Colin Powell...Who Is He, Again?

So I guess the Democrat Zell Miller supported John McCain because McCain is white...

Leave it to an obamabot to throw out a useless canard. Did Zell Miller, a white guy, come out and make a blanket accusation against democrats and infer they are often racist and sexist in their own rhetoric?
So I guess the Democrat Zell Miller supported John McCain because McCain is white...

Leave it to an obamabot to throw out a useless canard. Did Zell Miller, a white guy, come out and make a blanket accusation against democrats and infer they are often racist and sexist in their own rhetoric?

No. But then, that wouldn't fly. Dems are the darling of minorities, overwhelmingly. Reps tacitly pander to racist elements in the electorate, frequently. So it simply wouldn't wash in the minds of most voters; and thus it would make Zell seem nutty as loon.

Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of Americans, I suspect, agree with Powell to an extent and respect him for speaking out on it, which the Righties know, too; and that's why they endeavor to question / tarnish Powell's integrity, albeit unsuccessfully.

Simply the truth.
So, because Gen. Powell served under Republican administrations, he is somehow bound to overlook racism coming from Republicans?

Where's the racism, dolt?

Here's a couple not too subtle examples that even a thick partisan hack such as yourself should be able to grasp.



And that's related to the GOP.....exactly how?
Powell's a leftist hack who for whatever reason likes to chime in on almost anything.

Who fucking cares.. just go away already. The GOP would be well served to get rid of the Powell's, the Bloomberg's, the Rove's, etc.
Powell's a leftist hack who for whatever reason likes to chime in on almost anything.

Who fucking cares.. just go away already. The GOP would be well served to get rid of the Powell's, the Bloomberg's, the Rove's, etc.

Sucks, doesn't it? You've gotten so fucking loony, on the Right, that now you even have defend the rank stupidity from one of your own.
A man is judged by his content, words, character, and deeds, not the color of his skin, political or religious affiliation. Gen Powell disclosed an unforgivable flaw in character and true shallow self serving content long before he stumped for the current president and his agenda.
Here's a couple not too subtle examples that even a thick partisan hack such as yourself should be able to grasp.



she was referring top "within the party"...

We all know there are people in everyday life that are racists.

Powell was referring to the racists WITHIN the party.

Who are they and where is the evidence?

I cited serious examples of racist comments made by those in the democratic party....but the best Powell came up with was some former GOP giovernor using the evil "L" if the word lazy has been known for years to refer to "do nothing black men".....gimme a break.

Not good enough for you? Here's a link to some more examples.

The Internet Republican Racism Database

That was one of stupidest posts...

...only a drooling idiot would have given credence to that link you provided.

So....when you got it, was it addressed 'Mr. Drooling Idiot," or just 'Idiot'?
Colin Powell shows his true colors.

1. Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.


a. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell — who split with the Republican Party to endorse President Barack Obama two times — said Sunday there are some clearly racial elements within the GOP.

b. “There’s also a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party,” Powell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

c. While not mentioning former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin or former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu by name, Powell referenced past comments from each about Obama as evidence of racism in the party."
Colin Powell: There?s a ?Dark Vein of Intolerance? in the Republican Party | Video |

4. Seems it’s time to give the general a bit of instruction….and, perhaps, see who the real racist is.

5. A rule of life, that all would do well to learn early on, is that reality is defined by actions….not words. Perhaps some examples? “The check is in the mail,” or “I’ll respect you in the morning.”

6. In fact, 'the reality lesson' shows up as a major difference between Liberals, for whom “feeling passes for knowing,” and conservatives, for whom data informs policy.

7. Now, the general, who avows to be a Republican, but has voted for the most Liberal President we’ve ever had, twice, now gives cover- again- to Obama’s failure to cut spending by dangling this ‘racist’ red herring.

8. Seems to me that the general has become the race-card croupier,

9. Could not the phrases that Powell points to as indicia of racism be, merely, common phrases? Could not the racism be a figment of Powell’s psychology, or an attempt to ingratiate himself in other precincts?

a. Show me the actions….don’t babble!

10. Let’s go back to #5, above, and demand data rather than conjecture: : He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State. All due to Republicans.

a. Looks to me like some ‘racism’ lots of folks would like directed at them!

Hard to know the true colors of a turncoat.
That would be Colon Powell Mam.
Where's the racism, dolt?

Here's a couple not too subtle examples that even a thick partisan hack such as yourself should be able to grasp.



she was referring top "within the party"...

We all know there are people in everyday life that are racists.

Powell was referring to the racists WITHIN the party.

Who are they and where is the evidence?

