collective punishments

That depends on your definition of peace.

You will never hear anyone mention justice or international law.

What kind of peace can there be if it is not based on justice and international law?

Translation; The end of the Jewish State. That will never happen. :D

Are you saying the Israel and international law are mutually exclusive?

That if one exists the other cannot?

Mr. Tinmore must be under the impression that Israel is not recognized by the International community as a country. We know that on the Arab maps Israel does not exist, but it is still there regardless of what the Arabs think.
Translation; The end of the Jewish State. That will never happen. :D

Are you saying the Israel and international law are mutually exclusive?

That if one exists the other cannot?

Mr. Tinmore must be under the impression that Israel is not recognized by the International community as a country. We know that on the Arab maps Israel does not exist, but it is still there regardless of what the Arabs think.

138 countries and the UN recognize Palestine as a state.

What does that mean?
Are you saying the Israel and international law are mutually exclusive?

That if one exists the other cannot?

Mr. Tinmore must be under the impression that Israel is not recognized by the International community as a country. We know that on the Arab maps Israel does not exist, but it is still there regardless of what the Arabs think.

138 countries and the UN recognize Palestine as a state.

What does that mean?

Can you tell us when Palestine was recognized as a member of the U.N. the same way that Israel is?
Are you saying the Israel and international law are mutually exclusive?

That if one exists the other cannot?

Mr. Tinmore must be under the impression that Israel is not recognized by the International community as a country. We know that on the Arab maps Israel does not exist, but it is still there regardless of what the Arabs think.

138 countries and the UN recognize Palestine as a state.

What does that mean?

I like it ! " Palestine" minus the 67 Borders and " Right of Return" :D
That depends on your definition of peace.

You will never hear anyone mention justice or international law.

What kind of peace can there be if it is not based on justice and international law?

Translation; The end of the Jewish State. That will never happen. :D

Are you saying the Israel and international law are mutually exclusive?

That if one exists the other cannot?

You posted that the " Two State Solution" is not sanctioned by " International Law" . When I posted the link about Hamas accepting the " borders" but not Israel and their goal was to liberate ALL of " Palestine" you cheered .
Ok billo, the litre of the band, since you have engaged me, let me go back and put this into some perspective so all the readers can see the back story and to see if you actually can give me more than a one line reply.

"He" as you called Hossfly above was trying to refute or ask for more clarification and/or evidence of the claim made by amity at the end of this post here (Hossfly's original quote included):

To which you replied with your famous one line style (and with most of the relevant info, i.e. the portion of amity's quote in Hossfly's post removed from your quote):

So, the burden of proof (although not quite in the subject of this thread) falls on amity to prove the "3,000+ Palestinians killed on occasion" portion of her post.

Clear as mud. I am sure it is. Let's see if you even respond.
WTF do you mean, "...if I even respond"? Dude, I don't run from nothing. Especially, the Israeli kiss-asses that frequent this website.

Now, since amity didn't provide a link in her post to back up that claim, then you're right, the burden of proof is on her to back it up. Until she does, Hoss is under no obligation to provide proof for his objection.

With that being said, here's a few numbers for you...

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Something seriously wrong when you have nothing to say when your friends drag a man threw the sreets and then hang him. Which situation would you, yourself, prefer? To be arrested or to be drag through the streets and hung?
I prefer to be dragged through the streets and hung.
How about that the Israelis remove their butts from Palestine in exchange for peace?

Make up your mind. This is what everyone here has accused you of, yet on another thread you admitted there that it is too late to ask millions of Jews to leave.

What is it? Really? For you? Do you want peace, or hate the Jews and want them off the land?

They have to leave the occupied territories of course, all sane people are agreed. If they can play nice with the other kids they can stay in the 1948 borders as far as I am concerned. But you really don't need my permission. You are going to need the permission of those whose land that is.
How about that the Israelis remove their butts from Palestine in exchange for peace?

Make up your mind. This is what everyone here has accused you of, yet on another thread you admitted there that it is too late to ask millions of Jews to leave.

What is it? Really? For you? Do you want peace, or hate the Jews and want them off the land?

They have to leave the occupied territories of course, all sane people are agreed. If they can play nice with the other kids they can stay in the 1948 borders as far as I am concerned. But you really don't need my permission. You are going to need the permission of those whose land that is.

