Colin Powell...Who Is He, Again?

Colin Powell shows his true colors.

1. Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.


a. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell — who split with the Republican Party to endorse President Barack Obama two times — said Sunday there are some clearly racial elements within the GOP.

b. “There’s also a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party,” Powell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

c. While not mentioning former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin or former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu by name, Powell referenced past comments from each about Obama as evidence of racism in the party."
Colin Powell: There?s a ?Dark Vein of Intolerance? in the Republican Party | Video |

4. Seems it’s time to give the general a bit of instruction….and, perhaps, see who the real racist is.

5. A rule of life, that all would do well to learn early on, is that reality is defined by actions….not words. Perhaps some examples? “The check is in the mail,” or “I’ll respect you in the morning.”

6. In fact, 'the reality lesson' shows up as a major difference between Liberals, for whom “feeling passes for knowing,” and conservatives, for whom data informs policy.

7. Now, the general, who avows to be a Republican, but has voted for the most Liberal President we’ve ever had, twice, now gives cover- again- to Obama’s failure to cut spending by dangling this ‘racist’ red herring.

8. Seems to me that the general has become the race-card croupier,

9. Could not the phrases that Powell points to as indicia of racism be, merely, common phrases? Could not the racism be a figment of Powell’s psychology, or an attempt to ingratiate himself in other precincts?

a. Show me the actions….don’t babble!

10. Let’s go back to #5, above, and demand data rather than conjecture: : He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State. All due to Republicans.

a. Looks to me like some ‘racism’ lots of folks would like directed at them!

Hard to know the true colors of a turncoat.

Who is Colin Powell? A patriot. Something you are incapable of understanding.
Powell is a political opportunist. Kissing liberal ass is better for him now.

A political opportunist? How so? He's not IN office. He's not RUNNING for office. To my knowledge, he's not attempting to get appointed to any post.

He's politically backing a demon crap.

A person isn't an 'opportunist' unless what he's doing somehow manages to help him further his goals or helps him realize an opportunity which he believes has presented itself. It's also generally understood that an 'opportunist' is someone who abandons his values or previously stated beliefs in some way in order to pursue that opportunity. From what I can tell, Powell has always held his personal integrity in far higher regard than the average politician who is all too willing to sell out for some kind of personal gain. If Iraq didn't prove that to you, I don't know what would. All Powell had to do to stay in the good graces of Bush, Cheney, and the GOP establishment is keep to himself his deeply held beliefs that the Iraq invasion was a mistake. But he felt compelled to eventually state his true beliefs after he left the administration prior to Bush's second term.

You guys are so out of touch with personal integrity that you can't even see it when it's right in front of you.
So, you are going to double down on your bullshit eh?

Not at all, when you have to deny you are voting for him because he is black, as Powell did, you're either stupid or so biased you can't see the trees for the forest if you believe this to be different, Brokaw never asked him that question, he volunteered it...

Next question...

Maybe you should try an intelligent approach...READ what he said.

Actions speak louder than words, try again...

Thanks for providing proof that Powell chose Oblamer because he is black...

I didn't want to be the one, it justifies my point when someone of your ilk produces it...

Thanks again...

GEN. POWELL: I’m an American, first and foremost, and I’m very proud–I said, I’ve said, I’ve said to my beloved friend and colleague John McCain, a friend of 25 years, “John, I love you, but I’m not just going to vote for you on the basis of our affection or friendship.” And I’ve said to Barack Obama, “I admire you. I’ll give you all the advice I can. But I’m not going to vote for you just because you’re black.” We, we have to move beyond this.

So tell us all, why did he support Oblamer?
A political opportunist? How so? He's not IN office. He's not RUNNING for office. To my knowledge, he's not attempting to get appointed to any post.

He's politically backing a demon crap.

A person isn't an 'opportunist' unless what he's doing somehow manages to help him further his goals or helps him realize an opportunity which he believes has presented itself. It's also generally understood that an 'opportunist' is someone who abandons his values or previously stated beliefs in some way in order to pursue that opportunity. From what I can tell, Powell has always held his personal integrity in far higher regard than the average politician who is all too willing to sell out for some kind of personal gain. If Iraq didn't prove that to you, I don't know what would. All Powell had to do to stay in the good graces of Bush, Cheney, and the GOP establishment is keep to himself his deeply held beliefs that the Iraq invasion was a mistake. But he felt compelled to eventually state his true beliefs after he left the administration prior to Bush's second term.

You guys are so out of touch with personal integrity that you can't even see it when it's right in front of you.

