collective punishments

So you can bring evidence to the board to show that Israeli's are still living in gaza ?

Or are you talking about the LEGAL separation barrier erectged to keep ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS out of Israel. There is no law that says Israel must allow anyone to enter their country and they can take what ever measures they see fit to stop the incursions.
Israel maintains "effective control" of the area and that satisfies the definition of "occupation".
Israel is in tight control of Gaza still and that hasn't lessened.
I'm afraid if we looked closely we'd find most of them were in the WB now.

Now, back to collective punishment.

Yes lets talk about the collective punishment of the Jews by the Palestinians firing rockets all day and all night
Israel is in tight control of Gaza still and that hasn't lessened.
I'm afraid if we looked closely we'd find most of them were in the WB now.

Now, back to collective punishment.

Yes lets talk about the collective punishment of the Jews by the Palestinians firing rockets all day and all night

wrong again Phoen killing jews by rocket fire is THE WILL OF ALLAH/ISA
So the Jew-hating ignorant feel the need to 'sum me up':D

For some reason, I'm not impressed.:eusa_shifty:
Do you know how stupid you look calling somebody something and not being able to explain why?

You call someone a "jew-hater", but can't for the life of you, explain why they would hate jews?

Why would you find it hard to accept that you have been proven to be a Jew Hater many times. The hatred oozes from every word you write about how they should be bombed into submitting to the Palestinians. How the US should drop a nuclear weapon on Tel Aviv to teach the Jews a lesson. And lastly the constant use of the Jew haters favourite term because they believe calling them Zionists is not being anti semitic.
So the Jew-hating ignorant feel the need to 'sum me up':D

For some reason, I'm not impressed.:eusa_shifty:
Do you know how stupid you look calling somebody something and not being able to explain why?

You call someone a "jew-hater", but can't for the life of you, explain why they would hate jews?

Why do you always ask that stupid question?

Because he is hiding the truth from himself like all the other Jew Haters do
Oh really? Tell that to the thousands of Jews living there who were carried out kicking and screaming and not all of whom are permanently rehoused after nine years.
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of arabs (driven from their homes in 1948 by Jewish terrorist groups) that are not allowed to return.

Tell that to the 1 million plus jews forcibly evicted from their homes by the arabs in 1948, and many getting murdered so they cant ever return. How the arabs changed laws that are against the mandate agreements they said they would abide by.
Why do you always ask that stupid question?
It's not a stupid question.

If you make a statement, you should be able to explain why you made it.

If you make a claim, you should be able to explain the reason you made it.

Or do you think it's okay to say things and have no idea why you said them?

Done so and you admitted that it sounded very much like you were a Jew Hater
If you all don't STOP this the thread will be closed down.

Any attempts to discuss anything are so futile here ... usually. I am going to start just post and run. No point in reading the comments because there really aren't any.

Now does anyone have anything to say about Israel's policy of retaliatory attacks and collective punishment? No?

Who don't you stop posting your ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA then
If you all don't STOP this the thread will be closed down.

Any attempts to discuss anything are so futile here ... usually. I am going to start just post and run. No point in reading the comments because there really aren't any.

Now does anyone have anything to say about Israel's policy of retaliatory attacks and collective punishment? No?

Who don't you stop posting your ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA then

I will help. I have a somewhat---"special" understanding of amity because my very own husband
was born into the system she supports-----to wit DHIMMIA in a classical shariah society. Let me
explain. Under the details of the DHIMMIA system-----jews do not get to charge persons of her group
with damage of any kind----ie they cannot "bring suit" against herself and her fellow jihadists for any
reason. Thus in the world of Amity----if one of her group slits the throat of a jewish infant------
no crime has been committed. If one of her group rapes a jewish woman-----no problem----
if the jewish woman becomes pregnant----by the rapist----the rapist OWNS the child. Therefore----
in her world----if HER PEOPLE toss a bomb on the heads of Israeli children----no crime has
been committed--------therefore "retaliation" is not warranted
No, ma'am, it was quite, quite different.

why you want to make peace with terrorists is that they will stop being terrorists once their goals are achieved. then they're just people.

You cant make peace with terrorists because terrorists want it all their way. So the only answer is to eradicate the terrorists and then the normal people can have peace. The Jordanians worked that one out and killed 50,000 Palestinians in the process.
There is no such thing as "peace with terrorists!"

That's like saying "MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR TUMOR!"
Just because you call them terrorists, doesn't mean they are terrorists.

