collective punishments

Are you saying the Israel and international law are mutually exclusive?

That if one exists the other cannot?

Mr. Tinmore must be under the impression that Israel is not recognized by the International community as a country. We know that on the Arab maps Israel does not exist, but it is still there regardless of what the Arabs think.

138 countries and the UN recognize Palestine as a state.

What does that mean?

That 138 countries and the UN are delusional.
I call terrorists to those who are terrorists. Just because you don't believe them to be doesn't make it true. In fact, you're on of the most bold terrorists-sympathizers around here, so excuse me for not giving a f*** about what you think or not

If you think "terrorists" says all that is needed to be said about those people, they will no doubt continue to terrorize you.

Of course, they terrorize me because I name them "terrorists".

Keep the crazy talk, it helps your case.
I call terrorists to those who are terrorists. Just because you don't believe them to be doesn't make it true. In fact, you're on of the most bold terrorists-sympathizers around here, so excuse me for not giving a f*** about what you think or not

If you think "terrorists" says all that is needed to be said about those people, they will no doubt continue to terrorize you.

Of course, they terrorize me because I name them "terrorists".

Keep the crazy talk, it helps your case.


as the JAZZ SINGER Al Jolson used to say

da sunnis and Shiites are killing each other in Iraq----
because da jooooos told them to do it

you know what the big MO said......DA JOOOOS MADE ME DO IT.......
Since I frequently argue that what the debate needs is a sense of proportion, I thought I would post this to show what the fallout has been since the three young Yeshiva students went missing:

From Mondoweiss:
Israeli soldiers have killed 3 Palestinians in week since teens went missing | Mondoweiss

2nd Palestinian youth dies after being shot by Israeli forces
RAMALLAH (Ma‘an) 20 June — A 22-year-old youth on Friday succumbed to wounds sustained during an Israeli military raid on Qalandiya refugee camp south of Ramallah, making him the second Palestinian to be killed by Israeli forces since the morning. Mustafa Hosni Aslan was shot in the head by Israeli forces when they raided the camp before dawn on Friday, one of three Palestinians wounded in the camp.
14-year-old Palestinian shot dead by Israeli forces in Dura
HEBRON (Ma‘an) 20 June — Israeli forces shot and killed a 14-year-old Palestinian boy after clashes erupted early Friday morning during a raid on the southern West Bank village of Dura, near Hebron. Local sources told Ma‘an that Mahmoud Jihad Muhammad Dudeen was struck by live bullets in the chest before being taken to Hebron Governmental Hospital, where he was shortly pronounced dead.

HRW: Israel orders removal of security camera that showed Nakba killings
Al Jazeera America 19 June by Renee Lewis — Israeli security forces briefly imprisoned and threatened a Palestinian man whose security cameras captured the killings of two Palestinian boys in May, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Thursday. “Israeli military officers berated Fakher Zayed, 47, for sharing the security videos with human rights groups, claimed he had lied and fabricated evidence, and threatened to bring unspecified legal actions against him if he did not remove the security cameras,”
Palestinian kidnapped by Israeli forces in Awarta
AWARTA, Occupied Palestine (ISM Nablus Team) 16 June — At approximately 2:00 AM on the 15th June, Israeli soldiers conducted a night raid in the village of Awarta near Nablus, which was one of a series of raids and closures carried out by Israeli forces, following the disappearance of three Israeli settler youth close to al-Khalil (Hebron). Palestinian witnesses state that over 50 Israeli soldiers surrounded the village. During the operation around 20 Israeli military personnel forced entry to, and stormed the home of Sameer Abu Shayb. Palestinian residents state that the soldiers were aggressive and had their faces covered. Sameer was then handcuffed and interrogated at his home over the phone by a commanding officer, for approximately 15 minutes. Sameer was not accused of any offence, but was then taken outside, blindfolded, and abducted by Israel forces.

The above excerpts are less than 10% of the items mentioned on that page.

While the Palestinian terrorists are prepared to attack Israeli children they can expect to see return fire. While the Palestinian terrorists are prepared to hide behind women and children they will see them getting killed. While the Palestinian terrorists use civilian areas to wage their war from they will turn the civilian areas into valid military targets.

So the simple answer is to abide by the conventions they have recently signed and look for talks on peace and mutually agreed borders with ALL their neighbours.
They nothing but reap what they've sown:eusa_whistle:




The people of the West Bank did NOT kidnap those three young men. Do you see how automatic and WRONG your knee jerk reaction was? You have inadvertently provided a perfect illustration of the "collective punishment mentality."

Collective punishment is the punishment of a group of people as a result of the behavior of one or more other individuals or groups. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions. Historically, occupying powers have used collective punishment to retaliate against and deter attacks on their forces by resistance movements (e.g. destroying entire towns and villages where such attacks have occurred).

Look at the Nazi collective punish of Khatyn:
Khatyn massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A convoy of Nazis was attacked by Soviet-allied insurgents and allegedly fled to a nearby town. The Nazis undertook collective punishment against the town for refusal (or inability) to turn over the attackers. This is in essence what Israel is doing.

