Colin Powell...Who Is He, Again?

No comment re: the OP, NoNoodles?

You just stopped by to get in out of the cold?

So, guess I quieted you a bit.

You somehow divined that based on my revealing that you had not posted anything related the OP to which you were ostensibly replying?

As you notice, your claim to have 'quieted' me down is as correct as every other one of your pronouncements.
Congrats on consistency.

Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin.'

You mean like when I was guaranteeing that Romney was going to win. Oh no, hold it, that was you, Princess.
So I guess the Democrat Zell Miller supported John McCain because McCain is white...

Leave it to an obamabot to throw out a useless canard. Did Zell Miller, a white guy, come out and make a blanket accusation against democrats and infer they are often racist and sexist in their own rhetoric?

Zell Miller was once Lester Maddox's chief of staff. Yes, that Lester Maddox.

Zell Miller once said the Democrat party left him he didn't leave the party. That would be true; when the Democratic party effectively ended its coalition with the conservative white Southern segregationist Democrats,

it left Zell Miller.

Zell Miller endorsed John McCain because the the Democratic Party had gone one racial bridge too far...

...they nominated a black man.

I for one am happy to trade Zell Miller for Colin Powell.

Lying motherfucker
Leave it to an obamabot to throw out a useless canard. Did Zell Miller, a white guy, come out and make a blanket accusation against democrats and infer they are often racist and sexist in their own rhetoric?

Zell Miller was once Lester Maddox's chief of staff. Yes, that Lester Maddox.

Zell Miller once said the Democrat party left him he didn't leave the party. That would be true; when the Democratic party effectively ended its coalition with the conservative white Southern segregationist Democrats,

it left Zell Miller.

Zell Miller endorsed John McCain because the the Democratic Party had gone one racial bridge too far...

...they nominated a black man.

I for one am happy to trade Zell Miller for Colin Powell.

Lying motherfucker

what part's a lie?

i can see things you disagree with.

but lies?

come now...
So, guess I quieted you a bit.

You somehow divined that based on my revealing that you had not posted anything related the OP to which you were ostensibly replying?

As you notice, your claim to have 'quieted' me down is as correct as every other one of your pronouncements.
Congrats on consistency.

Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin.'

You mean like when I was guaranteeing that Romney was going to win. Oh no, hold it, that was you, Princess.

So....your default position today is to change the subject?

That means I just won this joust, right?

And.....that's Ms. Princess to you!
Colin Powell...Who Is He, Again?

He's a former General. the one in the Bu$h II admin who spoke the truth inre: Iraq such as "You break it you own it" (he was froze out of the inner circle for suggesting that) and he currently supports a Vietnam-era, decorated, Army Infantry vet for secdef :)

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You liked him fine when he was one of Bush's shields against accusations of racism.

"...accusations of racism."

I should put you on the hoist yourself on your petard.

Exactly what I've said: for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing!

A charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
The action or process of making such a charge or claim.

That's what Leftists do: accuse, smear. Then trumpet the smear in their press.

Back when they tried the "a high-tech lynching" of Justice Clarence Thomas, the Democrat mantra: “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant*; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”

Accusations. Smears.
How do you guys look yourselves in the mirror.
You liked him fine when he was one of Bush's shields against accusations of racism.

"...accusations of racism."

I should put you on the hoist yourself on your petard.

Exactly what I've said: for Liberals, feeling passes for knowing!

A charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
The action or process of making such a charge or claim.

That's what Leftists do: accuse, smear. Then trumpet the smear in their press.

Back when they tried the "a high-tech lynching" of Justice Clarence Thomas, the Democrat mantra: “The nature of the evidence is irrelevant*; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”

Accusations. Smears.
How do you guys look yourselves in the mirror.

Justice Thomas spoke! First time in four years, he spoke. Four words; four words in five years from the bench. Four words he uttered just the other day.

Hey PC, these little marks " " suggest you've quoted someone; please post a link (not that I'd ever suspect or "Accusations" you of bearing a false witness... but, who said it, where and when.

BTW, know anyone on this message board who, "Accusations" President Obama? Anyone on the right "Accusations" him about his place of birth, his religion, his pastor, his school records, etc. etc. etc. etc. ad nausea.

How DO YOU GUYS/GALS look at yourselves in the mirror?

You stand on the back of the poor and working people, that's how.
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:lol: Look at these conservatives turn on their own. Holy shit man, in five years no one is going to be left in the Republican Party except a very small minority of bitter brain dead white people and a few rich tyrants who are manipulating them for their own gain. Much like how it is now but even smaller and more laughable.
He is the type of voter the Republican party is losing.

And just to remind everyone of the patently obvious, losing voters who would otherwise vote for you is a bad thing.

we should also keep in mind that he is the guy who guaranteed WMD is Iraq!!
He is the type of voter the Republican party is losing.

And just to remind everyone of the patently obvious, losing voters who would otherwise vote for you is a bad thing.

we should also keep in mind that he is the guy who guaranteed WMD is Iraq!!