Please...I went back and watched the entire interview...The whole thing was scripted, and Powell was undoubtedly sent out there in coordination with the Obama administration and NBC because he has some credibility. His answers were rehearsed, the way he defended Chuck Hagel, knew his entire history from childhood, then he defends Hagel’s comments on the "Jewish" lobby which of course may have offended a lot of Jews including myself, then he claims racism over some comments most people never heard of and really didn't make much sense. He was reaching, what a bunch of rehearsed bullshit what an embarrassment for him.
The word 'republican' means the same to him in 1776 as it does today. Even though the current GOP was founded in 1854.

here's what Jefferson said during his inaugurial address "Today we are all Republicans; today we are all Federalists."

Want to bet, liberal????

Do you realize that the conservatives of those days were the anti-Federalists?
Colin Powell is not a useful black tool like most of the House Negroes in the Republican Party so of course he's a turncoat and leftist despite him not taking any leftist positions, loyalty above absurdity is the Republican mantra, party over common sense.
He's politically backing a demon crap.

A person isn't an 'opportunist' unless what he's doing somehow manages to help him further his goals or helps him realize an opportunity which he believes has presented itself. It's also generally understood that an 'opportunist' is someone who abandons his values or previously stated beliefs in some way in order to pursue that opportunity. From what I can tell, Powell has always held his personal integrity in far higher regard than the average politician who is all too willing to sell out for some kind of personal gain. If Iraq didn't prove that to you, I don't know what would. All Powell had to do to stay in the good graces of Bush, Cheney, and the GOP establishment is keep to himself his deeply held beliefs that the Iraq invasion was a mistake. But he felt compelled to eventually state his true beliefs after he left the administration prior to Bush's second term.

You guys are so out of touch with personal integrity that you can't even see it when it's right in front of you.

Please...I went back and watched the entire interview...The whole thing was scripted, and Powell was undoubtedly sent out there in coordination with the Obama administration and NBC because he has some credibility. His answers were rehearsed, the way he defended Chuck Hagel, knew his entire history from childhood, then he defends Hagel’s comments on the "Jewish" lobby which of course may have offended a lot of Jews including myself, then he claims racism over some comments most people never heard of and really didn't make much sense. He was reaching, what a bunch of rehearsed bullshit what an embarrassment for him.

Sure, it was all a conspiracy by the Obama administration because there are no credible Democrats and non-far right people who have criticized the GOP about the same things already, your retardology knows no limits. You can throw Michael Steele in their too, he criticized the GOP for some of the same things, he's a leftist plant along with JC Watts, there are black GOP members who have criticized the party but you all ignore them and press up Negroes like Herman Cain.
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You somehow divined that based on my revealing that you had not posted anything related the OP to which you were ostensibly replying?

As you notice, your claim to have 'quieted' me down is as correct as every other one of your pronouncements.
Congrats on consistency.

Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin.'

You mean like when I was guaranteeing that Romney was going to win. Oh no, hold it, that was you, Princess.

So....your default position today is to change the subject?

That means I just won this joust, right?

And.....that's Ms. Princess to you!

I graciously accept your capitulation.
Colin Powell is not a useful black tool like most of the House Negroes in the Republican Party so of course he's a turncoat and leftist despite him not taking any leftist positions, loyalty above absurdity is the Republican mantra, party over common sense.

Powell's loyalty is only to his race
Colin Powell is not a useful black tool like most of the House Negroes in the Republican Party so of course he's a turncoat and leftist despite him not taking any leftist positions, loyalty above absurdity is the Republican mantra, party over common sense.

Powell's loyalty is only to his race



Colin Powell is not a useful black tool like most of the House Negroes in the Republican Party so of course he's a turncoat and leftist despite him not taking any leftist positions, loyalty above absurdity is the Republican mantra, party over common sense.

Powell's loyalty is only to his race

Bullshit, when he voted for Bush twice was he being loyal to his own race? Who the fuck is playing the race card now?
A person isn't an 'opportunist' unless what he's doing somehow manages to help him further his goals or helps him realize an opportunity which he believes has presented itself. It's also generally understood that an 'opportunist' is someone who abandons his values or previously stated beliefs in some way in order to pursue that opportunity. From what I can tell, Powell has always held his personal integrity in far higher regard than the average politician who is all too willing to sell out for some kind of personal gain. If Iraq didn't prove that to you, I don't know what would. All Powell had to do to stay in the good graces of Bush, Cheney, and the GOP establishment is keep to himself his deeply held beliefs that the Iraq invasion was a mistake. But he felt compelled to eventually state his true beliefs after he left the administration prior to Bush's second term.

