraid of his wrath.
His own man who said yes sir when Bush and his neo cons started their ridiculous wasteful war in Iraq.

So you were against the war? Really?

You are unbelievably dumb and selective in what you seem to notice.

A man who will follow Trump off of a cliff has the nerve to call someone dumb. Smfh.
So you were against the war? Really?
I thought replacing Hussein was a good goal but didn't see the intense drive to go to war as productive.
Turns out I was right but not you it looks like.
A man who will follow Trump off of a cliff has the nerve to call someone dumb. Smfh.
Yeah, I have the nerve to call you a moron. Because you are.

That's a compliment coming from a Trump Humper idiot.
That's a compliment coming from a Trump Humper idiot.
Well let me compliment you again, moron. Your racist drivel is a joke but not funny. You are one of the real bad actors here and I try to have as little interaction with you as possible, because you are such a dolt. Feel free to fuck off.
That's a compliment coming from a Trump Humper idiot.
Well let me compliment you again, moron. Your racist drivel is a joke but not funny. You are one of the real bad actors here and I try to have as little interaction with you as possible, because you are such a dolt. Feel free to fuck off.

Coming from a babbling idiot what else do you take it as. I'm the racist, but idiots like you make the racist remarks, you are nothing more than an anti black POS, go crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of and suck off you will get more.
Coming from a babbling idiot what else do you take it as. I'm the racist, but idiots like you make the racist remarks, you are nothing more than an anti black POS, go crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of and suck off you will get more.
So you agree. You are a racist. It's about time, moron.
How dare Powell not march in lockstep with the Trump/GOP!!!
Powell is absolutely free to be a hypocritical shitbag piling on to Trump when his globalist overlords call on all their lackeys to get their critical quotes in the public eye while they are trying once again to drive him from office through a campaign of disinformation and lies.

And we are absolutely free to call Powell's bull shit what it is.....bull shit! Politicized bull shit, to be specific.

I can tell you one thing for certain...Trump is not going to gin up a neo-con war machine based on lies and bad intel
in order to provoke a costly and needless war, the destructive reverberations of which we are still suffering from, thanks to Bush toadies like Colin Powell..

Colin Powell is his own man, unlike the republicans in the Congress today. They are nothing more than boot licking lackeys that are afraid to say anything against Trump because they are afraid of his wrath.
If they are so afraid. Then why are they coming up with lies on him every day?

What lies are repubs coming up with?

If they are afraid of Pres.Trump. That they would of have been doing what Bernie is doing about Hillary rigging the election against him. But he talks so boldly about Pres.Trump in public. But when ignores what Hillary has done to him. And so was Bernie afraid to go against the Big Kahuna, Hillary, or were they both were in cahoots staging the primary election so that Hillary can win?.

WTF are you talking about?
Hillary did to Sanders in 2016 what Obama did to Hillary in 2008. Obama's career is built on ph ukn with the election system. From Chicago to the Presidency.
How dare Powell not march in lockstep with the Trump/GOP!!!
Coming from a babbling idiot what else do you take it as. I'm the racist, but idiots like you make the racist remarks, you are nothing more than an anti black POS, go crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of and suck off you will get more.
So you agree. You are a racist. It's about time, moron.

You're the racist dumbass, now go find someone to play with.
How dare Powell not march in lockstep with the Trump/GOP!!!
Powell is absolutely free to be a hypocritical shitbag piling on to Trump when his globalist overlords call on all their lackeys to get their critical quotes in the public eye while they are trying once again to drive him from office through a campaign of disinformation and lies.

And we are absolutely free to call Powell's bull shit what it is.....bull shit! Politicized bull shit, to be specific.

I can tell you one thing for certain...Trump is not going to gin up a neo-con war machine based on lies and bad intel
in order to provoke a costly and needless war, the destructive reverberations of which we are still suffering from, thanks to Bush toadies like Colin Powell..

Colin Powell is his own man, unlike the republicans in the Congress today. They are nothing more than boot licking lackeys that are afraid to say anything against Trump because they are afraid of his wrath.
If they are so afraid. Then why are they coming up with lies on him every day?

What lies are repubs coming up with?

If they are afraid of Pres.Trump. That they would of have been doing what Bernie is doing about Hillary rigging the election against him. But he talks so boldly about Pres.Trump in public. But when ignores what Hillary has done to him. And so was Bernie afraid to go against the Big Kahuna, Hillary, or were they both were in cahoots staging the primary election so that Hillary can win?.

WTF are you talking about?
Hillary did to Sanders in 2016 what Obama did to Hillary in 2008. Obama's career is built on ph ukn with the election system. From Chicago to the Presidency.

….well show the proof on that bullshit.

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