The scale of sheer death is usually not as gosh-awful yet (although Israel has killed up to 3000+ plus Palestinians in a single incident on occasion) but the facility of denials that this IS what is happening, in the face of the fact that the dynamic is exactly the same, worries me. I think Israel is heading for a multiplicity of Khatyns.

What a pack of LIES, they were kidnapped from the west bank by Palestinian terrorist scum so the Palestinians of the west bank are the ones to blame

As for Katyn you are again wrong as it was the soviets that massacred all the people not the Germans. The Soviets admitted to doing it a few years back now, but it seems that the truth has not yet hit the scripts of the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS.

Here you go the proof of you having LIED once again

Katyn massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Katyn massacre (Polish: zbrodnia katyńska, mord katyński, 'Katyń crime'; Russian: Катынский расстрел Katynskij ra'sstrel 'Katyn shooting'), was a series of mass executions of Polish nationals carried out by the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD), the Soviet secret police, in April and May 1940. Originally the term "Katyn massacre", also known as the Katyn Forest massacre, referred to the massacre at Katyn Forest, which was discovered first and was the largest execution of this type.
Translation; The end of the Jewish State. That will never happen. :D

It'll NEVER happen? It HAS to happen. Even Rome wasn't eternal.

Amity wishes to see the detruction of Israel, yet Amity constantly talks about justice, concience and other nonsense.

Translation: Amity is a wolf in a lamb's skin

Still hasn't explained why it HAS to happen. By her own admission there can never be " peace" even if Israel meets all demands :D
FUCK YOU... YOU P..CK !! How about condemning the Pieces of SCUM who kidnapped those Israelis??
If they were kidnapped, then I condemn the kidnappers.

Now how 'bout you condemning Israel's practice of administrative detention?

Showing " concern" for those who believe Israel doesn't have the Right to Exist??? :lol: :lol: I will think about it after Pro Palestinians on the board show " concern" and condemn the Palestinians for not recognizing the Jewish State, and show the same concerning Muslims killing Christians.
Mr. Tinmore must be under the impression that Israel is not recognized by the International community as a country. We know that on the Arab maps Israel does not exist, but it is still there regardless of what the Arabs think.

138 countries and the UN recognize Palestine as a state.

What does that mean?

Can you tell us when Palestine was recognized as a member of the U.N. the same way that Israel is?

You are missing the point.

The UN cannot create states nor can it bestow legitimacy. It can only render political opinions on such matters. Membership in the UN is meaningless to international law. Switzerland did not become a member of the UN until 2002. Does that mean that it was not a country before then?
Translation; The end of the Jewish State. That will never happen. :D

Are you saying the Israel and international law are mutually exclusive?

That if one exists the other cannot?

You posted that the " Two State Solution" is not sanctioned by " International Law" . When I posted the link about Hamas accepting the " borders" but not Israel and their goal was to liberate ALL of " Palestine" you cheered .

Why is "liberate" a dirty word for you?

What do you find objectionable about liberation?

Explain how imposing a two state solution is sanctioned by international law. I don't see any compliance.



The people of the West Bank did NOT kidnap those three young men. Do you see how automatic and WRONG your knee jerk reaction was?

Collective punishment is the punishment of a group of people as a result of the behavior of one or more other individuals or groups. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions. Historically, occupying powers have used collective punishment to retaliate against and deter attacks on their forces by resistance movements (e.g. destroying entire towns and villages where such attacks have occurred).

Look at the Nazi collective punish of Khatyn:
Khatyn massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A convoy of Nazis was attacked by Soviet-allied insurgents and allegedly fled to a nearby town. The Nazis undertook collective punishment against the town for refusal (or inability) to turn over the attackers. This is in essence what Israel is doing.

The scale of sheer death is usually not as gosh-awful yet (although Israel has killed up to 3000+ plus Palestinians in a single incident on occasion) but the facility of denials that this IS what is happening, in the face of the fact that the dynamic is exactly the same, worries me. I think Israel is heading for a multiplicity of Khatyns.
No she doesn't see that, because she's a fucking Zionist.

And Zionists don't care about anything else, except other Zionists.

She doesn't care about truth, justice or humanity; just Zionism.

Do you in light of the fact that the Katyn massacre was done by the Soviets. No doubt you also believe that Belsen had gas chambers and they murdered 20,000 in one night.
Where do you get those numbers and why hasn't it been made public? Wait! I know!.... It's an effing lie. Solved that!

Its coming....

Lets just say that the world has turned against the Palestinians for kidnapping 3 children, and Israel is given free reign to retaliate as much as they want. Lets hope for the Palestinians sake that the 3 boys are still alive, otherwise there will be a few Katyns on the Palestinians is reprisals.
Find me ONE credible source that says the Katyn massacre was done by the soviets! That is ludicrous. Everyone who has known it was Germans. The survivors said it was Germans. Witnesses said it was Germans.

Are you actually sitting there defending the Nazis?

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