Indeed; and also the one who resigned, I suspect, since the cherry-picked / manufactured "intelligence" it was based on greatly damaged his sterling reputation.
:lol: Look at these conservatives turn on their own. Holy shit man, in five years no one is going to be left in the Republican Party except a very small minority of bitter brain dead white people and a few rich tyrants who are manipulating them for their own gain. Much like how it is now but even smaller and more laughable.

you mean our Founders concept of freedom from governemnt is laughable?? Whoever is responsible is commiting something close to treason-right?
:lol: Look at these conservatives turn on their own. Holy shit man, in five years no one is going to be left in the Republican Party except a very small minority of bitter brain dead white people and a few rich tyrants who are manipulating them for their own gain. Much like how it is now but even smaller and more laughable.

you mean our Founders concept of freedom from governemnt is laughable?? Whoever is responsible is commiting something close to treason-right?

What in the blue hell are you talking about? You think the founders of our nation were conservative? :lol: :lol: :lol: Maybe you should crack a history book or better yet maybe you should learn how to follow along a conversational path so you don't say stupid irrelevant things that make you look like an asshole.
:lol: Look at these conservatives turn on their own. Holy shit man, in five years no one is going to be left in the Republican Party except a very small minority of bitter brain dead white people and a few rich tyrants who are manipulating them for their own gain. Much like how it is now but even smaller and more laughable.

you mean our Founders concept of freedom from governemnt is laughable?? Whoever is responsible is commiting something close to treason-right?

What in the blue hell are you talking about? You think the founders of our nation were conservative? :lol: :lol: :lol: Maybe you should crack a history book or better yet maybe you should learn how to follow along a conversational path so you don't say stupid irrelevant things that make you look like an asshole.

Classic, Eddie. With some editing, it might even be raised up to a level we'd call drivel.
You think the founders of our nation were conservative?

yes very very conservative and so for very very very limited government. Jefferson was the first Republican. He founded the party in 1793. Welcome to your first lesson in American History!!

:lmao: You are a fucking moron. If the founding fathers were conservatives, we'd still be an English colony. And Jefferson was one of the most radical thinkers in history. He fought for religious freedom and equal rights. I know cocksuckers like you try to re-write history to fit your bullshit ideology, but you're simply wrong on this one. The founding fathers were a mix of political ideologies like they are today but to say they mirror today's conservative beliefs or that Jefferson was a conservative is not only stupid but shows a clear lack of understanding history. And Jefferson's party was called the Democratic-Republican Party. Your knowledge of history has completely invalidated you ever having an informed opinion on the subject again. Hahaha you fucking idiot.
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You think the founders of our nation were conservative?

yes very very conservative and so for very very very limited government. Jefferson was the first Republican. He founded the party in 1793. Welcome to your first lesson in American History!!

Hahahahahahaha. Plus, TJ died, has risen, and is the Fucking Easter Bunny!!!

(GOP = Party of Lincoln)
If the founding fathers were conservatives,

they were very very conservative using todays definition, i.e., they were for very very limited government. As I said Jefferson founded the Party in 1793. Modern Republicans hold identical beliefs today.

And Jefferson was one of the most radical thinkers in history.

exactly radical Republican who founded the party in 1793

The founding fathers were a mix of political ideologies like they are today but to say they mirror today's conservative beliefs or that Jefferson was a conservative is not only stupid but shows a clear lack of understanding history.

dear, we know they created a government that less than 1/100th per capita the size it is today!!
And when Jefferson ran for office he wanted it still smaller/

And Jefferson's party was called the Democratic-Republican Party. Your knowledge of history has completely invalidated you ever having an informed opinion on the subject again. Hahaha you fucking idiot.

if you have evidence that it was not called Rerpublican in the 18th Century I'll pay you $10,000. Bet? or run away with your liberal tail between your legs. Sorry.
If the founding fathers were conservatives,

they were very very conservative using todays definition, i.e., they were for very very limited government. As I said Jefferson founded the Party in 1793. Modern Republicans hold identical beliefs today.

And Jefferson was one of the most radical thinkers in history.

exactly radical Republican who founded the party in 1793

The founding fathers were a mix of political ideologies like they are today but to say they mirror today's conservative beliefs or that Jefferson was a conservative is not only stupid but shows a clear lack of understanding history.

dear, we know they created a government that less than 1/100th per capita the size it is today!!
And when Jefferson ran for office he wanted it still smaller/

And Jefferson's party was called the Democratic-Republican Party. Your knowledge of history has completely invalidated you ever having an informed opinion on the subject again. Hahaha you fucking idiot.

if you have evidence that it was not cleed Rerpublican in the 18th Centur I'll pay you $10,000. Bet? or run away with your liberal tail between your legs. Sorry.

Just stop, it's clear you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and now you're so emotional that you're misspelling words and coming across as even more of a fucking moron.

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