The problem is you treating them like they are.

Your country does far more terrorism than they do, so I'd shut your fucking mouth!

How about the surrounding countries calling them terrorists then, or the USA, EU, UN etc calling them terrorists. Then putting them on the terrorist list for special treatment.
Supplies have to be paid for. Qatar is the donor of the charity for now. Palestinians have to learn to pay their bills.
Israel has to learn to let Palestinians hold down jobs without hardship if it wants them to pay their bills.

They don't stop them from working just look at Sodastream in the west bank paying better wages than the Palestinian government does. So another of your bubbles burst by simply pointing the reality.
<snip>So, the burden of proof (although not quite in the subject of this thread) falls on amity to prove the "3,000+ Palestinians killed on occasion" portion of her post.
WTF do you mean, "...if I even respond"? Dude, I don't run from nothing. Especially, the Israeli kiss-asses that frequent this website.

Now, since amity didn't provide a link in her post to back up that claim, then you're right, the burden of proof is on her to back it up. Until she does, Hoss is under no obligation to provide proof for his objection.

With that being said, here's a few numbers for you...

Thank you, that's fair enough and much better than the one liners you usually post. I think that then it is a matter of semantics as "3000+ Palestinians killed on occasion leads one to take it as one time, one incident. Not over a period of years as your information provides.
Supplies have to be paid for. Qatar is the donor of the charity for now. Palestinians have to learn to pay their bills.

Palestinians have to be enabled to pay their bills. That means the right to hold jobs and the ability to get to them.

That is up to their elected government to provide not Israel, but while the P.A. is spending all the money on weapons and convicted terrorists then the west will continue to withhold aid and jobs. They had a fully functional greenhouse complex in gaza that they destroyed and used as a cover for rockets than to provide work and an income for the people.
Since I frequently argue that what the debate needs is a sense of proportion, I thought I would post this to show what the fallout has been since the three young Yeshiva students went missing:

I'm sorry, you can't mention IDF murders of children because it anti-semitism.
Anything that mentions the IDF, guard dogs of the extremist Israeli government, murdering children is clearly anti Jewish, so must be banned from the news or even mentioned in private.
That's why you haven't read about it in the American newspapers.
You need your mouth washed out with battery acid, Bildo.
You think it's okay to detain people without charges, but get aggravated when I use the f-word?

There is something seriously wrong with that picture.

Yet you seem to think that it is acceptable to kidnap 3 Israeli children and hide them away from the world just because of your all consuming hate for the Jews.
Now, in the interests of fairness, I must also object to real anti-semitism, blaming all Jews for the actions of the bastard extremists and murderous IDF.
That also constitutes collective punishment.
The only way you would not want peace is if you want to use continued hostilities as a pretext for land grabbing.

Other than that, I think everyone else is ready for peace.

This whole question is not a question of peace.

Peace is not a GOAL. Peace is a way to ACHIEVE the goal. That's what the deluded leftists don't get. 'Don't you want peace'? they ask all the time, and the honest answer is "As right now? NO!'

Because right now the people I see on the other side are not people I'm interested in making peace with. Fatah are not our friends, the incitement there is not different than Hamas, and their terrorists and hate is no different than Hamas.

Why on earth would I want to make peace with terrorists?

No-body wishes war, that is correct, but say "to make peace with them" is laughable. We can make peace with people who gave up the idea of our demise. And not only that's not the situation, but their determination to destroy us is on the uprise.

As I said, PEACE is not the goal. We all wish the times when we can live normally. That can happen with peace or with all out war. We all hope it will be done, one day, through peace. But We're not going to sacrifice ourself and our peace BOWING for said peace; Especially if it's a fake one.

That depends on your definition of peace.

You will never hear anyone mention justice or international law.

What kind of peace can there be if it is not based on justice and international law?

It is a given that any peace will be in accordance with International Law and will administer Justice to all parties. Or do you think only one party should reap any benefits from any peace ?
Are you saying the Israel and international law are mutually exclusive?

That if one exists the other cannot?

Mr. Tinmore must be under the impression that Israel is not recognized by the International community as a country. We know that on the Arab maps Israel does not exist, but it is still there regardless of what the Arabs think.

138 countries and the UN recognize Palestine as a state.

What does that mean?

That they recognise Palestine as a state without borders, because the borders must be negotiated first. It is in the UN archives for all to see and understand. Unless you can produce the treaties setting out the borders of Palestine since their acceptance as a state in 1988.

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