I cited serious examples of racist comments made by those in the democratic party....but the best Powell came up with was some former GOP giovernor using the evil "L" if the word lazy has been known for years to refer to "do nothing black men".....gimme a break.

So when Donald Trump was going on about the citizenship question, that wasn't within the party? Especially when he became a surrogate for Mitt Romney? Who also joked about the whole birther thing?

So when Newt Gingrich rants about the anti-colonial mentality, that's outside the party as well?

Powell's a leftist hack who for whatever reason likes to chime in on almost anything.

Who fucking cares.. just go away already. The GOP would be well served to get rid of the Powell's, the Bloomberg's, the Rove's, etc.

Sucks, doesn't it? You've gotten so fucking loony, on the Right, that now you even have defend the rank stupidity from one of your own.

Actually shitforbrains.... you're partially correct, even though you stumbled upon it. The GOP leadership erroneously thinks they will win if they just put up Democrat Lite type candidates... and how's that working?

Nobody's calling for hard right loons, but the John McCain's, Powell's etc. need to go.. or just join the Fabian Socialists in the Democrat party already and be done with it.
You liked him fine when he was one of Bush's shields against accusations of racism.

No comment re: the OP, NoNoodles?

You just stopped by to get in out of the cold?

So, guess I quieted you a bit.

You somehow divined that based on my revealing that you had not posted anything related the OP to which you were ostensibly replying?

As you notice, your claim to have 'quieted' me down is as correct as every other one of your pronouncements.
Congrats on consistency.

Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin.'
No comment re: the OP, NoNoodles?

You just stopped by to get in out of the cold?

So, guess I quieted you a bit.

You somehow divined that based on my revealing that you had not posted anything related the OP to which you were ostensibly replying?

As you notice, your claim to have 'quieted' me down is as correct as every other one of your pronouncements.
Congrats on consistency.

Those self-improvement CD’s you’ve been listening to? ….not workin.'


NoNukes: You didn't respond to my non sequitar, therefore I winz.
Colin Powell shows his true colors.

1. Colin Powell has been given honors that few of us ever accrue: He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State.

2. Every one of those positions awarded at the behest of a Republican. And I’m certain he was aware of the political party that felt he deserves those awards. He even claimed to be a member of that party.


a. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell — who split with the Republican Party to endorse President Barack Obama two times — said Sunday there are some clearly racial elements within the GOP.

b. “There’s also a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party,” Powell said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

c. While not mentioning former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin or former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu by name, Powell referenced past comments from each about Obama as evidence of racism in the party."
Colin Powell: There?s a ?Dark Vein of Intolerance? in the Republican Party | Video |

4. Seems it’s time to give the general a bit of instruction….and, perhaps, see who the real racist is.

5. A rule of life, that all would do well to learn early on, is that reality is defined by actions….not words. Perhaps some examples? “The check is in the mail,” or “I’ll respect you in the morning.”

6. In fact, 'the reality lesson' shows up as a major difference between Liberals, for whom “feeling passes for knowing,” and conservatives, for whom data informs policy.

7. Now, the general, who avows to be a Republican, but has voted for the most Liberal President we’ve ever had, twice, now gives cover- again- to Obama’s failure to cut spending by dangling this ‘racist’ red herring.

8. Seems to me that the general has become the race-card croupier,

9. Could not the phrases that Powell points to as indicia of racism be, merely, common phrases? Could not the racism be a figment of Powell’s psychology, or an attempt to ingratiate himself in other precincts?

a. Show me the actions….don’t babble!

10. Let’s go back to #5, above, and demand data rather than conjecture: : He has been National Security Advisor, he has been Chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, and even the United States Secretary of State. All due to Republicans.

a. Looks to me like some ‘racism’ lots of folks would like directed at them!

Hard to know the true colors of a turncoat.
That would be Colon Powell Mam.


Are you claiming that his mom named him after a part of the large intestine???

(Actually, it's Colin)
(Thanks for the courtesy...but it's ma'am, not mam)
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So I guess the Democrat Zell Miller supported John McCain because McCain is white...

Leave it to an obamabot to throw out a useless canard. Did Zell Miller, a white guy, come out and make a blanket accusation against democrats and infer they are often racist and sexist in their own rhetoric?

Zell Miller was once Lester Maddox's chief of staff. Yes, that Lester Maddox.

Zell Miller once said the Democrat party left him he didn't leave the party. That would be true; when the Democratic party effectively ended its coalition with the conservative white Southern segregationist Democrats,

it left Zell Miller.

Zell Miller endorsed John McCain because the the Democratic Party had gone one racial bridge too far...

...they nominated a black man.

I for one am happy to trade Zell Miller for Colin Powell.

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