You guys are so out of touch with personal integrity that you can't even see it when it's right in front of you.

Please...I went back and watched the entire interview...The whole thing was scripted, and Powell was undoubtedly sent out there in coordination with the Obama administration and NBC because he has some credibility. His answers were rehearsed, the way he defended Chuck Hagel, knew his entire history from childhood, then he defends Hagel’s comments on the "Jewish" lobby which of course may have offended a lot of Jews including myself, then he claims racism over some comments most people never heard of and really didn't make much sense. He was reaching, what a bunch of rehearsed bullshit what an embarrassment for him.

Sure, it was all a conspiracy by the Obama administration because there are no credible Democrats and non-far right people who have criticized the GOP about the same things already, your retardology knows no limits. You can throw Michael Steele in their too, he criticized the GOP for some of the same things, he's a leftist plant along with JC Watts, there are black GOP members who have criticized the party but you all ignore them and press up Negroes like Herman Cain.

Coordination not conspiracy, and Powell’s examples where pathetic, If he ran for president as a Republican like he was contemplating a few years ago, you’d be you be savaging him as an "uncle tom" as you have undoubtedly done in the past.
Colin Powell is not a useful black tool like most of the House Negroes in the Republican Party so of course he's a turncoat and leftist despite him not taking any leftist positions, loyalty above absurdity is the Republican mantra, party over common sense.

where was Powells concern of racism back in 2008 when Andrew Cuomo, the rising star of the democratic party said that the then Senator Obama can not Shuck and Jive a press conference?

Where was powells concern when Joe Biden made a comment about Indian accents at 7-11's?

Where was Powells concerns when Harry Reid, the democratic Senate majority leader talked about how the then Senator Obama did not speak in a Negro dialect?

Why do those examples NOT concern him....but some wash up GOP former governor using the word "lazy" to describe a man who seemed lethargic is an example of a "dark vein of racism" in the GOP?

Colin Powell is not a useful black tool like most of the House Negroes in the Republican Party so of course he's a turncoat and leftist despite him not taking any leftist positions, loyalty above absurdity is the Republican mantra, party over common sense.

^ this!

Well said

Love how Dems look at Black Republicans
Please...I went back and watched the entire interview...The whole thing was scripted, and Powell was undoubtedly sent out there in coordination with the Obama administration and NBC because he has some credibility. His answers were rehearsed, the way he defended Chuck Hagel, knew his entire history from childhood, then he defends Hagel’s comments on the "Jewish" lobby which of course may have offended a lot of Jews including myself, then he claims racism over some comments most people never heard of and really didn't make much sense. He was reaching, what a bunch of rehearsed bullshit what an embarrassment for him.

Sure, it was all a conspiracy by the Obama administration because there are no credible Democrats and non-far right people who have criticized the GOP about the same things already, your retardology knows no limits. You can throw Michael Steele in their too, he criticized the GOP for some of the same things, he's a leftist plant along with JC Watts, there are black GOP members who have criticized the party but you all ignore them and press up Negroes like Herman Cain.

Coordination not conspiracy, and Powell’s examples where pathetic, If he ran for president as a Republican like he was contemplating a few years ago, you’d be you be savaging him as an "uncle tom" as you have undoubtedly done in the past.

Where is the proof of some coordination? Blow it out of your ass retard. If Powell ran as Republican you all would not be bashing him as a racist.
Colin Powell is not a useful black tool like most of the House Negroes in the Republican Party so of course he's a turncoat and leftist despite him not taking any leftist positions, loyalty above absurdity is the Republican mantra, party over common sense.

where was Powells concern of racism back in 2008 when Andrew Cuomo, the rising star of the democratic party said that the then Senator Obama can not Shuck and Jive a press conference?

Where was powells concern when Joe Biden made a comment about Indian accents at 7-11's?

Where was Powells concerns when Harry Reid, the democratic Senate majority leader talked about how the then Senator Obama did not speak in a Negro dialect?

Why do those examples NOT concern him....but some wash up GOP former governor using the word "lazy" to describe a man who seemed lethargic is an example of a "dark vein of racism" in the GOP?


You fucking dumbass, Powell is talking about the filth within his own party, he is not Democrat so why the fuck are you asking why didn't he say anything against Democrats? Home many Republicans in the Party said anything to Sununu and Palin for their comments about Obama? Nobody said jack shit except for Powell, the others dismiss it as not racist, stop playing the bullshit partisan game, this is not a fucking Democrat-Republican thing, Democrats have fuck all to do with this, Powell is addressing racism in his own part and its far right bullshit.

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