Colin Powell needs to shut his trap and never be heard from again

The man responsible for the invasion was elected for another term. Powell still has his first amendment rights. Are there any other rights you want to take away?
"The Iraqi regime....possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons. We know the regime has produced thousands of tons of chemical agents, including mustard gas, sarin nerve gas, VX nerve gas".
George W. Bush October 7, 2002.
George W. Bush Quotes About Weapons Of Mass Destruction | A-Z Quotes
Leave it to a Wokester to defend a man whose lies led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Where do you Wokesters get your admiration for lying deceiving murderers from?

I understand that politicians are liars and whores, but most people draw the line at murderous thugs and criminals.

What mole of your character explains your fondness for them I often wonder.
Colin Powell told no lies at the U.N. He summarized the findings of the U.S. Intelligence Community, as he was ordered to do by his Commander in Chief. At no time did he make extravigant claims about the Intelligence; he merely repeated what he was told.

That same intelligence was spouted in the United States Congress by Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and other leading democrats, all of whom voted to sanction the invasion. Every major European intelligence service concurred with the information given by Powell at the U.N.

To blame the war deaths on Colin Powell is so oblivious to reality that anyone making such a statement is revealing a grotesque ignorance about the subject matter.

It would appear from Powell's remarks that he has little more information about current Administration's activities than one can learn from reading the New York Times. Enough said.

He is surely entitled to have and express an opinion, and it is newsworthy.

He was never any kind of Republican or Conservative. He considered himself a public servant, which is good enough.
Colin Powell told no lies at the U.N. He summarized the findings of the U.S. Intelligence Community, as he was ordered to do by his Commander in Chief. At no time did he make extravigant claims about the Intelligence; he merely repeated what he was told.

That same intelligence was spouted in the United States Congress by Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and other leading democrats, all of whom voted to sanction the invasion. Every major European intelligence service concurred with the information given by Powell at the U.N.

To blame the war deaths on Colin Powell is so oblivious to reality that anyone making such a statement is revealing a grotesque ignorance about the subject matter.

It would appear from Powell's remarks that he has little more information about current Administration's activities than one can learn from reading the New York Times. Enough said.

He is surely entitled to have and express an opinion, and it is newsworthy.

He was never any kind of Republican or Conservative. He considered himself a public servant, which is good enough.

Colin Powell told no lies at the U.N. He summarized the findings of the U.S. Intelligence Community, as he was ordered to do by his Commander in Chief. At no time did he make extravigant claims about the Intelligence; he merely repeated what he was told.
Repeating lies that you know are lies is still a pack of lies, ordered to or not.
Colin Powell told no lies at the U.N. He summarized the findings of the U.S. Intelligence Community, as he was ordered to do by his Commander in Chief. At no time did he make extravigant claims about the Intelligence; he merely repeated what he was told.

That same intelligence was spouted in the United States Congress by Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and other leading democrats, all of whom voted to sanction the invasion. Every major European intelligence service concurred with the information given by Powell at the U.N.

To blame the war deaths on Colin Powell is so oblivious to reality that anyone making such a statement is revealing a grotesque ignorance about the subject matter.

It would appear from Powell's remarks that he has little more information about current Administration's activities than one can learn from reading the New York Times. Enough said.

He is surely entitled to have and express an opinion, and it is newsworthy.

He was never any kind of Republican or Conservative. He considered himself a public servant, which is good enough.
Nobody voted for an invasion. The understanding was that the vote was designed to encourage Saddam to allow UN weapons inspectors into the country and it worked. The inspectors found nothing and the invasion was criminal. Charles Manson`s prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi called it murder and he wrote a best selling book laying out his case. Nobody named Clinton, Kerry or Biden sent 4,500 American soldiers to their deaths.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Wikipedia
Colin Powell told no lies at the U.N. He summarized the findings of the U.S. Intelligence Community, as he was ordered to do by his Commander in Chief. At no time did he make extravigant claims about the Intelligence; he merely repeated what he was told.

That same intelligence was spouted in the United States Congress by Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and other leading democrats, all of whom voted to sanction the invasion. Every major European intelligence service concurred with the information given by Powell at the U.N.

To blame the war deaths on Colin Powell is so oblivious to reality that anyone making such a statement is revealing a grotesque ignorance about the subject matter.

It would appear from Powell's remarks that he has little more information about current Administration's activities than one can learn from reading the New York Times. Enough said.

He is surely entitled to have and express an opinion, and it is newsworthy.

He was never any kind of Republican or Conservative. He considered himself a public servant, which is good enough.
Nobody voted for an invasion. The understanding was that the vote was designed to encourage Saddam to allow UN weapons inspectors into the country and it worked. The inspectors found nothing and the invasion was criminal. Charles Manson`s prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi called it murder and he wrote a best selling book laying out his case. Nobody named Clinton, Kerry or Biden sent 4,500 American soldiers to their deaths.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Wikipedia

Anybody involved with cherry picking and lying to get us into that fucked up War should not have a place in public discourse, Powell included....Condi Rice included...John Bolton, oh wait....Trump appointed him as NSA for a hot second, Trump truly sucks at hiring the best people...
How dare Powell not march in lockstep with the Trump/GOP!!!
Powell is absolutely free to be a hypocritical shitbag piling on to Trump when his globalist overlords call on all their lackeys to get their critical quotes in the public eye while they are trying once again to drive him from office through a campaign of disinformation and lies.

And we are absolutely free to call Powell's bull shit what it is.....bull shit! Politicized bull shit, to be specific.

I can tell you one thing for certain...Trump is not going to gin up a neo-con war machine based on lies and bad intel
in order to provoke a costly and needless war, the destructive reverberations of which we are still suffering from, thanks to Bush toadies like Colin Powell..
He told us and the world that Iraq had WMD'S and that invasion was necessary. Whatever Trump's mistakes may be, they don't remotely compare to Powell's monolithic, catastrophic FUCK-UP.

Colin Powell: 'Foreign Policy is a Shambles' Under Trump
Yeah he was setup and played like a fiddle by W and Cheney. Anybody dumb enough to be sucked like that by that by those dummies has no room to preach to anybody on any topic.
How dare Powell not march in lockstep with the Trump/GOP!!!
Powell is absolutely free to be a hypocritical shitbag piling on to Trump when his globalist overlords call on all their lackeys to get their critical quotes in the public eye while they are trying once again to drive him from office through a campaign of disinformation and lies.

And we are absolutely free to call Powell's bull shit what it is.....bull shit! Politicized bull shit, to be specific.

I can tell you one thing for certain...Trump is not going to gin up a neo-con war machine based on lies and bad intel
in order to provoke a costly and needless war, the destructive reverberations of which we are still suffering from, thanks to Bush toadies like Colin Powell..

Colin Powell is his own man, unlike the republicans in the Congress today. They are nothing more than boot licking lackeys that are afraid to say anything against Trump because they are afraid of his wrath.
Superbadbrutha, Colon was a NEOCON, (ie. zionist), douchebag bureaucrat Swamp Creature who is partly responsibly for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths and a total disaster in a shitty part of the world, the middle east. Anyone who supports him has no right to whine about international slavery, or jewish persecution in Germany during WWII, or any other controversial issue.

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