collective punishments

Where do you get those numbers and why hasn't it been made public? Wait! I know!.... It's an effing lie. Solved that!

Its coming....

Lets just say that the world has turned against the Palestinians for kidnapping 3 children, and Israel is given free reign to retaliate as much as they want. Lets hope for the Palestinians sake that the 3 boys are still alive, otherwise there will be a few Katyns on the Palestinians is reprisals.

That's why you need to get out of Palestine. You just threatened to kill multiple thousands of innocent Palestinians.
Its coming....
So is the Easter Bunny. So where do you come up with that body count?

It a post that I really have to do but it makes me so sick I can't quite even bring myself to do the research necessary. But I will do it before the week is out, I promise.

Take as long as you want, it makes no difference as the truth will be told and the Palestinians will be seen as child murderers before the end of the month. The UN has been warned to stay out of it while Israel sorts this out their way.
Hahahaha how the fuck is that proving anything??

Whenever there is a story of a Palestinians getting killed, you never question the article. Or an article of a farmer getting shot.

Wha evidence do you need exactly??
Because there are multiple videos of Israeli's shooting at un-armed Palestinian's. There are many articles on IDF atrocities that were committed by their "boots on the ground". There are IDF soldier confessions verifying these atrocities. And finally, there are all the posts from assholes like you, showing you have nothing but contempt for Palestinian's.

Not one of you fuckers have ever said anything nice about a Palestinian. Not once. Which shows you're okay with them getting shot while they farm.

And everytine you produce these videos there is no actual evidence of what you claim. Just like the "bullet" pictured heading towards a youth who was not even shot. Now which weapon fires a tennis ball size round ?
Israel knows they have been kidnapped by a terrorist entity. We are not privy to every single piece of intelligence that Israel has found out from their enquiries. Why should we be. It is their investigation, not ours. Until the abductees are found then people on here should butt out and let Israel get on with the investigations.
You're not privy to any of it, because there is none.

Just like you are not privy to any of the video's and you go on the ISLAMINAZI explanations. Even when you are shown that the IDF do not use Kalishnikovs and do not wear that type of uniform. Or that the background shows some Syrian village and not Palestine.
Do you realize if Israel killed a bunch of people it would be on leftwing newscasts for months. So far I haven't heard all your gloom and doom. Anywhere.

Quite the opposite! Quite a few people have been killed since those three teens were kidnapped, and I hadn't heard a word .... until I went to Mondoweiss.

I have a girlfriend who bemoans the demise of newspapers. I don't. With the internet becoming the main source of info, the playing field has been leveled for all forms of propaganda and info sources.

You can get a lot of good info on Palestinian issues on the internet, and even the info put up by Zionists is more reliable than what is usually cited by some people on this forum. They at least have to source their statements, and the people who are watching them will cry b.s. in an instant if the sources are crappy. Apparently what has been worked is a compromise where two different articles are written .... interesting.

And the internet has shown just how far the Palestinians will go in demonizing the Jews. Just look at pallywood that has been the source of more Palestinian lies and BLOOD LIBELS over the years. Take the alleged shooting only this month were the evidence produced was at odds with the video shown. How a masked youth could be seen getting manhandled away from the scene and there was no blood in sight.
They nothing but reap what they've sown:eusa_whistle:




The people of the West Bank did NOT kidnap those three young men. Do you see how automatic and WRONG your knee jerk reaction was? You have inadvertently provided a perfect illustration of the "collective punishment mentality."

Collective punishment is the punishment of a group of people as a result of the behavior of one or more other individuals or groups. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions. Historically, occupying powers have used collective punishment to retaliate against and deter attacks on their forces by resistance movements (e.g. destroying entire towns and villages where such attacks have occurred).

Look at the Nazi collective punish of Khatyn:
Khatyn massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A convoy of Nazis was attacked by Soviet-allied insurgents and allegedly fled to a nearby town. The Nazis undertook collective punishment against the town for refusal (or inability) to turn over the attackers. This is in essence what Israel is doing.

The scale of sheer death is usually not as gosh-awful yet (although Israel has killed up to 3000+ plus Palestinians in a single incident on occasion) but the facility of denials that this IS what is happening, in the face of the fact that the dynamic is exactly the same, worries me. I think Israel is heading for a multiplicity of Khatyns.

For starters, I know it was a jerk reacion. No doubt, and I'm very glad it pissed you off, since you were the one to tell me I 'reaped what I've sown' when I talked to you about rockets hitting the south.

Annoying, right? Good. That was what I tried to prove.