I have interacted (worked with and socialized) with many many muslims
over the past 50 years) and have OFTEN been informed that the answer
to "peace" is with islam. How about the jews of the middle east FIND
the solution with islam. Islamic law over the past 1400 years established
the concept of WHOLE CITES----rendered exclusive to muslims. I see the
answer to peace in the middle east thru emulation of Islamic concepts.
To start----the four holy cities for jews----Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias, and
Hebron-- to be completely fair----rendered entirely free of muslims. Since
Christians and Hindus etc etc do not exclude jews from any particular city---
to be fair they should not be excluded from the jewish holy cities. Thus the
"butts" to be removed -----are those of jihadists from the holy cities. Sometimes--
it is true---that people should not get in each others way. A good source
for this idea is the koran
I don't really think you are dealing with what you think you are. Monolithic "Islam."
FOA there is no such thing, its self-delusional on your part.
Secondly, the issues are nationalist. Even the radical Muslims I've found so far to talk about this aren't interested in Sharia. Who in the 21st century would want that? Not too many. There'll be such a party, but it won't be numerous.

And the way we know it is going to end is that everything ends. Rome lasted 1000 years, and then it ended. And Israel is not stable enough to last into the future, and can't be made stable because the majority native population will not leave it alone for a minute. Things will continue and likely get worse and worse until the present government falls or is overthrown and saner heads come to power.
I don't really think you are dealing with what you think you are. Monolithic "Islam."
FOA there is no such thing, its self-delusional on your part.
Secondly, the issues are nationalist. Even the radical Muslims I've found so far to talk about this aren't interested in Sharia. Who in the 21st century would want that? Not too many. There'll be such a party, but it won't be numerous.

And the way we know it is going to end is that everything ends. Rome lasted 1000 years, and then it ended. And Israel is not stable enough to last into the future, and can't be made stable because the majority native population will not leave it alone for a minute. Things will continue and likely get worse and worse until the present government falls or is overthrown and saner heads come to power.

To whom do you address your somewhat disjointed and poorly informed answer? You
speak to "radical muslims" who have no interest in shariah? -----sorta like saying
you found most fervent jews have no interest in torah/Talmud I have spoken to
many many many scores of muslims over the past 50 years-----never found one----
even those who never read the Koran ----who had "no interest in shariah" Do you know
what "shariah" is?

"we know "'IT"" will end? what is ""IT""-----its "everything"??

"Israel is not stable enough to last into 'the future' ""??? can
you define "future" in context------how about telling us which countries
are MORE STABLE and will, therefore, last into the "future"?
Few Zionists have much interest in Torah/Talmud. Actually, I have never kown a single Muslim who was in favor of Sharia law being established.
I call terrorists to those who are terrorists. Just because you don't believe them to be doesn't make it true. In fact, you're on of the most bold terrorists-sympathizers around here, so excuse me for not giving a f*** about what you think or not

If you think "terrorists" says all that is needed to be said about those people, they will no doubt continue to terrorize you.
Few Zionists have much interest in Torah/Talmud. Actually, I have never kown a single Muslim who was in favor of Sharia law being established.

gee. you have made two very sweeping statements that suggest to me that you
have lived in a bottle all of your life NOT A SINGLE MUSLIM WHO FAVORED
SHARIAH LAW???? did you ever know any muslims well enough to discuss it?
You have actually spoken to jews who said "I have no interest in anything about
the torah or Talmud"?? You need not, of course, answer any questions about
your personal life-----but you have made statements suggesting that you have had
conversation with muslims. Muslims you know claim "shariah is no damned good"???

I would be inclined to believe that you, simply, did not discuss the issue. Even
utterly secularized and non observant muslims I have known-----harbored an
IDEALIZED concept of shariah-----and UTOPIAN CALIPHATE. As for Zionists-----
you seem to not have known any but to have swallowed the propaganda of the
few thousand "anti Zionist" jews of the world-----the ones who claim their
numbers exceed the number of jews in the universe-----six of them seem to show
up at scores of events every year. BTW I get around---I know one -----
her kids ended up moving to Israel. She remained anti Zionist in deference to
her father.
The only way you would not want peace is if you want to use continued hostilities as a pretext for land grabbing.

Other than that, I think everyone else is ready for peace.

This whole question is not a question of peace.

Peace is not a GOAL. Peace is a way to ACHIEVE the goal. That's what the deluded leftists don't get. 'Don't you want peace'? they ask all the time, and the honest answer is "As right now? NO!'

Because right now the people I see on the other side are not people I'm interested in making peace with. Fatah are not our friends, the incitement there is not different than Hamas, and their terrorists and hate is no different than Hamas.

Why on earth would I want to make peace with terrorists?

No-body wishes war, that is correct, but say "to make peace with them" is laughable. We can make peace with people who gave up the idea of our demise. And not only that's not the situation, but their determination to destroy us is on the uprise.

As I said, PEACE is not the goal. We all wish the times when we can live normally. That can happen with peace or with all out war. We all hope it will be done, one day, through peace. But We're not going to sacrifice ourself and our peace BOWING for said peace; Especially if it's a fake one.

That depends on your definition of peace.

You will never hear anyone mention justice or international law.

What kind of peace can there be if it is not based on justice and international law?

Justice is subjective.

And international law is useless anywhere in the MidEast.

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