Collective punishment? This whole conflict is about one big collective punishment. Rockets are collective punishment, suicide bombings are collective punishment, kidnapping are collective punishment. Yes, and also is what we're now doing.

The moment the kidnappers took our three boys, was the moment they put their community under risk of being in danger. I mean, seriously! what where you people thinking, they'll snatch three Israeli teenagers and Israel will sit by and say 'Cool, now we wait for your phone call?'

I mean, really?!

If I was in charge I would start arresting Palestinian youths and hiding them from sight until the truth is known. If they are dead then kill the Palestinian youths as a reprisal so they know you mean business. It is the only thing they understand as shown by how Jordan handled it when they tried to take over.
Its not that it pissed me off. it actually delighted me because it proved my point so clearly, but don't you want to reconsider that the West bank gets what it deserved because it kidnapped the three young men?

Are they not Palestinians the sane as the gazans, did not the gazans use the plight of the west bank Palestinians to justify their use of rockets against Israel in 2005.

Now tell the board once again why the west bank Palestinians are not the ones to blame for the kidnappings ?
I did.

I brought attention to the fact, that no evidence has been provided they were kidnapped.

They simply said they were.

Hahahaha how the fuck is that proving anything??

Whenever there is a story of a Palestinians getting killed, you never question the article. Or an article of a farmer getting shot.

Wha evidence do you need exactly??

Well, I hate to wade into stuff this deep, but...

I am starting to wonder myself. Why would anybody kidnap these guys and then NOT use them for collateral in some other deal OR kill them, in which case their bodies would be found.

So I am myself wondering if the story might be a pretext.

Remember Shalitt is all I will say.......................
no, I think they do care.

and the answer to your question is hopefully "because we want peace."

Is that why they celebrated the kidnappings in true ISLAMONAZI style then, that alone makes then guilty of all charges
Who wants peace?

The only way you would not want peace is if you want to use continued hostilities as a pretext for land grabbing.

Other than that, I think everyone else is ready for peace.

So when will the Palestinians stop the hostilities as a pretext for land grabbing.......
And everytine you produce these videos there is no actual evidence of what you claim.
Other than evidence you see in the video, right in front of your lying, dumbass face.

Just like the "bullet" pictured heading towards a youth who was not even shot.
Oh, he was shot alright. He was murdered by the IDF. The video proves it.

There's nothing you can say that will change that.

Now which weapon fires a tennis ball size round ?
If you're referring to the picture I posted, the round wasn't the size of a tennis ball.



The people of the West Bank did NOT kidnap those three young men. Do you see how automatic and WRONG your knee jerk reaction was? You have inadvertently provided a perfect illustration of the "collective punishment mentality."

Look at the Nazi collective punish of Khatyn:
Khatyn massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A convoy of Nazis was attacked by Soviet-allied insurgents and allegedly fled to a nearby town. The Nazis undertook collective punishment against the town for refusal (or inability) to turn over the attackers. This is in essence what Israel is doing.

The scale of sheer death is usually not as gosh-awful yet (although Israel has killed up to 3000+ plus Palestinians in a single incident on occasion) but the facility of denials that this IS what is happening, in the face of the fact that the dynamic is exactly the same, worries me. I think Israel is heading for a multiplicity of Khatyns.

For starters, I know it was a jerk reacion. No doubt, and I'm very glad it pissed you off, since you were the one to tell me I 'reaped what I've sown' when I talked to you about rockets hitting the south.

Annoying, right? Good. That was what I tried to prove.

Collective punishment? This whole conflict is about one big collective punishment. Rockets are collective punishment, suicide bombings are collective punishment, kidnapping are collective punishment. Yes, and also is what we're now doing.

The moment the kidnappers took our three boys, was the moment they put their community under risk of being in danger. I mean, seriously! what where you people thinking, they'll snatch three Israeli teenagers and Israel will sit by and say 'Cool, now we wait for your phone call?'

I mean, really?!

If I was in charge I would start arresting Palestinian youths and hiding them from sight until the truth is known. If they are dead then kill the Palestinian youths as a reprisal so they know you mean business. It is the only thing they understand as shown by how Jordan handled it when they tried to take over.

phoen good that you are not in charge Jews cannot do LEGALLY ---that which muslims can do
LEGALLY never could----for millennia always remember

Excuse me, no they did not.

So you can bring evidence to the board to show that Israeli's are still living in gaza ?

Or are you talking about the LEGAL separation barrier erectged to keep ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS out of Israel. There is no law that says Israel must allow anyone to enter their country and they can take what ever measures they see fit to stop the incursions.

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